85 Infos zu Stefan Masjosthusmann

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

IUF. aktuell. Von der Institutsleitung. Bericht aus dem IUF Leibniz ...docplayer.org › Iuf-aktuell-von-der-institutsleitung-bericht-aus...

Environ Sci-Nano 5: , doi: /C7EN01061C Abschlussarbeiten / Theses Dissertationen / Dissertations Stefan Masjosthusmann: Molecular and functional analysis of ...

Pitches 10. International Meeting | Stammzellnetzwerk.NRWwww.stammzellen.nrw.de › veranstaltungen › pitches

#4: Tissue-specific Stem Cells ; Stefan Masjosthusmann, Implementation of a human neural progenitor cell based medium throughput screening assay in a ...

Uni-freunde fördern Tests ohne Tierversuche - PressReaderwww.pressreader.com › germany › rheinische-post-dusseldorf-stadt

Genau da setzt das Team DNTOX um Stefan Masjosthusmann, Katharina Koch und Kristina Bartmann an. Mit ihrem Start-up wollen sie eine Alternative zu den ...

Drei mal "Eins" und 14 mal "Zwei" - Forschungszentrum Jülichwww.fz-juelich.de › aktuelles › news › pressemitteilungen › indexaf76_htm

· Verena Doum (Würselen), Joanna Maria Makselon (Aachen), Stefan Masjosthusmann (Waldfeucht). Physiklaboranten: Vanessa Lenzen (Jülich).

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Stefan Masjosthusmann

LinkedIn: Stefan Masjosthusmann | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Stefan Masjosthusmann (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach ...

Stefan Masjosthusmann auf LinkedIn: GFFU Startup Wettbewerb ...de.linkedin.com › posts › stefan-masjosthusmann _gffu-startup-...

Profil für Stefan Masjosthusmann anzeigen · Stefan Masjosthusmann. Postdoctoral Researcher at Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine.

LinkedIn: Stefan Masjosthusmann - Postdoctoral Researcher - Leibniz research ...

Aktuell. Leibniz research institute for Environmental medicine,; Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine. Zurück. Leibniz Research Institute for ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Novel Testing Strategies for Endocrine Disruptors in the Context of ...cordis.europa.eu › project › results

· Author(s): Jördis Klose, Julia Tigges, Stefan Masjosthusmann, Katharina Schmuck, Farina Bendt, Ulrike Hübenthal, Patrick Petzsch, ...

1 Business-Profile

Stefan MASJOSTHUSMANN | PhD Student | M.Sc. Toxicology ...www.researchgate.net › profile › Stefan-Masjosthus...

Stefan MASJOSTHUSMANN, PhD Student | Cited by 379 | of Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf (IUF) | Read 25 publications ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

The production of 3D tumor spheroids for cancer drug discoveryjournals.scholarsportal.info › details

... Farina Bendt · Melanie Pahl · Lu Li · Xiaohui Fan · Ping‐chung Leung · Jördis Klose · Stefan Masjosthusmann · Ellen Fritsche · Axel Mosig ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

Neurotoxicity of Metals: Old Issues and New Developmentswww.hugendubel.de › buch_gebunden ›

154,99 € Auf LagerStefan Masjosthusmann, Julia Tigges, Ellen Fritsche and Katharina Koch. 3. Cadmium neurotoxicity: From its analytical aspects to neuronal impairment. 154,99 € Auf Lager Stefan Masjosthusmann, Julia Tigges, Ellen Fritsche and Katharina Koch. 3. Cadmium neurotoxicity: From its analytical aspects to neuronal impairment.

Stefan Masjosthusmann | 226 Citations | Related Authors - Typesettypeset.io › Author Directory

Stefan Masjosthusmann is an academic researcher from Leibniz Association. The author has contributed to research in topic(s): Neurosphere & Population.

Neurotoxicity of Metals: Old Issues and New Developmentsbooks.google.de › books

... and mitochondrial dysfunction measured in differentiating Neuro-2a cells exposed to arsenic (Lu et al., 2014) and 56 Stefan Masjosthusmann et al.

Molecular and Functional Analysis of Toxicity Pathways Contributing ...books.google.com › books › about › Molecular_an...

Stefan Masjosthusmann. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when ...

8 Dokumente

Multiplex High-Throughput Targeted Proteomic Assay To Identify ...pubs.acs.org › doi › abs

· Cell Biology and Toxicology 2021, 184 https://doi.org s ; Stefan Masjosthusmann, Jonathan Blum, Kristina Bartmann, ...

Reliable identification and quantification of neural cells in ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs › cyto.a

· Stefan Masjosthusmann,. Stefan Masjosthusmann. orcid.org IUF - Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, ...

[PDF] GFFU Startup Wettbewerb HHUwww.cedus.hhu.de › Bilder › CEDUS_GFFU-SW_Flyer_web_RZ

Steinbeck, die DNTOX-Initiatoren Dr. Stefan Masjosthusmann, Kristina. Bartmann und Dr. Katharina Koch sowie GFFU-Präsident Eduard H. Dörrenberg.

Accepted Manuscriptdaneshyari.com › article › preview

· Stefan Masjosthusmann, Daniel Becker, Barbara Petzuch, Jördis. Klose, Clara Siebert, Rene Deenen, Marta Barenys, Jenny.

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

POLYPHENOLS - Ingenta Connectwww.ingentaconnect.com › contentone › ben › cdt › art00001

Marta Barenys, Stefan Masjosthusmann and Ellen. Fritsche*. *IUF – Leibniz Research Institute of Environmental. Medicine, Duesseldorf, Germany.

[PDF] Molecular and functional analysis of toxicity pathways contributing to ...docserv.uni-duesseldorf.de › DerivateServlet › Derivate › Stef...

· Stefan Masjosthusmann, Daniel Becker, Barbara Petzuch, Jördis Klose, Clara Siebert,. Rene Deenen, Marta Barenys, Jenny Baumann, ...

[PDF] Analysis of heterotrophic respiration response to soil bonndocbonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de › xmlui › bitstream › handle

experiments I am very grateful to Stefan Masjosthusmann and Simon Kordowich. Special thanks to Ansgar Weuthen and Jürgen Höltkemeier for their technical ...

[PDF] Chemosphere - KOPSkops.uni-konstanz.de › bitstream › handle

· Jonathan Blum a,1, Stefan Masjosthusmann b,1, Kristina Bartmann b, Farina Bendt b,. Xenia Doldea, Arif Dönmez b, Nils Försterd, ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] BUILDING AOPS FOR NEUROTOXICITY: PERSPECTIVE FROM AN ...www.afsacollaboration.org › wp-content › uploads › › Build...

Stefan Masjosthusmann PhD cand. Laura Nimtz PhD cand. Jördis Klose PhD cand. Mohammed Elgamal PhD cand. Farina Bendt. Ulrike Hübenthal. Saskia Wuttke.

[PDF] aktuell - IUF – Leibniz-Institut für Umweltmedizinische Forschungiuf-duesseldorf.de › uploads › › IUF-aktuell_

We are particularly proud that our coworkers Kristina Bartmann, Dr. Katharina Koch and Dr. Stefan Masjosthusmann were repeatedly rewarded for the startup plan ...

47 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Stefan Masjosthusmann's Post

Stefan Masjosthusmann's Post. View profile for Stefan Masjosthusmann · Stefan Masjosthusmann. Regulatory Toxicology Expert at Bayer Crop Science. Stefan Masjosthusmann's Post. View profile for Stefan Masjosthusmann · Stefan Masjosthusmann. Regulatory Toxicology Expert at Bayer Crop Science.

Stefan Masjosthusmann on LinkedIn: Lösungen für die Umwelt und ...www.linkedin.com › posts › stefan-masjosthusmann...

Stefan Masjosthusmann. Postdoctoral Researcher at Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine. 1w. Report this post · DNTOX. 68 followers.

Stefan Masjosthusmann's Postlinkedin.com

View profile for Stefan Masjosthusmann · Stefan Masjosthusmann. Postdoctoral Researcher at Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine.

Stefan Masjosthusmann (smasjosthusmann) - Profile | Pinterest

WebSee what Stefan Masjosthusmann (smasjosthusmann) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Stefan Masjosthusmann (smasjosthusmann) - Profile | Pinterestwww.pinterest.de › smasjosthusmann

See what Stefan Masjosthusmann (smasjosthusmann) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Stefan Masjosthusmann in der Personensuche von Das Telefonbuch

WebFinden Sie private und berufliche Informationen zu Stefan Masjosthusmann: Interessen, Berufe, Biografien und Lebensläufe in der Personensuche von Das Telefonbuch

Stefan Masjosthusmann ( ) - ORCIDorcid.org › ...

· Stefan Masjosthusmann. account_circle. Is this you? Sign in to start editing. Personal information. error No public information available.

2021 GFFU startup competition: Award goes to “DNTOX”

WebAll the finalists. Upper row: Team DNTOX – Dr. Stefan Masjosthusmann, Kristina Bartmann and Dr. Katharina Koch; middle row: Team Elona Health: Johanna von …

2017 ACT Award Recipients - American College of Toxicologywww.actox.org › awards

Stefan Masjosthusmann, Germany. Chiagoziem Otuechere, PhD, Nigeria. Ganna Shayakhmetova, PhD, Ukraine. North American Graduate Fellowships. Presented to:.

Die nominierten Teams Science4Life Venture Cup – …

WebDas Team: Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche, Silke Beaucamp, Kristina Bartmann, Dr. Katharina Koch, Dr. Stefan Masjosthusmann, Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig, Dr. Arif Dönmez Idee & Mehrwert: …

About Help News - JournalTOCswww.journaltocs.ac.uk › ...

Authors: Jördis Klose, Julia Tigges, Stefan Masjosthusmann, Katharina Schmuck, Farina Bendt, Ulrike Hübenthal, Patrick Petzsch, Karl Köhrer, Katharina Koch, ...

Establishment of a human cell-based in vitro battery to …

WebISO 690 BLUM, Jonathan, Stefan MASJOSTHUSMANN, Kristina BARTMANN, Farina BENDT, Xenia DOLDE, Arif DÖNMEZ, Anna-Katharina HOLZER, Sadiye KILIC, Marcel …

Arsenic-mediated developmental neurotoxicity: Recent advances in ...ouci.dntb.gov.ua › works › lxEPyNE9

... Advances in Neurotoxicology, 2021, p Publisher: Elsevier. Authors: Stefan Masjosthusmann, Julia Tigges, Ellen Fritsche, Katharina Koch ...

GFFU still on course: 2.8 million euros for research and teaching

WebThe award, once again endowed with 50,000 euros, went to the "DNTOX" team led by Dr. Stefan Masjosthusmann, Kristina Bartmann and Dr. Katharina Koch. The "DNTOX" …

Arsenite interrupts neurodevelopmental Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › paper › Arsenite-interru...

author={Stefan Masjosthusmann and Clara Siebert and Ulrike H{\"u}benthal and Farina Bendt and Jenny Baumann and Ellen Fritsche}, journal={Chemosphere}, ...

GFFU: Startup competition - unifreunde-duesseldorf.de

WebThe startup-Team: Dr. Stefan Masjosthusmann, Dr. Katharina Koch and Kristina Bartmann Team SUITCASE (2022) Team „SUITCASE“ is the winner of the GFFU Startup …

Arsenite interrupts neurodevelopmental processes PubAg - USDApubag.nal.usda.gov › catalog

Author: Stefan Masjosthusmann, Clara Siebert, Ulrike Hübenthal, Farina Bendt, Jenny Baumann, Ellen Fritsche; Source: Chemosphere v.235 pp.

Articles by Jonathan Blum's Profile | Wiley Online Muck Rackmuckrack.com › jonathan-blum › articles

By Jonathan Blum , Hagen Eike Keßel , Stefan Masjosthusmann , Kristina Bartmann. | bioRxiv. Thank you for your interest in spreading the word about bioRxiv.

Neurotoxicity of Metals: Old Issues and New Developments

WebStefan Masjosthusmann, Julia Tigges, Ellen Fritsche, and Katharina Koch 1. Introduction Epidemiological evidence of arsenic-induced developmental neurotoxicity …

Cell Biology and Toxicology | fatcat!fatcat.wiki › container

... Jonathan Blum, Xenia Dolde, Nils Förster, Anna-Katharina Holzer, Ulrike Hübenthal, Hagen Eike Keßel, Katharina Koch, Stefan Masjosthusmann (+9 others).

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stefan

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Slawisch): Stefan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus

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