23 Infos zu Thomas Banniza

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LIBRIS - Index A-Ö

LIBRIS index

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office:...

... INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Thomas Banniza, Hemmingen, and Helmut Preisach, Pleidelsheim, both of Germany, assignors to Alcatel NV, Netherlands Filed Dec.

2 Dokumente

%META:TOPICINFO{author="MikhailSmirnov" date ...

... name="List_of_Participants" title="List_of_Participants"></a>List of Participants 4WARD: Klaus Wuenstel, Thomas Banniza (Alcatel-Lucent) SENSEI: Olivier ...


STREP CARMEN. ARTURO AZCORRA, THOMAS BANNIZA, DAVID CHIENG, JOHN FITZPATRICK, DIRK VON-HUGO,. MAREK NATKANIEC, SEBASTIAN ROBITZSCH, AND FRANK ZDARSKY. Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on June 10, at 03:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

15 Webfunde aus dem Netz

US A - Method of and circuit arrangement for terminating a line...

Inventor: Thomas Banniza: Helmut Preisach; Current Assignee ... D n by a priority coded data word, which means that only the number of lines at "0" is decisive ...

DE D1 - Integrierte CMOS-Schaltung Google Patents

Other languages: German: English; Inventor: Thomas Banniza: Helmut Preisach; Current Assignee. The listed ... Application filed by Naxos Data LLC

EP A3 - Verfahren und Schaltungsanordnung für den Abschluss...

Other languages: English: French; Inventor: Thomas Banniza: Helmut Preisach; Current Assignee. The listed assignees ... accuracy of the list. Naxos Data LLC ...

Use Cases & Business Models - ppt download

© 4WARD Consortium Public Table of Contents From project wide scenarios to use cases Overview of first two selected use cases Business and evaluation model...

CARMEN Overview. Bernd Gloss, Thomas Banniza (Alcatel-Lucent …

1 CARMEN Overview Bernd Gloss, Thomas Banniza (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories Germany) Nico Bayer, Dirk von Hugo (Deutsche Telekom) Workshop on The Future of Broadband …

EP A2 - Method and circuit arrangement for the termination of a...

Other languages: German: French; Inventor: Thomas Banniza: Helmut Preisach; Current Assignee. The listed assignees ... accuracy of the list. Naxos Data LLC ...

EP A2 - Agencement de circuit pour fournir un courant de sortie...

Inventors, Thomas Banniza. Applicant, Alcatel SEL Aktiengesellschaft. Export Citation, BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan. Patent Citations (4), Non-Patent Citations (2), ...

EP A2 - Schaltungsanordnung und Busschaltung mit hoher...

Inventors, Thomas Banniza, Michael Dr. Klein, Helmut Preisach, Joachim Wölk. Applicant, Alcatel SEL Aktiengesellschaft, Alcatel N.V.. Export Citation, BiBTeX ...

EP A1 - Delay line circuit in a CMOS integrated circuit...

When delay circuits consisting of an iterative circuit of gates are constructed as CMOS circuits, they have the disadvantage that the typical delay time...

Integrating Fronthaul and Backhaul - PDF Free Download

CARMEN Overview Bernd Gloss, Thomas Banniza (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories Germany) Nico Bayer, Dirk von Hugo (Deutsche Telekom) Workshop on ...

Proposal preparation - 4WARD Project

Thank you for your Attention. This presentation is also based on input from WP1 attendees, special thanks to: Klaus Wünstel, Thomas Banniza, Alcatel-Lucent;.

Opis efektów kształcenia dla modułu zajęć - PDF Free Download

Arturo Azcorra, Thomas Banniza, David Chieng, John Fitzpatrick, Dirk Von-Hugo, Marek Natkaniec, Sebastian Robitzsch, and Frank Zdarsky: Supporting Carrier ...

Marek Natkaniec selected papers and professional services

Arturo Azcorra, Thomas Banniza, David Chieng, John Fitzpatrick, Dirk Von-Hugo, Marek Natkaniec, Sebastian Robitzsch, and Frank Zdarsky: Supporting Carrier Grade

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thomas

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Skandinavisch): Thomas; Zwilling; Aramäisch (Neues Testament); teoma = der Zwilling; im Mittelalter weit verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Apostels Thomas

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