43 Infos zu Stefan Jurack
Mehr erfahren über Stefan Jurack
Infos zu
- Gabriele Taentzer
- Graph
- Henshin
- Tim Schäfer
- Composite
- Model Transformations
- Christian Krause
- Claudia Ermel
- Daniel Strüber
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
the-reality.net - Event: Helene Beach FestivalTR ist eine Photo and Nightlife Community. Partyfotos, Partybilder, Fotogalerien, Events und Veranstaltungskalender aus Görlitz und Umgebung!
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Stefan Jurack | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Stefan Jurack, with 57 highly influential citations and 15 scientific research papers.
BibSLEIGH — Stefan_JurackAGTIVE MantzJT #concept #consistency #evolution #graph transformation #metamodelling #migration: Graph Transformation Concepts for Meta-model Evolution Guaranteeing Permanent Type Conformance throughout Model Migration ( FM , SJ , GT ), pp. 3–18. ICGT Jurack #emf #graph #inheritance ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Stefan JurackDr. / Senior Application Architect - Cloud Development / Berlin / JavaEE, Software Architektur, Softwaretechnik, Big Data / , docufy, it.Steurer
1 Projekte
Visual Henshin EditorThorsten Arendt, Enrico Biermann, Stefan Jurack, Christian Krause and Gabriele Taentzer: Henshin: ... Henshin is subproject of the Eclipse EMFT project.
4 Bücher zum Namen
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 11th International...This proceedings volume covers requirements and architectures, models and model transformations, conceptual models and UML, service engineering and adaptable...
Graph Transformations: 5th International Conference, ICGT 2010,...Stefan Jurack and Gabriele Taentzer Combining Termination Criteria ...
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 11th International...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MoDELS 2008, held in...
Modelling -- Foundation and Applications: 7th European Conference,...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, held in Birmingham, UK, in June...
1 Dokumente
[ ] Solving the TTC Reengineering Case with HenshinTitle: Solving the TTC Reengineering Case with Henshin. Authors: Stefan Jurack (Universität Marburg, Germany), Johannes Tietje (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Giessen, Germany). (Submitted on 21 Nov 2011). Abstract: This paper presents the Henshin solution to the Model Transformations for Program ...
6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Stefan JurackList of computer science publications by Stefan Jurack
Arend Rensink - DBLPdblp.org › PersonsArend Rensink, Alexander Dotor, Claudia Ermel, Stefan Jurack, Ole Kniemeyer, Juan de Lara, Sonja Maier, Tom Staijen, Albert Zündorf:
dblp: Composite modeling based on distributed graph transformation...Bibliographic details on Composite modeling based on distributed graph transformation and the eclipse modeling framework.
dblp: Gabriele TaentzerList of computer science publications by Gabriele Taentzer
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Composite EMF Modeling Based on Typed Graphs with Inheritance and...Composite EMF Modeling Based on Typed Graphs with Inheritance and Containment Structures. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Stefan Jurack. Stefan Jurack Philipps-Universität MarburgGermany. Conference paper. 5 Readers · 284 Downloads. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, ...
ESWAL und eJSL – THM-WikieSWAL basiert auf der Sprache SWAL (Simple Web Application Language), welche in dem Paper "Towards a Distributed Modeling Process Based on Composite Models" von Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Stefan Jurack und Tim Schäfer an der Philipps-Universität Marburg veröffentlicht wurde.
Towards Composite Model Transformations Using Distributed Graph...Model-based development of highly complex software systems leads to large models. Storing them in repositories offers the possibility to work with these models...
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems | SpringerLinkThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MoDELS 2009, held in...
19 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Stream kobe206 | Listen to stefan jurack playlist online for free on...Listen to stefan jurack, a playlist curated by kobe206 on desktop and mobile.
dblp: Saying Hello World with Henshin - A Solution to the TTCBibliographic details on Saying Hello World with Henshin - A Solution to the TTC Instructive Case
Stress-Testing Centralised Model Stores - PDF Free Downloadtechnodocbox.com › Databases › Stress-t...... Export and Import Interfaces Daniel Strüber, Stefan Jurack, Tim Schäfer, ... and Solutions Zhenyun Zhuang LinkedIn Corp., Mountain View, California, ...
Table of Contents. Welcome to STAF Program Overview Venue...... Stefan Jurack, Tim Schäfer, Stefan Schulz and Gabriele Taentzer Managing Model and Meta-Model Components ... Klaus can be found on LinkedIn and Google+.
2II65: Metamodeling and InteroperabilityHenshin tutorial. 1. https://www.eclipse.org/henshin Materials at Canvas. 3. Thorsten Arendt, Enrico Biermann, Stefan Jurack, Christian Krause, Gabriele Taentzer: Henshin: Advanced Concepts and Tools for In-place EMF Model Transformations. Proceedings of MoDELS'10, LNCS 6394Springer-Verlag,
Database of Research Tools Developed Using CADPEnrico Biermann, Stefan Jurack, Christian Krause, and Gabriele ...
Accepted PapersEuropean Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS Central Web Site
DataCite SearchComposite Modeling based on Distributed Graph Transformation and the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Stefan Jurack. DoctoralThesis published via Philipps-Universität Marburg. Die modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung (MSD) ist ein vielversprechender Trend aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen. Modelle als die ...
Daniel Strüber researchr aliasManaging Model and Meta-Model Components with Export and Import InterfacesDaniel Strüber 0001, Stefan Jurack, Tim Schäfer, Stefan Schulz, Gabriele Taentzer. staf 2016: [doi] · Clone Detection for Graph-Based Model Transformation LanguagesDaniel Strüber 0001, Jennifer Plöger, Vlad Acretoaie. ICMT 2016: ...
Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools — University...Dotor, Claudia Ermel, Stefan Jurack, Ole Kniemeyer, Juan de Lara, Sonja Maier, ...
MODELS 2008, 28 September - 3 October, Toulouse, FranceDiagrams - Stefan Jurack, Leen Lambers, Katharina Mehner, Gabriele Taentzer
EPTCS 74: Transformation Tool ContestStefan Jurack and Johannes Tietje, Solving the Hello World Case. Saying Hello World with Edapt - A Solution to the TTC Instructive Case Markus Herrmannsdoerfer, Saying Hello World with GROOVE - A Solution to the TTC Instructive Case Amir Hossein Ghamarian, Maarten de Mol, ...
Object Flow Definition for Refined Activity Diagrams |...Activity diagrams are a well-known means to model the control flow of system behavior. Their expressiveness can be enhanced by using their object
Graph Transformation Concepts for Meta-model Evolution Guaranteeing...Meta-modeling has become the key technology to define domain-specific modeling languages for model-driven engineering. However, these modeling
Helene Beach Festival > PARTYSAN - Elektronische Musik &...Frei unter dem Motto „Sommer-Sonne-Strand“ öffnet das Helene Beach Festival im Juli erstmals für 3 lange Tage und Nächte seine Pforten. Vom 29. bis 31.
Lehrstuhl Grafische Systeme - PublikationenArend Rensink, Alexander Dotor, Claudia Ermel, Stefan Jurack, Ole Kniemeyer, Juan de Lara, Sonja Maier, Tom Staijen, Albert Zündorf, Ludo: A case study for graph transformation tools. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance AGTIVE '07 (eds.: A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf), ...
au:Jurack_S in:cs - SciRate SearchThis paper presents the Henshin solution to the Model Transformations for Program Understanding case study as part of the Transformation Tool Contest Saying Hello World with Henshin - A Solution to the TTC Instructive Case · Stefan Jurack, Johannes Tietje. Nov cs.SE arXiv: v1. Scited
control flow | SciweaversThis page displays all documents tagged with control flow on Sciweavers
Re: [dash-dev] Re: Migration to Ant: Error "Could not retrieve..."Would using http:// instead of svn:// in your map file(s) make a difference? If not, this is probably related to https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id= N On Thu, May 20, at 3:16 AM, Stefan Jurack &> wrote: > Hi Dave, > > my settings are quite analog to the one given ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stefan
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Slawisch): Stefan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Jurack
Ein Lausitzer Familienname slawischen Ursprungs: Jurack / Jurrack / Jurak, um 1400 zum 1. Mal erwähnt, westslawisch. Zählt zu den Sorbischen Familiennamen. Abgeleitet vom christlichen Taufnamen Georg, der Bauer.
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