96 Infos zu Simona Circiu

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1 Business-Profile

Mihaela Simona Circiu German Aerospace Center (DLR)www.researchgate.net › profile › Mihaela-Circiu

Mihaela Simona Circiu. The Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) is being studied as a potential means to provide Category II/III ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Airborne Ionospheric Gradient Monitoring for Dual-Frequency ...

von D Gerbeth · · Zitiert von: 1 — Dr. Mihaela-Simona Circiu received a Bachelor and Master in Computer Engineering at Technical University Gheorghe Asachi,. Romania and in she obtained ... › bitstream ›

Performance evaluation of the ionospheric threat mitigation ...digitalcollection.zhaw.ch › handle

CAAMANO, Maria, Daniel GERBETH, Hiroatsu SATO, Mihaela-Simona CIRCIU und Michael FELUX, Performance evaluation of the ionospheric ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Ionospheric Gradient Threat Mitigation in Future Dual Frequency ...doaj.org › article

Michael Felux, · Mihaela-Simona Circiu, · Jiyun Lee, · Florian Holzapfel.

Catalogue en ligne IGN - ENSGdocumentation.ensg.eu › ...

Galileo E1 and E5a Performance for multi-frequency, multi-constellation GBAS / Mihaela-Simona Circiu in GPS world, vol 26 n° 4 (April 2015) URL article ...

13 Dokumente

Evaluation of GPS L5 and Galileo E1 and E5a Performance for ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf › navi

MIHAELA-SIMONA CIRCIU and MICHAEL MEURER. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen , Wessling, Germany. RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.

Initial results for dual constellation dual-frequency multipath...

Mihaela-Simona Circiu received a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Technical University Gheorghe Asachi, Romania. In 2012, she obtained a 2nd level Specialized Master in Navigation and Related Application from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. She joined the German Aerospace Center in where she is working on the ...

Development of the dual‐frequency dual‐constellation ...Wiley

von MS Circiu · · Zitiert von: 11 — Mihaela-Simona Circiu, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Communications and Navigation, Wessling , Germany.

A Miniaturized Multiband Antenna Array for Robust ...Semantic Scholar

von S Caizzone · · Zitiert von: 13 — Stefano Caizzone * , Georg Buchner, Mihaela-Simona Circiu , Manuel Cuntz,. Wahid Elmarissi and Emilio Pérez Marcos.

10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Dr.-Ing. Mihaela-Simona Circiu M. Sc.

Mihaela-Simona Circiu M. Sc. Lehrstuhl für Navigation (DLR) + ; ; Service Hilfe Datenschutzerklärung Impressum . Kontakt ...

Mihaela-Simona Circiu - dblp

› Persons

Mihaela-Simona Circiu - RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Lehrstuhl für...

RWTH Aachen University - Mihaela-Simona Circiu - Kontakt. Diese Webseite nutzt technisch notwendige Cookies, um bestmögliche Funktionalität bieten zu können.

Concept for a Dual Frequency Dual Constellation GBAShal.science › hal

Concept for a Dual Frequency Dual Constellation GBAS. Michael Felux (1) , Mihaela Simona Circiu (1) , Boubeker Belabbas (1) , Michael Meurer (1) , Mirko ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] Evaluation of Dual Frequency GBAS Performance using COREcore.ac.uk › download › pdf

Mihaela-Simona Circiu, Michael Felux, Patrick Remi, Lai Yi, Boubeker Belabbas, German Aerospace Center (DLR). Sam Pullen, Stanford University. ABSTRACT. In ...

Page 5 | International Journal of Aerospace EngineeringHindawi

Michael Felux | Mihaela-Simona Circiu | ... | Florian Holzapfel. 20 Mar 2017; PDFDownload PDF · CitationDownload citation.


Michael Felux ; Mihaela-Simona Circiu ; Jiyun Lee ; Florian Holzapfel DOI. 下載 全文下載(1200點) 加入購物車 加入收藏 加入收藏.

Satellite Selection in the Context of an Operational GBAS

von D Gerbeth · Zitiert von: 7 — Daniel Gerbeth, Maria Caamano, Mihaela-Simona Circiu, Michael Felux,. German Aerospace Center (DLR). BIOGRAPHIES. Daniel Gerbeth received a Bachelor and ... › download › pdf

50 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Simona Circiu - Radio Navigation Engineer - ESA (ATG Europe)

› simona...

Simona Circiu | LinkedIn

View Simona Circiu's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Simona Circiu discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners. Es fehlt: weißenstadt

‪Mihaela Simona Circiu‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬scholar.google.de › citations

Mihaela Simona Circiu. German Aerospace Center. Verified email at dlr.de. GBASAviationMulti-frequency multi-constellation applications.

Mihaela-Simona Circiu's research

Mihaela-Simona Circiu's 58 research works with 209 citations and 3,686 reads, including: Performance Evaluation of the Ionospheric Threat Mitigation Strategies in Dual-Frequency Multi ...

How to pronounce Mihaela-Simona Circiu | HowToPronounce.comwww.howtopronounce.com › mihaela-simona-circiu

Bewertung 5, · Rezension von Jesus Steuber How to say Mihaela-Simona Circiu in English? Pronunciation of Mihaela-Simona Circiu with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Mihaela-Simona Circiu. Bewertung 5, · Rezension von Jesus Steuber How to say Mihaela-Simona Circiu in English? Pronunciation of Mihaela-Simona Circiu with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Mihaela-Simona Circiu.

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75 Followers, 92 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Simona Circiu (@simonacirciu)

Wie man ausspricht Mihaela-Simona CirciuHow To Pronounce

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› Discover

A Miniaturized Multiband Antenna Array for Robust Navigation ...Open Access Discovery

Main Authors: Stefano Caizzone, Georg Buchner, Mihaela-Simona Circiu, Manuel Cuntz, Wahid Elmarissi, Emilio Pérez Marcos. Format: Article. Language: English.

A Dual-Band Conformal Antenna for GNSS Applications in Small ...www.researcher-app.com › paper

Stefano Caizzone, Georg Buchner, Mihaela-Simona Circiu, Manuel Cuntz, Wahid Elmarissi, Emilio Pérez Marcos. Unbookmark paper Bookmark paper.

Antennas as Precise Sensors for GNSS Reference Stations ...Open Access Discovery

Main Authors: Stefano Caizzone, Miriam Schönfeldt, Wahid Elmarissi, Mihaela-Simona Circiu. Format: Article. Language: English. Published: MDPI AG

Activities - ORCID

Contributors: Stefano Caizzone; Miriam Schönfeldt; Wahid Elmarissi; Mihaela-Simona Circiu. Show more detail. Source: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing ... › ...

Cited article - Journal of Space Weather and Space Climatewww.swsc-journal.org › component › citedby › swsc

Michael Felux, Mihaela-Simona Circiu, Jiyun Lee and Florian Holzapfel International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (2017) DOI:

Concept for a Dual Frequency Dual Constellation GBASAcademia.edu

... Mihaela Simona Circiu, Boubeker Belabbas, Michael Meurer, Mirko Stanisak, ... Frequency Dual Constellation GBAS Michael Felux, Mihaela-Simona Circiu, ...

Antennas as Precise Sensors for GNSS Reference Ebsco

von S Caizzone · · Zitiert von: 6 — Stefano Caizzone * , Miriam Schönfeldt, Wahid Elmarissi and Mihaela-Simona Circiu. Citation: Caizzone, S.; Schönfeldt,. › login

Concept for a dual frequency dual constellation GBAS — PolyU ...research.polyu.edu.hk › publications › concept-for-...

Concept for a dual frequency dual constellation GBAS. Michael Felux, Mihaela Simona Circiu, Boubeker Belabbas, Michael Meurer, Mirko Stanisak, Carl Milner, ...

Create a SciFeed alert for new publicationsMDPI

Mihaela-Simona Circiu. Manuel Cuntz. Wahid Elmarissi. Emilio Pérez Marcos. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ...

Antennas as Precise Sensors for GNSS Reference Stations ...

Stefano Caizzone, Miriam Schönfeldt, Wahid Elmarissi, Mihaela-Simona Circiu. Satellite navigation is more and more important in a plethora of very different ... › ...

Bloqueador de sinal | camera and mic detector

By Stefano Caizzone, Mihaela-Simona Circiu, Wahid Elmarissi, Christoph Enneking, Michael Felux and Kazeem A. Yinusa, German Aerospace Center (DLR) The ... › d-bloq...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Simona

Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch, Skandinavisch): Simona; Er (Gott) hat gehört; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); shama = hören; Information zur männlichen Form Simon:; 'Simon' ist von 'Simeon' abgeleitet; in Neuen Testament ist Simon der ursprüngliche Name des Apostels Petrus; Simon ist ebenfalls der Name eines der 12 Apostel, Simon Zelotes; im Alten Testament ist Simeon einer der 12 Söhne Jakobs und damit auch der Name einer der 12 Stämme Israels

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