135 Infos zu Stojan Kanev
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- Sacka
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- General Manager
- Advanced Semiconductor Test
- Semiconductor Test Division
- MicroTec
- Semiconductor Division
40 Aktuelle Nachrichten
SUSS MicroTec kündigt ProberBench(TM) Operating Environment an, Süss..."Das ProberBench(TM) Operating Environment stellt eine vollständige Überarbeitung der Nutzeroberfläche und -architektur dar", sagte Dr. Stojan Kanev, Leiter ...
ERS electronic introduces ProbeSense™, a state-of-the-art ...informazione.it— ... says Stojan Kanev, General Manager of Advanced Semiconductor Test at MPI Corporation. "By offering this capability to our customers, ...
MPI Corporation installiert WaferWallet(R)MAX für 200-mmAPA-OTS— ... einer schnelleren Markteinführung für unseren Kunden", betonte Stojan Kanev, Geschäftsführer der Advanced Semiconductor Test Division.
SUSS MicroTec Enhances the BlueRay Probe System; The World's Only..."The BlueRay probe system is the most unique on-wafer test platform available today," said Stojan Kanev, International Product Manager for ...
1 Bilder zu Stojan Kanev

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Stojan KanevHalbleiter, Dresden und Umgebung, Deutschland
LinkedIn: Stojan Kanev | LinkedInStojan Kanevs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Stojan Kanev dabei hilft, ... Es fehlt: kölner verkehrs betriebe
LinkedIn: Stojan Kanev – General Manager – MPI Corporation | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Stojan Kanev auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 5 Jobs sind im Profil von Stojan Kanev aufgelistet.
Stojan Kanev's favorite items - EtsyStojan Kanev's favorite items Etsy
7 Hobbys & Interessen
ERS Electronic Announces That Its Industry-Leading AirCool(R) PRIME...MUNICH and SHANGHAI, March 13, PRNewswire/ -- ERS electronic, the leader in the market of thermal test solutions for semiconductor, is today...
ERS electronic Adds PRIME 200 to their AirCool® Thermal Chuck Family...The award-winning PRIME thermal chuck, developed by ERS electronic and MPI Corporation, will now be available in 200 mm form factor
Stojan KANEV - PatentsStojan KANEV patents Recent bibliographic sampling of Stojan KANEV patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title):
MPI Corporation installiert WaferWallet(R)MAX für 200-mmPR Newswire— ... einer schnelleren Markteinführung für unseren Kunden", betonte Stojan Kanev, Geschäftsführer der Advanced Semiconductor Test Division.
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Stojan KanevCASCADE MICROTECH, INC., Sacka, DE
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Stojan Kanev - Email, Phone - Director of Marketing, Cascade...Find Stojan Kanev's accurate email address in Adapt.io. Currently working as Director of Marketing at Cascade Micro Tooling in Oregon, United States.
2 Bücher zum Namen
On-Wafer Calibration Techniques Enabling Accurate ...And finally, I want to thank Dr. Stojan Kanev (previously with SUSS MicroTec Test Systems, now with MPI Corporation, Taiwan) who has both supported and ...
Technologie zur Herstellung von Mikroaktoren mit Bimetall-Antrieb -...Technologie zur Herstellung von Mikroaktoren mit Bimetall-Antrieb. Front Cover. Stojan Kanev. Verlag nicht ermittelbar, pages. 0 Reviews ...
3 Dokumente
Automated temperature calibrationSWTest.orgSebastian Giessmann and Stojan Kanev from MPI Corporation. • Klemens Reitinger, Bernd Krafthoefer, Sophia Oldeide, Flora Huang from ERS electronic GmbH.
Создание уСпешного бизнеСа за два года: опыт MPIStojan Kanev, General Manager of the Advanced Semiconductor Test division at. MPI, has shared the secrets of such impressive progress. › upload › iblock
Program - IEEE European Test Symposiumwww.ieee-ets.org › pdf › ETS2011_program_bookletAndrej Rumiantsev, Frank-Michael Werner, Stojan Kanev – Cascade Microtech. Innovative techniques for efficient. Non Deterministic Protocol testing on ATE.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
MPI Corporation installiert WaferWallet(R)MAX für 200-mmPresseportal— ... einer schnelleren Markteinführung für unseren Kunden", betonte Stojan Kanev, Geschäftsführer der Advanced Semiconductor Test Division.
НАНОИНДУСТРИЯ ( № 2 (72)) – access to content – Eposlink... in this area. Stojan Kanev, General Manager of the Advanced Semiconductor Test division at MPI, has shared the secrets of such impressive progress.
3 Meinungen & Artikel
*** SÜSS MICROTEC AG *** DIE ZUKUNFT Beiträge pro...Seite 2 der Diskussion '*** SÜSS MICROTEC AG *** DIE ZUKUNFT -' vom im w:o-Forum 'Nebenwerte Deutschland'.
ERS เปิดตัวนวัตกรรมล้ำสมัยในอุตสาหกรรมวัดอุณหภูมิอุปกรณ์กึ่งตัวนำ...Stojan Kanev ผู้จัดการทั่วไปฝ่ายเซมิคอนดักเตอร์ขั้นสูงของ MPI Corporation กล่าวว่า "การร่วมพัฒนาเทคโนโลยี AirCool(R) PRIME กับ ERS electronic ...
SUESS MICROTEC O.N Seite Forum - ARIVA.DESUESS MICROTEC O.N : Ich glaube dass ein Süss Jahr werden könnte, nachdem eher mager ausgefallen ist. Gründe, die dafür sprechen...
68 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Stojan Kanev | Professional Profile - LinkedInView Stojan Kanev's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Stojan has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Stojan's connections and jobs at similar companies. Es fehlt: theaterakademie köln
Method for testing electronic components of a repetitive ...Application filed by Stojan Kanev, Fehrmann Frank, Jens Fiedler, Claus Dietrich, Kiesewetter Joerg Publication of US A › patents
PatentsGoogle.srInventor: Jörg Kiesewetter: Stefan Kreissig: Stojan Kanev: Claus Dietrich; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate.
Probe holder - PatentsGoogleInventor: Joerg Kiesewetter: Stojan Kanev: Stefan Kreissig; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal ...
ERS electronic Adds PRIME 200 to their AirCool® Thermal ...money.yahoo.com › ers-electronic...... but not limited to, ultra-low noise, 1/f, RTN, RF, mmW and high-power accurate measurements," says Stojan Kanev, General Manager of MPI ...
Stojan Kanev - Cascade Micro ToolingSalesgearView Stojan Kanev's email address () and phone number profile as Director of Marketing at Cascade Micro Tooling, located in Beaverton ...
SUESS MICROTEC O.N Börsenforum - Aktien - Fonds"wir sehen zunehmende Nachfrage für WLR, das bei 300mm," prüft, sagte Dr. Stojan Kanev, internationaler Produkt-Manager, Test-Systeme ...
US B2 - Probe holder for a probe for testing semiconductor...A probe holder in which the probe needle has a slight horizontal offset under the action of a vertical force comprises a probe holder for a probe needle,...
MPI Corporation has Installed its WaferWallet(R)MAX for 200mm ...Yahoo"Significantly increasing the throughput and obtaining more statistical data leads to faster time to market for our customer," said Stojan Kanev, ...
Outdoorbad mit Holz 'Dutchtub Wood' | Stuffed peppers, 10 things,...Finde diesen Pin und vieles mehr auf Whirlpool von Stojan Kanev. 5 Tipps für Videomarketing heymoms heymoms_de heymoms macht ein video Tutorial ...
ERS Introduces Cutting-Edge Innovation in Yahoo Finance... efficient in thermal wafer probing applications," says Stojan Kanev, General Manager of MPI Corporation's Advanced Semiconductor Division ...
Stojan Kanev (stojankanev) auf Pinterest | Sieh dir Kollektionen von ...www.pinterest.co.uk › stojankanevSieh dir an, was Stojan Kanev (stojankanev) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat.
ERS electronic erweitert seine Thermo-Chuck-Reihe Yahoode.kino.yahoo.com › ers-electronic-erweitert-thermo-ch...... RTN, RF, mmW und hochleistungsgenaue Messungen", sagt Stojan Kanev, General Manager der Advanced Semiconductor Division der MPI ...
Stojan Kanev (stojankanev) – Profil | PinterestSieh dir an, was Stojan Kanev (stojankanev) auf Pinterest entdeckt hat – die weltweit größte Ideensammlung.
ERS推出半導體散熱測試領域尖端創新- Yahoo奇摩股市tw.stock.yahoo.com › news › ers推...MPI Corporation 先進半導體部門總經理Stojan Kanev 表示:「與ERS Electronic 共同開發AirCool® PRIME 技術實現了功能特點的大幅提升,讓彼此 ...
Stojan Kanev, Thiendorf Ot Sacka DE - Patent applications, CHUCK WITH TRIAXIAL CONSTRUCTION - A chuck with triaxial construction comprises a receiving surface for a test substrate and arranged ...
MPI Corporation has Installed its WaferWallet Yahoo Finance— ... data leads to faster time to market for our customer," said Stojan Kanev, General Manager of the Advanced Semiconductor Test Division. › news
ATE Vision Call for Participation3D Test Challenges and Probing Concepts, Stojan Kanev, Cascade Microtech Adaptive Test Today and + 20, Robert Daasch, Portland State ...
ERS Electronic Announces AirCool PRIME Thermal Chuck ...coolingzone... maintaining unique thermal range flexibility and field upgradability," says stojan kanev, general manager mpi corporation's ast division.
Bulgaria Girl 2 | AP ArchiveAP TELEVISION. 1. Pan left from man walking in field to Roma camp. 2. Various of Roma camp. 3. SOUNDBITE (Bulgarian) Stojan Kanev, ...
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