111 Infos zu Stephan Uphoff
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- University
- Oxford
- Achillefs
- Biochemistry
- Kapanidis
- Tree.com
- David
- Holden
- Seamus
- Single-molecule
- Imaging
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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
F.S. Mackenzie opens office in Germany - FreightWaveswww.freightwaves.com › news › f-s-mackenzie-ope...F.S. Mackenzie Germany GmbH is headquartered in Bonen, near Dortmund and is headed by Stephan Uphoff. The company now has nine offices: four in the ...
NEWSBryan Cutler, Jongwook Choi, Sergii Khomenko, Stephan Uphoff, Yong Tang, Yuan (Terry) Tang. We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve ...
Seeing DNA repair and mutagenesis in bacteria – Biochemical SocietyIn this webinar, Dr Stephan Uphoff, from the University of Oxford, will describe the development of advanced fluorescence microscopy methods to observe ...
Monitoring Mutations with Microfluidics | The Scientist Magazine®A device dubbed the “mother machine” enables real-time observation of mutagenesis in single bacterial cells.
13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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Facebook: Stephan Uphoff | FacebookLinkedIn: Stephan Uphoff - Managing Director - F.S. Mackenzie GmbH | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Stephan Uphoff auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 5 Jobs sind im Profil von Stephan Uphoff aufgelistet.
LinkedIn: Stephan Uphoff | LinkedInStephan Uphoffs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Stephan Uphoff dabei hilft, ... Es fehlt: raychem
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Stephan Uphoff - PatentsRecent bibliographic sampling of Stephan Uphoff patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title):
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
In vivo architecture and action of bacterial structural maintenance...author = "Anjana Badrinarayanan and Rodrigo Reyes-Lamothe and Stephan Uphoff and Leake, {Mark C} and Sherratt, {David J}",. year = "2012",. month = "10" ,.
4 Bücher zum Namen
Search Results | Biochemical Society Transactions | Portland PressFür diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar.
Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems: An Introduction to...Praise for the prior edition
7 Dokumente
Non-Random Segregation of Sister Chromosomes byThe Escherichia coli structural maintenance of chromosomes complex, MukBEF, forms axial cores to chromosomes that determine their spatio-temporal organiz
Contributors to FreeBSD | FreeBSD Documentation PortalThis article lists individuals and organizations who have made a contribution to FreeBSD.
4. Development Team AlumniStephan Uphoff &> ( ). Wojciech A. Koszek < > ( ). Stephen McKay & > ...
Scc2/Nipbl hops between chromosomal cohesin rings after loading –...Award Recipient : Stephan Uphoff. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
CMCB Life Sciences Seminar: Visualising DNA repair and mutagenesis at...Link to the conference - Zoom Meeting ID: , Password: Abstract: DNA repair and mutagenesis define the balance between genome...
La Villa 2006: Schwarze Löcher: ThemenDie relevanten Kapitel in Bill Keel's Course on Galaxies and the Universe. Stephan Uphoff / Jörn Entwicklung Schwarzer Löcher im Kosmos
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Super-Resolution Microscopy and Tracking of DNA-Binding Proteins in...The ability to detect individual fluorescent molecules inside living cells has enabled a range of powerful microscopy techniques that resolve biological...
User:Stephan Uphoff - OpenWetWareopenwetware.org › wiki › User:Stephan_Uphoff· Stephan Uphoff (an artistic interpretation). Stephan Uphoff; Harvard Medical School; Address 1; Address 2; City, State, Country etc. Email me ...
Paulsson - OpenWetWareLykke Pedersen, Visiting Scholar • Juan Pedraza, Postdoc • Jeanne Salje, Postdoc • Shay Tal, Postdoc • Stephan Uphoff, Postdoc • Rishi Jajoo ...
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Monitoring multiple distances within a single molecule using...Article
Table Tennis | Oxford Sports CouncilMens Teams pictured above from left to right Town - Tony Stead, Andy Misseldine, Jeff Rigby and Jason Tustain. Gown Team - Phil Hartley, Chris Pigott, Jing Yu...
: Main - Group Members browseStephan Uphoff D.Phil student .ac.uk. Single-molecule FRET methods for structural biology.
62 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Stephan Uphoff - Hiddenhausen - Online-Handelsregister AuskunftF.S. Mackenzie GmbH, Bönen (, Bönen). Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung. Gesellschaftsvertrag vom Gegenstand: Vermittlung von Transporten â¦
Stephan Uphoff - Fort Collins, Colorado | Professional Profile ...www.linkedin.com › stephan-upho...View Stephan Uphoff's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Stephan Uphoff discover ...
Stephan Uphoff - Google ScholarUniversity of Oxford - Cited by - Microbiology - Genetics - Biological Physics - Single-molecule imaging - Single-cell analysis
Christian Lesterlin - Google AcadémicoMMSB - Citado por - Molecular Genetics - Microbiology - Cell biology - Science
Christian Lesterlin - Google ScholarMMSB - Cited by - Molecular Genetics - Microbiology - Cell biology - Science
Possible instruction pipelining problem between HT's on the same die...Stephan Uphoff ups at tree.com Sat Jun 4 02:29:06 GMT Previous message: Possible instruction pipelining problem between HT's on the same die ?
Stephan Uphoff @stephan_uphoff Twitter profile | TwakuExplore tweets of Stephan Uphoff @stephan_uphoff on Twitter. Group leader at Oxford Biochemistry. Investigating bacterial DNA Repair and Mutagenesis. Imaging...
Dr Stephan Uphoff | Biochemistry - Oxfordwww.bioch.ox.ac.uk › research › uphoffDr Stephan Uphoff. Bacterial DNA repair and mutagenesis. Bacteria have a remarkable capacity to thrive in adverse environments. Their adaptability relies on ...
Uphoff - Names EncyclopediaStephan Uphoff (2) Carola Uphoff (2) Siegfried Uphoff (2) Stefanie Uphoff (2) Alfons Uphoff (2) Anne Uphoff (2) Andreas Uphoff (2) Sven Uphoff (2) Axel Uphoff ...
Mark Leake - Google ScholarCoordinator, Physics of Life Group, Departments of Physics and Biology, University of York, U.K. - Cited by - Biophysics - Biological physics -...
Robert Crawford - Google ScholarIntegration Scientst, Customer Collaboration & Innovation, Illumina - 261 citazioni - Next Generation Sequencing - Biophysics - biosensing -...
Séamus Holden - Google ScholarSuivre les nouvelles citations. Créer une alerte e-mail pour les nouvelles citations d'articles de ce profil. Coauteurs. Johannes Hohlbein · Stephan Uphoff
Stephan Uphoff's Profile | Hackaday.ioups
Bacterial phenotypic heterogeneity in DNA repair and mutagenesis |...Stephan Uphoff Stephan Uphoff *. Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QU, U.K..
9275 Martin Rd Roswell Ga Address Search ResultsMr Stephan Uphoff. Lives in: Fort Collins, CO. Used to live: Fort Collins, CO, Roswell, GA, Brookhaven, GA, Herndon, VA, Atlanta, GA, Baltimore, MD. AKA: Mr ...
Monitoring multiple distances within a single molecule using...Stephan Uphoff 2 ,. Seamus J Holden 2 ,. Ludovic Le Reste 2 ,. Javier Periz Achillefs N Kapanidis Author Email 2. Stephan Uphoff 2 ,. Seamus J Holden 2 ,.
OxBacNet | Rhizosphere - Oxfordrhizosphere.org › oxbacnetof Zoology) How do bacteria navigate through developing biofilms? 4.40pm, Stephan Uphoff .ac.uk (Dept. of Biochemistry) Imaging real- ...
Previous Seminars; Cell Division Biology; Newcastle UniversityStephan Uphoff's group investigates DNA repair and mutagenesis in bacteria. They seek to understand the mechanisms of DNA repair pathways and how ...
Biochemical Society announces award recipients – Biochemical...Twelve eminent scientists and exceptional early career researchers have been honoured in the annual Biochemical Society Awards.
Laboratoire Jean PerrinIlluminating the regulation of bacterial DNA repair and mutagenesis using single-molecule and single-cell microscopy. Par Stephan Uphoff (Oxford).
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stephan
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Stephan; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Uphoff
übersetzt: auf dem Hof("Plattdeutsch")
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