99 Infos zu Stephan Tual
Mehr erfahren über Stephan Tual
Infos zu
- Founder
- Slock.it
- Blockchain
- CCO of Ethereum
- Ursium
12 Aktuelle Nachrichten
« The DAO », le principe de l'autogestion appliqué aux jeunes...Cette structure de la blockchain Ethereum promet une démocratie parfaite dans l'entreprise. Elle a récolté 150 millions de dollars par crowdfunding pour...
Virtual company may raise $200 million, largest in crowdfunding |...A virtual company created using a computer code could raise $200 million when it ends its fund-raising campaign next week, according to the founder of the firm...
Guardian: The future: where borrowing is the norm and ownership is luxury |...Turn any idle asset into a productive piece of capital. All you have to do is set a price, and the robots will take care of the rest. What could possibly go...
320. Stephan Tual - Blockchain News Top powered by...Find out who's who in Blockchain. Blockchain News brings you the top DLT social media influencers among us. Each week The Blockchain News 100 recognises the...
9 Bilder zu Stephan Tual

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ethereum - Stephan Tual speaks at Google Campus on the... | FacebookLinkedIn: Stephan Tual | LinkedInStephan Tuals berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Stephan Tual dabei hilft, ...
Twitter Profil: Stephan Tual (stephantual)stephantual (Stephan Tual) · GitHubFormer CCO Ethereum ► Founder 3BP & former Slock.it ► AI+ML+Graph DBs ► Making AI+Genomics Mainstream!!! - stephantual
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Lead Developer Quits Bitcoin, Says It 'Failed'The cryptocurrency network may be running out of capacity.
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Stephan Tual - AI & ML ConsultantStephan Tual, former CCO Ethereum, AI & ML consultant, passionate Communicator and recognized Innovator with nearly 30 years of IT expertise.
People following Stephan Tual6613 people follow Stephan Tual on Medium.
Stephan Tual – MediumRead writing from Stephan Tual on Medium. Slock.it Founder, Blockchain and Smart Contract Expert, Former CCO Ethereum. Every day, Stephan Tual and thousands of...
User Stephan Tual - Stack OverflowStephan Tual top 22% overall. COO at Slock.it. In January 2014, Stephan joined the Ethereum project as CCO. His focus is on smart contracts/smart property ...
3 Bücher zum Namen
Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing...Blockchain technology is powering our future. As the technology behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Facebook's Libra, open software platforms like...
Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy - Melanie Swan - Google BooksBitcoin is starting to come into its own as a digital currency, but the blockchain technology behind it could prove to be much more significant. This book...
The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the...The definitive pioneering blueprint covering the what, why and how of the blockchain. Blockchains are new technology layers that rewire the Internet and...
2 Dokumente
Ethereum Paris w/ Stephan TualPrésentation de Ethereum par Stephan Tual chez Mozilla Paris. Pour consulter et participer aux prochains événements de Ethereum : http://www.meetup.com/Ethere…
getAbstractAccess a free summary of Blockchain, by Stephan Tual and 25,000 other business, leadership and nonfiction books on getAbstract.
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Building A Universal Sharing Network On Ethereum And A $150M DAOIn this episode we welcome back Stephan Tual, the COO of Slock.It, a German startup working at the intersection of the Internet of Things and the Ethereum
openITU - The Future of Cryptocurrencies - IT University of CopenhagenWill Bitcoin become the de facto cash of the Internet?In this public lecture, Lasse Birk Olesen (CPO atCoinify)and Stephan Tual (CCO of ...
15 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: The DAO (organization) - WikipediaThe DAO was a digital decentralized autonomous organization and a form of investor-directed ... Key people. Stephan Tual, Simon Jentzsch, Christoph Jentzsch.
Decentralized Smart Devices with Stephan Tual from Slock.itA closer look at Decentralized Smart Devices with an interview by Postscapes with Stephan Tual from Slock.it
Interview with Stephan Tual on Ethereum’s Project Highlights: Project...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIVjAo4vres My Sunday night interview with Stephan Tual about Project Douglas.
Bug # “Can't upgrade to 0.3 on Centos 6.4” : Bugs : PyGPGMEPython running pip install --upgrade pygpgme returns : In file included from src/gpgme.c:22: src/pygpgme.h:24:19: error: gpgme.h: No such file or...
45 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Q&A: Stephan Tual Former CCO of Ethereum and founder LinkedInA: We dedicated all our resources to help out with the clean up effort until very recently. Obviously WHG did some amazing work, and so did the ...
Blockchain TV: Stephan Tual - Blockchain: it's about state –...Blockchain News, Opinion, TV and Jobs – Stephan Tual, founder of Slock.it Ursium, CCO of Ethereum, is working at revolutionizing the emerging Sharing Economy...
Ethereum Skepticism with Stephan Tual, CCO of Ethereum - Software...This episode is a departure from Databases Week. Stephan Tual is CCO of Ethereum and founder of Ursium, a blockchain consulting company.
Le Coin Coin s'est entretenue avec Stephan Tual de chez Slock.itLe Coin Coin s'est entretenue avec Stephan Tual, Cofondateur et COO de Slock.it. Découvrez son parcours, ses motivations et l'ambition de Slock.it
Meetup Ethereum Paris – Présentation de Slock.it par Stephan Tual |...Le groupe Meetup Ethereum Paris organise un meetup avec Stephan Tual, le créateur de Slock.it. Au cours du meetup, Stephan présentera la société, ses objectifs...
Stephan Tual Archives - IoTUKby Stephan Tual. Stephan Tual, CEO of Slock.it, envisions the future of blockchain.... © Copyright Digital Catapult Sitemap | Privacy ...
Stephan Tual - Speakers - Blockchain Expo GlobalStephan Tual will be speaking at Blockchain Expo Global - register for your pass to hear from the experts
Vidéo : présentation de Slock.it par Stephan Tual - bitcoin.frStephan Tual présente de Slock.it, société qui ambitionne de relier certains objets connectés à la blockchain Ethereum. Slock.it permettra ainsi de louer, de...
Stephan TualThe latest broadcasts from Stephan Tual (@stephantual). Ethereum CCO and Media Contact, EthDΞV Adoption and Education Manager, Ursium Founder.
Blockchain: it's about state | Stephan Tual, Founder of Slock.it &...Watch the video
EB132 – Stephan Tual: Building A Universal Sharing Network On...Stream EB132 – Stephan Tual: Building A Universal Sharing Network On Ethereum And A $150M DAO by Epicenter from desktop or your mobile device
Stephan Tual | Duncan RawlinsonStephan Tual. Add to Cart Add to Lightbox. twitter · linkedin · facebook. Copyright: Duncan Rawlinson; Image Size: 5760x MB; Keywords. 5D MK III ...
Stephan Tual | CointelegraphSlock.it DAO token IOUs to go on sale. The DAO aims to fund the creation of smart locks as well as an Ethereum computer with more than 4,000 members ...
Stephan Tual: «Ethereum, c’est le Web sans les serveurs» - Le TempsLa start-up applique la technologie algorithmique du bitcoin au-delà d’un usage monétaire.
The Ether Review #12 — Stephan Tual, Slock.it - The Ether ReviewJoining me today is Stephen Tual, a one-time member of the Ethereum team and one of the founders of Slock.it, a project that aims to be Ethereum’s bridge to...
Der Finanzprodukt Blog » Ethereum: Change The Internet With...Ethereum, the
3 start-up françaises qui innovent avec la blockchain - FrenchWeb.frInitialement rattachée à la monnaie virtuelle, la blockchain est désormais envisagée comme une technologie à part entière.
50-Mio.-$-Diebstahl bei Bitcoin-Konkurrent | Blogs Momentum | Finanz...Ethereum war der neue Liebling der Kryptowährungen. Der Preis hat sich in diesem Jahr verzwanzigfacht. Doch nun sorgt ein Hack für Verunsicherung.
A $50 Million Hack Just Showed That the DAO Was All Too Human | WIREDThe code behind the biggest crowdfunded project ever was supposed to eliminate the need to trust humans. But humans are tough to take out of the equation.
A panel on smart contracts with industry developers and educators |...... Stephan Tual (Ethereum), Tim Swanson (Of Numbers), Yurii Rashkovskii (Trustatom) and it was moderated by Roman Snitko with Straight.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stephan
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Stephan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
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