36 Infos zu Sonja Schelhaas
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- Hermann
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- Imaging
- Michael
- Thomas Viel
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Tierversuche: Hier liegt eine Maus unter dem Ultraschallgerät - WELTDie Universität Münster erstellt ein Leitbild für Ethik bei Tierversuchen. Tiere sollen dabei so wenig leiden wie möglich. Eine Sensibilisierung ist wichtig –...
Ethik im Tierversuch in DeutschlandTierversuche werden in Deutschland regelmäßig durchgeführt und sind gesetzlich geregelt. Trotzdem polarisiert das Thema wie kaum ein zweites. Auch weil oft
Tierversuche an der Uni Münster sollen auf ein Minimum reduziert...Tierversuche spalten wie kaum ein anderes Thema. Ein bisschen dafür oder dagegen sein geht nicht. Und weil das wissenschaftliche Experimentieren an Mäusen,...
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Sonja Schelhaas | Facebookwww.facebook.com › sonja.schafersLinkedIn: Sonja Schelhaas - Research Scientist - European Institute for ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Sonja Schelhaas auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Sonja Schelhaas ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Small Animal Imaging | Ebook | Ellibs EbookstoreImaging in Neurooncology Yannic Waerzeggers, Bastian Zinnhardt, Alexandra Winkeler, Parisa Monfared, Sonja Schelhaas, Thomas Viel, Andreas H. Jacobs.
AACR Proceedings: Abstracts American Association for...The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their...
Small Animal Imaging: Basics and Practical Guide - Google BooksThis textbook is a practical guide to the use of small animal imaging in preclinical research that will assist in the choice of imaging modality and contrast...
Tumor Microenvironment: Recent Advances - Google BooksThis volume discusses recent research advances in cancer biology, focusing on the role of the tumor microenvironment. Taken alongside its companion volumes,...
1 Dokumente
Thymidine Metabolism as Confounding Factor of...... Models as Measured by 3'-Deoxy-3'-¹⁸F-Fluorothymidine PET and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging. Sonja Schelhaas et al., J Nucl Med ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Schelhaas, Sonja, Dr. rer. nat.Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Schelhaas European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) Translationale Bildgebung · Bildgebung des Gehirns. . D
Molecular Therapy | Vol 21, Issue 3, Pages (March 2013) |...Original Research Article; Pages ; Thomas Viel, Parisa Monfared, Sonja Schelhaas, Inga B Fricke, Michael T Kuhlmann, Cornel Fraefel, Andreas H ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Optimizing Glioblastoma Temozolomide chemotherapy employing...... shRNA technology. By Thomas Viel, Parisa Monfared, Sonja Schelhaas, Inga B Fricke, Michael T Kuhlmann, Cornel Fraefel and Andreas H Jacobs. Get PDF.
Sonja Schelhaas | PubFactsSonja Schelhaas
Tumor Microenvironment | SpringerLinkThis book discusses recent research advances in cancer biology, focusing on the role of the tumor microenvironment. These edge topics have been already covered...
Kathrin Heinzmann | PubFactsKathrin Heinzmann
19 Webfunde aus dem Netz
EZH2 Inhibition in Ewing Sarcoma Upregulates GD2 Expression for...... Claudia Göttlich, Johanna Kühnemundt, Jan-Henrik Mikesch, Sonja Schelhaas, Silke Jamitzky, Jutta Meltzer, Nicole Farwick, Lea Greune, ...
Acknowledgement to Referees - PDF Free Download...
EMIM Online ProgramAlexa Hasenbach, Katrin Schwegmann, Sonja Schelhaas, Michael Schäfers, Sven Hermann. Session: PS Late-Breaking Pitches | Imaging Technologies
Preclinical Applications of 3'-Deoxy-3'-[18F]Fluorothymidine in...Sonja Schelhaas, Kathrin Heinzmann, Vikram R Bollineni, Gerbrand M Kramer, Yan Liu, John C Waterton, Eric O Aboagye, Anthony F Shields, Dmitry Soloviev, ...
Immunohistochemistry of i.c. tumor tissue for H&E, Ki67, TK1 and...Immunohistochemistry of i.c. tumor tissue for H&E, Ki67, TK1 and active caspase-3 expression after 2 days of treatment.
Boost Your Memory With Easy Exercises - epicfamilyjourney.comwww.epicfamilyjourney.com/memory-boost-your-memory-with-easy-exercises-impro...Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. Gericke blick hinter die kulissen: journalisten besichtigen tierversuchslabor - Blick ins Labor: Dr. Sonja Schelhaas,.
Immunohistochemistry of Gli36dEGFR-1 and Gli36dEGFR-2 tumor tissue...posted on , 19:46 by Thomas Viel Sonja Schelhaas Stefan Wagner Lydia Wachsmuth Katrin Schwegmann Michael Kuhlmann Cornelius Faber Klaus ...
ISMRM19 - Interrogating the Tumor MicroenvironmentA Course at the ISMRM Annual Meeting.
Papers with the keyword gadovist (Page 2) | Read by QxMDInga B Fricke, Sonja Schelhaas, Bastian Zinnhardt, Thomas Viel, Sven Hermann, Sébastien Couillard-Després, Andreas H Jacobs. Bioluminescence imaging in ...
Targeting Ewing sarcoma with activated and GD2-specific chimeric...Sareetha Kailayangiri, Bianca Altvater, Christian Spurny, Silke Jamitzky, Sonja Schelhaas, Andreas H Jacobs, Constanze Wiek, Katharina Roellecke, Helmut ...
Altmetric – The relationship between endogenous thymidine...... Sandra Heskamp, Sonja Schelhaas, Timothy Howard Witney, Dmitry Soloviev, Kaye Janine Williams, Andreas Hans Jacobs, Eric Ofori Aboagye, John Richard ...
The relationship between endogenous thymidine concentrations and...Davina Jean Honess. David Yestin Lewis. Donna-Michelle Smith. Christopher Cawthorne. Heather Keen. Sandra Heskamp. Sonja Schelhaas.
University of Munster launches Principles document on the ethical...The University of Münster, in Germany, has launched its Principles on the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Scientific Research and Teaching, as part of the...
The relationship between endogenous thymidine concentrations and...by Sonja Schelhaas, Annelena Held, Lydia Wachsmuth, Sven Hermann, Davina J. Honess, Kathrin Heinzmann, Donna-Michelle Smith, John ...
[18F]FLT-PET indicates response of i.c. growing gliomas to TMZ after...[18F]FLT-PET indicates response of i.c. growing gliomas to TMZ after 2 days of treatment.
The relationship between endogenous thymidine concentrations and...... {David Yestin} and Smith, {Donna Michelle} and Christopher Cawthorne and Heather Keen and Sandra Heskamp and Sonja Schelhaas and Witney, {Timothy ...
Spiral: Thymidine metabolism as confounding factor of...Sonja Schelhaas et al. Thymidine Metabolism as a Confounding Factor for 3′-Deoxy-3′-18F-Fluorothymidine Uptake After Therapy in a ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sonja
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Sonja; Weisheit; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); sophia = die Weisheit; bekannt durch die hl. Sophia, einer (vielleicht nur mythischen) römischen Märtyrerin aus dem 3. Jh. kommt von Sophia und bedeutet Weisheit
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Schelhaas
In the Netherlands are two families with the name Schelhaas. In Germany the name is written on more than 11 different manners. The name Schel[l]haas/hase means slanting jumping from the German word "schellec". In our coat of arms is there a jumping hare which were run before a greyhound. The both families in the Netherlands came from Germany >> a Casbarus Schellhaase born 1610 in Züschen/Waldeck and the other from Claus Schellhase born 1605 in Reichensachsen. Because it is not able to make one pedigree, we have examined our DNA. Result for 99 % we are relatives !! We can help us for the last puzzels. May be in Kassel archives ?? with greatings, Jacob P. Schelhaas
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