76 Infos zu Thomas Michelat
Mehr erfahren über Thomas Michelat
Infos zu
- Abbas Ourmazd
- Alessandro Silenzi
- Luis Maia
- Maurizio Manetti
- Andrew
- Astrid Münnich
- Gianpietro Previtali
- Guido Palmer
- Morgan
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
First molecular movies at European XFEL - Universität Hamburg... Romain Letrun, Stella Lisova, Luis Maia, Victoria Mazalova, Domingo Meza, Thomas Michelat, Abbas Ourmazd, Guido Palmer, Marco Ramilli ...
online_analysis_2019_empty slidesThomas Michelat. The Karabo-bridge Python package provides a client interface to the Karabo bridge. Install the Karabo Bridge Python client: $ pip install ...
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Thomas Michelat | FacebookLinkedIn: Thomas Michelat | LinkedInThomas Michelats berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Thomas Michelat dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen ... Robert Bosch GmbH. Es fehlt: atv holding
LinkedIn: Thomas Michelat – Consultant en Systèmes Embarqués ...de.linkedin.com › thomas-michelat b29Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Thomas Michelat auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Thomas Michelat ...
LinkedIn: Thomas Michelat - Consultant en Systèmes Embarqués LinkedInView Thomas Michelat's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Thomas has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Thomas Michelat | Papers With Codepaperswithcode.com › author › thomas-michelatPapers by Thomas Michelat with links to code and results.
Diamond Publications - Search Results... Jolanta Sztuk-dambietz , Natascha Raab , Steffen Hauf , Alessandro Silenzi , Thomas Michelat , Chen Xu , Cyril Danilevski , Andrea Parenti , Leonce Mekinda ...
Grazer Journal. (Red.: E W Popel.) - E WThomas Michelat ( d , Bildhauer , a . Wien N . Mands , Jutelier , m . Sohn , 0 . Wien . — Sigmund Colomuoti Sriv . , m . Semalin . Frl . Tochter u . 2 Söhnen , a .
Ambient Intelligence: First International Joint Conference, AmI 2010,...Saint-Louis, France {Pierre.Raymond,Nicolas.Hueber,Thomas.Michelat}@ ...
2 Dokumente
[ ] Unsupervised learning approaches to characterize...· ... Yoonhee Kim, Jayanath Koliyadu, Holger Lange, Romain Letrun, Jannik Lübke, Abhishek Mall, Thomas Michelat, Andrew J. Morgan, Nils Roth, ...
Automatic Pedestrian Detection and Counting Applied to Urban...爱学术是一家专业的学术文献分享平台,覆盖各个行业期刊论文,学位论文,会议论文,标准,专利等各类学术资源,是国内最大的学术文献交流中心和论文资源免费下载网站。
11 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Alexander PichlerList of computer science publications by Alexander Pichler
dblp: Thomas MichelatList of computer science publications by Thomas Michelat
dblp: European Conference on Ambient Intelligence 2010Bibliographic content of European Conference on Ambient Intelligence 2010
Thomas Michelat - DBLPdblp.org › Persons· Thomas Michelat, Nicolas Hueber, Pierre Raymond, Alexander Pichler, Pascal Schaal, Bernard Dugaret: Automatic Pedestrian Detection and ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Automatic Pedestrian Detection and Counting Applied to Urban Planning...The statistical knowledge of human flows in the streets is mandatory for urban planning. Today many cities use the expensive method of manual pedestrian...
Segmented flow generator for serial crystallography at EconPaperseconpapers.repec.org › RePEc:nat:natcom:v:11:y:20...... Raimund Fromme, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Natascha Raab, Steffen Hauf, Alessandro Silenzi, Thomas Michelat, Chen Xu, Cyril Danilevski, Andrea Parenti, ...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Boards · Thomas Michelat / onda-xfel · GitLabin.xfel.eu › gitlab › tmichela › boa...Press Enter or click to search. author :@author; assignee :@assignee; milestone :%milestone; label :~label. {{name}}'s avatar. {{name}} @{{username}}. None
Membrane protein megahertz crystallography at the European XFEL |...... Hans Fangohr, Steffen Hauf, Friederike Januschek, Luis Maia, Maurizio Manetti, Marc Messerschmidt, Thomas Michelat, Gianpietro Previtali, ...
Segmented flow generator for serial crystallography at the European...... Natascha Raab ,; Steffen Hauf ,; Alessandro Silenzi ,; Thomas Michelat ORCID: orcid.org ,; Chen Xu ,; Cyril Danilevski ...
Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography at the European XFEL...... Domingo Meza ,; Thomas Michelat ORCID: orcid.org ,; Abbas Ourmazd ORCID: orcid.org
40 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Thomas Michelat | LinkedInView Thomas Michelat's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Thomas Michelat discover ...
Zatsepin Lab - Publications... Luis Maia, Maurizio Manetti, Marc Messerschmidt, Thomas Michelat, Jyotirmoy Mondal, Abbas Ourmazd, Gianpietro Previtali, Iosifina Sarrou, Silvan Schön, ...
Thomas Michelat (tmichela) - Libraries.ioRepositories created and contributed to by Thomas Michelat (tmichela)
Contributors · Thomas Michelat / onda-xfel · GitLabgit.xfel.eu › gitlab › graphs › karaboValerio Mariani commits April July October April July October April July
Labels · Thomas Michelat / onda-xfel · GitLabLabels can be applied to issues and merge requests to categorize them. You can also star a label to make it a priority label.
3D diffractive imaging of nanoparticle ensembles using an x-ray...Holger Lange, Romain Letrun, Jannik Lübke, Thomas Michelat, Andrew J. Morgan, Nils Roth, Tokushi Sato, Marcin Sikorski, Florian Schulz, John C.H. Spence, ...
MHz data collection of a microcrystalline mixture of different jack...Author: Thomas Michelat. Author: Astrid Münnich. Author: Florent Pallas. Author: Guido Palmer. Author: Gianpietro Previtali. Author: Natascha ...
Articles in mostly peer-reviewed Journals - Raimund Fromme ASUraimundfromme.com › published... Raimund Fromme, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Natascha Raab, Steffen Hauf, Alessandro Silenzi, Thomas Michelat, Chen Xu, Cyril Danilevski, Andrea Parenti, ...
Automatic Pedestrian Detection and Counting Applied to Urban Planning...The statistical knowledge of human flows in the streets is mandatory for urban planning. Today many cities use the expensive method of manual
Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography at the European XFEL...Victoria Mazalova 3 ,. Domingo Meza 9 ,. Thomas Michelat 2 ,. Abbas Ourmazd 13 ,. Guido Palmer 2 ,. Marco Ramilli 2 ,. Robin Schubert 9 ,. Peter Schwander
COMPRESSThomas Michelat, European XFEL. Lowell Miyagi, University of Utah. David Montgomery, LANL. Eric Moss, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
EXtra-data · PyPITools to read and analyse data from European XFEL
Crystals | Free Full-Text | Shock Damage Analysis in Serial...Thomas Michelat. 2,. Robert L. Shoeman. 1,. Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz. 2,. Guillaume Tetreau. 3 ,. Herbert Zimmermann. 1,. Adrian P. Mancuso. 2,7,. Thomas R.M. ...
Controlled beams of shock-frozen, isolated, biological and artificial ...ouci.dntb.gov.ua › works... Yoonhee Kim, Jayanath Koliyadu, Holger Lange, Romain Letrun, Jannik Lübke, Thomas Michelat, Andrew J. Morgan, Nils Roth, Tokushi Sato, Marcin Sikorski, ...
Frielingsdorf astrid how to trainA walking trail has been developed around the city for people who want to experience the Managers: Astrid & Alf Walter Dr Frielingsdorf.
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayThomas Michelat. Robert L. Shoeman. Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz. Guillaume Tetreau. Herbert Zimmermann. Adrian P. Mancuso. Thomas R.M. Barends. R. Bruce Doak.
Elusive Photosynthesis Details Unlocked With Rapid X-Ray Pulses... Luis Maia, Maurizio Manetti, Marc Messerschmidt, Thomas Michelat, Jyotirmoy Mondal, Abbas Ourmazd, Gianpietro Previtali, Iosifina Sarrou, ...
European XFEL undefined Stargazers - GitersThomas Michelat. tmichela · Jun. zhujun98 · Juncheng E. JunCEEE · Danilo Enoque Ferreira de Lima. daniloefl. Links. 产品情报局. Data Powerby api.github.com.
Megahertz data collection from protein microcrystals at an X-ray...... Maurizio Manetti, Thomas Michelat, Astrid Münnich, Florent Pallas, Guido Palmer, Gianpietro Previtali, Natascha Raab, Alessandro Silenzi, ...
Full list of authors – infectophysics.orgMarkus Metz1, Davide Mezza 24, Thomas Michelat 4, Grant Mills4, Diana C.F. Monteiro 3, Andrew Morgan 1, Kerstin Mühlig10, Anna Munke 10, Astrid ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thomas
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Skandinavisch): Thomas; Zwilling; Aramäisch (Neues Testament); teoma = der Zwilling; im Mittelalter weit verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Apostels Thomas
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Peter Schwander
- Hans Fangohr
- Romain Letrun
- Robin Schubert
- Jannik Lübke
- Marco Ramilli
- Maurizio Manetti
- Luis Maia
- Steffen Hauf
- Natascha Raab
- Abbas Ourmazd
Personensuche zu Thomas Michelat & mehr
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