87 Infos zu Sven Kochmann
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- Regensburg
Infos zu
- Chemie
- Krylov
- Sergey
- Graphene
- Research
- Ivanov
- Nikita
- York University
- Sensor Material
- Analytical Chemistry
- Author
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Bilder zu Sven Kochmann

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Sven Kochmann | FacebookFacebook: Sven Kochmann - Liebe Deutsche Bahn... Ihr könnt NICHTS ...Facebook: Sven Kochmann - Ne Fanpage, cool! | FacebookSven Kochmann Schallaven - GitHubGitHub› Schallaven
1 Business-Profile
Sven Kochmann York University · Department of ChemistryResearchGate› Sv...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Thoughts on Chemical Safety: Contact Lenses - Casual Sciencebethhaas.me— Marcel Swart and Sven Kochmann were suprised to hear that contacts were banned in labs and noted the advantages contacts can have over ... › blog › thoug...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Ethylene carbonate—propylene carbonate mixed electrolytes ...Scholars PortalYimo Liu · Sven Kochmann · ORCID ID · Sergey N. Krylov · ORCID ID. Source Information. June 2019, Volume19(Issue13)Pages, p.2156To Lab on a Chip ... › ...
2 Projekte
Beryllium10 / Tickets / #7 Using InChI keys (instead of CAS)Labels: None. Updated: Created: Creator: Sven Kochmann. Private: No. In a future version it could be possible to use InChI keys ...
Beryllium10 ActivitySven Kochmann committed [r40] ... Sven Kochmann created ticket #8. Resolving search ... Sven Kochmann posted a comment on ticket #3.
12 Bücher zum Namen
Graphene as a Sensor Material (Paperback)undefined undefined Dissertationsreihe Chemie, 3, General, Chemistry, Science & Mathematics, Books
: Graphene as a Sensor Material (Dissertationsreihe...AbeBooks.com: Graphene as a Sensor Material (Dissertationsreihe Chemie) ( ) by Sven Kochmann and a great selection of similar New, Used ...
Verfasser SuchresultateTreffer von 3 für Suche: 'Sven Kochmann', Suchdauer: 0.03s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur, Verfasser ...
Graphene as a Sensor Material by Sven KochmannGraphene as a Sensor Material book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers.
5 Dokumente
Circular Geometry in Molecular Stream Separation to ...American Chemical Societyvon S Kochmann · — Sven Kochmann. Sven Kochmann. Department of Chemistry and Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions, York University, ... › doi › abs
Predicting efficiency of NECEEM‐based partitioning of protein ...Wileyvon S Kochmann · · Zitiert von: 13 — Predicting efficiency of NECEEM-based partitioning of protein binders from nonbinders in DNA-encoded libraries. Sven Kochmann,. › ...
Visiting Lecturer Series - University of WinnipegThe University of WinnipegChasing Molecules in Microfluidics. Dr. Sven Kochmann. Department of Chemistry and Center for Research on Biomolecular Interactions. York University. › chemistry › docs
Open source pKa - Macs in ChemistryMacs in ChemistrySven Kochmann has now fleshed that initial idea out into a detailed proposal. Well worth reading and I'd encourage people to participate. › files
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry | New Materials in Analytical...The online version of TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry at ScienceDirect.com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals.
Beryllium10: a free and simple tool for creating and managing ...BioMed Centralvon S Kochmann · — Beryllium10: a free and simple tool for creating and managing group safety data sheets. Sven Kochmann. Journal of Cheminformatics volume 6, ... › ...
Sven Kochmann - dblpUni Trier› pid
Sven Kochmann, Dr. - Wien - Personen::BOKUBOKU› personen › person
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: Graphene As a Sensor Material | | Sven Kochmann |...Graphene As a Sensor Material Paperback. Sven Kochmann, Paperback, oktober 2014, 1-8 werkdagen
Sergey N. Krylov LabProfessor Sergey N. Krylov research group
Beryllium10: a free and simple tool for creating and managing group...Background Countless chemicals and mixtures are used in laboratories today, which all possess their own properties and dangers. Therefore, it is important to...
Graphene as a sensor material | WorldCat.orgGraphene as a sensor material | WorldCat.org
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Becoming an editor. Not.Dear Dr. Sven Kochmann, Greetings, This letter is an invitation for you to participate as an Editor/
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Sven Kochmann's following on SoundCloud - Listen to musicListen to Sven Kochmann | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. 1 Followers. Stream Tracks...
Sven Kochmann - DEV CommunitySven Kochmann + FOLLOW CHAT bio not found. X. SEND. joined. Mar 23, Posts Published. 0 Comments Written. 0 Tags Followed. left-sidebar- ...
Beryllium¹º – English page – Beryllium¹ºBeryllium¹º is a program designed to facilitate the creation of group safety data sheets (GSDSs) ... 'Beryllium¹º' und Webauftritt von Sven Kochmann.
Feedback zu Beryllium¹º – Beryllium¹º© Programm 'Beryllium', 'Beryllium¹º' und Webauftritt von Sven Kochmann. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Powered by WordPress und Graphene-Theme. ...
Graphene as a sensor material: Sven Kochmann > Könyv | LibristoKeres egy könyvet Graphene as a sensor material től: Sven Kochmann? Vásárolja meg egy elismert boltban kedvező áron. Átvételi pontok Csehország egész területén...
Eberhard-Gerstel-Preis | Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.Andrea Beutner, Sven Kochmann, Jonas Josef Peter Mark and Frank-Michael Matysik in Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (6), pp Preisträger M.Sc. Jakob Haun, Universität Duisburg-Essen. für seinen Beitrag als Erstautor der Publikation Online and …
中国教育图书进出口有限公司socolar.com16条结果 — 作者:Sven Kochmann. 来源:Journal of Cheminformatics ;6(1):6.doi: 出版社:BioMed Central. › Search
Sven Kochmann 🇩🇪🇨🇦🇦🇹 @indianalytics Twitter profile | TwukoExplore tweets of 🔴 🔴 🔴 Sven Kochmann @indianalytics on Twitter. he/him. German Researcher in Canada. Analytical Chemistry and Chemoinformatics. Will recognize...
Allgemein – Beryllium¹ºvon Sven Kochmann veröffentlicht am 11. März 2014, 20:00 Uhr Beschreibung: Beryllium¹º ermöglicht die einfache und schnelle Erstellung von Gruppen- und ...
Universitätsverlag RegensburgSven Kochmann Graphene as a sensor material. This thesis is concerned with the synthesis,
Software – Fachschaft Chemie der Universität Regensburg e.V.Beryllium pflegt und programmiert unser ehemaliges Fachschaftsmitglied Sven Kochmann. Zur Homepage (Download und weitere Informationen) D-GISS: D-GISS . D-GISS. D-GISS ist ein speziell für Anforderungen an den Umgang mit Gefahrstufen an Schulen entwickeltes Gefahrstoff-Informationssystem (und damit für Lehrämtler bestimmt einen Blick wert).
About me | Indianalyticsindianalytics.deSven Kochmann, PhD · Find my ORCID profile here: http://orcid.org › ...
Circular Geometry in Molecular Stream Separation to Facilitate ...United States Department of Agriculture (.gov)Circular Geometry in Molecular Stream Separation to Facilitate Nonorthogonal Field-to-Flow Orientation. Author: Sven Kochmann, Nikita A. Ivanov, ... › catalog
Curso “Nanobiotecnología y Biosensores: nuevas estrategias para la...Sven Kochmann, Thomas Hirsch, Otto S. Wolfbeis Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 39, Utilization of nanoparticle labels for signal amplification in ultrasensitive electrochemical affinity biosensors: A review Liang Dinga, Alan M. Bond, Jianping Zhai, Jie Zhang, Analytica Chimica Acta 797 (2013) 1.
Dissertationsreihe Chemie - Universitätsverlag RegensburgUniversitätsverlag Regensburg39,90 € in den Warenkorb legen ...! Sven Kochmann. Graphene as a sensor material. Lieferstatus: Lieferbar. ISBN: › kategori...
New Photo-Luminescent Inorganic Materials: High-Tec Application in...... Dominik Grögel, Lorenz Fischer and Sven Kochmann for many fruitful discussions and support regarding nanoparticles and biolabeling. Dr. Peter Kele, ...
ICP-OES: Why spectral lines are true peaks and how this can ...The WinnowerICP-OES: Why spectral lines are true peaks and how this can fool the user. Sven Kochmann. 0 Reviews. ICP–OES is a common technique in analytical chemistry, ... › papers
Journal of Environmental Analysis, Health and Toxicologyjeaht.orgchemrxiv , 2019, Visualization of Streams of Small Organic Molecules in Continuous-Flow Electrophoresis, Nikita A. Ivanov, Sven Kochmann, ... › journal › crossRefTDM
MSB2016 | ArchivesSociety for Microscale Separations and BioanalysisSven Kochmann, York University (Canada) Feriel Melaine, McGill University (Canada) Nicolas Drouin, University of Geneva (Switzerland) › ms...
Altmetric – Accurate Kd via Transient Incomplete SeparationRT @ChemRxiv: Accurate Kd via Transient Incomplete Separation by Sven Kochmann (@indianalytics), Sergey Krylov & co-workers ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sven
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Sven; junger Mann; Altnordisch (Wortzusammensetzung); sveinn = der Jüngling
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