11 Infos zu Thorben Schlücker
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Der Fingerabdruck von Kunststoffen: Neue Recycling-MethodeLMU-Forscher haben neue Wege für das Recyceln von Kunststoffen entwickelt. Mithilfe ihres Verfahrens können unterschiedliche Polymere automatisch sortiert und...
Newsletter altLab Nº 122 | altLab DocumentaNewsletter altLab Nº122 de 31 de agosto de 2017
Polymeranalytik - Links | Analytik NEWSHeinz Langhals, Dominik Zgela, Thorben Schlücker Fachartikel zur verbesserten sortenreinen Trennung von Kunststoffen; Kunststoffanalytik (Metrohm)
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Thorben Schlücker | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Thorben Schlücker, with 14 scientific research papers.
1 Besitz
US Automatic sorting of polymer materials on the basis of...This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections....
1 Bücher zum Namen
Influence of the Chemical Structure on the Fluorescence Lifetime of...Influence of the Chemical Structure on the Fluorescence Lifetime of Dicarboxylic Imides and Oligothiophenes. Front Cover. Thorben Schlücker.
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Novel recycling methods: Fluorescent fingerprint of plasticsA new process has been developed that will greatly simplify the process of sorting plastics in recycling plants. The method enables automated identification of...
4 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dr. Dorothea Sommer, Stellv. Generaldirektorin der Bayerischen...... Materialprüfung mittels reflexiver Infrarotspektroskopie Dr. Thorben Schlücker, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Institut für Bestandserhaltung und Restaurierung, ...
Fluorescent aryl naphthalene dicarboximides with large Stokes shifts...A series of highly fluorescent 4-aryl substituted naphthalene dicarboximides were efficiently prepared via metal organic C–C-coupling reactions. The obtained...
LMU University Munich plastic recycling polymer materialsResearchers at LMU University of Munich, in Germany, have discovered a way to identify plastic for recycling through the automated recognition of polymer...
Structure-Based Theory of Fluctuation-Induced Energy Transfer in a...We present a microscopic theory for the description of fluctuation-induced excitation energy transfer in chromophore dimers to explain experimental data on a...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thorben
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Thorben; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); thorr = der Donner, der Donnergott, Thor; björn = der Bär; alter germanischer bzw. nordischer zweigliedriger Name
Personensuche zu Thorben Schlücker & mehr
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