26 Infos zu Steffi Silling

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Diagnosticum - Ihr Partner Einladung zum Laborforum Gynäkologie 2020

am 11. März im Hotel Wyndham Garden in Dresden.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - Vol n° 1 - EM...

Ulrike Wieland, Nina Scola, Benjamin Stolte, Markus Stücker, Steffi Silling, Alexander Kreuter. fleche fermer Résumé fleche fermer Résumé fleche ouvert ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Search Results | Microbiology Society

Microbiology Society journals contain high-quality research papers and topical review articles. We are a not-for-profit publisher and we support and invest in...

Emerging Infectious Diseases - Google Books

Resolution of Novel Human Papillomavirus— induced Warts after HPV Vaccination Steffi Silling, Ulrike Wieland, Marko Werner, Herbert Pfister, Anja Potthoff, ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

FreiDok plus - Silling, Steffi

Human polyomavirus and human papillomavirus prevalence and viral load in non-malignant tonsillar tissue and tonsillar carcinoma · Herberhold, Stephan ...

OPUS 4 | Merkel cell polyoma viral load and intratumoral CD8+...

Jens Müller-von der Grün, Anne Ria Winkelmann, Markus Meissner, Ulrike Wieland, Steffi Silling, Daniel Martin, Emmanouil Fokas, Claus ...

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Researcher: Steffi Silling in Publications - Dimensions

Re-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.

Altmetric – Resolution of Novel Human Papillomavirus–induced Warts...

Silling S, Wieland U, Werner M, Pfister H, Potthoff A, Kreuter A, S. Silling et al., Steffi Silling, Ulrike Wieland, Marko Werner, Herbert Pfister, Anja Potthoff, ...

Comprehensive Analysis of HPV16 Integration in OSCC Reveals No...

... Speel Jutta Kolligs Annick Haesevoets Mieke Henfling Frans C. S. Ramaekers Simon F. Preuss Uta Drebber Ulrike Wieland Steffi Silling Wan ...

Comprehensive Analysis of HPV16 Integration in OSCC Reveals No...

... Annick Haesevoets and Mieke Henfling and Ramaekers, {Frans C. S.} and Preuss, {Simon F.} and Uta Drebber and Ulrike Wieland and Steffi Silling and Lam, ...

April 1, Issue of JAMA Dermatology | JAMA Network

Read the April 1, issue. Volume 147, Number 4

December 1, Issue of JAMA Dermatology | JAMA Network

Read the December 1, issue. Volume 147, Number 12


Central Microdata Catalog

Ser + Associação Portuguesa para a Prevenção e Desafio à Sida -...

OPAC / biblio.NET - Módulo de pesquisa WEB

Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck disease) in a 7-year-old boy...

Alexander Kreuter and Steffi Silling. CMAJ December 17, (50) E1481; DOI: https://doi.org cmaj Add to Cart ($30). Alexander Kreuter.


Christian Ulrich Huebbers, Simon Florian Preuss, Jutta Kolligs, Julia Vent, Markus Stenner, Ulrike Wieland, Steffi Silling, Uta Drebber, Ernst-Jan M. Speel, Jens ...

Matthias Scheffler - Publications List

... Nagaraju Karre, Srivari Chandrasekhar, Julie George, Steffi Silling, Daniel Rauh, Thomas Zander, Roland T Ullrich, H Christian Reinhardt, Francois Ringeisen ...

Papers with the keyword akr1c (Page 3) | Read by QxMD

Christian Ulrich Huebbers, Simon Florian Preuss, Jutta Kolligs, Julia Vent, Markus Stenner, Ulrike Wieland, Steffi Silling, Uta Drebber, Ernst-Jan M Speel, Jens ...

No Evidence for Role of Cutavirus in Malignant Melanoma. - Document -...

includes No Evidence for Role of Cutavirus in Malignant Melanoma by Ulrike Wieland, Steffi Silling, Martin . Click to explore.

Table - No Evidence for Role of Cutavirus in Malignant Melanoma -...

Steffi Silling, Martin Hufbauer, Cornelia Mauch, Paola Zigrino, Frank Oellig, Alexander Kreuter, and Baki Akgül. Author affiliations: University of ...

Table_1_Merkel Cell Polyoma Viral Load and Intratumoral CD8+...

Table_1_Merkel Cell Polyoma Viral Load and Intratumoral CD8+ Lymphocyte Infiltration Predict Overall Survival in Patients With Merkel Cell Carcinoma.docx

Volume 98, Issue 6 | Acta Dermato-Venereologica

Acta Dermato-Venereologica is an international peer-review journal for clinical and experimental research in the field of dermatology and venereology.

The development and establishment of the 1st WHO BKV International...

... Fischer and Steffi Silling and Rajesh Kannangai and Abraham, {Asha Mary} and Tognon, {Mauro G.} and Christiana Olivo and L. Rurenga-Gard and Niesters, ...

Viral load, gene expression and mapping of viral integration sites in...

... {Josefa A.} and Stegmann, {Alexander P. A.} and Steffi Silling and Ulrike Wieland and Carey, {Thomas E.} and Walline, {Heather M.} and Gollin, {Susanne M.} ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Steffi

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Steffi; die Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; Information zur männlichen Form Stefan:; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus

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