43 Infos zu Susanne Eyrisch
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- Saarland
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- Volkhard Helms
- Saarland University
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4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Susanne Eyrisch - Deutschland | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Susanne Eyrisch (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Dr. Susanne Eyrisch | LinkedInView Dr. Susanne Eyrischs professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Dr. Susanne Eyrisch ...
Susanne Eyrisch | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Susanne Eyrisch, with 29 highly influential citations and 14 scientific research papers.
Susanne Eyrisch - Center of BioinformaticsSusanne Eyrisch. address. -saarland.de. Telephone: ++49 + Fax: ++49 + Postal address: ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Protein-ligand binding sites Identification, characterization and ...on protein structure. Journal of molecular biology, 351(2):431–42, August Susanne Eyrisch and Volkhard Helms. Transient pockets on protein surfaces ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
Susanne Eyrisch | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Susanne Eyrisch. Results. What induces pocket openings on protein surface patches involved in protein–protein interactions? Springer ...
Inhibitors of the Ras Superfamily G-proteins, Part A - Google BooksThis special volume of The Enzymes is targeted toward researchers in biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, pharmacology, and cancer. This thematic volume...
3 Dokumente
Cryptic pocketCryptic Pockets - Hidden pockets for drug discovery
[PDF] GENERALI MÜNCHEN MARATHON 2019www.tsv-penzberg-leichtathletik.de › Berichte › ergebnis3431 Susanne VORBRÜGGEN Susanne SCHNITTGER GER. (München). W (4:16:12). 4:09: Susanne EYRISCH GER. (München).
EBSCOhost | | What induces pocket openings on protein...Susanne Eyrisch ф Volkhard Helms. Received: 31 March Accepted: 12 August Published online: 6 September с Springer Science+Business ...
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
FEBS Letters | Vol 583, Issue 14, Pages (21 July 2009) |...Lanthanum ions inhibit the mammalian Sec61 complex in its channel dynamics and protein transport activity. Frank Erdmann, Martin Jung, Susanne Eyrisch, ...
How transient pockets open on the surface of the MDM2 protein | BMC...The electronic version of this abstract is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/2/S1/P34
dblp: Susanne EyrischList of computer science publications by Susanne Eyrisch
dblp: Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, Volume 23Bibliographic content of Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, Volume 23
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
How transient pockets open on the surface of the MDM2 protein |...How transient pockets open on the surface of the MDM2 protein. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Susanne Eyrisch; V Helms. Susanne Eyrisch. 1. V Helms
Molecular modeling of the transmembrane domain of envelope...Lisez Molecular modeling of the transmembrane domain of envelope glycoproteins from flaviviridae viruses [Elektronische Ressource] / von Siti Azma Jusoh en...
Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, GCB 2008,...54-52; Designing Binding Pockets on Protein Surfaces using the A* AlgorithmSusanne Eyrisch, Volkhard Helms ; Protein Structure Alignment through a ...
17 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dr. Susanne Eyrisch | LinkedInView Dr. Susanne Eyrisch's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Dr. Susanne Eyrisch ... Es fehlt: marburg
Susanne Eyrisch - Technical Product Owner ADAS & Positioning ...› susanne-eyrisch
Susanne Eyrisch's research works | Priaxon AG, Munich and other ...www.researchgate.net › scientific-contributions › Susanne-EyrischSusanne Eyrisch's 15 research works with 557 citations and reads, including: A Two-Hybrid Approach to Identify Inhibitors of the RAS–RAF Interaction.Missing: Landau Pfalz" Susanne Eyrisch's 15 research works with 557 citations and reads, including: A Two-Hybrid Approach to Identify Inhibitors of the RAS–RAF Interaction. Missing: Landau Pfalz"
Fotos von Susanne Eyrisch - B2Run München MaxFun Sports...MaxFun Sports ist die führende österreichische Laufsport Plattform. Alles rund ums Laufen, Veranstaltungen in und um Österreich.
Lecture Notes in InformaticsSusanne Eyrisch, Volkhard Helms Designing binding pockets on protein surfaces using the A* algorithm Pages: Full Text; Florian Teichert, Ugo Bastolla, Markus
15... to the cytosol and the carboxy-terminus plus the SPC cleavage site to the ER lumen: Richard Zimmermann,,Susanne Eyrisch, Mazen Ahmad, Volkhard Helms.
[PDF] Mapping Functional Group Free Energy Patterns at Protein ...Susanne Eyrisch, Volkhard Helms. Chemistry. Transient (computer programming). Binding pocket · DOI: jm Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ·. › work
Adrienne D. Cox, Stephen W. Fesik, Alec C. Kimmelman, Ji Luo ...DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org j.phrs ; Vladimir Khazak, Susanne Eyrisch, Juran Kato, Fuyuhiko Tamanoi, Erica A. Golemis The Enzymes, ...
ISMB ECCB 2009Susanne Eyrisch- Saarland University. No additional authors. Short Abstract: Proteins involved in protein-protein interactions often lack appropriate ligand ...
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2008Susanne Eyrisch, Volkhard Helms: Designing Binding Pockets on Protein Surfaces using the A* Algorithm CiteSeerX · Google scholar · pubzone.org ...
Novel amino-piperidines as potent antibacterials targeting bacterial...We have identified a series of amino-piperidine antibacterials with a good broad spectrum potency. We report the investigation of various subunits in this...
drug designScientific Experts, Publications, Research Grants, Research Topics, Species, Genomes and Genes about drug design
Protein translocation across the ER membraneRichard Zimmermann. Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Saarland University, D Homburg, Germany , . autor. Susanne Eyrisch.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Susanne
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Susanne; Lilie; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); shoshan = die Lilie; sheshen = die Wasserlilie (Ägyptisch); von der griechischen Form 'Sousanna' eines hebräischen Namens 'Schoschanna' bzw. 'Shoshana', mit der Bedeutung 'Lilie'; das zugrundeliegende hebräische Wort hat ägyptische Wurzeln; in den Apokryphen gibt es eine Geschichte von 'Susanne im Bade', die zu Unrecht angeklagt wird
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