136 Infos zu Stephanie Panier

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Wie Sport unseren Körper jung hält | MDR.DE

— ... erklärt Stephanie Panier, Forscherin am Max-Planck-Institut für die Biologie des Alterns in Köln. In Zellsprache heißt das: Das ... › ... › Wissen › Mensch & Alltag

Stephanie Panier: When there is damage in the genome: Dissecting ...

› events

Stephanie Panier - MPI for Biology of Ageing, Cologne

· Stephanie Panier - MPI for Biology of Ageing, Cologne The good, the bad and the ugly: Telomere recombination in the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres pathway at 13:00

How herpes simplex virus gets rid of the cell's security guards

— ... Houston); Stephanie Panier and Daniel Durocher from the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada; ... › news-release

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Stephanie Panier

Facebook: Stephanie Panier | Facebook

Facebook: Stephanie Panier - Facebook

LinkedIn: Stephanie Panier – Principal Investigator – CECAD | LinkedInde.linkedin.com › stephanie-panier

Stephanie Panier. Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing. CECAD. Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland258 Kontakte.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Ardent Entourage Promotions Presents: a Saturday Special @ Allstars...


Issue: Cell

Grant S. Stewart, Stephanie Panier, Kelly Townsend, Abdallah K. Al-Hakim, Nadine ... Pepperkok, Jan Ellenberg, Stephanie Panier, Daniel Durocher, Jiri Bartek, Jiri ...

2 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Stephanie Panier - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Alternsforschung

› ueber-uns › vorstand

Governance - DGDR

Dr. Stephanie Panier. Principal Investigator, Research Group Leader MPI AGE. Prof. Dr. Matthias Altmeyer. Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease › vorstand

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

RNF168 binds and amplifies ubiquitin conjugates on ...

2009 · Zitiert von: 980 — ... {Dorthe Helena} and Rainer Pepperkok and Jan Ellenberg and Stephanie Panier and Daniel Durocher and Jiri Bartek and Jiri Lukas and Claudia Lukas",. › lukas-group

Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research: Summer School 2020

Join the Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research to do your PhD or Master.

4 Infos zur Ausbildung

Lebenslauf | Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns

Lebenslauf Stephanie Panier. Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe Panier. Wissenschaftliche Karriere Seit Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppenleiterin Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns, Köln, Deutschland ...

SLX4IP Antagonizes Promiscuous King's Research Portal

von S Panier · · Zitiert von: 58 — Stephanie Panier, Marija Maric, Graeme Hewitt, Emily Mason-Osann, Himabindu Gali, Anqi Dai, Adam Labadorf, Jean Hugues Guervilly, Philip Ruis, ... › portal

Stephanie PANIER - Copains d'avant

› ...


PANIER (BAZILE) Stephanie : Stephanie PANIER (BAZILE), née en Aux dernières nouvelles elle était à Fresenius Kabi à LABEGE et elle y est toujours.

2 Projekte

Colour Me From A to Z by Stephanie Panier :: Kicktraq

Colour Me From A to Z is a typographic colouring book with letters from the English alphabet.

EU H2020 Project "TELMETAB (Telomere metabolism in Genome Stability...

Information about the Horizon project

3 Bücher zum Namen

Thorkell Gudjonsson - Typeset

621 results — Stephanie Panier 1, Simon J. Boulton 1•Institutions (1). 31 Dec Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. Abstract: DNA double-strand break ... › authors

PLOS Genetics

— Toshiyuki Bohgaki · Miyuki Bohgaki · Renato Cardoso · Stephanie Panier · Dimphy Zeegers · Li Li · Grant S. Stewart · Otto Sanchez. › authors

Organizing the Ubiquitin-dependent Response to DNA Double-Strand...

Organizing the Ubiquitin-dependent Response to DNA Double-Strand Breaks. By Stephanie Panier. About this book · Get Textbooks on Google Play. Rent and ...

2 Dokumente

Characterizing RNF20 and RNF40 in Class Switching of B Cells

Cathy Tie Class Switching of B Cells Characterizing RNF20 and RNF40 in Characterizing RNF20 and RNF…

Fisk Lab - Resources - Journal Surveillance

Nadine K. Kolas, J. Ross Chapman, Shinichiro Nakada, Jarkko Ylanko, Richard Chahwan, Frédéric D. Sweeney, Stephanie Panier, Megan Mendez, Jan ...

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Molecular Cell | Vol 57, Issue 4, Pages (19 February ...

Grzegorz Sarek, Jean-Baptiste Vannier, Stephanie Panier, John H.J. Petrini, Simon J. Boulton. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. › issue

CV | Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne

Stephanie Panier. Group Leader (Max Planck Research Group). Nationality German. Scientific Career , Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Prof.

Molecular Cell | Vol 69, Issue 2, Pages (18 January 2018) |...

Ana María León-Ortiz, Stephanie Panier, Grzegorz Sarek, Jean-Baptiste Vannier, ... Simon J. Boulton. Pages e6: Download PDF.

Panier | Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns, Köln

Dr. Stephanie Panier E-Mail Unser Forschungsprogramm versucht die Frage zu beantworten, wie Zellen DNA Schäden detektieren und reparieren um ihre genetische Information zu schützen.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Stephanie Panier - Wikidata

› wiki

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing - Wikipedia

... Genome Instability and Ageing (Stephanie Panier / Max Planck Research Group); Metabolism of Infection (Lena Pernas/ Max Planck Research Group) ... › wiki › M...

Double-strand break repair: 53BP1 comes into focus | Nature Reviews...

Stephanie Panier &; Simon J. Boulton. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology volume 15, pages7–18(2014)Cite this article Accesses.

Single-Gene Studies - Eupheria Biotech

Single-Gene Studies. Meysam Abbasi, Afsaneh Lavasanifar, ... Richard Chahwan, Frédéric D. Sweeney, Stephanie Panier, Megan Mendez, Jan Wildenhain, ...

regulatory inhibition of the DNA double-strand break response

von S Panier · · Zitiert von: 177 — Push back to respond better: regulatory inhibition of the DNA double-strand break response. Stephanie Panier &; Daniel Durocher. › nrm3659

83 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Panier PI - IGSAD

Since 2020, Stephanie Panier is a Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne and a principal investigator at the Institute for Genome Stability in Ageing and Diseases (IGSAD), University of Cologne.

Daniel Durocher - Google Scholar -sitaatit

Stephanie Panier,; Stephen Jackson,; Mona J. Nemer,; Laurence Pelletier,; Jan Wildenhain,; anne-claude gingras,; Jack Greenblatt,; Nevan Krogan,; Derek F ...

Daniel Durocher - Google Scholar Citations

Stephanie Panier,; Jan Wildenhain,; anne-claude gingras,; Jack Greenblatt,; Andrew Emili,; Nevan Krogan,; Derek F Ceccarelli,; Dante Neculai,; Wei Zhang, ...


› societe


› stephani...

Stephanie Panier - THE NEXT

› graduates

Avis de décès de Madame Stephanie PANIER paru le

Avis de décès de Madame Stephanie PANIER paru le département Doubs sur le site Libra Memoria

Colour Me From A to Z by Stephanie Panier » almost complete! —...

Stephanie Panier sammelt Geld für Colour Me From A to Z auf Kickstarter! Colour Me From A to Z is a typographic colouring book with letters from the English...

Pin on Design

Stephanie Panier is raising funds for Colour Me From A to Z on Kickstarter! Colour Me From A to Z is a typographic colouring book with letters from the English ...

Ab & Leg - Member Workout by Stephanie Panier - Skimble

› workouts

Stephanie Panier (StephPanier) - Profile | Pinterest

Averigua lo que Stephanie Panier (StephPanier) descubrió en Pinterest, la colección de ideas más grande del mundo. | Stephanie Panier está añadiendo Pines ...

Colour Me From A to Z by Stephanie Panier » Prototype — Kickstarter

› posts

Pin by Stephanie Panier on Signs/decor | Seating chart ...www.pinterest.at › pin

This Pin was discovered by Stephanie Panier. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Stephanie Panier (StephPanier) – Profil | Pinterest

Guarda cosa ha scoperto Stephanie Panier (StephPanier) su Pinterest, la raccolta di idee più grande del mondo.

Stephanie Panier (@spanier55) | nitternitter.net › spanier55

Stephanie Panier @spanier55. Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing and CECAD Principal Investigator at the University of Cologne.

Else Kröner Forschungskolleg Cologne: Dr. Stephanie Panier

Panier lab. The accurate replication and transmission of genetic material is of fundamental importance for cellular homeostasis and organism viability. Yet, cells are continually exposed to environmental and endogenous genotoxic agents that threaten DNA integrity. To protect their genomic stability, cells mount a complex network of DNA damage ...

Stephanie Panier - Publications - The Academic Family Treeacademictree.org › cellbio › publications

Stephanie Panier, Ph.D. - Publications. Affiliations: 2013, Molecular and Medical Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. Area: Genetics, Cell ...

Stephanie Panier | Flickr

Entdecke Stephanie Paniers 186 Fotos auf Flickr!

Stephanie%20Panier: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books...

Stephanie%20Panier: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books store on Z-Library | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books

Stephanie Panier: मुफ़्त में डाउनलोड. ई-बुक पुस्तकालय. Z-Library में ...in.art1lib.com › ...

Stephanie Panier: मुफ़्त में डाउनलोड. ई-बुक पुस्तकालय. Z-Library में ऑन लाइन पुस्तकों की दुकान | BookSC ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Stephanie

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Stephanie; die Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; Information zur männlichen Form Stefan:; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus

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