401 Infos zu Stephan Petermann

Mehr erfahren über Stephan Petermann

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49 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Best Architecture Masters

Key collaborators include Niklas Maak, Stephan Petermann, Irma Boom, Janna Bystrykh, Clemens Driessen, Lenora Ditzler, Kayoko Ota, Linda Nkatha, Etta Mideva ...

Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA

Architecture Summer Talks | 06. Juni – OMA/AMO Stephan Petermann, Rotterdam „To Get Rich Is Glorious, in the City and ...

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Wolfgang Tillmans, Rem Koolhaas & Stephan Petermann, together with a group of artists, creatives and communication experts from all over Europe, will go on ...


I would propose countryside. Vortrag von Dr. Stephan Petermann, Think Tank AMO am Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam. 16.

9  Bilder zu Stephan Petermann

Bild zu Stephan Petermann
Bild zu Stephan Petermann
Bild zu Stephan Petermann
Bild zu Stephan Petermann
Bild zu Stephan Petermann
Bild zu Stephan Petermann

41 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Stephan Petermann aus Berlin-Buch

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: Stephan Petermann aus Rodewisch

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Facebook: Stephan Petermann | FacebookFacebook

Facebook: Stephan PetermannFacebook

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Something from Nothing - Brendan Cormier Works - Cargocargocollective.com › brendancormier › Something-...

Stephan Petermann, who oversaw the coordination of national pavilions, referred to OMA's role as a help desk. The real work, in fact, came from individuals ...

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Stephan Petermann

Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik / Stuttgart, Deutschland

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Hintergrund | IBA Thüringen

Stephan Petermann Office for Metropolitan Architecture, OMA/AMO, Rotterdam. Prof. Antje Stokman Universität Stuttgart / Studio Urbane Landschaften, Hamburg.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

MANN Stephan Petermann / Marieke van den Heuvel - About

Stephan Petermann holds a Master’s degree in the History of Architecture and the Theory of Building Preservation from the University of Utrecht ( ) and studied Architecture at the Technical University of Eindhoven ( ).

6 Projekte

OMAhttps://www.oma.com › projectsWhat is the Netherlands

Read more. Location. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Client. Het Nieuwe Instituut. Year Status. Completed. Program. Exhibition. Curator. Stephan Petermann. Team ...

Artist Wolfgang Tillmans and Architect Rem Koolhaas Think ...artnet

— ... the architecture historian Stephan Petermann, are calling on fellow creatives to help rebrand the European Union as populist nationalism ... › art-world

Volume No.41 : dpr-barcelonawww.dpr-barcelona.com › projects › volume-41

With contributions by Ole Bouman, Rem Koolhaas, Stephan Petermann, Wouter Vanstiphout, Léa-Catherine Szacka, Luca Guido, Daniele Belleri, Ruth Lang, ...

Yingzao Fashi - CCXDwww.officeccxd.com › projects › yingzao-fashi

OMA/AMO research Team: Stephan Petermann, Cédric Van Parys Collaborators: Shenzhen University, Shenzhen/Hong Kong Biennale for Architecture & urbanism.

58 Bücher zum Namen

ZVABhttps://www.zvab.com › plpKoolhaas. Elements of Architecture - Hardcover

... Stephan Petermann, Interviews mit Werner Sobek und Tony Fadell (von Nest Labs) und einen exklusiven Fotoessay von Wolfgang Tillmans. Neben umfassend ,00 € · 4,6(61)


James Westcott (Herausgeber), Rem Koolhaas (Autor), Stephan Petermann (Autor), Stephan Trüby (Autor), Manfredo di Robilant (Autor). Marsilio. ,


Elements of Architecture. Rem Koolhaas, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Stephan Truby, James Westcott, Stephan Petermann , Innbundet, Engelsk.

adlibris.com: Adlibris

Produktinfo. Redaktör Stephan Petermann Ruth Baumeister. Undertitel 50 revolutionary office buildings and how they sustained. ISBN Språk Engelska ,00 SEK

1 Songs & Musik


— ... Stephan Petermann, hoofdredacteur van VOLUME en medeoprichter van multidisciplinair bureau MANN, en Michiel Hofman, architect en partner bij ...

6 Dokumente

Wiley Online Library

von S Petermann · — Stephan Petermann, who is researching the future of the countryside for architect Rem Koolhaas's think tank AMO, gives an account of it.

Best of Both Worlds: Lamenting Our Path to the Futureonlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf

Stephan Petermann. Smack planning Andermatt: 'When we started developing we had a main concern: there is an existing village. It has been here for hundreds.


Assmann and Stephan Petermann) ...

IBA FAchBeIrAtUni Siegen

uli hellweG. aNDrea hofmaNN. Prof. barbara holzer. Prof. Dr. lamia messari-becKer. stePhaN PetermaNN. Dr. JuliaN PetriN. berND ruDolf. Prof. aNtJe stoKmaN. › files › › 1...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Zukunft Bau Kongress 2019RWTH Aachen

— Internationale Referenten wie Stephan Petermann (OMA/AMO) und Torben Østergaard (3XN/GXN) zeigen, wie sich Bauen und Forschen im ... › Meldungen › ~ejpxq › 0...

Suchergebnisse - "Petermann, Stephan"

Elements of architecture : 14. International Architecture Exhibition, la Biennale di Venezia ; [a series of 15 books accompanying the exhibition Elements of Architecture at the Venice Architecture Biennale] [4] Roof / Jiren Feng; Fang Zhenning; Stephan Petermann ...

Integratives Forschen im 21. Jahrhundert | News | Dec 4, |...

Lecture Zukunft Bau Kongress 2019, Bonn, Germany

9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

bol.com: Stephan Petermann artikelen kopen? Alle artikelen online - Bol.comwww.bol.com › stephan-petermann

Op zoek naar artikelen van Stephan Petermann? Artikelen van Stephan Petermann koop je eenvoudig online bij bol.com ✓ Snel in huis ✓ Veelal gratis ...

bol.com: bol.com

Op zoek naar artikelen van Stephan Petermann? Artikelen van Stephan Petermann koop je eenvoudig online bij bol ✓ Snel in huis ✓ Veelal gratis verzonden.

Countryside : a report | WorldCat.orgWorldCat

... Dr. Linda Nkatha Gichuyia, Kayoko Ota, Stephan Petermann, and Anne M. Schneider-- Source other than the Library of Congress. Print Book, English, › oclc

Ruralism by DETAIL - Issuuissuu.com › detail-magazine › docs › ruralism

· Hinterland Interview with Stephan Petermann, OMA/AMO, Rotterdam What role do villages and smaller towns have in a world in which the ...

7 Video- & Audioinhalte

Zukunft Bau

Stephan Petermann, OMA/AMO. UN/SUSTAINED. "Why do we lack progress in cultural research in architecture? We currently lack the space to honestly debate this ...

Interview Stephan Petermann | World Food Day YouTubeYouTube

› watch

Stephan Petermann über das Bauen von morgen - Vimeovimeo.com › Zukunft Bau › Videos

· Stephan Petermann über das Bauen von morgen. 2 years ago More. Zukunft Bau.Dauer: 8:04Gepostet:

Das Bauen von morgenZukunft Bau

Interview von Holger Glockner (Z-punkt) mit Stephan Petermann (OMA/AMO MANN). Playing in picture-in-picture. undefined Badge. Like. Add to Watch Later. › mediathek › im-fokus

18 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · FriendsofEurope5 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 5 MonatenFriends of Europe

, Researcher and CEO at Duneworks 🎙️ Stephan Petermann, architect and founder of MANN 🎙️ Andris Piebalgs. @APiebalgs. - Senior Fellow.

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · european_review1 „Gefällt mir“-Angabe · vor 12 MonatenThe European Review of Books

(Last chance to read unpaywalled) Stephan Petermann reviews all four volumes of Xi Jinping's The Governance of China, the most important ...

Interview Stephan Petermann - nieuweinstituut.nl

Curator Stephan Petermann (AMO, de onderzoekscomponent van OMA) legt uit waar de tentoonstelling over gaat en waarom Nederland voor de volgende Wereldtentoonstelling gewoon weer een mooi paviljoen moet laten ontwerpen.


— Could you share a brief introduction to EatThis, your values and how the collaboration with Stephan Petermann and Rem Koolhaas came into ...

185 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Speaker: Stephan Petermann - Workspace Design Show …

Stephan Petermann Editor-in-Chief, VOLUME & Founder, MANN Office Stephan Petermann holds a Master’s degree in the History of Architecture and the Theory of Building Preservation from the Utrecht University ( ) and studied Architecture at the …

Stephan Petermann - de Architect

Stephan Petermann heeft een masterdiploma Architectuurgeschiedenis en Theorie van Gebouwconservering behaald aan de Universiteit Utrecht ( ) en studeerde Architectuur aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven ( ).

Stephan Petermann | Reading Office

Stephan Petermann holds a Master’s degree in the History of Architecture and the Theory of Building Preservation from the University of Utrecht ( ) and studied Architecture at the Technical University of Eindhoven ( ).

Stephan Petermann | Tag - ArchDaily

9 apr · Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Stephan Petermann at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest...

Instagram · volume.architecture.magCa. 30 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 1 JahrStephan Petermann's perspective in the Editorial of VOLUME, Issue

volume.architecture.mag on December 6, 2023: "Stephan Petermann's perspective in the Editorial of VOLUME, Issue 63.

Gesprek met Stephan Petermann over de geschiedenis van …

17 nov · Met Stephan praat ik over de oorsprong van zijn veelzijdige werk. We hebben het over zijn werk voor OMA en de start van zijn bureau MANN. We praten over de uitkomsten van het Ministerie van Maak, een ambitieus plan dat hij recent lanceerde samen met ZUS en de IABR.


Tag-overzicht. Stephan Petermann. Zoeken. Tag-overzicht. Typ hier uw zoekopdracht in. Search for: Boek: Back to the Office. Lees verder ...

European Sustainable Energy Week

Stephan Petermann ... More information on: Energy, Climate change, Environment · European Commission logo · Contact the European Commission ...

Fnac España

Rem Koolhaas (Autor), Harvard Graduate School Of Design (Autor), James Westcott (Autor), Stephan Petermann (Autor) - Normal en Inglés (Libro) Publicado en ,75 €


Fnac : 50 revolutionary office buildings and how they sustained, Back to the Office, Ruth Baumeister, Stephan Petermann, NAI Uitgevers/Publishers Stichting" ,10 €

HTWK Leipzig Mediaserver

Stephan Petermann, MANN Content Strategy Design, aus Amsterdam beschäftigt sich mit dem ländlichen Raum in China als Visiting professor an der Central ...


Stephan Petermann. Architecture Essay. Posted: December 21, Category. Internet, Economy. Subjects. China, Infrastructure, Networks, Center & Periphery. e ...


Rem Koolhaas, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Stephan Trüby, James Westcott, Stephan Petermann. This collection is a look through the microscope at the ,00 €


— Architects Rem Koolhaas and Stephan Petermann and the Guardian are working to convince people to vote ...

Hochschule Bochum

— THIS WEEK: Stephan Petermann of OMA/AMO lecturing @ the Summer Talk #vortragsreihe #summertalks #thinkrural #ast

AA Bookshop

Edited by Stephan Petermann & Ruth Baumeister. Back to the Office: 50 Revolutionary Office Buildings and How They Sustained addresses the post-Covid ,50 £

Architectura & Natura

Stephan Petermann. Language, English. Published, Binding, HBK. ISBN, Qty. We ship daily; Payment options. If you cannot find a specific ,00 €

Architektenkammer Thüringen

Auftakt der „Plattform Wohndebatte“ – u.a. mit Vortrag von Stephan Petermann · AMO, Associate at OMA, Rotterdam. Podium · Einladung zum Auftakt eines neuen ...

Michelle Gulickx

In this episode, Landmassa examines iconic office buildings together with Stephan Petermann (author of the book Back to the Office: 50 Revolutionary Office ...

NAi Boekverkopers

Author:Uri Gilad, Stephan Petermann, Annuska Pronkhorst (eds.) · Publisher:nai010 · ISBN: ,95 €

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stephan

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Stephan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Petermann

Angeblich von dem Vorfahren Pierre de Marne (Peter von der Marne, Fluß in Frankreich)

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Stephan Petermann & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Stephan Petermann und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.