19 Infos zu Sjouke Mauw
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- Computer Science
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- Luxembourg
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
zeit.de: Assistant Professorship (Tenure Track) in Computer Science (Visual-...· Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw Head of the Department of Computer Science Applications should contain (in PDF format in English mentioning the job opening reference): A motivation letter A 1-page research statement A 1-page teaching statement A detailed Curriculum Vitae A full list of publications
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
CTAN: Beitragende Sjouke MauwSjouke Mauw msc. Draw MSC diagrams. Guest Book Sitemap Contact Contact Author Feedback ...
Yang ZhangI am a faculty member at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Previously, I was a research group leader at CISPA. From January
2 Dokumente
ETAPS Dailyties; Sjouke Mauw, on extracting security information from audits and other large repositories of data; and David Sands, on pro-gramming with expressive infor-mation flow policies. TOSCA runs on Thursday afternoon and Friday. It is held in E It is open to all participants of …
Eindhoven Computer Science Security GroupDr. Sjouke Mauw (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Andreas Lang (Otto-von-Guericke Universit¨at Magdeburg) Opel, Alexander: Design and Implementation of a Support Tool for Attack Trees Internship Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, March i Acknowledgements
11 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Sjouke Mauw: Buy Online from Fishpond.deBuy great products by Sjouke Mauw from Fishpond.de
Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw - wwwde.uni.luInterdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust . Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine. Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
Accepted papers – ESORICS 2015Christof Torres, Hugo Jonker and Sjouke Mauw: Identifying Arbitrary Memory Access Vulnerabilities in Privilege-Separated Software: Hong Hu, Zheng Leong Chua, Zhenkai Liang and Prateek Saxena: Interleaving Cryptanalytic Time-memory Trade-offs on Non-Uniform Distributions: Gildas Avoine, Xavier Carpent and Cédric Lauradoux
Christof Ferreira TorresChristof Ferreira Torres, Mathis Baden, Robert Norvill, Beltran Fiz Pontiveros, Hugo Jonker, Sjouke Mauw 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Virtual, October 5–9, (AsiaCCS 2020) Abstract Paper
DBSec Working Conference on Data and Applications Security »...Home Page for Working Conference on Data and Applications Security - Regensburg, Germany -- June , 2020
ESORICS 2021Sjouke Mauw, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg Weizhi Meng, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical Universtiy of Denmark, Denmark Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, Belgium Mira Mezini, TU Darmstadt, Germany Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
KIT - Application-oriented Formal Verification - Alumni/ae - Daniel...· Ralf Küsters, Tomasz Truderung, Bernhard Beckert, Daniel Bruns, Jürgen Graf, and Christoph Scheben. A hybrid approach for proving noninterference and applications to the cryptographic verification of Java programs. In Christian Hammer and Sjouke Mauw, editors, Grande Region Security and Reliability Day 2013, Luxembourg, 2013
LV - Detailansicht - TUMonline - Technische Universität München[6] Sjouke Mauw and Martijn Oostdijk. Foundations of attack trees. In Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2005, 8th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 1-2, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, pages 186–198, [7] Bruce Schneier. Attack Trees - Modeling security threats. Dr. Dobb’s Journal, December
MitarbeiterIn Christian Hammer and Sjouke Mauw, editors, Grande Region Security and Reliability Day 2013, Luxembourg, pdf. Conference: Christoph Scheben and Peter H. Schmitt. Verification of information flow properties of Java programs without approximations. In Formal Verification of Object-Oriented ...
Internformat: Security and Trust ManagementProceedings / edited by Sjouke Mauw, Christian Damsgaard Jensen. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, STM 2014, held in Wroclaw, Poland, in September 2014, in conjunction with the 19th European Symposium Research in Computer Security, ESORICS
Beschreibung: Graphical Models for SecurityGraphical Models for Security [E-Book] : Second International Workshop, GraMSec 2015, Verona, Italy, July 13, 2015, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Sjouke Mauw, Barbara Kordy, Sushil Jajodia. This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security, GraMSec 2015, held in Verona, Italy, in July
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