69 Infos zu Theophilos Maltezopoulos
Mehr erfahren über Theophilos Maltezopoulos
Lebt in
- Hamburg
Infos zu
- Armin Azima
- Markus Drescher
- Maria Krikunova
- Philipp
- Stefan
- X-ray
- European XFEL
- Leslie Lamberto
- Marek Wieland
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Direct measurement of the pulse duration and frequency chirp of ...indico.maxiv.lu.se › event › contributions85, Hamburg, Germany) Dr Mehdi Kazemi (DESY Hamburg) Mr Leslie Lamberto ... of Hamburg, Institute of experimental physics) Dr Theophilos Maltezopoulos (XFEL ...
sFLASH workshop (1-2 October 2012) - Indicoindico.desy.de › eventSpeaker: Theophilos Maltezopoulos (Universität Hamburg). 14:40. Plans on HHG and laser characterization improvements¶ 20m. Speaker: Hatem Dachroui (DESY).
4 Bilder zu Theophilos Maltezopoulos

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Science@FELs ( June 2018): Contribution List · IndicoDetails for Theophilos Maltezopoulos. Title: Dr. Affiliation: XFEL GmbH. Author in the following contribution. Direct measurement of the pulse duration and ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Theophilos MaltezopoulosDr. / Wissenschaftler / Hamburg / Femtosecond Laser, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy, Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Solid Edge / , Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Hamburg
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team - STM/STS on Semiconductors / Inst. of Appl. Physics / HamburgTeam member since eMail: @physnet.uni-hamburg.de Phone: ... Dr. Theophilos Maltezopoulos. Phone: …
4 Bücher zum Namen
Frequency-Mixing Lasing Mode at European XFEL - DOAJdoaj.org › articleGianluca Geloni,; Frank Brinker,; Winfried Decking,; Jan Grünert,; Marc Guetg,; Theophilos Maltezopoulos,; Dirk Noelle,; Svitozar Serkez,; Sergey Tomin, ...
Theophilos Maltezopoulos | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Theophilos Maltezopoulos. Results. Ultrafast photofragmentation dynamics of molecular iodine driven with timed XUV and near-infrared light pulses.
Wave-function Mapping of Electronic States in Nanostructures by...Wave-function Mapping of Electronic States in Nanostructures by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy. Front Cover. Theophilos Maltezopoulos pages.
Visual Library .NET - Die Suchmaschine für wissenschaftliche...Titel, Wave-function mapping of electronic states in nanostructures by scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Vorlageform, vorgelegt von Theophilos Maltezopoulos.
8 Dokumente
[ ] Time-resolved observation of band-gap shrinking and...Authors:Beata Ziaja, Nikita Medvedev, Victor Tkachenko, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Wilfried Wurth. (Submitted on 2 Oct 2015). Abstract: ...
A high-harmonic generation source for seeding a free-electron laser...Free Preview of First Page. A high-harmonic generation source for seeding a free -electron. laser at 38 nm. Theophilos Maltezopoulos.
EBSCOhost | | A high-harmonic generation source for seeding...Theophilos Maltezopoulos • Manuel Mittenzwey • Armin Azima • JЖrn BЖdewadt •. Hatem Dachraoui • Marie Rehders • Christoph Lechner ...
Operation of a seeded XUV free-electron laser at DESY with high-gain...... Nagitha Ekanayake, Bart Faatz, Kirsten Hacker, Mehdi Mohammad Kazemi, Ingmar Hartl, Shaukat Khan, Tim Laarmann, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Tim Plath ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Dissertation Theophilos MaltezopoulosTheophilos Maltezopoulos, Dissertation, Fachbereich Physik der Universität Hamburg, : "Wave-function mapping of electronic states in nanostructures by ...
Search for PhD theses : PhD Theses : Universität HamburgName, Year, Title, Keywords, PACS, Fulltext online on this Server in format, Publishing company Theophilos Maltezopoulos, 2004, Wave-function mapping of electronic states in nanostructures by scanning tunneling spectroscopy Stellar activity; Substellar companions, planets; Star-planet interactions; X-ray; Visible ( nm); Spectroscopy and spectrophotometry; Time series analysis, time ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades - CORE_.-*^*-._.-. zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades. By Des Fachbereichs Physik and Theophilos Maltezopoulos. Abstract. Wave-function mapping of electronic states in ...
A high-harmonic generation source for seeding a free-electron laser...Theophilos Maltezopoulos • Manuel Mittenzwey • Armin Azima • JЖrn BЖdewadt •. Hatem Dachraoui • Marie Rehders • Christoph Lechner ...
Opportunities for Two-Color Experiments in the Soft X-ray Regime at...... Edwin Kukk, Joakim Laksman, Pavel Lytaev, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Tommaso Mazza, Michael Meyer, Evgeni Saldin, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Matthias Scholz, ...
Theophilos Maltezopoulos - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekWave-function mapping of electronic states in nanostructures by scanning tunneling spectroscopy Maltezopoulos, Theophilos ; Alle Objekte (1)
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Mapping few-femtosecond slices of ultra-relativistic electron bunches...Free-electron lasers are unique sources of intense and ultra-short x-ray pulses that led to major scientific breakthroughs across disciplines from matter to...
37 Webfunde aus dem Netz
sFLASH Das „Seeding"-Projekt am Freie-Elektronen-Laser in Hamburg -...32 Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit und Vielen Dank allen Beteiligten Armin Azima, Jörn Bödewadt, Francesca Curbis, Hossein Delsim-Hashemi, Markus Drescher, Stefan Düsterer, Josef Gonschior, Katja Honkavaara, Rasmus Ischebeck, Shaukat Khan, Tim Laarmann, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Atoosa Meseck, Nils Mildner, Velizar …
Theophilos Maltezopoulos | European x-ray free electron laser |...Theophilos Maltezopoulos is a Physicist for Gas-Based Diagnostics at European XFEL GmbH Holzkoppel Schenefeld Germany..
Theophilos Maltezopoulosthe user's device. The portal can access those files and use them to remember ...
2010... Markus Drescher, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Velizar Miltchev, Manuel Mittenzwey, Joerg Rossbach, Sebastian Schulz, Michael Schulz, Roxana Tarkeshian, ...
au:Maltezopoulos_T in:cond-mat - SciRate SearchFemtosecond X-ray irradiation of solids excites energetic photoelectrons that thermalize on a timescale of a few hundred femtoseconds.
"Maltezopoulos" surname | Names List of "Maltezopoulos" with phone...People Names with Maltezopoulos as surname with phone number and address in all countries is listed here below: Theophilos Maltezopoulos.
! Module TheophilosTheophilos Maltezopoulos • Manuel Mittenzwey • Armin Azima • JЖrn BЖdewadt • . seeding undulator module are 28 m apart :: 625 :: 626 :: 627 ::
Commissioning of a photoelectron spectrometer for soft X-ray ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Joakim Laksman , Jens Buck , Leif Glaser , Marc Planas , Florian Dietrich , Jia Liu , Theophilos Maltezopoulos , Frank Scholz , Jörn Seltmann , Gregor ...
AKBP - Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen ...... Armin Azima, Markus Drescher, Leslie Lamberto Lazzarino, Christoph Lechner, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, •Tim Plath, and Jörg Rossbach.
Direct measurement of the pulse duration and Microsoft Academicacademic.microsoft.com › paperTheophilos Maltezopoulos 1, University of Hamburg , ... was conducted at FLASH, the free electron laser user facility at DESY in Hamburg, Germany.
Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Transient Changes of Optical...The authors thank Jerome Gaudin, Harold O Jeschke, Zheng Li, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Przemysław Piekarz, Robin Santra, Sven Toleikis, ...
List of Publications (last ten years)List of Publications (last ten years) 2018: B. Schönhense, K. Medjanik, O. Fedchenko, S. Chernov, M. Ellguth, ... Theophilos Maltezopoulos & Wilfried Wurth
DataCite SearchTim Plath, Christoph Lechner, Velizar Miltchev, Philipp Amstutz, Nagitha Ekanayake, Leslie Lamberto Lazzarino, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Jörn Bödewadt, Tim ...
Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik (AKBP) - PDF Free Download... Sven Ackermann 1, Philipp Amstutz 2, Armin Azima 2, Markus Drescher 2, Leslie Lamberto Lazzarino 2, Christoph Lechner 2, Theophilos Maltezopoulos 2, ...
PublikationenPublikationen; Intern; Publikationen; FSP-FLASH Publikationen · ... Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Stefan Cunovic, Marek Wieland, Martin Beye, Armin Azima,
Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Frequency-Mixing Lasing Mode at...Geloni, Gianluca, Frank Brinker, Winfried Decking, Jan Grünert, Marc Guetg, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Dirk Noelle, Svitozar Serkez, Sergey Tomin, ...
Modul Theophilos - akasemumop.gqStefan Düsterer, Josef Gonschior, Katja Honkavaara, Rasmus Ischebeck, Shaukat Khan, Tim Laarmann, Theophilos Maltezopoulos. 8.
Time-resolved observation of band gap shrinking and electron-lattice...Time-resolved observation of band gap shrinking and electron-lattice thermalization in x-ray excited GaAs. The paper titled "Time-resolved observation of band-gap shrinking and electron-lattice thermalization within X-ray excited gallium arsenide" by Beata Ziaja, Nikita Medvedev, Victor Tkachenko, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, and Wilfried Wurth ...
Module Theophilos henaxero.gaTheophilos Maltezopoulos • Manuel Mittenzwey • Armin Azima • JЖrn BЖdewadt • . seeding undulator module are 28 m apart. Ortografia ...
First Name Last Name Institution Sven Ackermann Universität Hamburg...... Elektronen Synchrotron DESY Jhilik Majumdar University of Hamburg Theophilos Maltezopoulos Universität Hamburg Dmitriy Malyutin Deutsches Elektronen ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Theophilos
Männlicher Vorname (Altgriechisch): Theophilos;; theos = Gott; philos = der Freund, der Liebende; bekannt durch den hl. Theophilus, Bischof von Antiocha (2. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Philipp Wessels
- Marek Wieland
- Christoph Lechner
- Beata Ziaja
- Katja Honkavaara
- Rasmus Ischebeck
- Dirk Noelle
- Stefan Düsterer
- Ulrike Frühling
- Maria Krikunova
- Winfried Decking
Personensuche zu Theophilos Maltezopoulos & mehr
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