75 Infos zu Stephan Fremerey
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- Hagen
- Ilmenau
Infos zu
- Alexander Raake
- Ashutosh Singla
- Technische Universität Ilmenau
- Audiovisual Technology
- Measuring
- University
- Conference
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
VRiday Meetup: Stephan Fremerey & Frank Hofmeyer –...STEPHAN FREMEREY & FRANK HOFMEYER (TBC) Topic: Impact of internal HMD playback processing on subjective quality perception (tbc) Affiliation: Audiovisual Technology Group, Technische Universität Ilmenau Date: June 28, Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Location: Room 122 VRiday Meetups The VRiday Meetup takes place on the last Friday of the month at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain.
meetXR.de – XR Veranstaltungen deutschlandweitVeranstaltungen rund um Virtual, Augmented und Mixed Reality deutschlandweit
X-O TechnologyBreakfast: Herr der Hypes – meetXRVRiday Meetup: Stephan Fremerey & Frank Hofmeyer » Einführung in aktuelle Technologietrends entlang des Gartner Hype Cycles Fast jeden Monat tauchen neue Buzzwords rund um technische Innovationen wie Voice UI, VR/ AR, Künstliche Intelligenz, Blockchain oder IoT auf.
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Stephan Fremerey | LinkedInberufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Stephan Fremerey ...
sfremerey (Stephan Fremerey) - GitHubStephan Fremerey sfremerey Follow I am a research assistant at Audiovisual Technology Group at Institute of Media Technology at Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany).
sfremerey (Stephan Fremerey) / Projects · GitHubStephan Fremerey sfremerey. I am a research assistant at Audiovisual Technology Group at Institute of Media Technology at Ilmenau University of Technology ...
Jan U. Hagen - Publications | ESMT Berlin... Neue Perspektiven im Bankgeschäft, edited by Jan Hagen, Ulrich Schürenkrämer, 67–85. Hamburg: Murmann. Felix Stephan Fremerey, Jan U. Hagen (2011) ...
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Stephan FremereyMedientechnologie
Stephan FREMEREY | Research Assistant | Master of Science |...Stephan Fremerey Alexander Raake In this paper it is studied how existing image saliency models for head motion prediction designed for omnidirectional images can be applied to videos.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Stephan Fremerey | Technische Universität IlmenauStephan Fremerey M. Sc. Phone: + Helmholtz Building, Room H staff in the DFG-Project ECoClass-VR
4 Bücher zum Namen
Stephan Fremerey | Papers With CodePapers by Stephan Fremerey with links to code and results.
Are People Pixel-peeping 360° Videos? - Stephan Fremerey, Rachel...In this paper, we compare the influence of a higher-resolution Head-Mounted Display (HMD) like HTC Vive Pro on 360° video QoE to that obtained with a ...
Measuring the Exploration Behaviour of People in Omnidirectional...Measuring the Exploration Behaviour of People in Omnidirectional Videos. By Stephan Fremerey. About this book · Get Textbooks on Google Play. Rent and ...
TU Ilmenau - 3D Praxiswerkstatt - SBS 3D - Google BooksDieses Kurzvideo entstand im Rahmen der Praxiswerkstatt S3D am Institut für Medientechnik WS Es wurden verschiedene Szenen und Möglichkeiten mit einen...
4 Dokumente
Fremerey, Felix Stephan [WorldCat Identities]Europäische Banken: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Management-Agenda by Felix Stephan Fremerey( ) 1 edition published in in German and held by
MU95_ Portada:Maquetación 1.qxd - Moneda Únicay Felix Stephan Fremerey, el perse- guir el riesgo elevado esperando un mayor beneficio no es un mode- lo óptimo en la gestión de una enti-.
13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DAGA « Akustik-Blog· Carolin Reimers, Larissa Leist, Stephan Fremerey, Alexander Raake, Maria Klatte, Janina Fels, Examining Auditory Selective Attention in a ...
dblp: BibTeX records: Stephan FremereyList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Stephan Fremerey
dblp: Stephan FremereyList of computer science publications by Stephan Fremerey
dblp: ACM Multimedia 2017Bibliographic content of ACM Multimedia 2017
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Europäische Banken: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Management-Agenda |...Europäische Banken: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Management-Agenda. ESMT Business Brief No. BB ger. Felix Stephan Fremerey, Jan U. Hagen (2009)
A Taxonomy and Dataset for 360° Videos | DeepAIIn this paper, we propose a taxonomy for 360 videos that categorizes videos based on moving objects and camera motion. We gathered...
| ESMT BerlinFelix Stephan Fremerey, Jan U. Hagen (2011) Full-Text PDF: Subject(s) Finance, accounting and corporate governance Secondary Title. Die Wiederentdeckung des Kunden: Neue Perspektiven im Bankgeschäft Journal Pages. 67–85 ISBN. 978– Created with …
Bridge the Gap Between VQA and Human Behavior on Omnidirectional...Omnidirectional video enables spherical stimuli with the 360 × 180^ ∘ viewing range. Meanwhile, only the viewport region of omn...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Stephan Fremerey | Tobii Developer ZoneStephan Fremerey. Profile · Forums · Profile picture of Stephan Fremerey. active 7 months ago. View. Profile. Name. Stephan Fremerey. Organization.
Profile | Stephan Fremerey | Tobii Developer ZoneStephan Fremerey. Profile · Forums · Profile picture of Stephan Fremerey. active 1 hour, 44 minutes ago. View. Profile. Name. Stephan Fremerey. Organization.
34 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Stephan Fremerey - Google ScholarStephan Fremerey. TU Ilmenau. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei tu-ilmenau.de. QoE 360° video quality modelling behavioral analysis virtual reality. Artikel Zitiert von Öffentlicher Zugriff. Titel. Sortieren. Nach Zitationen sortieren Nach Jahr sortieren N ...
Stephan Fremerey | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Stephan Fremerey ...
ProfilesStephan Fremerey. TU Ilmenau. Verified email at tu-ilmenau.de. Cited by 37. QoE 360° video quality modelling behavioral analysis virtual reality.
Stephan Fremerey - DocmediaStephan Fremerey. Researcher / Technische Universität Ilmenau. Stephan Fremerey is a research assistant of the Audiovisual Technology Group at the ...
Stephan Fremerey · GitLabStephan Fremerey. @sfremerey Member since February 18, I am a research assistant at Audiovisual Technology Group at Institute of Media Technology ...
tool · master · Stephan Fremerey / StreamSim · GitLabA codec-independant toolchain to manipulate packet transmissions of video streams.
ICSA Ilmenau5th International Conference on Spatial Audio, September 26th to 28th, 2019, Ilmenau, Germany
Accepted Papers | ACM Multimedia Systems Conference 2019Stephan Fremerey, Ashutosh Singla (Technische Universität Ilmenau), Kay Meseberg (ARTE G.E.I.E.), Alexander Raake (Technische ...
Accepted Papers and Proceedings - ACM Multimedia Systems acmmmsys.org › program › accepted-papersStephan Fremerey, Ashutosh Singla (Technische Universität Ilmenau), Kay Meseberg (ARTE G.E.I.E.), Alexander Raake (Technische Universität Ilmenau), ...
Rhinegold Capital S.r.l. | Milano | Lombardia | Consulenza 24Rhinegold Capital S.r.l. residenti in Via Giovanni Da Milano, 15; Milano, Italia; servizi di consulenza organizzativa.
Conference Award Winners -AVtrack360: an open dataset and software recording people's head...
Stephan Fremerey, Ashutosh Singla, +1 author Alexander Raake; Published 2018; Computer Science; Proceedings of the 9th ACM Multimedia Systems ...
Bridge the Gap Between VQA and Human Behavior on Omnidirectional...Omnidirectional video enables spherical stimuli with the $360 \times 180^ \circ$ viewing range. Meanwhile, only the viewport region of omnidirectional video...
Alexander raake berlin | consrorealexander raake berlin Professor Alexander Raake was appointed head of the Audiovisual Technology Group at TU Ilmenau in July Before, he was a Professor...
DataCite SearchMeasuring And Comparing Qoe And Simulator Sickness Of Omnidirectional Videos In Different Head Mounted Displays. Ashutosh Singla, Stephan Fremerey, ...
ICSA th International Conference on Spatial Audiovdt-icsa.de › programPP-1-2 | Dominik Zapf | Stephan Werner, Stephan Fremerey | Poster. As binaural systems become more and more important, understanding ...
Expansión - Edicion Impresa... basado en adquisiciones" es un modelo sostenible a largo plazo, considera Jan Hagen, coautor junto a Felix Stephan Fremerey del estudio.
QoMEX Day 3Stephan Fremerey, Muhammad Sami Suleman, Abdul Haq Azeem Paracha, and Alexander Raake. Influence of Hand Tracking as a way of Interaction in Virtual Reality ...
Subjective Test Dataset and Meta-data-based Models for 360° Streaming...Two new video-quality prediction models, a bitstream meta-data-based model and a hybrid no-reference model using bitrate, resolution and pixel information of...
Development and evaluation of a test setup to investigate distance...Implemented in one code library.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stephan
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Stephan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
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