36 Infos zu Thomas Posnicek
Mehr erfahren über Thomas Posnicek
Infos zu
- Martin Brandl
- Karlheinz Kellner
- Sensor
- Giulia Mazza
- Ettenauer
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
2 Bücher zum Namen
Security, Design, and Architecture for Broadband and Wireless Network...While wireless technologies continue to provide an array of new challenges and multi-domain applications for business processes and solutions, there still...
SEIA' Conference Proceedings - Sergey Yurish - Google Books... Agency for Water Management, Institute for Land and Water Management Research, ,3252 Petzenkirchen, Austria Email: Thomas.posnicek ...
2 Dokumente
Posnicek, Thomas [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Thomas Posnicek. Magnetically actuated circular displacement micropump by Markus Gusenbauer( )
[PDF] Worldcongress_ qxd - Free Download PDFDownload Worldcongress_ qxd...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Ing. Thomas Posnicek - Donau-Universität Kremswww.donau-uni.ac.at › organisation › mitarbeiterinnen › personIng. Thomas Posnicek · Universität für Weiterbildung Krems · Projekte (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank) · Publikationen (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank) · Vorträge (Auszug ...
Thermal lens spectrometry applied for a sensitive detection of...Thomas Posnicek graduated in electronic engineering at the Federal Higher Technical Institute for Education and Experimenting St. Pölten, Austria.
dblp: Thomas PosnicekList of computer science publications by Thomas Posnicek
Thomas Posnicek - University for Continuing Education Krems.at · + ; + (Fax); To contact form; Campus Krems, Tract D, 2nd Floor, 2.01
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Magnetically actuated circular displacement micropump | SpringerLinkThe development process of a magnetically actuated displacement micropump is demonstrated. Two permanent magnets are driven by electromagnets in a circular
22 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Thomas Posnicek - researchr aliasPublications by 'Thomas Posnicek' ... for Vehicular ApplicationsMartin Brandl, Karlheinz Kellner, Thomas Posnicek, Daniel Hochwarter. isplc 2019: 1-5 [doi] ...
50 Most Accessed Articles August | IEEE Sensors CouncilKaren Zuser ; Jörg Ettenauer ; Karlheinz Kellner ; Thomas Posnicek ; Giulia Mazza ; Martin Brandl Publication Year: 2019, Page(s): – 7802
A Fluorescence Based Sensor System for Automated Detection of E ...cyberleninka.org › articleAbstract of research paper on Materials engineering, author of scientific article — Thomas Posnicek, Jörg Ettenauer, Karen Zuser, Karlheinz Kellner, ...
Bundesheer: Eindrucksvolle Angelobung im Schlosspark - PDF Free...Foto: grafenegg by maja strobl In der Pfarrkirche Haitzendorf gaben einander Carina Datler und Thomas Posnicek am 17. September das,,ja- Wort.
A Source Based On-Demand Data Forwarding Scheme for Wireless Sensor...Thomas Posnicek. Danube University Krems, Austria. Christian Fabian. St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences,. Austria. A Source Based On-Demand.
An improved silver stain for the visualization of lipopolysaccharides...Giulia Mazza, Thomas Posnicek, Martin Brandl 14th international conference on optical and electronic sensors 机译:通过热光学方法大大提高了聚丙烯 ...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications With following keywords ...www.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayThomas Posnicek. Gabriele Weigelhofer. Alexander Eder. Martin Brandl. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. One email with all search results.
Curriculum Vitae Univ.- Prof. Dr. D. Falkenhagen - PDF Free Download... K. Strobl, Anticoagulation in combined membrane/adsorption systems Prilozi Dec; 29(2): Martin Brandl, Michael Mayer, Jens Hartmann, Thomas Posnicek, ...
Final Program. Greece September Going Nano in Homer s land. 45th...... Matthias Pilecky 2, Karlheinz Kellner, Thomas Posnicek, Giulia Mazza, Martin Brandl Department for Integrated Sensor Systems, Danube University Krems, ...
Forschungsbericht Donau-Universität Krems. Die ...docplayer.org › Forschungsbericht donau-universitae...HTL-Ing. Karlheinz Kellner Lakshmi Devi Chakkarapani, PhD MSc Ing. Thomas Posnicek Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Dr. Markus Gusenbauer Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Johann Fischbacher, ...
Giulia Mazza - Socolarwww.socolar.com › Search作者:Markus Gusenbauer ;Giulia Mazza ;Thomas Posnicek 等. 来源:The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
Highly increased detection of silver stained protein bands in...SPIE Digital Library Proceedings
Magnetic fluorescent microparticles as markers Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › paper › Magnetic-fluore...author={Marion Ettenauer and Thomas Posnicek and Martin Brandl and Viktoria Weber and D. Falkenhagen}, journal={Biomacromolecules}, year={2007}, ...
Magnetic fluorescent microparticles as markers for PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Marion Ettenauer , Thomas Posnicek, Martin Brandl, Viktoria Weber, Dieter Falkenhagen. Affiliation. 1 Center for Biomedical Technology, Danube ...
Selected Papers from EUROSENSORS2016 Conference - Article Selections...Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing research and development in the field of chemical sensors and biosens…
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technologywww.springerprofessional.de › the-international-jou...Markus Gusenbauer, Giulia Mazza, Thomas Posnicek, Martin Brandl, Thomas Schrefl. PDF-Version jetzt herunterladen | ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Ausgabe ...
Proceedings | Free Full-Text | Highly Integrated and Mobile Sensor...... Integrated and Mobile Sensor System for Dissolved Organic Matter in Stream Ecosystems†. by. Thomas Posnicek. 1,*,. Gabriele Weigelhofer.
Theoretical analysis of ferromagnetic microparticles in streaming...Martin Brandl, Michael Mayer, Jens Hartmann, Thomas Posnicek, Christian Fabian, Dieter Falkenhagen · Details · Contributors · Fields of science ...
Volume Table of Contents - SPIE Digital Librarywww.spiedigitallibrary.org › conference-proceeding...Results · Giulia Mazza, Thomas Posnicek, Martin Brandl. Proc. SPIE , 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors, ...
SECURWARE Program... with 3G Connectivity (POSTER) Thomas Posnicek, Karlheinz Kellner, Martin Brandl. SENSORDEVICES 3: Sensor Devices III Session chair: Thomas Posnicek.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thomas
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Skandinavisch): Thomas; Zwilling; Aramäisch (Neues Testament); teoma = der Zwilling; im Mittelalter weit verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Apostels Thomas
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