55 Infos zu Susanne Okunick
Mehr erfahren über Susanne Okunick
Lebt in
- Darmstadt
Infos zu
- Thomas Kunz
- Ulrich Pordesch
- Germany EMail
- Long-term
- Lucie Langer
- Data Structure
- Internet-Drafts
- Rotraud Gitter
- Cryptographic
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
CAST e.V. | CAST-WorkshopSusanne Okunick. Fraunhofer SIT. Archivierung elektronisch signierter Dokumente: Pflichten und Nutzen. Schwierigkeiten bei der Archivierung elektronisch signierter Dokumente; Gesetzliche Regelungen; Lösungen und State of the art; CAST-Mitglieder können hier die Vortragsunterlagen herunterladen.
1 Bilder zu Susanne Okunick

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Susanne Okunick | LinkedInSusanne Okunicks berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Susanne Okunick dabei ... Es fehlt: witten
Susanne Okunick | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for ,, with 3 scientific research papers.
Profile for Susanne OkunickSusanne Okunick. No photo available. RFCs (1). rfc5698, Nov 2009, Data Structure for the Security Suitability of Cryptographic Algorithms (DSSC) Cited by
1 Bücher zum Namen
Kompakt im Doppelpack: HTML und Webdesign für Einsteiger - Dietrich...Mit diesem Buch schlagen Sie drei Fliegen mit einer Klappe: Sie lernen HTML und JavaScript und zugleich die Kunst des Programmierens. Man benötigt nur einen...
9 Dokumente
Current Internet-Drafts This summary sheet provides an index of ...tucows.telepac.pt › rfc › internet-drafts... Cryptographic Algorithms (DSSC)", Thomas Kunz, Susanne Okunick, Ulrich Pordesch, 24-Mar-09, Language Tag Registry Update ...
Current Internet-Drafts This summary sheet provides a short ...tucows.telepac.pt › rfc › internet-drafts... Thomas Kunz, Susanne Okunick, Ulrich Pordesch, 24-Mar-09, <draft-ietf-ltans-dssc-07.txt> Since cryptographic algorithms can become weak over the years, ...
Data Structure for the Security Suitability of Cryptographic...... for Secure Information Technology Darmstadt D Germany .de Susanne Okunick pawisda systems ...
Current Internet-Drafts This summary sheet provides an index ...ftp.lanet.lv › ftp › rfc › internet-dr...... Susanne Okunick, Ulrich Pordesch, 8-Oct-08, <draft-ietf-ltans-dssc-04.txt> Language Tag Registry Update (ltru) "Tags for Identifying ...
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Susanne OkunickList of computer science publications by Susanne Okunick
dblp: Susanne OkunickList of computer science publications by Susanne Okunick. We are hiring! We are looking for additional members to join the dblp team. (more information) Stop the war! Остановите войну! solidarity - - news - - donate - donate - donate; for s ...
dblp: BibTeX records: Susanne OkunickList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Susanne Okunick
dblp: BibTeX record conf/ev/GitterLOO08Bibliographic details on BibTeX record conf/ev/GitterLOO08
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Fachkonferenz - RRechtssicherheit bei der elektronischen Archivierung - Fakultät für ...
Privacy and verifiability in electronic voting [Elektronische...Lisez Privacy and verifiability in electronic voting [Elektronische Ressource] / von Barbara Lucie Langer en Document sur YouScribe - Privacy and...
Computer security : intrusion, detection, and prevention (Buch, 2009)...Diesen Titel erhalten Sie in einer Bibliothek! Computer security : intrusion, detection, and prevention. [Ronald D Hopkins; Wesley P Tokere;] -- The objective...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
RFC 5698: Data Structure for the Security Suitability of....de. Susanne Okunick pawisda systems GmbH Weiterstadt D Germany . Ulrich Pordesch Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Darmstadt D Germany .de. Kunz, et al.
Re: I-D Action:draft-ietf-ltans-dssc-05.txt - Susanne Okunick -...Denis,. We agree with most of your comments and will try to consider them in our next version. More comments inline Definition of flexibility:.
CAST e.V. | CAST-Workshopcast-forum.de › workshops › programPrint To Archive®? Dokumentenarchivierung einmal anders. CAST Members can download the documents here. 12:45, Mittagsbuffet. 13:45. Susanne Okunick.
25 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Thomas Kunz, Susanne Okunick, Ulrich Pordesch - ppt downloadEvaluation of cryptographic algorithms give a prognosis how long an algorithm will be presumably secure validity period of algorithms have been secure in the...
Susanne Okunick email address & phone number | Binect GMBH Head...Susanne Okunick's email address | Show email & phone number >>>. Rocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 450M+ professionals. Try for free at rocketreach.co. Susanne Okunick's email & phone | Binect GmbH's Head of Software Development email. Toggle navigationRocketReach.
IETF Publications Data by Author Susanne Okunick (all documents)IETF Publications Data by Author Susanne Okunick (all documents). “Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?” Author Information. Based on address ...
Data Structure for Security Suitabilities of Cryptographic Algorithms...Slide 1Data Structure for Security Suitabilities of Cryptographic Algorithms Thomas Kunz, Susanne Okunick, Ulrich Pordesch .de...
Lecture Notes in InformaticsRotraud Gitter, Lucie Langer, Susanne Okunick, Zoi Opitz-Talidou Long-term retention in E-voting - legal requirements and technical implementation Pages:
ltans Page: Data Structure for Security Suitabilities of Cryptographic Algorithms Thomas Kunz, Susanne Okunick, Ulrich Pordesch
@misc{rfc5698, series = {Request for Comments}, number ...... url = {https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5698.txt}, author = {Thomas Kunz and Susanne Okunick and Ulrich Pordesch}, title = {{Data Structure for the Security Suitability ...
ietf.org › rfc › rfc5698Network Working Group T. Kunz Request for Comments:... Darmstadt D Germany .de Susanne Okunick pawisda systems GmbH Weiterstadt D
Kompakt im Doppelpack: HTML und JavaScript - PDF Kostenfreier ...docplayer.org › Kompakt-im-doppelpack-html-und-javascript... die sorgfaltige Durchsicht der Rohfassung, wodurch einige Unklarheiten ausgeraumt werden konnten, mochte ich mich bei Frau Susanne Okunick bedanken.
camerata-musica.com - Camerata Musica LimburgCamerata-musica.com report - search preview, marketing and technology analysis
LONG-TERM SECURITY FOR SIGNED DOCUMENTS: SERVICES, PROTOCOLS, AND...Thomas Kunz, Susanne Okunick and Ursula Viebeg. Record retention bases on legal requirements for both electronic and paper based doc- uments in the ...
[PDF] Data Structure for the Security Suitability of Cryptographic...Since cryptographic algorithms can become weak over the years, it is necessary to evaluate their security suitability. When signing or verifying data, or when...
RFC Data Structure for the Security Suitability of...... for Secure Information Technology Darmstadt D Germany .de Susanne Okunick pawisda systems ...
Email expansions for draft-ietf-ltans-dssc-12sub_manual_post_requested, Thomas, Susanne Okunick &>, Thomas Kunz ...
RE: draft-ietf-ltans-dssc-00 comments --constraints--Search IETF mail list archives
Electronic Voting 2008Rotraud Gitter, Lucie Langer, Susanne Okunick, Zoi Opitz-Talidou: Long-term Retention in E-Voting - Legal Requirements and Technical Implementation.
CiteSeerX — 2@MISC{Gitter_2, author = {Rotraud Gitter and Lucie Langer and Susanne Okunick and Universität Kassel and Technische Universität Darmstadt}, title = {2},
Proceedings – E-Voting.CC GmbHLong-term Retention in E-Voting – Legal Requirements and Technical Implementation. Rotraud Gitter, Lucie Langer, Susanne Okunick, Zoi Opitz-Talidou 3.3.
EV PDF Preprint Papers | SciweaversBrowse, Sort, and Access the PDF preprint papers of EV conference on Sciweavers.
Long-term Retention in E-Voting Legal Requirements and Technical...1 Long-term Retention in E-Voting Legal Requirements and Technical Implementation Rotraud Gitter 1, Lucie Langer 2, Susanne Okunick 3, Zoi Opitz-Talidou 1 1 Universität Kassel provet Wilhelmshöher Allee Kassel, Germany {r.gitter 2 Technische Universität Darmstadt Cryptography and Computeralgebra ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Susanne
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Susanne; Lilie; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); shoshan = die Lilie; sheshen = die Wasserlilie (Ägyptisch); von der griechischen Form 'Sousanna' eines hebräischen Namens 'Schoschanna' bzw. 'Shoshana', mit der Bedeutung 'Lilie'; das zugrundeliegende hebräische Wort hat ägyptische Wurzeln; in den Apokryphen gibt es eine Geschichte von 'Susanne im Bade', die zu Unrecht angeklagt wird
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