53 Infos zu Thanos Dailianis
Mehr erfahren über Thanos Dailianis
Infos zu
- Greece
- Vasileiadou
- Centre for Marine
- Hellenic Centre
- Marine Research
- University
- Kouratoras
- Biodiversity
- Micro-computed
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Census of Marine Life publishes historic roll | EurekAlert!The global Census of Marine Life publishes a landmark series of papers in PLoS ONE that detail biodiversity in 25 key world ocean areas on all seven continents.
Seagrass meadows—an underwater time capsule for archaeologyCredit: Thanos Dailianis. And they help to provide the right conditions needed to preserve archaeological treasures by locking out oxygen, ...
1 Bilder zu Thanos Dailianis

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Thanos Dailianis | FacebookLinkedIn: Thanos Dailianis | LinkedInView Thanos Dailianis's (Greece) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Thanos Dailianis ...
LinkedIn: Thanos Dailianis | LinkedInView Thanos Dailianis' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Thanos Dailianis discover ...
Twitter Profil: Thanos Dailianis (sonathd)4 Bücher zum Namen
Articles by Authordescription
Thanos Dailianis | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Thanos Dailianis. Results. Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the endangered Mediterranean bath sponge Spongia officinalis L.
E-Infrastructures for Data Publishing in Biodiversity Science -...... divers inViBRANT Christos Arvanitidis', Sarah FaulwetterI'z, Georgios ChatzigeorgiouI'3, Lyubomir Penev“, Olaf Bankis, Thanos Dailianis', Evangelos Pafilis', ...
Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos - Google BooksThe continuing global decline of the health of the sea, and the increasing depletion of marine resources and biodiversity, caused by human activity and climate...
4 Dokumente
Thanos Dailianis - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Report - ESDP - European Scientific Diving Panelssd.imbe.fr/IMG/pdf/18th_esdp_meeting_report_vf.pdfHaakon Hop, Norway. Joke Coopman, EMB Secretariat. By skype. Massimo Ponti, Italy. Thanos Dailianis, Greece. Wanda Plaiti, Greece. Dimitar Berov, Bulgaria.
Description of microsatellite markers in four mullids based on the...s, Dem Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Johann Heinrich von Th Hamburg, Germany dDepartment of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessa e Agricul eastern...
Micro-computed tomography: Introducing new dimensions to taxonomy –...Authors: Sarah Faulwetter,, Aikaterini Vasileiadou,, Michail Kouratoras, Thanos Dailianis, Christos Arvanitidis. Publication date ( Electronic ):
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Marine Policy | Vol 98, Pages (December 2018) |...Thanos Dailianis, Christopher J. Smith, Nadia Papadopoulou, Vasilis Gerovasileiou, ... Rachael Scrimgeour. Pages 1-10: Download PDF. Article preview.
Biodiversity exploration in the 3-D era -- ScienceDailyA group of marine biologists from the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in Crete are testing computed tomography as a tool to accurately document the anatomy...
SeaBioTech: MilosDr. Thanos Dailianis (HCMR Researcher, diver 1). Apostolis Kristallas (HCMR chemical engineer/water analysis). Panagiotis Vavilis (computer expert, diver 2).
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the...Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers are described for the Mediterranean bath sponge Spongia officinalis. Loci were isolated from a genomic library enric
Polytraits: A database on biological traits of marine BioMedSearchVasileiadou , Thanos Dailianis , Lucia Fanini , Panayota Koulouri , Christos Arvanitidis. † National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, ...
File:Micro-computed-tomography-Introducing-new-dimensions-to-taxonomy-...Date, Source, Video 1. from Faulwetter S, Vasileiadou A, Kouratoras M, Thanos Dailianis, Arvanitidis (2013). "Micro-computed ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
JISCMail - PORIFERA Archives - August 2011... (1 message) Michelle Kelly <[log in to unmask]> (1 message) S Leys <[log in to unmask]> (1 message) Thanos Dailianis <[log in to unmask]> (1 message) ...
28 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Thanos Dailianis | MARBIGENSubmitted by Thanos Dailianis on Fri, :36. Personal Information. Last name: Dailianis. First name: Thanos. Phone: + e-mail:. Es fehlt: records
Underwater Photography - Thanos Dailianis | Underwater photography,...Underwater Photography - Thanos Dailianis Go to http://iBoatCity.com and use code PINTEREST for free shipping on your first order! (Lower 48 USA Only).
Projects, Data, Tools, and Technology | European Citizen Science...Projects, Data, Tools, and Technology ... Thanos Dailianis, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece; Veljo Runnel, University of Tartu, Estonia;
Publications — University of OldenburgPublications; Staff; Scientific Diving; Aquarium; ... Thanos Dailianis, ...
CV HAL : Romain DAVID,Publication and online CV from HAL
"The Sponge Microbiome Project" by Lucas Moitinho-Silva, Shaun...Thanos Dailianis, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - Heraklion, Greece · Timothy Ravasi, King Abdullah University of Science and ...
A database on biological traits of polychaetes... Katerina Vasileiadou, Nafsika Papageorgiou, Thanos Dailianis, Lucia Fanini, Eva Chatzinikolaou, Evangelos Pafilis, Panayota Koulouri, Matina Nikolopoulou ...
CIGESMED for divers: Establishing a citizen science initiative for...Vasilis Gerovasileiou, Thanos Dailianis, Emmanouela Panteri, Nikitas Michalakis, Giulia Gatti, et al.. CIGESMED for divers: Establishing a citizen science ...
6a9ba7cf9b e | The GIASIPartnership Gatewaycreator, Faulwetter S, Vasileiadou A, Kouratoras M, Thanos Dailianis, Arvanitidis. provider, Wikimedia Commons · Home · The Partnership · Aichi Biodiversity ...
Cheng, C et al. (2015): Taxonomic identifiation, anti-trypanosomal...T00:00:00 * Elevation Start: m * Elevation End: m * Device: Sampling by diver (DIVER) * Comment: diver Dr. Thanos Dailianis.
Biological and ecological traits of marine species [PeerJ]... e.g., the group 'leaf nitrogen content' consists of the three traits: leaf nitrogen ... The occurrence of species in the fossil record has also been Frederica Camisa, Thanos Dailianis, Sarah Faulwetter, Evangelos Pafilis, ...
MARS Travel Fellowships awarded - Marsnetwork2005, Thanos Dailianis, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Crete, Greece, Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille, France, Implementation of the study on ...
Micro-computed tomography: Introducing new dimensions to taxonomyPubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to...
Micro-computed tomography: Introducing new dimensions to taxonomy...Coupled wi",. author = "Sarah Faulwetter and Aikaterini Vasileiadou and Michail Kouratoras and Thanos Dailianis and Christos Arvanitidis",. year = "2013",.
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the...Thanos Dailianis Costas S. Tsigenopoulos. Received: 18 March Accepted: 21 March Published online: 3 April Springer Science+Business ...
Description of microsatellite markers in four mullids based on the...Emmanouella Vogiatzi Reinhold Hanel Thanos Dailianis Jacques Lagnel Mohamad Hassan Antonios Magoulas Costas S. Tsigenopoulos. Treść / Zawartość.
PeerJ Preprints Table of ContentsMonthly Table of Contents in Preprints - March 2018
Photo | Aurelia auritaCette méduse a bien de la chance, elle possède quatre noms : méduse commune, Aurélie, méduse bleue ou méduse lune. Sa calotte est en forme de coupe sous...
Poecilosomella aciculata Info ButtonFeb 4, Micro-computed tomography: Introducing new dimensions to taxonomy. Faulwetter, Vasileiadou, Kouratoras, Thanos Dailianis, Arvanitidis
Polytraits: A database on biological traits of marine polychaetes |...... Nafsika Papageorgiou, Kleoniki Keklikoglou, Eva Chatzinikolaou, Evangelos Pafilis, Georgios Chatzigeorgiou, Katerina Vasileiadou, Thanos Dailianis, Lucia ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thanos
Männlicher Vorname (Griechisch): Thanos; unsterblich; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); a = un; thanatos = der Tod; bekannt durch den hl. Athanasius, Kirchenlehrer und Bischof von Alexandria (4. Jh.)
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