270 Infos zu Steven Rostedt
Mehr erfahren über Steven Rostedt
Infos zu
- Linux
- Ftrace
- Open Source
- VMware
- Real-Time
- Signed-off-by
- KernelShark
- Peter
- Embedded Linux
- Linus Torvalds
23 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: Kernel-Log – Was bringt (3): Infrastruktur | c't MagazinDer Linux-Kernel kann eine der HSA-Techniken nutzen, mit denen AMD die Effizienz seiner Chips steigern will. Der IPC-Dienst von Android ist nun vollwertiger...
Heise.de: Linux-Kernel 3.2 wird lange gepflegt | heise onlineEin Debian-Entwickler will das bei Debian 7 und Ubuntu LTS eingesetzte Linux 3.2 als Longterm-Kernel pflegen.
Heise.de: Kernel-Log: Echtzeit-Kernel 3.0 | c't MagazinDie Patches zur Echtzeit-Unterstützung setzen jetzt auf eine aktuelle Kernelversion auf. Torvalds hat eine von vielen Entwickler kritisierte Änderung zur...
30 Linux Kernel Developers in 30 Weeks: Steven Rostedt - Linux.comSteven Rostedt works for Red Hat and maintains the stable Linux kernel releases of the real-time patch. In this interview, part of our ongoing ...
5 Bilder zu Steven Rostedt

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Steven Rostedt | Facebookrostedt (Steven Rostedt) · GitHubrostedt has 7 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Steven Rostedt in Endwell, NY - Complete Background Informationwww.smartbackgroundchecks.com › ...Get all available background details for Steven Rostedt in Endwell, NY at Smart Background Checks. Our comprehensive database and intiutive search make it ...
Steven Rostedt, Author at VMware Open Source Blogblogs.vmware.com › srostedtBefore joining VMware, Steven Rostedt worked at RedHat for 10 years on the Real-Time Linux kernel. Since 2004, Steven worked on slowly ...
1 Business-Profile
Steven Rostedt | Endicott, New YorkInformation about Steven Rostedt located in Endicott, NY, US. (607)
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Steven Rostedtrostedt.homelinux.comKihon Technologies Inc was founded in by Steven and Denise Rostedt. Steven Rostedt has 13 years of experience as a professional in Computer Science ...
Make linux kernel function show in ftrace available_filter_function -...There is some info in "Secrets of the Ftrace function tracer" article, January 20, by Steven Rostedt: https://lwn.net/Articles A list of ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
RepoView: Planet CCRMA Core for Fedora 23 x86_64The initial preempt-RT technology was developed mostly by Ingo Molnar, Steven Rostedt, Paul Mckenney, Peter Zijlstra and Thomas Gleixner with lots of input ...
1 Traueranzeigen
findagrave: Douglas Steven Rostedt ( ) – Find a Grave GedenkstätteGeboren in 4 Mrz and gestorben in 20 Apr , Douglas Steven Rostedt
4 Projekte
Advanced Real-Time Linux / Git [b28a96] /kernel/traceRO HTTP. Read Only access. File, Date, Author, Commit. File Date Author Commit Kconfig Steven Rostedt (Red Hat) [ ] ring-buffer: Select Makefile Tom Zanussi [85f2b0] tracing: Add basic ...
readme - The Linux Kernel ArchivesTo email patches for inclusion, Cc the following: Thomas Gleixner &> Steven Rostedt &> .org ...
gtksheet-9.0.README - GtkExtragtkextra.sourceforge.net/src/gtksheet-9.0.READMESteven Rostedt &> fixed a bug when adding rows/ columns. Some little changes in the demo to show the new features and to avoid the ...
linux-c6x.org Git - linux-c6x-upstreaming.git/history - kernel ..., Steven Rostedt ... ftrace: Do not call stub functions in control loop · commit , Steven Rostedt ... tracing: Fix free of probe entry by calling ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud - Brendan Gregg -...The Complete Guide to Optimizing Systems Performance Written by the winner of the LISA Award for Outstanding Achievement in System Administration...
Building Embedded Linux Systems: Concepts, Techniques, Tricks, and...There's a great deal of excitement surrounding the use of Linux in embedded systems -- for everything from cell phones to car ABS systems and water-filtration...
Hardware-dependent Software: A Classical Approach - Thomas Lehmann -...Software is in many cases interacting with hardware, the peripheral devices, to interact with is physical environment. Those hardware-dependent software parts,...
Mastering Embedded Linux Programming - Chris Simmonds - Google BooksThe kernel function tracer, Ftrace, evolved from work done by Steven Rostedt, and many others, as they were tracking down the causes of high scheduling ...
8 Dokumente
Embedded Recipes Understanding SCHED_DEADLINE - Steven RostedtStarting in Linux version 3.14, a new scheduling class was introduced. This class is called SCHED_DEADLINE. It implements Earliest Deadline First (EDF) ...
Kernel Recipes KernelShark 1.0; What's new and what's coming -…Ftrace is the official tracer of the Linux kernel. It was added in 2008, and in came trace-cmd which was a command line tool that would make interaction …
Linux Kernel Documentation :: rt-mutex-design.txtLinux Kernel Documentation
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
: Chemnitzer Linux-Tage mal ganz "kernig" | TU ChemnitzPressestelle und Crossmedia-Redaktion: Pressemitteilungen : Chemnitzer Linux-Tage mal ganz
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Steven Rostedt - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
Steven Rostedt's Home Office (Red Hat's software programmer) - video...▶ 4:02Steven Rostedt's Home Office (Red Hat's software programmer)
38 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: ftrace - Wikipediaftrace is developed primarily by Steven Rostedt, and it was merged into the Linux kernel mainline in kernel version , which was released on October 9, ...
Re: Installing debian on a new PowerBook G4Steven Rostedt wrote: - Hi all, I've just received a new PowerBook G4 15" from Terra Soft Solutions, but - since they were currently having trouble getting YDL on it, they sent it - to me ahead of time and will send me the YDL CDs later.
Void Star Podcast - Interview with Steven Rostedt – Yet ...www.mycpu.org › interview-with-...Welcome to the Void Star Podcast Series. This episode contains my conversation with Steve Rostedt. Steve is a Linux Kernel Programmer and ...
169 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Steven Rostedt | LinkedInSteven Rostedts berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Steven Rostedt dabei hilft, ... Es fehlt: editorial zyx
Steven Rostedt | LinkedInView Steven Rostedt's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Steven Rostedt discover ...
Ftrace Tutorial Steven Rostedt - ppt downloadThe Debug File System ● /sys/kernel/debug ● I prefer: – mkdir /debug – mount -t debugfs nodev /debug ● /etc/fstab – debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs defaults...
Advanced Features of Ftrace. Presenter: Steven Rostedt Red Hat - PDF...Advanced Features of Ftrace Presenter: Steven Rostedt Red Hat Ftrace Review Function Tracer function graph tracing stack tracing function profiling Latency ...
Inside The RT Patch Steven Rostedt (Red Hat) Darren V Hart (IBM)...Presentation on theme: "Inside The RT Patch Steven Rostedt (Red Hat) Darren V Hart (IBM) Talk: Benchmarks :"— Presentation transcript: 1 Inside The RT Patch Steven ...
Steven Rostedt - Open Source For You... programme to 'do more' with Android · Rajat Kabade , October 12, Fedora 25 beta now available for download · Home Posts Tagged "Steven Rostedt" ...
Maintaining a Real Time Stable Kernel - Steven Rostedt ...www.conferencecast.tv › talkTalk video Maintaining a Real Time Stable Kernel - Steven Rostedt, VMware - Steven Rostedt at the conference Embedded Linux Conference + OpenIoT ...
Steven Rostedt - Open Source Summit + ELC Europe 2018Check out what Steven Rostedt will be attending at Open Source Summit + ELC Europe 2018
Steven Rostedt | Peter Adams Photographywww.peteradamsphoto.com › steve...Steven Rostedt. Steven Rostedt by Peter Adams. Steven Rostedt – Santa Fe, New Mexico. Image Details. Keywords: linux, open source, tech; Cities: Santa Fe ...
Understanding a Real-Time System by Steven Rostedt | AmaraThe easiest way to caption and translate any video, with crowdsourcing, volunteers, and professional services.
Steven Rostedt | SCALE 18xSteven Rostedt. Presentations. 17x. Debugging your Linux kernel with Ftrace. Open Source Engineer. VMware, Inc. Steven started working on the Linux kernel ...
LKML: Steven Rostedt: Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption,...Steven Rostedt. Steven Rostedt · Steven Rostedt ... tried that, but now it hangs on starting up cups and the last message from the kernel is:
LKML: Steven Rostedt: [RFC][PATCH 1/5 v2] tracing: Add...From: "Steven Rostedt (Red Hat)" &> There's several locations in the kernel that open code the calculation of the next ...
April weather :: LWN.net Ftrace Articles by Steven RostedtLWN.net Ftrace Articles by Steven Rostedt Debugging the kernel using Ftrace - part 1 Debugging the kernel using Ftrace - part 2 Secrets of the Ftrace function...
LKML: Steven Rostedt: Re: OT: Open letter to the Linux WorldDate, Tue, 12 Aug :21: From, Steven Rostedt <>. Subject, Re: OT: Open letter to the Linux World ...
'Steven Rostedt ' posts - MARCViewing messages posted by 'Steven Rostedt <rostedt () goodmis ! org>' ( msg) Next · Last [5] Re: [PATCH V ] trace, ras: add ARM ...
LKML: Steven Rostedt: [for-next][PATCH ] tracing: Updates for 5.2Date, Wed, 03 Apr :37: From, Steven Rostedt <>. Subject, [for- next][PATCH ] tracing: Updates for
LKML: Steven Rostedt: [for-next][PATCH 1/2] ktest: Add...From: "Steven Rostedt (Red Hat)" &> Add a way to run a patchcheck test on the commits that are in one branch but not in ...
Re: [PATCH] tracing: silence GCC 9 array bounds warning - Steven...From: Steven Rostedt &> To: Miguel Ojeda <miguel.ojeda. > Cc: Ingo Molnar &>, ...
LKML: Steven Rostedt: [for-next][PATCH ] tracing: Move...From: Steven Rostedt &> As the filtered_pid functions are going to be used by function tracer as well as trace_events ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Steven
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch, Holländisch): Steven; der Gekrönte; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); stephanos = der Kranz, der Siegeskranz, die Krone; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Stephanus, des ersten Märtyrers der Urgemeinde; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Stephanus
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