73 Infos zu Stefanie Corradini
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- Claus Belka
- Maximilian Niyazi
- Ute Ganswindt
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- Cancer
- Niemoeller
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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Erste Promotion zum Dr. med. univ. in Salzburg - SALZBURG24Die ersten 38 Absolventen des Studiums der Humanmedizin in Salzburg feierten am Freitag im Hangar 7 ihre Promotion.
Mucositis and dermatitis in cancer patients | NeoMedLightPr. Stefanie Corradini Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Mucositis and radiation dermatitis: Incidence and impact. Pr. René-Jean ...
Patient in Germany is World's First to Receive Brachytherapy With...MUNICH, April 26, PRNewswire/ - A 51-year-old patient with advanced cervical cancer became the world's first to receive brachytherapy...
ViewRay : Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital Begins ...www.marketscreener.com › news... as so many of our patient cases can benefit from the precision afforded by MRI-guided and adapted therapy," said Stefanie Corradini, M.D., ...
1 Bilder zu Stefanie Corradini

3 Hobbys & Interessen
Patient in Germany is World's First to Receive Brachytherapy With...MUNICH, April 26, PRNewswire/ --A 51-year-old patient with advanced cervical cancer became the world's first to receive brachytherapy assist...
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital Begins Patient Treatments with...... as so many of our patient cases can benefit from the precision afforded by MRI-guided and adapted therapy," said Stefanie Corradini, M.D., ...
Patient in Germany is World's First to Receive Brachytherapy With...... to disease extensions beyond the cervix has always been challenging with conventional brachytherapy applicators," says Stefanie Corradini, ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie ...www.lmu-klinikum.de › lehre › studierende... unserer Klinik interessieren, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Lehrbeauftragte der Klinik für Strahlentherapie: Frau PD Dr. med. Dr. med. univ. Stefanie Corradini.
5 Bücher zum Namen
SLUB Dresden - KatalogCorradini, Stefanie ; Corradini, Stefanie ; Niyazi, Maximilian ; Niemoeller, Olivier ... Corradini, Stefanie ; Corradini, Stefanie ; Liebig, Sylke ; Niemoeller, Olivier M ...
Role of SRS/SBRT in Oligometastatic Disease - Google Books... Role of Radiosurgery/Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Oligometastatic Disease: Brain Oligometastases Rosario Mazzola, Stefanie Corradini, Fabiana Gregucci, ...
Die Bedeutung der adjuvanten Strahlentherapie im Rahmen ...Die Bedeutung der adjuvanten Strahlentherapie im Rahmen der brusterhaltenden Therapie. Front Cover. Stefanie Corradini. Ludwigs-Maximilian-Univ.,
MR-guidance in Clinical Reality: Current Treatment Challenges and...MR-guidance in Clinical Reality: Current Treatment Challenges and Future Perspectives. Front Cover. Stefanie Corradini, Nicolaus Andratschke, Jürgen Debus, ...
3 Dokumente
Phase II study of accelerated Linac-based SBRT in five ...Filippo Alongi, Rosario Mazzola, Alba Fiorentino, Stefanie Corradini, Dario Aiello, Vanessa Figlia, Fabiana Gregucci, Riccardo Ballario, Stefano ...
[PDF] Neue Methoden in der Strahlentherapie - topfit - Free Download...Download Neue Methoden in der Strahlentherapie - topfit...
Spatial and time course pattern of salt stress induced changes in -...Research open access microrna expression profiles in human cancer cells after ionizing radiation olivier m niemoeller*, maximilian niyazi, stefanie..
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
The Green Journal | Radiotherapy and Oncology | Vol 122, Issue 1,...Trends in use and outcome of postoperative radiotherapy following mastectomy: A population-based study. Stefanie Corradini, Ingo Bauerfeind, Claus Belka, ...
Radiation Oncology | Editorial boardRadiation Oncology publishes high-quality interdisciplinary research related to the treatment of cancer using radiation. The journal brings together the ...
SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in an asymptomatic cancer cohort - results and...Sebastian Marschner, Stefanie Corradini, Josefine Rauch, Richard Zacharias, Ana Sujic, Claus Belka & Maximilian Niyazi. German Cancer ...
MicroRNA expression profiles in human cancer cells after ionizing...MicroRNAs are regulators of central cellular processes and are implicated in the pathogenesis and prognosis of human cancers. MicroRNAs also modulate responses...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Adjuvante Bestrahlung nach brusterhaltender Operation | SpringerLinkaffiliations. Stefanie Corradini Email author; Montserrat Pazos-Escudero. Stefanie ...
Oalib searchAbstract: microRNAs (Sanger miRBase release version 14.0) were analyzed in six malignant cell lines following irradiation with ...
MicroRNA expression profiles in human cancer cells after ionizing...... expression profiles in human cancer cells after ionizing radiation. DOI: x · Olivier M Niemoeller, Maximilian Niyazi, Stefanie Corradini, ...
Mature results of a randomized trial comparing two fractionation...(1); Stefanie Corradini · (1); Farkhad Manapov · -muenchen.de (1); Claus Belka · Claus.
35 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Kartagener s Syndrome STEFANIE CORRADINI - PMU SALZBURG (AUSTRIA)...Kartagener s Syndrome STEFANIE CORRADINI - PMU SALZBURG (AUSTRIA) GILLIAN LIEBERMAN, MD let s meet our patient y/o woman presents to the ...
My dear friend Stefanie Corradini, Oberarzt at #Radiotherapy ...My dear friend Stefanie Corradini, Oberarzt at #Radiotherapy visited me with a little present from #salzburg in the Operating room. We've been studying together ...
Stefanie CorradiniSearch results for: Stefanie Corradini ... Stefanie Corradini, Maximilian Niyazi, Olivier M. Niemoeller, Minglun Li, more · Radiotherapy and Oncology >
Suchmaschine BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): TrefferlisteErgebnis Ihrer Suche im BASE.
(PDF) MicroRNA expression profiles in human cancer cells after...MicroRNAs are regulators of central cellular processes and are implicated in the pathogenesis and prognosis of human cancers. MicroRNAs also modulate responses...
A prospective study on neurocognitive effects after primary...Stefanie Corradini. LMU Klinikum der Universität München, Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie, Munich, Germany ...
Cancers | Free Full-Text | Mastectomy or Breast-Conserving Therapy...Mastectomy or Breast-Conserving Therapy for Early Breast Cancer in Real-Life Clinical Practice: Outcome Comparison of Cases. by Stefanie Corradini 1,* ...
Altmetric – The benefit of adjuvant radiotherapy after breast...Carolin Nestle-Krämling, Peter Arne Gerber, Stefanie Corradini, ...
Collaboration leads to new options for liver cancer patients - Elekta...... study co-investigator Stefanie Corradini, MD, radiation oncologist at University Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians University (Munich, Germany).
Daily IGRT for prostate cancer: Can we stop the train?We read with interest the phase III randomized trial by T øndel and colleagues [1] comparing weekly portal imaging and daily CBCT. Specifically, two strategies...
Scilit | Article - Successful radiation treatment of chylous ascites...Chylous ascites is a rare complication following pancreaticoduodenectomy. We report on a case of chylous ascites following pancreaticoduodenectomy in a...
Báo cáo khoa học: "MicroRNA expression after ionizing radiation in...Open AccessMicroRNA expression profiles in human cancer cells after ionizing radiationOlivier M Niemoeller*, Maximilian Niyazi, Stefanie Corradini, Franz ...
CiteSeerX — cells after ionizing radiationauthor = {Olivier M Niemoeller and Maximilian Niyazi and Stefanie Corradini and Franz Zehentmayr and Minglun Li and Kirsten Lauber and Claus Belka},
Feasibility study on image guided patient positioning for...includes Feasibility study on image guided patient positioning f by Christian Heinz, Sabine Gerum, Philipp . Click to explore.
Prostatakrebs - ErfahrungsberichteZeigt die wichtigsten Benutzerdaten wie Personalien, erste Diagnose, postoperative pathologische Daten, Prostatavolumen und gewählte Prostatakrebs Behandlungen...
Neoadjuvant radiotherapy followed by mastectomy and immediate breast...Montserrat Pazos, Stefanie Corradini, Darius Dian, Vera von Bodungen, Nina Ditsch, Rachel Wuerstlein, Stephan Schönecker, … [ more ]. Details · Contributors ...
Krebs Informationstag PDF Kostenfreier DownloadAlexander Burges Leitender Oberarzt der Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Dr. med. Stefanie Corradini Oberärztin der Klinik für Strahlentherapie und ...
Oligometastasis and local ablation in the era of systemic ...moh-it.pure.elsevier.com › oligom...... Andrea Riccardo Filippi, Maria Tolia, Andrea Lancia, Giuseppe Minniti, Stefanie Corradini, Stefano Arcangeli, Marta Scorsetti, Filippo Alongi.
Altmetric – Single isocenter stereotactic radiosurgery for patients...... Raphael Bodensohn, Sylvia Garny, Indrawati Hadi, Daniel F. Fleischmann, Michael Eder, Yavuz Dinc, Michael Reiner, Stefanie Corradini, ...
PLOS ONE: Report of first recurrent glioma patients examined with...Stefanie Corradini,. Roles Methodology, Writing – review & editing. Affiliation Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital, LMU ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stefanie
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Stefanie; die Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; Information zur männlichen Form Stefan:; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Edwin Bölke
- Claus Belka
- Montserrat Pazos
- Christian Schichor
- Christiane Matuschek
- Filippo Alongi
- Alexander Bamberger
- Martin Schneck
- Oliver Sedlinger
Personensuche zu Stefanie Corradini & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Stefanie Corradini und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.