213 Infos zu Stefan Dittmaier
Mehr erfahren über Stefan Dittmaier
Lebt in
- Freiburg
- Berlin
- Bochum
- Wiesenfeld
Infos zu
- Physics
- Higgs
- Electroweak
- Universität
- Precision
- Denner
- Thomas
- Ansgar
- Collider
- Theoretical
- Alexander
- Elementarteilchen
35 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Deutsche Teilchenphysiker gratulieren zum Nobelpreis, Deutsches...Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Das Nobelpreiskomitee hat heute den Nobelpreis in Physik an François Englert und Peter Higgs für ihre Vorhersage des...
Physikalisches Kolloquium SS10 | Universität TübingenIst das Higgs-Teilchen entdeckt?, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg...
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Kommunikation und Presse, Im Juli dieses Jahres haben sich die Überschriften in den Medien überboten, als es um die...
Stefan Dittmaier - Renormalization of extended Higgs sectors (21...Stefan Dittmaier - Renormalization of extended Higgs sectors. Monday 21 Jan 2019, 15:00 → 16:00 Europe/Rome (Ed. C primo piano) ...
3 Bilder zu Stefan Dittmaier

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Stefan Dittmaier | FacebookFacebook: Stefan Dittmaier | FacebookICQ Benutzer: Stefan Dittmaier (DiDi), Männlich, Alter: 28, Wiesenfeld, Land: Germany, Hobby: Football, Cars, Pulp, Fiction, Crank, English
Stefan Dittmaier: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library پر آن لائن ...› author
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Johannis-Zweigverein Retzbach e.V. - Markt ZellingenOrt/Ortsteil: Zellingen - Retzbach. Ansprechpartner: Stefan Dittmaier Zellingen - Retzbach. Homepage:. › verein › vereine_details
Johannis-Zweigverein Retzbach e.V. - VGem ZellingenOrt/Ortsteil: Zellingen - Retzbach. Ansprechpartner: Stefan Dittmaier Zellingen - Retzbach. Homepage:. › vereine_details
2 Business-Profile
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier — Expertendienst für Journalistenwww:http://www.tep.physik.uni-freiburg.de/stefan-dittmaier|last_name:Dittmaier|title_addition:|institute-en:Institute of Physics|street:|center-de:|video:|department-de:Teilchen, Felder, Kosmos|mobil:|first_name:Stefan|title:Prof. Dr.|chair-de:Theorie der Elementarteilchen und ...
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier› experts › stefan-...
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Precision calculations for γγ → WW → 4 fermions(+γ) - SLACvon S Dittmaier — Note: all parts checked by a second independent Monte Carlo generator ! LCWS05, Stanford, March Stefan Dittmaier (MPI Munich), Precision calculations ... › talks › 0501_TALK
Electroweak Physics at the LHCStefan Dittmaier, Electroweak Physics – TH Lecture 1. HiggsTools Summer School, Aosta Valley, June/July – 1. Page 2. Contents. › attachments
2005 International Linear Collider Workshop: Parallel Session EStefan Dittmaier (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) Precision Calculations for gamma-gamma -> WW -> 4 fermions (+gamma) [TALK] [PAPER] [SPIRES] [arXiv] 0502
16 Bücher zum Namen
ALBERT — All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records...ALBERT - All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg
Ansgar Denner | Papers With Code1 code implementation • 22 Apr • Ansgar Denner, Stefan Dittmaier, Lars Hofer. We present the library Collier for the numerical evaluation of one-loop ... › search
The Large Hadron Collider: Harvest of Run 1 - Google BooksThis comprehensive volume summarizes and structures the multitude of results obtained at the LHC in its first running period and draws the grand picture of...
'95 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories: Proceedings of the...IN2P3.FR Stefan Dittmaier Univ. Bielefeld Fakultat fur Physik - Theoretishe Physik Postfach D Bielefeld ...
25 Dokumente
VBF and Vector Boson Scattering at 13 TeV, the EFT approachTalk given at
Search | arXiv e-print repositoryAuthors: Stefan Dittmaier. Abstract: The reactions p\bar{p}/pp -> t\bar{t}H+X represent important channels in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at ...
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier — GRK2044Schnellzugriff. Research Projects. Project A - Precise measurements with Higgs particles; Project B - Investigation of production and scattering of electroweak gauge
A General Approach To Photon Radiation Off Fermions - arXivvon S Dittmaier · · Zitiert von: 363 — Authors:Stefan Dittmaier · Download PDF. Abstract: Soft or collinear photon emission potentially poses numerical problems in the phase-space integration of ... › hep-ph
28 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Stefan Dittmaier - DFG - GEPRIS› gepris › person
Research Training Group 2149_ColloquiumColloquium
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Stefan Dittmaier - dblp› Persons
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Theoretical Aspects of W Physics | SpringerLinkHigh-precision predictions for W-production processes are complicated by the instability of the W bosons, requirements of gauge invaxiance, and the necessity...
Theoretical aspects of W-pair production in e+e- collisions : Stefan ...by: Stefan Dittmaier. Publication date: Collection: arxiv; additional_collections; journals. Language: English. The most interesting theoretical ... › details › arxiv-...
Stefan Dittmaier - theses.fr› ...
Electroweak renormalization based on gauge-invariant ...von S Dittmaier · · Zitiert von: 2 — Part II. Extended Higgs sectors. Stefan Dittmaier &; Heidi Rzehak. Journal of High Energy Physics ... › article
1 Meinungen & Artikel
04 | Juli | | STRATEGIE NEWS5 posts published by Strategieberater on July 4, 2012
73 Webfunde aus dem Netz
News from Overall Contacts Stefan Dittmaier (Freiburg), Chiara...LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Organization 3
Chiara Mariotti (CMS/Torino) Reisaburo Tanaka (ATLAS/LAL-Orsay)...Chiara Mariotti (CMS/Torino) Reisaburo Tanaka (ATLAS/LAL-Orsay) Stefan Dittmaier (Freiburg) Theory Contacts Overall Giampiero Passarino (Torino) Stefan Dittmaier (Freiburg) 1. ggf Frank Petriello Summary Peter Uwer (HU Berlin).
Joint efforts on Higgs Cross Sections ATLAS – CMS - Theory - ppt...Joint effort on Higgs cross section Mandates 2-year mandate for contacts. Group should continue until one or both experiments feel it is no longer required....
Stefan Dittmaier's research works | University of Freiburg ...› Stefan-Dittmaier
DAC Versammlung Michael Hauschild, 20-Jun-2012, page 1 Komitee für...20 Seiten, weniger Text, mehr Bilder, quadratisches Format, neues KET-Logo o Editoren: Siggi Bethke, Bernhard Spaan, Thomas Müller, Stefan Dittmaier o Texte liegen vor, jetzt beim Layout Grußwort (Bernhard Spaan) Statements (Rolf Heuer, John Ellis u.a.) Die großen Fragen der Teilchenphysik LHC und Detektoren ...
Stefan DittmaierPersonal homepage of Theory Group member, MPP Munich
Stefan Dittmaier, Electroweak Physics at the LHC Lecture 3 - PDF Free...1 Electroweak Physics at the LHC Lecture 3 Electroweak Di-boson Production Stefan Dittmaier Albert-Ludwigs-Universita t Freiburg Stefan Dittmaier, ...
Contributor info: Dr Stefan Dittmaier - SciPost› contributor
Stefan Dittmaier | HiggsTools› node
Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich 01[first] [prev] [Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich 01] [NEXT> [last>. [first] [prev] [Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich 01] [NEXT> [last>
Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich KITP Online Talksonline.kitp.ucsb.edu › online › loop-c04 › dittmaier<first] <prev] [Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich 23] [NEXT> [last>. <first] <prev] [Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich 23] [NEXT> [last> Missing: Berlin" | Must include: Berlin"
E-Preprints hep-ph at DESYE-Preprints hep-ph at DESY. Paper: ... Stefan Dittmaier >Stefan.Dittmaier(at)cern ... (1,2), Andrzej Rostworowski (2) ((1) Ruhr-University Bochum, (2 ...
DESY - DESY - Towards Electroweak Precision at the LHCStefan Dittmaier (Freiburg Univ.) DESY Auditorium, h
4. KomiteeStefan Dittmaier: Ulrich Nierste: Vorsitz: B. Spaan. stellv. Vors.: T. Mannel. ex officio-Mitglieder: Vorsitzender des DPG-Fachverbandes
Joint efforts on Higgs Cross Sections ATLAS CMS - Theory - [PPT...Joint efforts on Higgs Cross Sections ATLAS – CMS - Theory. Chiara Mariotti (CMS/Torino) Reisaburo Tanaka (ATLAS/LAL-Orsay) Stefan Dittmaier...
Stefan Dittmaier, MPI Munich KITP Online Talks› online
Six-fermion production at e+e- colliders : Stefan Dittmaier : Free...The class of six-fermion production processes at e+e- colliders comprises very interesting particle reactions, such as the production of top-quark pairs and...
ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider: Working...ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider. Topic of the Study Goals Working Groups Upcoming Events ... Stefan Dittmaier (Freiburg U) Convener SUSY:
Bookmarks for Sven Heinemeyerhep-ph : The Pseudothreshold Expansion of the 2-loop Sunrise Selfmass Master Amplitudes ... Person: Stefan Dittmaier Abdelhak Djouadi Page Helmut Eberl
Beteiligte Institutionen - atlas fspwww.fsp103-atlas.de › ...Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Prof. Dr. Heiko Lacker. Prof. Dr. Thomas Lohse. Prof Dr. Stefan Dittmaier. Prof. Dr. Gregor Herten. Prof. Dr. Karl Jakobs. Prof.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stefan
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Slawisch): Stefan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Ansgar Denner
- Peter Uwer
- Christa Fritzsche
- Tilman Plehn
- Fred Jegerlehner
- Alexander Huss
- Thomas Hahn
- Matthias Probst
- Maria Dittmaier
- Antonia Riemann
- Susanne Dittmaier
Personensuche zu Stefan Dittmaier & mehr
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