874 Infos zu Sinisa Mihajlovic

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223 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Fußball-EM: Muss ein Europameister die Hymne singen?

[Stuttgarter Zeitung] - In Paraguay meinte dieser Tage ein Abgeordneter namens Juan Bernardo Ziett, dass man jeden Nationalspieler, der nicht mitsingt, mit zwei Jahren Gefängnis bedrohen müsste – animiert hat ihn dazu der serbische Trainer Sinisa Mihajlovic, der neulich den

Bild.de: Montella neuer Trainer beim AC Florenz

[BILD] - Der AC Florenz hat eine enttäuschende Saison hinter sich und landete nur auf Tabellenrang 13. Insgesamt hatten innerhalb einer Spielzeit drei Trainer bei der Fiorentina ihr Glück versucht, doch sowohl Sinisa Mihajlovic als auch Delio Rossi und zuletzt

Ribery und Benzema nehmen Estland auseinander

[Kicker Online] - Für Serbiens neuen Nationaltrainer, Sinisa Mihajlovic, war es die dritte Niederlage im dritten Spiel unter seinem Kommando, für die Skandinavier eine gelungene Generalprobe. Schweden startet am Montag gegen Co-Gastgeber Ukraine in die kontinentalen

Sinisa Mihajlovic, ancien joueur de l’Inter et ex-coach de Le Soir

16 dec · L ’ancien international serbe Sinisa Mihajlovic est décédé à l’âge de 53 ans après un combat de trois ans contre la leucémie, a confirmé vendredi la Serie A, le championnat italien de football, où Mihailovic était l’entraîneur de Bologne jusqu’en septembre dernier.

100  Bilder zu Sinisa Mihajlovic

Sinisa Mihajlovic tritt die Nachfolge von Giampiero Ventura an
Sinisa Mihajlovic tritt gegen seinen alten Arbeitgeber nach
Laut italienischen Medien könnte der Serbe Sinisa Mihajlovic Jose Mourinho ...
Sinisa Mihajlovic konnte Milan bislang nicht zurück in die Erfolgsspur ...
Rückkehr zu Inter Mailand? Sinisa Mihajlovic ist am Montag bei Catania ...
Sinisa Mihajlovic hat beim Stadtrivalen von Juventus Turin angehuert.

87 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Sinisa Mihajlovic aus Weiterstadt

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

Facebook: Sinisa Mihajlovic

Facebook: Eben eine nette TV-Kritik zur gestrigen Sinisa Mihajlovic ...

Facebook: Sinisa Mihajlovic News - Startseite | Facebookde-de.facebook.com › mihajlovicn...

42 Hobbys & Interessen

Football mourns the death of Sinisa Mihajlovic - FIFA

16 dec · Sinisa Mihajlovic has been remembered as "an icon of football and life" after his death at the age of 53 was announced on Friday.

Kosanovic: I grew up admiring Sinisa Mihajlovic - FIFA

› news › mil...

Sinisa Mihajlovic hired to manage AC Milan - SBNation.com

AC Milan have a new manager, but not the one fans were hoping for.

Bologna manager Sinisa Mihajlovic announces he will ...

› soccer › news › bologna-...

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Sinisa Mihajlovic

CEO / FFM, Deutschland

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Southampton reportedly contact Sinisa Mihajlovic - Read Southampton

According to reports in Italy, Southampton have made contact with Sinisa Mihajlovic regarding their vacant managerial post. The boss has been ...

2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Sinisa Mihajlovic( )IMDb

Sinisa Mihajlovic was a Serbian professional football player and manager. During his career as a footballer, he played as a defender or midfielder. Sinisa Mihajlovic was a Serbian professional football player and manager. During his career as a footballer, he played as a defender or midfielder.

Sinisa Mihajlovic - Player profile - DFB data centerwww.dfb.de › data-center › people › sinisa-mihajlovic › player

Sinisa Mihajlovic ( ), Player profile: 0 Matches, 0 won, 0 draw, 0 lost. Vereinshistorie und Leistungsdaten in deutschen National- und ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

bokus.com: Sinisa Mihajlovic - Böcker | Bokus bokhandel

Köp böcker av Sinisa Mihajlovic: Deutschlands Wandel zur Postdemokratie am Beispiel de...; Ist Schumpeter Ein Postdemokrat? Ein Vergleich Von Co...; Italiens...

: Almanacco Toro - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite


Balotelli: The Remarkable Story Behind the Sensational Headlines

I spent a lot of time talking to Mancini, as well as to Fausto Salsano (his assistant coach) and Sinisa Mihajlovic (his deputy); they all thought Mario was ...

Finanz- und Wirtschaftsmathematik im Unterricht Band 2: ...

Dies bestätigte Milan-Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic, bei dem der ehemalige Schalker seit Ende September trainiert. ,Boateng bleibt bis Januar bei uns, ...

2 Dokumente

sinisa mihajlovic daughter

- Foro Italico Tennis and Friends Siniša Mihajlović, the wife Arianna Rapaccioni and his daughter Viktorija Credit: Giuseppe Andidero/Alamy Live News - MNWJ7T ...

FANartisch » Erstes Beckham-Tor für AC Mailand gegen Bologna ...

calvinsimon  Diego Rodriguez für Adailton (88.) Wechsel Milan: Luca Antonini für Gianluca Zambrotta (67.) Ronaldinho für Alexandre Pato (72.) Filippo Inzaghi für Kaka (73.) Karten FC Bologna: Gelb-Rot für Gaby Mudingayi (41.) Karten AC Mailand: ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Author profile | B.A. Sinisa Mihajlovic | 7 eBooks | GRIN

B.A. Sinisa Mihajlovic eBooks 7 Berufsstand Student Mitglied seit Info Berufsstand Student Mitglied seit Höchster Abschluss

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

bol.com: Sinisa Mihajlovic artikelen kopen? Alle artikelen online | bol.com

› sinisa-mihaj...

Sinisa Mihajlovic - Pro Evolution Soccer Wiki - Neoseeker

Mihajlović is a former Serbian football player. Retrieved from ...

26 Video- & Audioinhalte

BlinkX Video: Mihajlovic, bisogna continuare su questa strada

Intervista al tecnico rossazzurro Sinisa Mihajlovic dalla salastampa del Massimino , a cura di Ivano Teodoro per Calciocatania.com , DailyMotion

BlinkX Video: Mihajlovic: 'dedica alla mia famiglia'

Intervista al tecnico del Catania Sinisa MIhajlovic al termine di Catania-Genoa dalla sala stampa del Massimino, a cura di Ivano Teodoro per Calciocatania.com , DailyMotion

BlinkX Video: VIDEO Fiorentina, Cognigni: 'Mihajlovic via per dare scossa'

L'avvicendamento in panchina tra Sinisa Mihajlovic e Delio Rossi non e' stata una scelta facile per il presidente della Fiorentina Mario Cognigni, a Milano per presentare , Calciomercatocom

YouTube · sinisa mihajlovic + Followersinisa mihajlovic

Library. sinisa mihajlovic. @zvezdegrandaBG‧17K subscribers‧10 videos‧. More about this channel. Subscribe. Home. Videos.

23 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Totti spuckt Dänen an

: Einen Eindruck, welche Strafe dem Superstar der Italiener droht, gibt das Beispiel Sinisa Mihajlovic: Der Lazio-Spieler war im November von der Uefa ...

Google Groups: Weltbeste Freistossschützen

: 'Ed' de rec sport fussball Sinisa Mihajlovic, ja da stimm ich dir zu Meine (rein subjektiven) Top Ten: 1) unangefochten Sinisa Mihajlovic ...

Google Groups: Euro-Cups (was: Re: Derzeitige Welt-Traum-Elf)

: Neben dem langsamen Sinisa Mihajlovic, der aber dieses Manko durch seine grandiosen Aktionen bei ruhenden Bällen vergessen macht. Ähnlich wie bei Basler, ...

Google Groups: Chi non salta I***rista!

: Rivale La$io gewann ebenfalls 4:0 und zwar daheim gegen Hellas Verona, wobei nicht nur Sinisa Mihajlovic als Herr des ruhenden Balles zu überzeugen wusste, ...

354 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sinisa Mihajlovic: Ex-AC Milan and Bologna manager dies after …

16 dec · Former AC Milan and Bologna boss Sinisa Mihajlovic has died at the age of 53 following a long battle with leukaemia. The ex-Yugoslavia defender, who won the European Cup with Red Star Belgrade as...

Filip Kitanović - Sinisa Mihajlovic i Voja Nedeljkovic LinkedIn · Filip Kitanović Ca. 20 Reaktionen · vor 1 Jahr

... JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Sinisa Mihajlovic i Voja Nedeljkovic. https://www.youtube.com · Like Comment. Share. Copy ... JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Sinisa Mihajlovic i Voja Nedeljkovic. https://www.youtube.com · Like Comment. Share. Copy

Preminuo je Sinisa Mihajlovic. Bio je veliki covek i fudbaler LinkedIn · Branislav Saula Ca. 10 Reaktionen · vor 1 Jahr

Preminuo je Sinisa Mihajlovic. Bio je veliki covek i fudbaler. Moram dati mali osvrt na komentare na hrvatskim portalima koji su me sokirali ... Preminuo je Sinisa Mihajlovic. Bio je veliki covek i fudbaler. Moram dati mali osvrt na komentare na hrvatskim portalima koji su me sokirali ...

Aleksandar ILic's Post - Sinisa Mihajlovic

Sinisa Mihajlovic - Best free kick taker of all time. Sinisa Mihajlovic - Best free kick taker of all time.

Sinisa Mihajlovic (FK Crvena Zvezda) #5

Sinisa Mihajlovic (FK Crvena Zvezda) #5. Sinisa Mihajlovic (FK Crvena Zvezda) #5.

Sinisa Mihajlovic posted on LinkedIn

Sinisa Mihajlovic. Expand search. People. This button displays the currently selected search type. When expanded it provides a list of search ... Sinisa Mihajlovic. Expand search. People. This button displays the currently selected search type. When expanded it provides a list of search ...

Sinisa Mihajlovic on LinkedIn: #openforbusinesslinkedin.com

More Relevant Posts · View profile for Sinisa Mihajlovic · Sinisa Mihajlovic. Music,guitar,online teaching guitar lessons,mural s all around ... More Relevant Posts · View profile for Sinisa Mihajlovic · Sinisa Mihajlovic. Music,guitar,online teaching guitar lessons,mural s all around ...

Sinisa Mihajlovic, a champion in football and in life.linkedin.com

Sinisa Mihajlovic, a champion in football and in life. Sinisa Mihajlovic, a champion in football and in life.

Un anno senza Sinisa Mihajlovic, la moglie Ariannalinkedin.com

Close menu. https://lnkd.in/dDEh4WSM · Un anno senza Sinisa Mihajlovic ... Close menu. https://lnkd.in/dDEh4WSM · Un anno senza Sinisa Mihajlovic ...

Dionisis Petrakopoulos' Postlinkedin.com

A real fighter and a brave man! RIP Sinisa. Sinisa Mihajlovic, Serbian footballer and coach, dies aged ... A real fighter and a brave man! RIP Sinisa. Sinisa Mihajlovic, Serbian footballer and coach, dies aged ...

Mirjana Prokic's Postlinkedin.com

In times of #worldcup2022 finals, one of the best has gone today - Sinisa Mihajlovic, ex- AC Milan and Bologna Fc manager dies after long battle with… In times of #worldcup2022 finals, one of the best has gone today - Sinisa Mihajlovic, ex- AC Milan and Bologna Fc manager dies after long battle with…

Bologna Fc 1909's Post

L'ultimo saluto a Sinisa Mihajlovic The last farewell to Sinisa Mihajlovic ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dAGSpnKE | 126 comments on LinkedIn. L'ultimo saluto a Sinisa Mihajlovic The last farewell to Sinisa Mihajlovic ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dAGSpnKE | 126 comments on LinkedIn.

Nikola Babić - 5 najlepsih golova u Zvezdi

... is disabled in your browser. Sinisa Mihajlovic - 5 najlepsih golova u Zvezdi. https://www.youtube.com Comment · Like Comment. Share. Copy ... is disabled in your browser. Sinisa Mihajlovic - 5 najlepsih golova u Zvezdi. https://www.youtube.com Comment · Like Comment. Share. Copy

Post di Italian Exhibition Group SpA

I giocatori sono liberi di fare tutto quello che dico io» #Sinisa #Mihajlovic Noi di #IegExpo addolorati come tutti. I giocatori sono liberi di fare tutto quello che dico io» #Sinisa #Mihajlovic Noi di #IegExpo addolorati come tutti.

Sinisa Mihajlovic - administrative officer - municipal administration ...

View Sinisa Mihajlovic's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Sinisa has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Sinisa Mihajlovic | LinkedIn

View Sinisa Mihajlovic's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Sinisa Mihajlovic discover ...

Sinisa Mihajlovic - seronja kod - casino larix | LinkedIn

View Sinisa Mihajlovic's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Sinisa has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Sinisa Mihajlovic odia i ragionieri... | Adriano Stabile | Pulse | LinkedIn

Sinisa Mihajlovic sembra avere un conto in sospeso con i ragionieri, visti come gli esseri umani meno sportivi del mondo. Sarà colpa di ...

Sinisa Mihajlovic - Bedrijfsleider - FZN-Parts | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › sinisa-mihajlovic a7

View Sinisa Mihajlovic's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Sinisa has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

sinisa mihajlovic - advisor - school | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › sinisa-mihajlovic-8791aa20

Siniša Mihajlović. Adviser for Exercise of Health Insurance Rights at National Health Insurance Fund of Serbia. Serbia. 23 others named sinisa mihajlovic are on ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sinisa

Männlicher Vorname (Slawisch): Sinisa;;

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Mihajlovic

Mihajlovic = "Sohn" des Mihajlo

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Sinisa Mihajlovic & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Sinisa Mihajlovic und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.