121 Infos zu Thomas Creutzig

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11 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Video: Thomas Creutzig, "Higher rank partial theta functions"

Thomas Creutzig speaking at BIRS workshop, Modular Forms in String Theory, on Monday, September 26, on the topic: Higher rank partial theta functions.

Video: Thomas Creutzig, "Logarithmic Hopf links and modular forms"

Thomas Creutzig speaking at BIRS workshop, Alberta Number Theory Days VII, on Saturday, June 13, on the topic: Logarithmic Hopf links and modular forms.

Bonn-Köln Oberseminar Zahlentheorie und Physik — Mathematik

Bonn-Cologne Number Theory and Physics Meeting: Schedule: see link; Speakers: Stefan Hohenegger, Martin Möller, Thomas Creutzig, and Tobias Mühlenbach

Mathematiker lösen ein Rätsel der String-Theorie | myScience / news...

Verantwortlich: Dr. Patrick Honecker Symmetriebrüche in Schwarzen Löchern verstanden Abstrakte Schwarze Löcher dienen in der Stringtheorie als...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Thomas Creutzig aus Hannover

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MySpace: Thomas Creutziger ( )

Thomas Creutzig - Hannover (Leibnizschule)

Thomas Creutzig ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: Leibnizschule.

Alle bøger af Thomas Creutzig - Saxo. Læs Lyt Lev

Leder du efter bøger skrevet af Thomas Creutzig? SAXO.com har alle dine yndlingsforfattere. Find alle bøger af forfatteren Thomas Creutzig her.

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Thomas Creutzig at University of Alberta - RateMyProfessors.com

Rating and reviews for Professor Thomas Creutzig from University of Alberta Edmonton, AB Canada.

The elliptic genus and its relatives

With Dr. Thomas Creutzig I have now proved my conjecture. Our technique of proof generalizes to other settings with extended supersymmetry. We are currently exploring to which generality this is the case and whether or not there are implications on Mathieu Moonshine. Impressum;

2 Angaben zur Herkunft

Ortsfamilienbuch Lautenthal: Eva CREUTZIG *1616

(father), Brösel (Ambrosius) CREUTZIG + um 1625, Marcus CREUTZIG * Thomas CREUTZIG * Mutter: (mother), Lise + in Lautenthal, ...

Ortsfamilienbuch Lautenthal: Christoph CREUTZIG *1656 +1657

(father), Thomas CREUTZIG * , (totgeb. Kind) CREUTZIG + (totgeb. Kind) CREUTZIG * in Lautenthal,, + Else CREUTZIG * 1652

17 Bücher zum Namen

Vertex Algebras and Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics by Thomas...

Booktopia has Vertex Algebras and Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics by Thomas Creutzig. Buy a discounted Paperback of Vertex Algebras and Geometry online from...

bokus.com: Vertex Algebras and Geometry - Thomas Creutzig, Andrew R Linshaw -...

Pris: kr. Häftad, Skickas inom vardagar. Köp Vertex Algebras and Geometry av Thomas Creutzig, Andrew R Linshaw på Bokus.com.

Argyres-Douglas Theories, Chiral Algebras and Wild Hitchin Characters...

... our draft and offering their helpful comments, and Thomas Creutzig for sharing his notes as well as extensive communication and discussion.

Branes in Supergroups - Thomas Creutzig - Google Books

Front Cover. Thomas Creutzig. Dt. Elektronen-Synchrotron, pages. 0 Reviewshttp://books.google.com/books/about/Branes_in_Supergroups.html?id= ...

15 Dokumente

[ ] Branes in Supergroups

From: Thomas Creutzig [view email] [v1] Thu, 13 Aug :22:12 GMT (131kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable ...

Creutzig, Thomas [WorldCat Identities]

New boundary conditions for the c by Thomas Creutzig( Book ) 3 editions published in in English and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide .

Higher spin AdS^sub 3^ holography with extended supersymmetry -...

Thomas Creutzig,a Yasuaki Hikidab and Peter B. Rønnec. aDepartment of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta,.

[ ] Mathieu Moonshine and the Geometry of K3 Surfaces

Submission history. From: Thomas Creutzig [view email] [v1] Tue, 10 Sep :04:25 GMT (26kb) [v2] Sat, 12 Jul :42:16 GMT (26kb).

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Collaborators — Institut für Mathematik

Thomas Creutzig (U. Alberta) Vincent Delecroix (Labri, Bordeaux) Bruno Denet (U. Aix-Marseille) Norman Do (Monash U.) Bertrand Duplantier (IPhT - CEA Saclay) Bertrand Eynard (IPhT - CEA Saclay) Elba Garcia-Failde (Paris 7) Stavros Garoufalidis (SUSTech Shenzhen/MPIM Bonn) Alessandro Giacchetto (MPIM Bonn) Vadim Gorin (Wisconsin U.) Alice ...

Bethe Colloquium by Yuval Grossman - uni-bonn.de

Confirmed speakers included Thomas Creutzig (Darmstadt), Martin Möller (Frankfurt) and Tobias Mühlenbruch (Hagen). The schedule can be found here. Bethe Colloquium by Prof. Rocky Kolb. December December's Bethe Colloquium took place on December 06 (3:15 pm) in Hörsaal I:

Ingo Runkel

Tue, and Wed, 28.6: Thomas Creutzig on "VOA tensor categories for geometry and physics" Tue, 4.7: Drew Heard on "Local duality in algebra and topology", see …

Joint Seminar - Mathematical Physics and String Theory ...

Thomas Creutzig (Alberta) "Algebraic blow-up" Alberto Cattaneo (Zurich) "Hamilton-Jacobi and Quantum Chern-Simons on Cylinders" Simone Noja (Como) "On Some Global and Local Problems in Supergeometry" Tomas Prochazka (LMU) "Grassmannian VOAs" Ingmar Saberi (Heidelberg) "Holomorphic field theories and higher ...

8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Decompositions of Meromorphic Jacobi Forms by Kathrin Bringmann

decompositions of meromorphic Jacobi forms by. Kathrin Bringmann Cologne Coauthors: Larry Rolen, Thomas Creutzig. Decompositions of holomorphic Jacobi ...

Coset Constructions of Logarithmic (1, p ) Models | SpringerLink

Thomas Creutzig. Email author. Fachbereich MathematikTechnische Universität Darmstadt. David Ridout. Department of Theoretical Physics, Research School ...

The FZZ duality with boundary : Thomas Creutzig : Free Download,...

The Fateev-Zamolodchikov-Zamolodchikov (FZZ) duality relates Witten's cigar model to sine-Liouville theory. This duality was proven in the path integral ...

The McKay–Thompson series of Mathieu Moonshine modulo two |...

In this note, we describe the parity of the coefficients of the McKay–Thompson series of Mathieu moonshine. As an application, we prove a conjecture

48 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Mini-course by Thomas Creutzig - VOAs and Symmetries

The aim of this mini-course is to explain that interesting problems related to vertex algebras can be solved efficiently using the theory of vertex ...

‪David Ridout‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪University of Melbourne‬ - ‪‪Cited by ‬‬ - ‪Conformal field theory‬ - ‪Vertex algebras‬ - ‪Representation theory‬

Organizers - String-Math 2014

String-Math International Conference at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Thomas Creutzig & John Duncan - ppt download

Self-Dual Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Superconformal Field Theory Wolfgang Riedler in collaboration with Thomas Creutzig & John Duncan Alberta  ...

Thomas Creutzig | University of Alberta | Canada

Thomas Creutzig  is an assistant professor belongs to the department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences from the university of Alberta...

Thomas Quella - Google Scholar Citations

Create email alert for new articles in this profile. Follow new citations. Create email alert for new citations to articles in this profile. Co-authors. Thomas Creutzig

Andrei Babichenko, Thomas Creutzig, “Harmonic Analysis and Free Field...

Citation: Andrei Babichenko, Thomas Creutzig, “Harmonic Analysis and Free Field Realization of the Takiff Supergroup of $\mathrm{GL}(1|1)$”, SIGMA,

[Hep] reminder: talk by Thomas Creutzig today at 4pm in our SEM 136

Speaker: Thomas Creutzig (TU Darmstadt) Title: Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory Abstract: Logarithmic two-dimensional CFT appears in ...

Vertex algebras and geometry / Thomas Creutzig, Andrew R. Linshaw,...

Vertex algebras and geometry / Thomas Creutzig, Andrew R. Linshaw, editors. Format: Book; Language: English; Published/​Created: [Providence, Rhode ...

au:Creutzig_T in:math - SciRate Search

The Schur-index of the (A1,Xn)-Argyres-Douglas theory is conjecturally a character of a vertex operator algebra. Here such vertex algebras are found for the ...

Hecke Operators on Vector-Valued Modular Forms

Vincent Bouchard a, Thomas Creutzig ab and Aniket Joshi a a) Department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, 632 Central Academic Building, Edmonton T6G 2G1, Canada b) Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto , Japan.

Speakers: Stefan Hohenegger, Martin Möller, Thomas Creutzig, and...

Speakers: Stefan Hohenegger, Martin Möller, Thomas Creutzig, and Tobias Mühlenbach: Schedule; http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/NumberTheory/seminars/physics/

Advanced Conformal Field Theory and Applications

... John CARDY: Logarithmic CFTs as limits of ordinary CFTs, and some physical applications; Thomas CREUTZIG: W-superalgebras; Matthias ...

Members of the Group

Students Creutzig, Thomas ( , 201, ) String Theory and Conformal Field Theory. Drewes, Marco ( , 207, ) Thermal Field Theory and Cosmological Applications. Erbe, Marlitt ( , 306, ) Leptogenesis and Gravitino Production.

Calendar : CRM

Lie algebras and automorphic forms from vertex algebras. Thomas Creutzig, The University of North Carolina, NC Chapel Hill. back to top ...

Thomas Creutzig's Homepage

R E S E A R C H. D R A F T S. T. Creutzig and T. Gannon, The Theory of C_2- cofinite VOAs, pdf · S U B M I T T E D. T. Creutzig, S. Kanade, A. Linshaw and D.

V. V. Serganova, “Automorphisms of simple Lie superalgebras”, Izv....

Thomas Creutzig, “Geometry of branes on supergroups”, Nuclear Physics B, 812:3 (2009), 301 crossref; Alessandro Torrielli, “Review of AdS/CFT Integrability.

CiteSeerX — Citation Query Bethe ansatz for a quantum supercoset...

CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Bethe ansatz for a quantum supercoset sigma model, Phys. Rev. D72

Extended higher spin holography and Grassmannian models - ProQuest

Thomas Creutzig,a Yasuaki Hikidab and Peter B. Rnnec. aFachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universitat Darmstadt,. , Darmstadt ...

MIT Infinite Dimensional Algebra Seminar

MIT Infinite Dimensional Algebra Seminar

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thomas

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Skandinavisch): Thomas; Zwilling; Aramäisch (Neues Testament); teoma = der Zwilling; im Mittelalter weit verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Apostels Thomas

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Creutzig

Hallo :-).....Creutzig wird ab geleitet zum Teil von dem Mittelalterlichen Beruf....Creutzschmied.....(BERUF : DOLCH UND SCHWERTGRIFFMACHER)!!:-)...Darmals wurde Kreuz mi C geschrieben und das t warscheinlich auch dafür verwendet.Das .....ig am Ende kommt warscheinlich von dem verb würdig....= DER WÜRDIGE Creutzschmied.....FALLS ICH MICH GETEUSCHT HABE SCHREIBT BITTE DIE RICHTIGE AUFLÖSUNG......DANKE :-)...vieleicht auch was das genau war....der Beruf.....mehr hab ich nicht gefunden

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