133 Infos zu Sinem Getir
Mehr erfahren über Sinem Getir
Infos zu
- Matthias Tichy
- University
- Timo Kehrer
- Lars Grunske
- Co-Evolution
- André van Hoorn
- Moharram Challenger
- Software Engineering
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
MBEES2016 : SWK : Universität HamburgSinem Getir, Lars Grunske and Matthias Tichy ENSURE: Ensurance of Software Evolution by Run-time Certification - Description of Selected Project Results: 15:30 16:00: Lars Evertz and Ulrich Epple Metamodelle für die einheitliche Verwaltung von entitätsbezogenen Lebenszyklusdaten: 16:45
Programm | Konferenz Software Engineering | Universität StuttgartDiese Seite beinhaltet alle aktuellen Informationen rund um das Programm der SE und SWM
1 Bilder zu Sinem Getir

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Cosmo - Köln Radyosu - Sinem Getir Yaman | Facebookkk-kz.facebook.com › ... › Sinem Getir YamanLinkedIn: sinem getir yaman – Research Associate – Humboldt-Universität zu ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von sinem getir yaman auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 3 Jobs sind im Profil von sinem getir yaman ...
LinkedIn: sinem getir | LinkedInsinem getirs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie sinem getir dabei hilft ...
LinkedIn: sinem getir | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von sinem getir auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. sinem getir hat 3 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von sinem getir und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
M.Sc. Sinem Getir — Institut für InformatikM.Sc. Sinem Getir Name M.Sc. Sinem Getir Status wiss. Mitarb. E-Mail getir (at) informatik.hu-berlin.de. Einrichtung (OKZ) Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät → Institut für Informatik → Softwaretechnik Sitz ...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas ThümThomas Thüm, Andre van Hoorn, Sven Apel, Johannes Bürdek, Sinem Getir, Robert Heinrich, Reiner Jung, Matthias Kowal, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer, Jürgen Walter. Performance Analysis Strategies for Software Variants and Versions. In Managed Software Evolution, Springer Reiner Jung, Lukas Märtin, Jan Ole Johanssen, Barbara Paech, Malte Lochau, Thomas Thüm, Kurt Schneider, Matthias ...
Team - SSBSE’17Sinem Getir. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Publicity Chair. image-center. Gregory Gay. University of South Carolina, USA. Web Chair. image-center ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Sinem GetirSinem Getir. Classic. Classic · Flipcard · Magazine · Mosaic · Sidebar · Snapshot · Timeslide. No posts found. Loading.
3 Projekte
Ensure - Universität UlmSinem Getir, André van Hoorn, Lars Grunske and Matthias Tichy Co-Evolution of Software Architecture and Fault Tree Models: An Explorative Case Study on a Pick and Place Factory â¦
Techniques and Prediction Models for Sustainable Product-Line...Thomas Thüm, André van Hoorn, Sven Apel, Johannes Bürdek, Sinem Getir, Robert Heinrich, Reiner Jung, Matthias Kowal, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer, and Jürgen Walter. Performance Analysis Strategies for Software Variants and Versions. In Managed Software Evolution, pages 175–206. Springer, Christian Kaltenecker, Alexander Grebhahn, Norbert Siegmund, Jianmei Guo, and Sven Apel ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSEA Domain Specific Metamodel for Semantic Web Enabled Multi-Agent Systems Moharram Challenger, Sinem Getir, Sebla Demirkol, and Geylani Kardas ...
Managed Software Evolution - Google BooksSinem Getir et al. “Co-Evolution of Software Architecture and Fault Tree models: An Explorative Case Study on a Pick and Place Factory Automation System.
Search Based Software Engineering: 9th International Symposium, SSBSE...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering, SSBSE 2017, held in Paderborn, Germany,...
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 8th International...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model Transformation, ICMT 2015, held in L'Aquila, Italy, in July 2015,...
9 Dokumente
Co-Evolution of Software Architecture and Fault Tree ...Co-Evolution of Software Architecture and Fault Tree Models: An Explorative Case Study on a Pick and Place Factory Automation System Sinem Getir 1, Andr e van Hoorn , Lars Grunske1, and Matthias Tichy2 1 Reliable Software Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2 Software Engineering Division, Chalmers jUniversity of Gothenburg, Sweden Abstract.
State Elimination as Model Transformation ProblemState Elimination as Model Transformation Problem Sinem Getir Software Engineering, Humboldt University Berlin -berlin.de Duc Anh Vu
Non-functional Properties in Modeling - CEUR Workshop ...ceur-ws.org › frontmatterSinem Getir, André van Hoorn, Lars Grunske, and Matthias Tichy. Integrated Timing Analysis in the Model-Driven Design of Automotive. Systems .
Sebla DemirkolA DSL for the Development of Software Agents working within a Semantic Web Environment. Sebla Demirkol, Moharram Challenger, Sinem Getir, Tomaž Kosar, ...
34 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
sigsoft - confident.dbis.rwth-aachen.deSinem Getir Yaman,Rui Prada,Fitsum Meshesha Kifetew,Nicolás Cardozo : A-TEST 2021: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, â¦
Supporting semi-automatic co-evolution of architecture and fault tree...Sinem Getir is a doctoral student at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. She has research interests lie in the field of software engineering upon the reliable ...
dblp: Sinem GetirTanja E. J. Vos, Wishnu Prasetya, Sinem Getir: Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation, A-TEST@ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2019, Tallinn, Estonia, August ,
dblp: Sinem GetirList of computer science publications by Sinem Getir. ORCID. ID inferred from metadata, verification pending
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
A Domain Specific Metamodel for Semantic Web Enabled Multi-Agent...Moharram Challenger, Sinem Getir, Sebla Demirkol, and Geylani Kardas. International Computer Institute, Ege UniversityBornova, Izmir, Turkey.
sinem getir’s review of Cehenneme Övgü: Gündelik Hayatta Totalitarizmbilgimiz seyleri farkli bakis acilarindan anlatip insani mest ediyor. akiciligi kisiye gore degisebilir. Cehenneme Övgü: Gündelik Hayatta Totalitarizm by...
A Domain Specific Metamodel for Semantic Web Enabled Multi ...link.springer.com › chapterA Domain Specific Metamodel for Semantic Web Enabled Multi-Agent Systems · Moharram Challenger · Sinem Getir · Sebla Demirkol · Geylani Kardas.
Co-evolution of software architecture and fault tree models: An...Safety-critical systems are subject to rigorous safety analyses, e.g., hazard analyses. Fault trees are a deductive technique to derive the combination of...
53 Webfunde aus dem Netz
sinem getir | LinkedInView sinem getir's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like sinem getir discover inside ...
Bilgisayar Bilimlerinin Kuramsal Temelleri “UBİ 501: Discrete Math...2 Notlar Web adresi: Ders Asistanı: Arş. Gör. Sinem Getir Ofis Saati : Çarşamba 15:00-17:00 Muafiyet sınav tarihi saat: 09:15 Değerlendirme: 9:00-9:15 arası ...
Sinem Getir - researchr aliasPublications by 'Sinem Getir' · · · · · · · ·
Sinem Getir profile at The Conference AlertsSinem Getir. 0 Total Experience. Profile · Conferences. Introduction. Stats Overview. 0. Conferences. Conferences showing 5 events only. Networks. Following ...
Sinem Getir (sgetir) – Profil | PinterestSinem Getir. Folgen. Sinem Getir. 0 Follower. •. 15 Folge ich. Sinem Getir hat noch keine Pinnwände erstellt. Pinterest. Anmelden. Registrieren. Datenschutz.
Sinem Getir | Universität Stuttgart - Academia.eduuni-stuttgart.academia.edu › SinemGetirSinem Getir, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Softwaretechnologie Department, Graduate Student. Studies Software Engineering, Software Quality, Verification ...
Sinem Getir â Institut für Informatik2017 ж. 10 ÑÓÑ., · Research Interests. My principal research interests lie in the field of Software Engineering upon the Reliable software systems, Software quality, Probabilistic and â¦
DKUM - SearchDigital library of University of Maribor: diploma theses, master of science theses and doctoral theses of the University of Maribor
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Non-functional Properties in ...Sinem Getir, André van Hoorn, Lars Grunske, Matthias Tichy Integrated Timing Analysis in the Model-Driven Design of Automotive Systems Dulcineia Oliveira da Penha, Gereon Weiss
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Models and Evolution 2014Sinem Getir, Michaela Rindt, Timo Kehrer; Dealing with the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Model-to-text Transformations Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Ludovico Iovino, Alfonso â¦
Concurrency, Specification and Programming - CEUR-WS.orgSinem Getir, Esteban Pavese, Lars Grunske; More about Left Recursion in PEG Roman Redziejowski; Session 5: Reaction Systems. Linking Exploration Systems with Local Logicsover â¦
DFG SPP1593: PersonsSinem Getir is a PhD student in the Humboldt University, Germany. She received her M.Sc degree in Ege University/Izmir on software engineering spesifically regarding semantics of a domain â¦
Publications | Prof. Dr. Matthias TichySinem Getir, André van Hoorn, Lars Grunske, and Matthias Tichy. Co-evolution of software architecture and fault tree models: An explorative case study on a pick and place factory â¦
KIT - Application-oriented Formal Verification - PublicationsBirgit Vogel‑Heuser, Stefan Feldmann, Jens Folmer, Matthias Kowal, Ina Schaefer, Jan Ladiges, Alexander Fay, Christopher Haubeck, Winfried Lamersdorf, Sascha Lity, Timo Kehrer, Matthias Tichy, Sinem Getir, Mattias Ulbrich, Vladimir Klebanov, and Bernhard Beckert: 13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015)
6. ULUSAL YAZILIM MÜHENDİSLİĞİ SEMPOZYUMU UYMS Hacettepe Üniversitesi...... Kemal Deniz Teket, Sercan Demirci, Sinem Getir, Rıza Cenk Erdur ve Geylani Kardaş ATAM Yazılım Mimari Değerlendirme: Bir Uygulama ...
A Domain Specific Metamodel for Semantic Web Enabled Multi ...www.springerprofessional.de › a-domain-specific-m...Preface BUSITAL Read first chapter. Authors: Moharram Challenger, Sinem Getir, Sebla Demirkol, Geylani Kardas. Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops |...This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of ten international workshops held in London, UK, in conjunction with the 23rd
A Domain Specific Metamodel for Semantic Web Enabled Multi ...www.springerprofessional.de › a-domain-specific-meta...Autoren: Moharram Challenger, Sinem Getir, Sebla Demirkol, Geylani Kardas. Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Erschienen in: Advanced Information Systems ...
Ali Parsai's Research Pagewww.parsai.net... Selection, and Evaluation Report on 10 Editions of A-TEST Workshop Tanja Vos, Wishnu Prasetya, Sigrid Eldh, Sinem Getir, Ali Parsai, and Pekka Aho.
An Ontology Driven Model approach for the creation and evaluation of ...[6] Sebla Demirkol, Moharram Challenger, Sinem Getir, Tomaz Kosar,. Geylani Kardas, and Marjan Mernik. A dsl for the development of software agents working ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sinem
Weiblicher Vorname (Türkisch): Sinem;;
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Johannes Bürdek
- Jürgen Walter
- Matthias Kowal
- Vladimir Klebanov
- Matthias Tichy
- Sven Apel
- Lars Grunske
- Thomas Thüm
- Timo Kehrer
- Reiner Jung
- Christopher Haubeck
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