99 Infos zu Sinai Rusinek
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- Digital Humanities
- Leer Jerusalem Institute
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- Haifa University
- Polonsky
- University of Haifa
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Event | Sinai Rusinek: Unraveling Intertextualities in “The Star of...› libnews
CfP: Digital Humanities | EADH - The European Association for...Digital Humanities 2016: The Past and the Future Call for Proposals: English | French | German | Italian | Polish | Spanish
Jüdische Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum | Clio-onlineZum Teil finden sich diese in der von Michelle Chesner (Columbia University) erstellten und im von Sinai Rusinek betreuten DigIn-Portal präsentierten Übersicht zu Digital Humanities-Projekten im Bereich Judaica/jüdische Geschichte Digitale Nachschlagewerke.
Newsmeldung - Suhrkamp InselTheorietransfer: Zur internationalen Rezeption deutschsprachiger Theorie-Autoren: Auf dem 7. Forschungstreffen Suhrkamp/Insel vom 26. bis 27. September im...
1 Bilder zu Sinai Rusinek

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Sinai RusinekFacebook: Sinai Rusinek | FacebookLinkedIn: Sinai Rusinek | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Sinai Rusinek discover inside ...
Twitter Profil: Sinai Rusinek (sinairusinek)https://www.historyofconcepts.org , editor
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Curriculum Vitae | Max Planck Institute for Human DevelopmentCo-Editor of Contributions to the History of Concepts (with Sinai Rusinek) Elected Member of the board of editors of Geschichte und Gesellschaft (journal of historical Social Sciences) Member of the Advisory Boards of Concepta (International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought)
Vorträge & Konferenzen | Romanistik· DH2019, Utrecht, Niederlande, Panel gemeinsam mit Clifford Wulfman, Sinai Rusinek, Zef Segal, Sarah Ketchley, Torsten Roeder, Estelle Bunout, Marten Düring zum Thema Complexities in the Use, Analysis, and Representation of Historical Digital Periodicals : …
The DiJeSt teamSinai Rusinek, at Haifa University. The following team members (listed alphabetically) contributed by transcribing, analyzing, transliterating, programming and ... › team
1 Persönliche Webseiten
About - DHJewishMiriam Rürup - Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum Potsdam. Sinai Rusinek - Haifa University. Daniel Stökl ben Ezra - EPHE Paris / European Association for Jewish Studies ... › about
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
(PPTX) I4 sinai rusinek_wherearedh_in_israel - PDFSLIDE.USWhere is Digital Humanities Israel? Sinai Rusinek Polonsky Academy at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute At The Tenth Annual Jerusalem Conference on the...
12 Bücher zum Namen
Sinai Rusinek - Index of DH Conferences› ...
Registration Opens -- Digital Approaches to Hebrew Manuscripts...Chair: Renate Smithuis (University of Manchester); Sinai Rusinek (The Polonsky Academy at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute): Digitally ...
Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture - Google BooksThe volume presents a selection of research projects in Digital Humanities applied to the “Biblical Studies” in the widest sense and context. Taken as a whole,...
Conceptual History in the European Space - Google BooksThe result of extensive collaboration among leading scholars from across Europe, Conceptual History in the European Space represents a landmark intervention...
3 Dokumente
I4 sinai rusinek_wherearedh_in_israelWhere are the Digital Humanities in Israel today? Sinai Rusinek, Polonsky Fellow, Van Leer Institute Jerusalem pptx file of the presentation at the EVA/Minerv…
Stefan Gradmann, Professor at Ku leuven | SlideShareView all of Stefan Gradmann's Presentations.
From rojas.castro.antonio at gmail.com Fri Mar 4 06:49:(JADH) Roopika Risam (ACH) Glenn Roe (aaDH) Sinai Rusinek (centerNet) ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Sinai Rusinek - dblp› Persons
Forschungsergebnisse - Suhrkamp - Forschung· Mit Judith Ryan, Nikolaus Wegmann, Natalie Binczek, Oliver Kozlarek, Sinai Rusinek, Philipp Felsch, Cao Weidong u.a. Kurzinfo Die Geschichte, wie Barthes, Derrida oder Foucault sich durchsetzten, ist hinlänglich erzählt.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Sinai Rusinek - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: [OpenRefine] Re: help in retrieving recent history+ restarting ...If you can recover the project from updated_files.project - or tell me how to do it - it would wonderful! thanks,. Sinai. Sinai Rusinek. › openr...
JISCMail - HISTORYOFEMOTIONS Archives - March 2010fwd:Intersubjectivity and Empathy workshop, Dublin. Sinai Rusinek <[log in to unmask]>. Wed, 3 Mar :21:35 + lines ...
Conference on Conceptual Change in History | Rethinking Historians’...Keynote speakers: Theodore Arabatzis (University of Athens) Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki) Sinai Rusinek (Van Leer Jerusalem ...
Marmoros – HaMapahIt turns out that there are such projects, most notably Sinai Rusinek's Kima, but they are not working on the same time period. Our relationship ...
50 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dov Winer Faculty of Humanities, HUJI Digital Manuscripts to...Republic of Letters network visualisation / Oxford and Stanford
Sinai Rusinek | Concepta› sinai_rus...
Part II: Digital project on Franz Rosenzweig’s Stern der Erlösung...Part II: Digital project on Franz Rosenzweig’s Stern der Erlösung (1921), with: Ynon Wygoda (Hebrew University) Sinai Rusinek (Van Leer Institute)
Sinai Rusinek | International Network for Theory of History› sinai-r...
UGARIT - Translation Alignment Editor ::: Alexander von Humboldt...Ugarit is a Translation alignment editor enables users to align their texts manually at sentence and word levels
Sinai Rusinek's Community | Conferences, Webinars, MeetingsWeb Conferences, Webinars, and online meetings hosted by Sinai Rusinek's Community
Sinai Rusinek | The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute› Sina...
Sinai Rusinek – Medium› @sinairusinek
2013 – Culture & Technology - FDHL· Sinai Rusinek (Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Israel): „DigIn – The Digital Incunabula initiative“ Clemens Kuche (University of Leipzig, Germany): Creating digital Workbooks – Personalization and international comparability of learning contents by digital curricula structures
Contributions to the History of Concepts 7 (2012), 2 | H-Soz-Kult....Editors: Margrit Pernau, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin; Sinai Rusinek, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute - Assistant editor: Jani Marjanen - Associate editor: Joao Feres Jr.- Editorial assistant: Ilana Brown - Editorial Board: Hans Boedecker, Max-Planck-Institut für ...
Sinai Rusinek - @SinaiRusinek Twitter Profile and Downloader | TwipuExplore @SinaiRusinek Twitter Profile and Download Videos and Photos http://dighum.haifa.ac.il/, https://www.historyofconcepts.org | Twipu
Program Committee | ADHOThe Program Committee oversees the program of the annual Digital Humanities conference Sinai Rusinek (centerNET) Michael Sinatra …
Representing the Digital Humanities Community: Unveiling The Social...... Janette Seuffert Kenro Aihara Wendy Kurtz Ruth Knechtel John Lynch Jesse Stommel Marc Wilhelm Küster Thomas Selig Sinai Rusinek Stefanie Dipper Xuemao Wang ...
Årsrapport Det tverrfakultære forskningsområdet Kulturelle...Sinai Rusinek (The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute): Keine Kultur, Keine Nimus: On the Counterconcepts of Culture and Civilization. Dyala Hamzah ...
A B C D 1 Joint Summary Schedule of the TEI Conference and ...www.tei-c.org/Vault/MembersMeetings TEIDHCS.htmlSinai Rusinek (Polonsky Academy): Plotting Early Modern Paratexts, Sebastian Rahtz et al.(Oxford) Beyond the TEI Trees: Graphical Visualisations of TEI as a ...
Bibliography of the Hebrew Book map - sinairSinai Rusinek Georeferenced and mapped the places using Kima Hebrew Gazetteer (http://data.geo-kima.org/) More information on options for querying, ... › embed
About Us | The Annotated StarSinai Rusinek teaches Digital Humanities at Haifa University and Bar Ilan University and works at OMIlab, at the Open University, Israel. Her main interests ...
Big Data and the Future of Research in the Digital AgeCarina Schmitt, Political Science, University of Bremen Is there Big Data in the Humanities? Sinai Rusinek, Digital Humanities, Polonsky Fellow › ...
DHC The Digital Humanities InstituteSinai Rusinek. University of Tel Aviv. Papers: Classifying Echoes: Using network modularity to study historical text reuse. › speaker
Call for Helsinki Summer School in Conceptual History: Programme |...15:30-17:00: Postdoc Sinai Rusinek, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. Conceptual History and Digital Humanities. Wednesday 17 August.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sinai
Mount Sinai oder Horeb ist ein Berg im Süden der Sinai-Halbinsel im Nordosten Ägyptens, in Asien, und ist der Ort, wo Gott gab Moses die Zehn Gebote, weiblichen Namen
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