113 Infos zu Simona Kessler
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- Producer
- Romania
- International Copyright Agency
- Bucuresti
- Banul Antonache
- Bucharest
- Poland
- Russia
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Jubel und Verblüffung: Nobelpreis für Herta Müller - n-tv.de20 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall wird die deutsch-rumänische Autorin Herta Müller mit dem diesjährigen Literaturnobelpreis geehrt. Müller, in ihren Werken eine
Artistul-impresar, o nouă meserie | adevarul.roIn Romania anului de criza 2011, multi artisti, printre care violonistul Alexandru Tomescu si pianistul Horia Mihail, au ales sa se reprezinte singuri pentru a...
3 Bilder zu Simona Kessler

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Simona Kessler aus NeussStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Simona Kessler | FacebookLinkedIn: Simona KeßlerRechtswesen, Köln und Umgebung, Deutschland
LinkedIn: Simona Kessler - Owner - Kessler Agency | LinkedInro.linkedin.com › simona-kessler-b...Vizualizaţi profilul Simona Kessler pe LinkedIn, cea mai mare comunitate profesională din lume. Simona Kessler are 2 joburi enumerate în profilul său.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
THE CYCLE - benmullen.comDirected by Ingrid Eskeland-Adetuyi Produced by Simona Kessler
2 Business-Profile
brainguide.de: Simona Keßler | brainGuideSimona Keßler ist Expertin bei brainGuide, dem Expertenportal der Wirtschaft. Recherchieren Sie gezielt nach dem Expertenwissen von Frau Simona Keßler.
Simona Keßler - Competence SiteBeratung und Prozessvertretung in den Bereichen -IT-Recht, insb. Softwarerecht, E-Commerce-, und Datenschutzrecht- gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, ...
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Contact Foreign Rights / Subagents | Dumont BuchverlagSimona Kessler E-Mail: simona(at)kessler-agency.ro. Spain, Portugal & Latin America. Laure Merle d’Aubign
AboutRIGHTS INFORMATION Download a copy of our most recent Rights Guide here. For all general rights inquiries, please write to . You can find a...
Contact - The Wisdom ExperienceWisdom Publications titles have broad appeal throughout the world. We are pleased to discuss your interest in acquiring subsidiary rights or re-using material...
Contacts and Agencies | ARENA VerlagThese are your contacts for any international rights inquiries.We look forward to hearing from you! For all agents’ territories, please contact:Arena Verlag...
3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Simona KesslerProducer, Shorty
IMDB Filmographie: Effie Lavore - IMDbBethany Orr, Actress: Stalker. Bethany Love Orr was raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she and her three siblings were home schooled and restricted...
8 Bücher zum Namen
Scriitori despre scriitori: Filip Florian – „În Germania ...Nu-l mai am. Am avut relația aceasta cu Simona Kessler câțiva ani, până în momentul în care a apărut „Toate bufnițele”. Suntem în relații foarte bune, foarte civilizate, dar nu de scriitor și agent literar. La cererea mea, am întrerupt colaborarea.
Directory of Publishing 2009: United Kingdom and The Republic of...Now in its 34th edition, and compiled in association with the Publishers Association, this is the most authoritative, detailed trade directory available for...
Den enes død: En Roy Grace-krimi 5 - Peter James - Google BooksFemte bind i den populære krimiserie med kriminalkommissær Roy Grace, der foregår i en af Englands travleste politikredse omkring Brighton på den engelske...
Clark's Publishing Agreements: a Book of Precedents - Lynette Owen -...A number of local agents have now been established in the individual markets ( e.g., Graal in Poland and Simona Kessler in Romania), and the UK agent ...
1 Dokumente
HARPERCOLLINSPUBLISHERS FOREIGN RIGHTS GUIDE Supaduan invited guest writer for the American Psychological Observer magazine, Mindful, LinkedIn, Blikki, and Care magazines Simona Kessler Intl Copyrht Agcy.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Suche: Simona Kessler - Siebenbuerger.deKonstanza. - Unter dem Motto "Save Vama Veche" setzt sich neuerdings eine Bürgerinitiative zur Rettung dieses Badeorts an der Schwarzmeerküste nahe der ...
BACKLIST REISSUES LONDON BOOK FAIRCBS TV starring Natalie Wood; Tapeworm, Inc., audiobook; Spanish, Salvat, 1986; Spanish,. Ultramar Jennifer Van Vleet is a woman who knows what she wants out of life and won't let anything stand in her way Ms. Simona Kessler.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Translation Rights | Madeleine Milburn Literary AgencyTranslation rights are a valuable source of income for new authors. Our Literary Agency prides itself on getting as many translation deals as possible,...
71 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Simona Kessler | LinkedInView Simona Kessler's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Simona Kessler discover ...
Simona Kessler | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Simona Kessler auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Simona Kessler hat 7 Jobs im Profil angegeben.
Simona Kessler | Professional Profile - LinkedInView Simona Kessler's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Simona has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on Missing: münchen
Simona Kessler Movies Profile - MetacriticReviews and scores for Movies involving Simona Kessler.
SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL din Str. BANUL ANTONACHE, nr....Informatii SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL, cui: , J , din Sector 1, Bucuresti. Date de contact, bilanturi, informatii...
Company SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL tax code from...Simona Kessler & Associates Agency Srl Romania tax code is a company from Sectorul 1 city, Bucuresti county. See phone, email, contact, financial data...
SIMONA KESSLER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AGENCY SRL din Str. BANUL...Informatii SIMONA KESSLER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AGENCY SRL, cui: , J , din Sector 1, Bucuresti. Date de contact, bilanturi, informatii...
„Nu ne putem permite acum sa ne ocupam de autorii romani“. Interviu...„Nu ne putem permite acum sa ne ocupam de autorii romani“. Interviu cu Simona KESSLER | Traseul Simonei Kessler este, in acelasi timp, asemanator cu cel al...
SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL - Fisc. CodeFirmen Daten SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL, Fisc. Code , Bucureşti Sectorul 1, Str BANUL ANTONACHE, Nr. 37, Etaj P, Cod poștal...
SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL, Sector 1, BUCURESTI - Tel.:...Contactează-ne. SIMONA KESSLER & ASSOCIATES AGENCY SRL, Sector 1, BUCUREŞTI . Informaţii de contact, telefon, adresă ... Detalii >>
Simona Kessler | IMVDbMusic video credits for Simona Kessler. The Empty House by Jack Kovacs (2014).
Simona Kessler - InterviuInterviu: Simona Kessler despre ce înseamnă o agenție literară și ce e copyright-ul, cum e piața editorială din România sau întâlniri esențiale cu scriitori
Simona Kessler Music Video Credits as Producer | IMVDbMusic Videos where Simona Kessler is credited as Producer. The Empty House by Jack Kovacs (2014).
Simona Kessler - Hollywood, FL - PublicDataDigger.comView public records and voter registration of Simona Kessler born 1946, includes court and personal records.
Simona KesslerSimona Kessler
Simona Kessler - Wall-Street.roCiteste cele mai recente stiri de business despre Simona Kessler publicate pe wall-street.ro. Doar pe wall-street.ro gasesti ultimele informatii, poze, comentarii si ...
SIMONA KESSLER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT AGENCY SRL din Sectorul 1 Str....Informaţii Simona Kessler International Copyright Agency Srl CIF J Str. Banul Antonache 37 Sectorul 1. Află date de contact, informaţii...
Simona Kessler Net Worth 2021: Wiki Bio, Age, Height, Married, FamilySimona Kessler is a producer and actress, known for Luna & Lars (2015), Excess Flesh (2015) and The Empty House (2014).
Simona Kessler | LensCultureSimona is a freelance film/video producer and photographer. She lives in Los Angeles.
Simona Keßler | kessler-recht.de - RECHTECHECK.DEHier gelangen Sie zur Anwalts-Suche von Rechtecheck.de. Anwaltssuche. Alternativen zu diesem Anwalt:
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Simona
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch, Skandinavisch): Simona; Er (Gott) hat gehört; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); shama = hören; Information zur männlichen Form Simon:; 'Simon' ist von 'Simeon' abgeleitet; in Neuen Testament ist Simon der ursprüngliche Name des Apostels Petrus; Simon ist ebenfalls der Name eines der 12 Apostel, Simon Zelotes; im Alten Testament ist Simeon einer der 12 Söhne Jakobs und damit auch der Name einer der 12 Stämme Israels
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kessler
Kessler/Keßler = Kessler ist die spätmittelalterliche Berufsbezeichnung eines meist im Wandergewerbe tätigen Schmiedehandwerkers, der Geräte aus Kupfer, Eisen oder Messing anfertigt und repariert.
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