99 Infos zu Spiros Denaxas
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Infos zu
- London
- Research
- Anoop
- Adam Timmis
- Harry
- University College
- Health Informatics
- Eleni
- Institute
- Julie George
- Rapsomaniki
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiros Denaxas: Data-driven Tools for Disease Prognosis | HeRCProfessor Spiros Denaxas, University College London, will be delivering a talk on Tuesday 4 December. Find the details below: Data-driven ...
KDH@IJCAI : The 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge...Spiros Denaxas, University College London (.uk) Kerstin Bach, Norwegian University in Science and Technology (.no) Sa., 19. Aug. KDH@IJCAI 2017
2 Bilder zu Spiros Denaxas

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Spiros Denaxas | LinkedInSpiros Denaxas' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Spiros Denaxas dabei hilft ...
LinkedIn: Spiros Denaxas - Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer LinkedinVisualize o perfil de Spiros Denaxas no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Spiros tem 2 empregos no perfil. Visualize o perfil completo no ...
LinkedIn: Spiros Denaxas – Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer, tenured) in ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Spiros Denaxas auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Spiros Denaxas aufgelistet.
LinkedIn: Spiros Denaxas | LinkedInView Spiros Denaxas's (United Kingdom) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Spiros ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Recent rapid responses | Page 590 | The BMJCompeting interests: No competing interests. 30 March Spiros Denaxas. Senior Research Associate ... biomechanics corporation: Los Angeles. 2 Ryan M, Grau S, Krauss I, Maiwald C. Taunton J, Hosrtmann T. (2009)Kinematic analysis ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Dr. Spiros Denaxas - Software Engineer - Lokku | XINGBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie Dr. Spiros Denaxas direkt bei XING.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Spiros Denaxas | FacebookSpiros Denaxas is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Spiros Denaxas and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more ...
1 Projekte
7-Zip / Discussion / Help: ZIP encryption under LinuxCreator: Spiros Denaxas. Created: Updated: Spiros Denaxas Hello,. a quick question just to make sure I understand the ...
13 Bücher zum Namen
Spiros Denaxas - Figsharefigshare.com › authors › Spiros_DenaxasSpiros Denaxas Follow. Associate Professor in Biomedical Informatics (Health Informatics). London, UK. 848item views. 195item ...
PLOS ONE: Socioeconomic Deprivation and the Incidence ofSpiros Denaxas. Affiliation Department of Epidemiology and Public Health and Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, University College ...
Using nationwide ‘big data’ from linked electronic health records to...The CALIBER programme linked four sources of electronic health record data to create a research platform and used that to identify ways of improving care for...
Advances in Swarm Intelligence: First International Conference, ICSI...... Simone Bassis Song Zhu Spiros Denaxas Stefano Benedettini Stelios Timotheou Takashi Tanizaki Usman Adeel Valerio Arnaboldi Wangli He Wei Wang Wen ...
8 Dokumente
Hospital Readmissions Among People Experiencing Homelessness: A...Background: Homeless hospital inpatients are often discharged to unstable accommodation or the street, which may increase the risk of readmission. Me
SearchTermExtractor (Pig API)... , thespider.it, tiscali.co.uk, uk.altavista.com, uk.ask.com Thanks to Spiros Denaxas for his URI::ParseSearchString, which is the basis for the lookups. ...
lpw2010 summarisedlpw2010 summarised Perl Spiros Denaxas (thefruit) 20 minutes. Life sciences in general such as genetics and biology have traditionally benefitted from ...
From spiros at lokku.com Thu May 3 02:09: From: spiros at ...GX20785@klangraum> * Spiros Denaxas <spiros at lokku.com> [ :15]: > Is this list still alive ? :-) Alive yes, awake no. :-) -- ?
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Use of electronic health records to ascertain, validate and phenotype...... Simon deLusignan, Spiros Denaxas, Parul Desai, Sophie Eastwood, John Gallacher, Harry Hemingway, Matthew Hotopf, Martin Landray, ...
Articles - Trialstrialsjournal.biomedcentral.com › arti...... Steffi le Conte, David Beard, Jonathan Cook, William Sones, Steve Morris, Caroline S. Clarke, Mike Thomas, Paul Little, Jane Vennik, Valerie Lund, Helen Blackshaw, Anne Schilder, Stephen Durham, Spiros Denaxas, James Carpenter…
dblp: Dipak KalraList of computer science publications by Dipak Kalra
Feasibility and impact of a computerised clinical decision support...... J Zaman,; Harry Hemingway,; Spiros Denaxas,; Adam Timmis and; Gene Feder. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making :71.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Spiros Denaxas | PubFactsSpiros Denaxas
Exploring hybrid parallel systems for probabilistic record linkage |...Record linkage is a technique widely used to gather data stored in disparate data sources that presumably pertain to the same real world entity. This integ
AMIA 2013, American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium,...... in Six Los Angeles Urban Safety-Net Clinics: Final Study ResultsOmolola Ogunyemi, Lauren Daskivich, Sheba George, ... (CALIBER)Spiros Denaxas, Dipak Kalra, Eleni Rapsomaniki, Anoop Shah, Mar Pujades Rodriguez, Katherine Morley, ...
- - oalibOA Library offers high quality and most updated free academic thesis,open access resource covering various fields.It also provides Comprehensive Research Tool.
5 Meinungen & Artikel
spiros denaxas | London BioGeeksPosts about spiros denaxas written by CassJohnston
About FASTA filebr ContentType textplain charsetiso88591br ContentTransferEncoding 8bitbr
Nestoria Blog... that local-content hero Spiros Denaxas has released the perl wrapper around the ... fledgling London based start-ups and co-invests with business angels.
37 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Meeting Materials - US-UK Health Data Science WorkshopSpiros Denaxas studied computer science, information systems engineering and obtained his PhD in bioinformatics from the University of Manchester in
SERPent:Secure Epidemiology Research Platform The Use of DDI Tools...Primary motivation Creation of a secure environment designed for epidemiological research – Information asset register – Standardise data management procedures...
Evolutionary Psychology - Yahoo Groups... Spiros Denaxas, Liam Smeeth, Adam Timmis, Harry Hemingway Pedro Cahn, Horacio Salomón, Andrea Mangano, María Ángeles Pando ...
Dr Spiros Denaxas - Oxford Talks14:00 - BDI Seminar: Electronic health record phenotyping methods for research · Dr Spiros Denaxas (Denaxas Lab, University College ...
ATTENDEE LIST. Suhailin Abdul Aziz Manager MOH Holdings Singapore,...Suhailin Abdul Aziz Manager MOH Holdings Singapore ... Suhailin Abdul Aziz Manager MOH Holdings Singapore, SINGAPORE Erica Abel ... OR Spiros Denaxas UCL ...
Big data and cardiovascular disease research: opportunities in the...... John Deanfield, Spiros Denaxas, Chris Gale, Aroon Hingorani, Mar Pujades, Eleni Rapsomaniki, Anoop Shah, Liam Smeeth, Adam Timmis among others ...
Ethnicity and the first diagnosis of a wide range of cardiovascular...by Julie George, Rohini Mathur, Anoop Dinesh Shah, Mar Pujades-Rodriguez, Spiros Denaxas, Liam Smeeth, Adam Timmis, Harry Hemingway Background While the...
Dr. Spiros Denaxastele-TASK Video-Vorlesungsportal des Hasso Plattner Instituts.
Artists Index - Fokionos Recordswww.fokionos-records.gr › manufacturerSpiritualized · Spirogyra · Spiros denaxas · Spiros Halikiopoulos · Spiros Halkias · Spiros Kapsaskis · Spiros Karabalis · Spiros Labrou · Spiros Mihailidis · Spiros Papikinos · Spiros Peristeris · Spiros Piperakis · Spiros Pontios · Spiros Psilakis.
CEUR-WS.org - CEUR Workshop Proceedings (free, open-access...CEUR-WS.org provides free online scientific papers
perl is now available - perl.perl5.portersTrue, it is strange to live no more on earth, no longer follow the folkways scarecely learned; not to give roses and other especially auspic
IOS Press Ebooks - Informatics for Health: Connected Citizen-Led...Over recent years there has been major investment in research infrastructure to harness the potential of routinely collected health data. In 2013,...
Intelligent System and Applications in Healthcare (ISA'Health ...intetain2018.eai-conferences.org › int...Fabien Scalzo, University of California Los Angeles, USA ✓ Hans Hallez, University of Leuven, Belgium ✓ Henrique Vicente ... Spiros Denaxas, University College London ✓ Toni Björninen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Julio Núñez - Publications Listpublicationslist.org › yulnunezPau Llàcer, Mari Ángeles Gallardo, Patricia Palau, Mari Carmen Moreno, Carla Castillo, Cristina Fernández, Rafael de la ... Stefan D Anker, Diederick E Grobbee, Spiros Denaxas (2017) Big data from electronic health records for early and late ...
Kaiser Permanente Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT) - PDF Free...... Department of Dermatology Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center ... Phenotyping Algorithms Václav Papež 1,2,*, MSc, Spiros Denaxas 1,2,*, PhD, ...
Defining Disease Phenotypes Using National Linked Electronic Health...Katherine I. Morley,; Joshua Wallace,; Spiros C. Denaxas,; Ross J. Hunter,; Riyaz S UK diagnostic guidelines and those from the European Society of a term indicating monitoring of existing AF or a historical diagnosis of AF risk factors in blacks and whites in the southern community cohort study.
La nueva asociación con Causaly ayudará a la UCL a ...lifescienceslab.com › noticia › la-nue...Los académicos de la University College de Londres (UCL) están trabajando con Causaly para ayudar a acelerar varios aspectos de la ... de la pandemia en la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles podrían mejorar potencialmente gracias a la tecnología y los ... El profesor Spiros Denaxas, del Instituto de Informática de la Salud de la UCL, comentó: "Como investigador médico que ...
Application of Clinical Concept Embeddings for Heart Failure...Spiros Denaxas Institute of Health Informatics University College London, UK .uk Pontus Stenetorp, Sebastian Riedel ...
Avoidable flaws in observational analyses: an application to statins...X-MOL提供的期刊论文更新,Nature Medicine——Avoidable flaws in observational analyses: an application to statins and cancer.,Barbra A Dickerman,Xabier García-Albéniz,Roger...
Data Resource Profile: Cardiovascular disease research using linked...Data Resource Profile: Cardiovascular disease research using linked bespoke studies and electronic health records (CALIBER). Spiros Denaxas, Julie George, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Spiros
Männlicher Vorname (Griechisch): Spiros; Geist; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); spiritus = der Geist (Lateinisch); griechischer Name basierend auf dem lateinischen Wort 'spiritus' (Geist); bekannt durch den hl. Spyridon, Bischof von Tremithus auf Zypern (4. Jh.)
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