56 Infos zu Tancred Frickey

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10 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Genfamilie führt auf eine neue Spur Innovations Report

· Ihre Forschungsergebnisse werden mit Kollegen vom Institut für Zellbiologie der Universität Tübingen, Anja Gaugel und Prof. Alfred Nordheim, und vom Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie, Tancred Frickey und Prof. Andrei Lupas, jetzt in der neuesten Ausgabe des internationalen Fachjournals ONCOGENE veröffentlicht (ONCOGENE , Ausgabe 23, …

Tancred Frickey – about proteins and programmes

· Dr. Tancred Frickey, Professor of Applied Bioinformatics at the University of Konstanz, has developed a programme that enabled him to classify …

Tancred Frickey – Von Proteinen und Programmen

Tancred Frickey – Von Proteinen und Programmen. Ein sehr wichtiges Einsatzgebiet der Bioinformatik ist die Klassifizierung von Proteinsequenzen.

Universität Konstanz gewinnt neue Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung...

· • Forschung in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Tancred Frickey (Scion, Neuseeland), vormals Juniorprofessor am Fachbereich Biologie der Universität Konstanz sowie der Graduiertenschule Chemische Biologie, die im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative bis gefördert wird • Förderung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Hinweis an die Redaktionen:

1  Bilder zu Tancred Frickey

Dr. Tancred Frickey Applied Bioinformatics Konstanz University

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Tancred Frickey - Professor - Scion | LinkedInnz.linkedin.com › tancred-frickey-...

View Tancred Frickey's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Tancred has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Tancred Frickey

Tancred's part of the web-world. How I see myself: (I know, it's cold!)

4 Bücher zum Namen

Plant Microtubules: Development and Flexibility - Google Books

Plant microtubules are key elements of cell growth, division and morphogenesis. In addition to their role in plant development and architecture, they have...

Rethinking Evolution: The Revolution That's Hiding In Plain Sight -...

Attribution: Stefanie D. Hueber, Georg F. Weiller, Michael A. Djordjevic, Tancred Frickey [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)], via Wikimedia ...

Intrastrand Triplex DNA Repeats in Bacteria: A Source of Genomic...

Authors, Isabelle T. Holder, Stefanie Wagner, Peiwen Xiong, Malte Sinn, Tancred Frickey, Axel Meyer, Jörg S. Hartig. Published, Export Citation, BiBTeX ...

4 Dokumente

Frickey, Tancred [WorldCat Identities]

Most widely held works by Tancred Frickey. Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Aphanius (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes) species complex of ...

File:Genes hox.jpeg - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org › wiki

Attribution: Stefanie D. Hueber, Georg F. Weiller, Michael A. Djordjevic, Tancred Frickey. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit ...

Tancred Frickey - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

The Gut Microbial Community of Midas Cichlid Fish in Repeatedly...

Author(s): Paolo Franchini , Carmelo Fruciano , Tancred Frickey , Julia C. Jones Axel Meyer ,. Editor(s): Vincent Laudet. Publication date ...

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Tancred Gilles Frickey

Address Universität Konstanz Fachbereich Biologie Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte Bioinformatik Post Office Box M Konstanz. Telephone + E-Mail tancred.frickey uni-konstanz.de

Bisquinolinium compounds induce quadruplex-specific transcriptome...

Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. Tancred Frickey. Authors. Rashi Halder.

dblp: Tancred Frickey

List of computer science publications by Tancred Frickey

KOPS.Lipid droplet and early autophagosomal membrane targeting of...

Lipid droplet and early autophagosomal membrane targeting of Atg2A ... Frickey, Tancred ... and early autophagosomal membrane targeting of Atg2A and ...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Ein Netz aus Signalen - Wissenschaft - JuraForum.de

· Am Konstanzer Teilprojekt ist eigens der Bioinformatiker Prof. Dr. Tancred Frickey als Co-Leiter dafür zuständig, die gewonnenen Daten in ein Computermodell zu integrieren. „Wir bauen ein ...

Bcl-2-Ome – a database and interactive web service for dissecting the...

Annika Hantusch; , Thomas Brunner; & Tancred Frickey. Department of Physiology and Medical Physics, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, ...

Weitere Förderung für Forschung zum Zelltod - JuraForum.de

· Der Konstanzer Bioinformatiker Prof. Dr. Tancred Frickey und die Doktorandin Annika Hantusch entwickeln in Kooperation mit Thomas Brunner und Prof. Dr. Markus Morrison aus Stuttgart Modellsysteme ...

25 Webfunde aus dem Netz

SSalign Freeware Version New by Tancred Frickey

Tancred Frickey: License: Freeware: Downloads: 306: Price: Free : home page; download; Related Downloads. Download Jnomics b12. Jnomics b12.


Tancred Frickey and Andrei Lupas Max Planck Institut fuer Entwicklungsbiologie ; Tuebingen, Germany PHAT is …

BLATview - bio.mpg.de

Tancred Frickey and Georg Weiller RSBS, Australian National University Canberra, Australia Download. Introduction. I was trying to map EST data & predicted coding sequences on to a genome and was looking for sth. easy to use, with point and click interface that would graphically display BLAT [1] results and enable me to view the alignments. Once again I could not find any …

Bei höherer Temperatur produzieren Blaualgen mehr Giftstoffe

· Weitere Informationen. Originalveröffentlichung: Julia Kleinteich, Susanna A. Wood, Frithjof C. Küpper, Antonio Camacho, Antonio Quesada, Tancred Frickey, and Daniel R. Dietrich: Temperature-related changes in polar cyanobacterial mat diversity and toxin pro-duction.

AbrB-like transcription factors assume a swapped hairpin fold that is...

Murray Coles, Sergej Djuranovic, Johannes Söding, Tancred Frickey, Kristin Koretke, Vincent Truffault, Jörg Martin, Andrei N. Lupas.

Elisabeth-Gateff-Preis Archiv - gfgenetiks Jimdo-Page!

Elisabeth-Gateff-Doktorandenpreis Preisträger: Dr. Maria Kreuzberg, Bonn Elisabeth-Gateff-Doktorandenpreis Preisträger: Herr Dr. Matthias Schäfer Elisabeth-Gateff-Doktorandenpreis Preisträger: Herr Tancred Frickey Elisabeth-Gateff-Doktorandenpreis Preisträger: Herr Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Horn Elisabeth-Gateff-Doktorandenpreis Preisträger: Herr Dr. rer. nat. …

How proteins find the right path – Innovations Report

How proteins find the right path Tancred Frickey, Elke Deuerling: “The principle of antagonism ensures protein targeting specificity at the endoplasmic ...

Lecture Notes in Informatics

... Tancred Frickey, Nijat Imin and Georg Weiller. Abstract. Post-genomic data analysis represents a new challenge to link and interpret the vast amount of raw data ...


Tancred Frickey and Andrei Lupas Max Planck Institut fuer Entwicklungsbiologie ; Tuebingen, Germany Download. Introduction. While sifting through a large number of trees I came across some 'must-have' features I could not find in any of the available tree viewers (or at least those I could install due to dependency problems). After cannibalizing a few older programs of mine ...

AlgaeObserver Trinkwasser in Gefahr - Untersuchungen zur Toxizität...

· Originalveröffentlichung: Julia Kleinteich, Susanna A. Wood, Frithjof C. Küpper, Antonio Camacho, Antonio Quesada, Tancred Frickey, and Daniel R. Dietrich: Temperature-related changes in polar cyanobacterial mat diversity and toxin production. Nature Climate Change, 2 …

[Research Article] The principle of antagonism ensures protein...

The sorting of proteins to the appropriate compartment is one of the most fundamental cellular processes. We found that in the model organism Caenorhabditis...

Phylogenetic analysis of AAA proteins - PubMed

AAA ATPases form a large protein family with manifold cellular roles. They belong to the AAA+ superfamily of ringshaped P-loop NTPases, which exert their...

Previous lab members - Evolutionsbiologie Uni Konstanz

Dr. Tancred Frickey ( ); now Professor, Scion, New Zealand. Link Dr. Carmelo Fruciano ( ); now Lecturer at University of Portsmouth. Link

Temperature-related changes in polar cyanobacterial mat diversity and...

Julia Kleintech, Frithjof Küpper, Susanna Wood, Antonio Camacho, Antonio Quesada, Tancred Frickey, Daniel Dietrich. SAMS. Research output: Contribution to ...

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