75 Infos zu Stefanie Zollmann
Mehr erfahren über Stefanie Zollmann
Infos zu
- Augmented Reality
- Gerhard Reitmayr
- Tobias Langlotz
- University of Otago
- Zealand
- Research
- Symposium
- Christof Hoppe
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Keine Kinderkarren auf dem Campus? - taz.de■ Uni-Mami-Projekt fordert elterngerechte Vorlesungszeiten und einen Kindergarten
Local researcher awarded prestigious fellowship | Scoop NewsThe world of Augmented Reality will soon be leaping into our everyday lives thanks to the work of award-winning University of Otago scientist Stefanie...
Perth hosts forum to inspire the next generation of female...Hundreds of budding female scientists from secondary schools across Western Australia will be given a glimpse into their future careers as part of the first...
S&T Program Committee - newenwebInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality | ISMAR 2019
2 Bilder zu Stefanie Zollmann

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Stefanie Zollmann | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Stefanie Zollmann (Österreich) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und
LinkedIn: Stefanie Zollmann | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Stefanie Zollmann ...
Stefanie Zollmann - Research Portal | Lancaster Universitywww.research.lancs.ac.uk › peopleDr Stefanie Zollmann. Formerly at Lancaster University. Show more...Show less. Show more...Show less. Show more...Show less ...
ICG - Denis KalkofenAdaptive ghosted views for Augmented Reality Denis Kalkofen, Eduardo Veas, Stefanie Zollmann, Markus Steinberger, Dieter Schmalstieg, IEEE International ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Just a moment...Get Stefanie Zollmann's email address, .at
The Workshop program | CVWW 2012Christof Hoppe*, Andreas Wendel, Stefanie Zollmann, Katrin Pirker, Arnold Irschara, Horst Bischof, Stafan Kluckner (Graz University of Technology, Siemens)
11 Bücher zum Namen
Stefanie Zollmann | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Stefanie Zollmann. Results. Sketching up the world: in situ authoring for mobile Augmented Reality Springer Science+Business Media
Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice - Dieter Schmalstieg,...of Stefanie Zollmann. All vertices in the virtual scene are weighted according to.
Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality: Interfaces and DesignKleppe, Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, Erich Bruns, and Thomas Zeidler.
Mobile Augmented Reality for Human Scale Interaction with Geospatial...Gerhard Schall overviews research activities related to mobile augmented reality in indoor as well as outdoor environments. These activities have emerged over...
3 Dokumente
Studio and Outdoor ProductionI have quted some materials from The Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting - abbreviated
Sketching up the world: in situ authoring for mobile Augmented...Stefanie Zollmann • Claus Degendorfer •. Gerhard Reitmayr • Dieter Schmalstieg. Received: 30 January Accepted: 30 May
EBSCOhost | | Smart Vidente: advances in mobile augmented...Gerhard Schall • Stefanie Zollmann •. Gerhard Reitmayr. Received: 12 March Accepted: 31 July Published online: 2 September ...
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Holger RegenbrechtList of computer science publications by Holger Regenbrecht
Search results for "Stefanie Zollmann" – FacetedDBLPFound 18 publication records. Showing 18 according to the selection in the facets . Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords; 1: Stefanie Zollmann
dblp: Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2012Bibliographic content of Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2012
Novel stadium-based research helps us understand group dynamicsNew research is backing up the old saying that 'birds of a feather flock together.' The findings emerged after researchers used video cameras on a large...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data in...... Data in Augmented Reality. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Stefanie Zollmann; Gerhard Schall; Sebastian Junghanns; Gerhard Reitmayr. Stefanie Zollmann.
Adaptive ghosted views for Augmented Reality - researchr publication..., Stefanie Zollmann, Markus Steinberger, Dieter Schmalstieg. Adaptive ghosted ...
Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-Awareness in ...www.magellanproject.eu › 135-to...... Grubert, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann and Holger Regenbrecht, “ Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-Awareness in Augmented Reality”.
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Activities | Excursions into Augmented Reality and Mobile HCIThose who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw Jump to: Organizer and PC Member Reviewing Talks, Demos, Tutorials Projects...
Publications | Excursions into Augmented Reality and Mobile HCIJump to: Books Chapters in collective books Articles in peer reviewed journals and magazines Peer-reviewed conference publications Peer-reviewed workshop and...
31 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Stefanie Zollmann | LinkedInView Stefanie Zollmann's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Stefanie Zollmann ...
Oliver Bimber - Google Scholar CitationsL. Miguel Encarnação, PhD,; Anselm Grundhöfer,; Dieter Schmalstieg,; Gordon Wetzstein,; Ramesh Raskar,; Bernd Froehlich,; Stefanie Zollmann,; Daniel Kurz, ...
Digital Illumination for Augmented Studios —...Oliver Bimber, Anselm Grundhöfer, Stefanie Zollmann and Daniel Kolster. Bauhaus-University Weimar Weimar, Germany
Passive-Active Geometric Calibration for View-Dependent Projections...Recommended citation. Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz, and Oliver Bimber, Passive-Active Geometric Calibration for View-Dependent Projections onto Arbitrary Surfaces.
WebHomeDr. Axel Hildebrand, Stefanie Zollmann and Fabian Scheer (Daimler): Dealing with the Mixed Reality Maturity Gap in Industrial Applications
Altmetric – Smart Vidente: advances in mobile augmented reality for...x. Authors. Gerhard Schall, Stefanie Zollmann, Gerhard Reitmayr ...
Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data in ...www.springerprofessional.de › co...Authors: Stefanie Zollmann, Gerhard Schall, Sebastian Junghanns, Gerhard Reitmayr. Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Published in: Advances in Visual ...
Conference AwardsCasualStereo: Casual Capture of Stereo Panoramas with Spherical Structure- from-Motion. Lewis Baker, Steven Mills, Stefanie Zollmann, Jonathan Ventura ...
The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality...Japan; Stefanie Zollmann, University of Otago, New Zealand ...
Incipient Social Groups: An Analysis via In-Vivo Behavioral Tracking...Affiliation Animation Research Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand. ⨯. Stefanie Zollmann. Affiliation Animation Research Limited, Dunedin, New ...
ICG - ThesisStefanie Zollmann Visualization in Outdoor Augmented Reality Show publication in PURE. Bernhard Kainz Ray-Based Image Generation For Advanced Medical ...
Welcome to UbiComp & ISWC !Mellon) Roger Zimmermann Stefanie Zollmann (Graz University of Technology)
Interactive 4D overview and detail visualization in augmented reality...Stefanie Zollmann, Christof Hoppe, Tobias Langlotz, Gerhard Reitmayr, FlyAR: augmented reality supported micro aerial vehicle navigation., pp ,
nullspace.at: Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and...Stefanie Zollmann, Christof Hoppe, Stefan Kluckner, Christian Poglitsch and Horst ...
EG SHORT PAPERS PROGRAMImperceptible Calibration for Radiometric Compensation Stefanie Zollmann, Oliver Bimber Bauhaus-University Weimar Object-Oriented Shader ...
NSF Award Search: Award # CRII: RI: High-Speed Vision-Based...Stefanie Zollmann, Christian Poglitsch and Jonathan Ventura. "VISGIS: Dynamic Situated Visualization for Geographic Information Systems," ...
Program Committee... Stevenson Won, Cornell University, USA; Xubo Yang, SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY, China; Stefanie Zollmann, University of Otago, New Zealand ...
Presenter – SIGGRAPH Asia 2019Stefanie Zollmann is a Lecturer for Computer Science at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Before joining the University of Otago, she worked as a senior ...
Synchrony and Physiological Arousal Increase Cohesion and ...pureportal.coventry.ac.uk › synchr...Joshua Conrad Jackson, Jonathan Jong, David Bilkey, Harvey Whitehouse, Stefanie Zollmann, Craig McNaughton, Jamin Halberstadt.
Technical BriefsThe 12th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques in Asia!
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stefanie
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Stefanie; die Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; Information zur männlichen Form Stefan:; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Oliver Bimber
- Erich Bruns
- Sebastian Junghanns
- Christian Poglitsch
- Gerhard Schall
- Franz Coriand
- Lynn Gerber
- Tobias Langlotz
- Gerhard Reitmayr
- Naomi Lynn
- Maik Langlotz
Personensuche zu Stefanie Zollmann & mehr
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