31 Infos zu Theophanis Matsacos
Mehr erfahren über Theophanis Matsacos
Infos zu
- Rubil Yilmaz
- Javed Ahmed
- Mark Morrell Ware
- Mikhail Dvorak
- Latvijas
- Supervisory Council
- Ventspils
- Ware and Christophe
21 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Ventspils nafta: Majority of Latvijas Kugnieciba shareholders elect a...... Simon Digby Boddy, Vladimir Egger, Mikhail Dvorak, Javed Ahmed, Rubil Yilmaz, Mark Morrell Ware and Christophe Theophanis Matsacos.
A new Supervisory Council for JSC “Latvijas kugnieciba” electedOut of 12 members of the company's Supervisory Council Robert Kirkup, Mikhail Dvorak, Javed Ahmed, Christophe Theophanis Matsacos, ...
DGAP-Adhoc: LK: the first meeting of the newly elected LK Supervisory...Latvijas kugnieciba :11Dissemination of a Adhoc News, transmitted by DGAP - a company ofEquityStory AG.The issuer is solely...
Chairman of the Supervisory Council of Ventspils nafta elected -...Chairman of the Supervisory Council of Ventspils nafta elected | Ventspils nafta | News | Nachricht | Mitteilung
10 Webfunde aus dem Netz
441: Deep Sea Foreign Transportation 671: Holding Offices - PDF Free...... Javed Ahmed, Rubil Yilmaz, Mark Morrell Ware and Christophe Theophanis Matsacos were elected into the LK Supervisory Council during the extraordinary ...
2011 m. Gruodžio 8 d. Biržos apžvalgaTuo pačiu išrinko naują tarybą iš 12 narių: Simon Boddy, Mikhail Dvorak, Christophe Theophanis Matsacos, Rubil Yilmaz, Vladimir Egger, ...
wallstreet.lv - Forums... Simon Digby Boddy, Vladimir Egger, Mikhail Dvorak, Javed Ahmed, Rubil Yilmaz, Mark Morrell Ware un Christophe Theophanis Matsacos
LK noliedz akcionāru sapulces notikšanas faktu, tikmēr akcionāru...Akciju sabiedrības
Resolutions of the extraordinary - NASDAQ OMX GlobeNewswire #NASDAQ OMX GlobeNewswire: Resolutions of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of joint stock company “L - #
Par lietas izpētes izbeigšanu... Egger, Mikhail Dvorak, Javed Ahmed, Rubil Yilmaz, Mark Morrell Ware, Christophe Theophanis Matsacos) pārstāv tieši Euromin intereses;.
VNF: Previous experience of JSC Ventspils nafta Supervisory Council...Christophe Theophanis Matsacos has joined the Finance team of Vitol in He is posted in the Representative Office of Vitol in Moscow ...
Ventspils nafta ievēl jaunu padomi - BNN - ZIŅAS AR VĒRTĪBU... Rubils Jilmazs (Rubil Yilmaz), Marks Vērs (Mark Ware), Kristofs Teofanis Matsakos (Christophe Theophanis Matsacos), Deivids Gujs Anstis ...
Ventspils nafta ievēl jaunu padomi | BNN - ZIŅAS AR VĒRTĪBUbnn.ilink.lv/ventspils-nafta-ievel-jaunu-padomi... Rubils Jilmazs (Rubil Yilmaz), Marks Vērs (Mark Ware), Kristofs Teofanis Matsakos (Christophe Theophanis Matsacos), Deivids Gujs Anstis ...
Valsts galvenais notārs atzīst, ka izmaiņu reģistrēšana LK padomē...Valsts galvenais notārs Ringolds Balodis izmaiņu reģistrēšanu Latvijas kuģošanas kompānijas
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