333 Infos zu Tania Bruguera
Mehr erfahren über Tania Bruguera
Infos zu
- Cuban
- Artist
- Havana
- Institute
- Arte Útil
- Immigrant Movement
- London
- Museum
- Exhibition
- Koenig
- Movement International
- Queens
69 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Heute in den Feuilletons: Wundern über Grass' SS-Coming- Out -...In der
Taz: Kubas Regime fühlt sich provoziert: Kunstperformance mit Folgen -...Das Motto des alle drei Jahre stattfindenden Kunstevents hat die international bekannte Performancekünstlerin Tania Bruguera wörtlich ...
Artist Tania Bruguera remains confined to Havana as regime ponders...Artist Tania Bruguera, a 46 year old performance artist – and the first person to publicly test the tolerance level of the Cuban government following the...
NZZ: Keine Minute der Redefreiheit in Havanna | NZZDie diplomatischen Beziehungen mit den USA bringen keine politische Lockerung auf Kuba. Vorübergehende Festnahmen verhinderten einen Versuch, die Redefreiheit...
59 Bilder zu Tania Bruguera

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ralph Rugoff and Tania Bruguera in International Summer ...Twitter Profil: tania bruguera (tbruguera)Twitter Profil: Tania Bruguera (immigrantmove)Tania Bruguera « KHOJPARTICIPANT / Tania Bruguera. Name Tania Bruguera ; Country Croatia ; Vocation Not Available ; Education Not Available . Share + Facebook Twitter Google Linkedin. Not Available. Associated Programmes. International Workshops. KHOJ Modinagar, Delhi RECENT PROGRAMMES. What are You to Me – the histories of queer futures . Saturday 29 February 2020, 6-7:30pm An evening of …
5 Hobbys & Interessen
TANIA BRUGUERA KOMMT! | FacebookTania Bruguera | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Tania Bruguera. ArtSlant is the #1 Contemporary Art Network with comprehensive information on artists and events ...
Tania Bruguera | Biography & Works | Britannicawww.britannica.com › biography › Tania-BrugueraTania Bruguera, Cuban performance artist and activist whose advocacy of free speech often ran afoul of the Cuban government. Missing: Koenig W."
Tania Bruguera - Power Taboo and The ArtistPower, Taboo and the Artist is a series of interviews of artists and curators worldwide; a video project by the National Coalition Against Censorship and the...
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Tania Bruguera | FacebookTania Bruguera „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · 19 Personen sprechen darüber. Enter,SIGN and share with your friends this artistic response to change...
About | Museum of Arte ÚtilFor the past ten years the artist Tania Bruguera has been teaching and researching Arte Útil through an academy in Havana; the Arte Útil lab at Queens Museum, residencies at Immigrant Movement International, New York and most recently the Museum of Arte Útil, in the Old Building of the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. Whether through self-organised groups, individual initiatives or the rise of ...
Arte Útil / Arte ÚtilArte Útil case studies show how these initiatives are not isolated incidents, but part of a larger historical trajectory that is now shaping our contemporary world. The notion of what constitutes Arte Útil has been arrived at via a set of criteria that was formulated by Tania Bruguera and curators at the Queens Museum, New York, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven and Grizedale Arts, Coniston.
Arte Útil / AsociaciónThe Asociación de Arte Útil was initiated by the artist Tania Bruguera and, in line with the Criteria of Arte Útil , it is now being evolved by a growing user group into an international body to promote ways for art to work effectively in ordinary life and to initiate and support new initiatives that fulfill the Criteria of Arte Útil. As the Asociación membership grows we will build a ...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Tania Bruguera: A State of Vulnerability (2016) - IMDbTania Bruguera: A State of Vulnerability: Directed by Lynn Hershman-Leeson. With Tania Bruguera, Frank Ochberg. TANIA BRUGUERA - A STATE OF VULNERABILITY...
8 Projekte
Creative Time Restaging Tania Bruguera - artnet NewsCreative Time is restaging Tania Bruguera's controversial performance Tatlin's Whisper #6 in Times Square on April 13,
Cuban Officials Brand Tania Bruguera a Criminal - artnet NewsDo you know that artist Tania Bruguera has revealed the existence of a secret media campaign against her orchestrated by Cuba’s Culture Ministry?
HKW | The UnforeseenThe second part of the symposium will focus on the work of the artist Tania Bruguera. In her recent work at the Tate Modern, 10,448,45, Bruguera collaborates with people from the museum’s neighborhood on art interventions to develop a community-based response to the global migration crisis.
Immigrant Movement International - Creative TimeTania Bruguera's Immigrant Movement International, presented in partnership with the Queens Museum of Art, is a long-term art project in the form of an ...
14 Bücher zum Namen
Tania Bruguera. Portraits. Katalog zur Ausstellung in Kunsthalle Wienvon Tania Bruguera, Koenig W., 2006, Broschiert
Heute in den Feuilletons vom PerlentaucherHeute in den Feuilletons Die kommentierte Kulturpresseschau. Wochentags um 9 Uhr, sonnabends um 10 Uhr.
AbeBooks: posner helaine gerardo mosquera carrie lambert beatty tania bruguera...Tania Bruguera: On the Political Imaginary von Posner, Helaine,Mosquera, Gerardo,Lambert-Beatty, Carrie,Bruguera, Tania und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher...
Nützliche Kunst: Welche Rolle kann Kunst in der Politik spielen? -...Tania Bruguera (* 1968, Kuba) Jonas Staals (* 1981, Niederlande) Santiago Sierra (* 1966, Spanien) Artur Żmijewski (* 1966, Polen) auf Wikipedia Paweł ...
5 Dokumente
Tania Bruguera : aus Artikeln des Lexikons...Tania Bruguera : Alles über den Begriff Tania Bruguera im Lexikon der Reise, Kultur, Geschichte, Landeskunde bei...
FORMER WEST – Immigrant Movement International,Immigrant Movement International, Since April 2011, Tania Bruguera has engaged with the life and activities of a flexible community space in Queens, ...
Documenta11 | Dirk Schwarze: … documenta … Künstler … Ausstellungen …Tania Bruguera Versuch, die Schuld nachzuerleben, HNA Isaac Julien Spätes Leiden an der Kolonisation, HNA Thomas Hirschhorn ...
Police will use private range - The Commercial ReviewJoyce Koenig-2 gallons, and. Richard ... changes to The Commercial Review, 309 W. Main St., P.O.. Box to Tania Bruguera and let.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
About the Project | Immigrant Movement InternationalTania Bruguera, Material can be downloaded and shared with others as long as the authorship is credited and there is a link back to the website of the ...
pdf of full USC Curatorial Practicum 555A syllabus - Karen MossBruce W. Ferguson and Milena M. Hoesgsberg, “Talking and Thinking about ‐ Skulpture Projects Muenster, introductory essay and glossary, Walther Koenig, ‐Gerardo Mosquera, “Cuba in Tania Bruguera's work, Havana Bienials ...
6 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: From the Perspective of a Brain-Washed Pioneer By Tania BrugueraFORMER WEST Research Seminar Russian Avant-garde Revisited 13–14 March , Blip
BlinkX Video: Tania BrugueraTania Bruguera , Blip
BlinkX Video: Artist Talk: Tania BrugueraIn conjunction with the exhibition Global Feminisms , feminist artists from more than fifty countries discussed or performed their works in the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for , Blip
13 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Tania Bruguera - WikipediaTania Bruguera (born in Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban installation and performance artist, trained at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana and at the School of ...
Wikipedia: Brigitte Franzen – WikipediaBrigitte Franzen (* in Freiburg im Breisgau) ist eine deutsche Kunsthistorikerin, Kuratorin ... Sofia Hultén, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Tania Bruguera, Armin Linke, Haegue Yang, Joelle Tuerlinckx, ... Brigitte Franzen, Kasper König, Carina Plath, Konzeption: Brigitte Franzen, Köln: König 2007; Hyper Real, hrsg. v.
An Interview with Tania Bruguera - ONCURATINGTania Bruguera’s concept for Immigrant Movement International was inspired by the civil unrest in the suburbs of Paris in led by immigrants. The lack of real political representation for immigrants and the little respect and committed dialogue from politicians with the immigrant community inspired this project to place migrants in a position of power, whereby their political ...
Tania Bruguera: “Art Goes Beyond Them” - Havana TimesBy Adonis Milan. HAVANA TIMES — In February, Cuban artist Tania Bruguera inaugurated an exhibition at the Modern Art Museum in New ...
132 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Tania Bruguera | LinkedInView Tania Bruguera's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Tania Bruguera discover ...
Tania Bruguera: Immigrant Movement International – Exhibition at Tate...Tania Bruguera takes up residence in The Tanks, Tate Modern with her socio-political project, Immigrant Movement International
Tania Bruguera, Havana Art Scene. Universes in UniversePerformance on 4 May at the artist's home in Old-Havana. Report on the 6th Biennial of Havana, May/June 1997
2017 Distinguished Artist-in-Residency: Tania Bruguera -...2017 Distinguished Artist-in-Residency: Tania Bruguera // March 17, 2017
Tania Bruguera - Hallwallshallwalls.org › artists › tania-brugueraTania Bruguera. Some events this artist was involved in: September 27, 'S ART FROM CUBA: A NATIONAL RESIDENCY AND EXHIBITION ...
Tania Bruguera Continuar - [DOCX Document]Tania Bruguera continuar detenida en Cuba publicado porObservatorioen temaartista y obra,en foco,reciente Como es de amplio conocimiento,
Artist Profile: Tania Bruguera - Art for Social Change | THIRTEEN -...Tania Bruguera has eaten dirt in Havana, herded crowds of museum-goers in London, and organized for immigration reform in Queens. Born in Cuba in
Tania Bruguera :: Foundation for Contemporary Artswww.foundationforcontemporaryarts.org › recipientsTania Bruguera. Installation and Performance Artist, Archivist Born 1968, Havana, Cuba Lives in New York, NY. Photo by Claudio Fuentes. “ The $40,000 grant ... Missing: Koenig W."
REVma -/+ » Speak: Tania Bruguera, Douglas Gordon, Laure ...Tania Bruguera directly addresses political and humanitarian issues in her native Cuba through performance and long-term social engagement projects. Her interventions parallel the ambitions of the Artist Placement Group (APG), co-founded by John Latham, which positioned the artist inside industry with the potential to effect change. For this exhibition, Bruguera has made a video that builds on ...
Tania Bruguera born | TateTania Bruguera (born 1968) is a Cuban installation and performance artist. She lives and works between New York and Havana, and has participated in ... Missing: Koenig W."
Artist Tania Bruguera Wants to Open an Institute of Artivism in Cuba...Via Kickstarter, artist Tania Bruguera has already surpassed her $100,000 goal to raise funds to open an institute of artivism in Cuba.
Artist of The Week – Tania Bruguera | WidewallsWith constant efforts to draw attention to sociopolitical problems in the world, Tania Bruguera deserves to be Widewalls artist of the week.
Tania Bruguera : Wikis (The Full Wiki)Tania Bruguera (born 1968, Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban installation and performance artist, trained at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana and at the School of the ...
Artist Tania Bruguera Allegedly Detained in Cuba Over Public...The artist Tania Bruguera has likely been detained by Cuban authorities who prevented her from staging a performance yesterday in Havana’s Plaza de la...
Artist Tania Bruguera Is a Thorn in the Cuban Government's Side |...View image | gettyimages.com Cuban authorities watch Tania Bruguera closely. They listen in on her phone conversations. They constantly tail her.
Tania Bruguera DatenblattTania Bruguera. - Art Basel documenta 11, Göteborg Biennale Liverpool Biennal Liverpool Biennale Sammlung MMK ...
Tania Bruguera at Tate Modern London - Artmap.comTANIA BRUGUERA 10,143,645 The acclaimed Cuban artist and activist Tania Bruguera has created a series of subtle interventions in and around Tate Modern. The work’s title is an ever-increasing figure: the number of people who migrated from one country to another last year added to the number of migrant deaths recorded so far this year – to ...
Cuba: Artist Tania Bruguera Released – Repeating IslandsCuban authorities released the artist Tania Bruguera, who was arrested on Tuesday for wanting to carry out an event at Revolution Square in ...
Tania Bruguera reading Hannah Arendt_Credit_Enrique de la Osa_via PRI...Tania Bruguera reading Hannah Arendt. Performance session Sarah Hobbs, Overpacked, W Hotel, Atlanta, Dec Emmelie Koster ... Kasper Konig.
Tania Bruguera – at artist-infoTania Bruguera: 28 exhibitions from Mar Feb 2016, exhibition venues worldwide of artist Tania Bruguera, Exhibition History, Summary of artist-info.com records ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tania
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Tania; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); von der weiblichen Form des römischen Vornamens 'Tatianus', der vom Familiennamen 'Tatius' abgeleitet ist; 'Tatius' hiess ein König der Sabiner, der mit Romulus zusammen die Römer regierte; Herkunft und Bedeutung des Familiennamens 'Tatius' sind nicht bekannt
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Tania Bruguera und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.