25 Infos zu Stephanie Blencke
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Facebook: Schöner Abend! Zuerst lecker Essen und Stephanie Blencke ...Facebook: Bin lange in der Leitung. Plötzlich Stephanie Blencke | FacebookFacebook: Hallo, ich habe eine Frage... Heute Stephanie Blencke2 Dokumente
Method to determine responsiveness of cancer to epidermal growth...Stephanie Blencke et. al. (2003) Mutation of Threonine 766 in the epidermal growth factor receptor reveals a hotspot for resistance formation against selective tyrosine
Molecular Characterization of a cDNA Encoding Functional Human CLK4...SHORT COMMUNICATION Molecular Characterization of a cDNA Encoding Functional Human CLK4 Kinase and Localization to Chromosome 4q35 Jo¨rg ee llr â¡Axxim , G...
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Volume 11, Issue 5, Pages (May 2004) - ppt downloadCharacterization of a Conserved Structural Determinant Controlling Protein Kinase Sensitivity to Selective Inhibitors Stephanie Blencke, Birgit Zech, Ola Engkvist ...
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Blencke Namensbedeutung und -herkunftVornamen Thomas Blencke (3) Dieter Blencke (2) Stephanie Blencke (2) Rainer Blencke (1) Monika Blencke (1) Sandra Blencke (1) Therese Blencke (1)
Blencke - Names EncyclopediaStephanie Blencke (2) Rainer Blencke (1) Monika Blencke (1) Sandra Blencke (1) Therese Blencke (1) Ulf Blencke (1) Marlies Blencke (1) Theodor Blencke (1)
Stephanie BlenckeSearch results for: Stephanie Blencke ... Stephanie Blencke, Birgit Zech, Ola Engkvist, Zoltán Greff, more · Chemistry & Biology > > 11 > 5 >
Antibody Review - Antibody Search EngineAuthors : Klaus Godl, Oliver J. Gruss, Jan Eickhoff, Josef Wissing, Stephanie Blencke, Martina Weber, Heidrun Degen, Dirk Brehmer, László Orfi, Zoltán Horváth, ...
CiteSeerX — Chemical proteomic analysis reveals alternative modes of...BibTeX. @ARTICLE{Wissing04chemicalproteomic, author = {Josef Wissing and Klaus Godl and Dirk Brehmer and Stephanie Blencke and Martina Weber and ...
Detailed Schedule - Tuesday, April 8Find the training resources you need for all your activities. Studyres contains millions of educational documents, questions and answers, notes about...
Volume 71, Number 3 (2001), pages 368–370Jörg Schultz, Tania Jones, Peer Bork, Denise Sheer, Stephanie Blencke, Silvia Steyrer, Ursula Wellbrock, Dorian Bevec, Axel Ullrich, ...
Characterization of a Conserved Structural Determinant Controlling...Some protein kinases are known to acquire resistance to selective small molecule inhibitors upon mutation of a conserved threonine at the ATP binding site to a...
Identification and characterization of amphiphysin II as a novel...Birgit Zech 1 1; Alexander Kurtenbach 1 1; Nicole Krieger 2 1; Dennis Strand 3 1; Stephanie Blencke 1 1; Monika Morbitzer 1 1; Kostas Salassidis 1 1; Matt ...
Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Analysis of ERBB3/ERBB4 SignalingEvotec (München) GmbH and Janssen Pharmaceutica provided and Klaus Godl for stimulating discussions and Stephanie Blencke for ...
SRPK2 Antibody | Serine/threonine-protein kinase SRPK2 Antibody...SRPK2 Antibody | Serine/threonine-protein kinase SRPK2 Human Antibody and Protein information page with relevant references, images and a listing of available...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stephanie
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Stephanie; die Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; Information zur männlichen Form Stefan:; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
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