94 Infos zu Thierry Coduys
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- Biennale
- Paris
- IanniX
- Musica
- Festival
- Pascal Dusapin
- Artist
- Brigitta
- Development
- Fedele
- Kyoka
- Miller Puckette
- Perrot
- Venezia
8 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Artforumwww.artforum.com“Making Things Public”And it entered into the viewer's experience too, for instance with The Phantom Public, 2005, a work by Michel Jaffrennou and Thierry Coduys whereby the ...
EinTanzHaus e.V.eintanzhaus.deTerminMit besonderem Dank an Thierry Coduys, Olivier de Perrot, Jlien Dütschler, Willy Dütschler, Karen Smith, Peter Tillessen, Reeto Von Gunten. Dimitri de ...
Festival d’Aix-en-Provencefestival-aix.comIL VIAGGIO, DANTE | Festival d'Aix—en—Provence | 3 — 23 juillet 2024Thierry Coduys. Assistant to the conductor. Volker Krafft. Vocal Coaches. Alfredo Abbati, Yoan Hereau. Collaborator to the movements. Evie Poaros. Staging ...
SWR.dewww.swr.deThierry CoduysThierry Coduys ; Alle Festivaljahrgänge ; VON A BIS Z · Alle Werke ; Chronik Donaueschinger Musiktage – hier wurde ...
24 Bilder zu Thierry Coduys

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Récurrences — Thierry Coduys (2011) | FacebookFacebook: Thierry Coduys - Paris, France - Local Business | FacebookFacebook: Facebookwww.facebook.comLa Biennale di Venezia - Thierry Coduys, LE CAS DE L'HIPPOCAMPELinkedIn: Thierry Coduys | LinkedInVoir le profil professionnel de Thierry Coduys (France) sur LinkedIn. Grâce à LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel au monde, les professionnels comme ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Facebookm.facebook.comPascal Contet, Thierry Coduys ~ Festival Constellations1 Business-Profile
ResearchGatewww.researchgate.netThierry CODUYS | Research profileThierry CODUYS | Cited by 89 | | Read 10 publications | Contact Thierry CODUYS.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
MemoRekallmemorekall.comTeamEdwige Perrot holds a PhD in performing arts. She teaches litterature and contemporary theatre from middle school to university. Thierry Coduys. Versatile ...
1 Songs & Musik
Setlist.fmwww.setlist.fmGuest Appearances by Thierry CoduysThere are no guest appearances by Thierry Coduys. Have you seen Thierry Coduys joining another artist on stage? Add or edit the setlist and help improving ...
2 Dokumente
ACM Digital Librarydl.acm.orgThierry Coduys - HomeThierry Coduys · Article. TOASTER and KROONDE: high-resolution and high-speed real-time sensor interfaces · Author Picture Thierry Coduys. La kitchen, Paris, ...
Academia.eduindependent.academia.eduThierry CoduysThierry Coduys studies Arts Plastiques, Digital preservation (Cultural Heritage), and Contemporary Performance Art in the Context of Digital Arts and New ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Architekturtheorie – RWTH Aachentheorie.arch.rwth-aachen.deHörMal! – Architekturtheorie_ Thierry Coduys, Elektro-Akustiker und Experte der neuen Medien,Le Hub, Paris _Anne Kockelkorn Dipl.-Ing. Architekturtheoretikerin, ETH Zürich _Ludwig ...
Archive ouverte HALhal.scienceIanniX Aesthetical/Symbolic Visualisations For Hypermedia ...von T Coduys · · Zitiert von: 42 — ... Thierry Coduys (La kitchen), Adrien Lefevre (Adlef), and Gérard Pape (CCMIX). This software continues to privilegiate graphic representation for hypermedia ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Ensemble Modernwww.ensemble-modern.comDesigning a Cartography in SoundIn Thierry Coduys, I have found a wonderful engineer to work with me. At IRCAM, he and the others work on processes I have defined: they have many ...
Cycling '74cycling74.comLoMus MaxMSP ForumLoMus MaxMSP · Thierry Coduys's icon. Thierry Coduys. Apr | 1:17 am. Désolé en cas d'envois multiples / sorry for possible ...
40 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Instagramwww.instagram.comThierry Coduys (@thierry_coduys) • Instagram photos and videos670 Followers, 849 Following, 315 Posts - Thierry Coduys (@thierry_coduys) on Instagram: "Arts & Nouvelles Technologies. Like eggs, code is sometimes best ...
La Biennale di Venezia · www.labiennale.orgThierry Coduys - Le Cas De L'hippocampe - Trittico VRConcept, composition, sound programming: Thierry Coduys. VR design concept: Agnès de Caeux. Development of 3D: Patricio Di Bacco.
La Biennale di Veneziawww.labiennale.orgThierry Coduys - Le cas de l'hippocampeThierry Coduys. VR design concept: Agnès de Caeux. Development of 3D: Patricio ... Description. Le cas de l'hippocampe, a triptych ...
Operabasewww.operabase.comThierry Coduys, Sound designer - Forestillinger, Videoer og ...Følg Thierry Coduys på Operabase at se forbi forestillinger, repertoire, Fotos og videogalleri .
Operabasewww.operabase.comThierry Coduys, Sound designer - Performances, Videos and ...Follow Thierry Coduys on Operabase to view past performances, repertoire, Photos and video gallery.
Radio Francewww.radiofrance.frThierry CODUYS : podcasts et actualitésÉcoutez tous les podcasts gratuitement en ligne. Dernières actualités et émissions de radio en replay sur Radio France. Tout savoir à propos de : Thierry CODUYS
SoundCloudsoundcloud.comStream Container by Thierry Coduys | Listen online for free on ...Stream Container by Thierry Coduys on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
Centre Pompidouwww.centrepompidou.frThierry CoduysArtist/personality. Thierry Coduys. Thierry Coduys. Events. Finished. Visite guidée / Atelier. Son et mouvement. 09 Oct h - 19h30. Is part of.
Ircammedias.ircam.frThierry Coduys, chef de projet, association IanniX - RessourcesDans le cadre de Vertigo, Forum Art Innovation, Mutations/Création, Thierry Coduys, chef de projet pour l'association IanniX, aborde les problématiques de l ...
Archambaultwww.archambault.caTraitement du signal audiovisuelTHIERRY CODUYS, LAURENT MILLOT ... Avant de vous déplacer, nous vous recommandons de téléphoner au magasin pour vérifier le stock Ce produit est actuellement ...
Bachtrackbachtrack.comLive, Video: Kritiken zu klassischen Konzerten, Opern, Ballett ...Live, Video: Kritiken zu klassischen Konzerten, Opern, Ballett und Tanz finden | Thierry Coduys. pbl. Neue Suche Filter. Suchmöglichkeiten.
Academia.eduwww.academia.edu(PDF) Iannix Aesthetical/Symbolic Visualisations For Hypermedia ...Thierry Coduys Guillaume Ferry Director, La kitchen 78, Avenue de la République Paris, France Tel: + (33)
Alexis Weaverwww.alexismarieweaver.comGallery | Alexis Weaver || ComSound engineering and diffusion: Thierry Coduys, Adrien Zanni Light Design: Tommaso Zappon Mentors: Kyoka, Thierry Coduys, Miller Puckette, Brigitta ...
Brigitta Muntendorfbrigitta-muntendorf.deBiennale College Musica 20232-week Mentorship of the Biennale College Musica together with Miller Puckette, Gerfried Stocker, Kyoka, Thierry Coduys and Oscar Pizzo. The Biennale ...
Chandos Recordswww.chandos.netIvan FedeleCapt-Actions has been premiered at the Arsenale in Metz, in April This new technology, which has been developed by Thierry Coduys in the “Kitchen ...
ConcertoNet.comwww.concertonet.comConcertoNet.com - The Classical Music Network... Thierry Coduys (Electronic acoustics). (© Monika Rittershaus) Pascal Dusapin created his new opera Il Viaggio, Dante, for the Aix‑en‑Provence Festival, co ...
Cyrille Henry"Real-time gesture mapping in Pd environment using Neural Networks" Arshia Cont, Thierry Coduys and Cyrille Henry. proceeding of the New (...)
Dark Euphoria · www.dark-euphoria.comLe cas de l'hippocampeThierry Coduys imagine pour la Biennale Musica un projet de scène musicale expérimentale immersive conçue pour un environnement virtuel créé ...
Dimitri de Perrotwww.dimitrideperrot.comREMYOUSIC I-III... Thierry Coduys, Olivier de Perrot, Jlien Dütschler, Willy Dütschler, Karen Smith, Peter Tillessen, Reeto Von Gunten Dimitri de Perrot hat Myousic als Artist ...
Estelle Schorppestelle-schorpp.comA CONVERSATION BETWEEN A PARTIALLY EDUCATED PARROT ...Sound engeneering and diffusion : Thierry Coduys and Adrien Zanni Light Design: Tommaso Zappon Sound archives : BBCAll pictures Courtesy La Biennale di ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thierry
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Thierry; Herrscher des Volkes; Gothisch (Zweigliedriger Name); thiuda = das Volk; reiks = der Herrscher; latinisierte Form eines gotischen Namens 'Thiudareiks', der in 'Dietrich' eine Entsprechung hat; bekannt durch Theoderich den Grossen, König der Ostgoten (5./6. Jh.)
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