135 Infos zu Thorsten Lumbsch
Mehr erfahren über Thorsten Lumbsch
Infos zu
- Field Museum
- Helge
- Lichens
- Science
- Ascomycota
- Research
- Education
- Evolution
- Flechtenforscher
- Boonpragob
- Botanik
- Lichenized Fungi
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Helge Thorsten Lumbsch - Latest Newspeoplepill.com › people › newsLatest news about Helge Thorsten Lumbsch.
Biology Colloquium: Thorsten Lumbsch | UW–Madison Events CalendarBiology Colloquium: Thorsten Lumbsch. And here poor fool I stand once more, no wiser than I was before? – 20 years of trying to understand ...
DFG vergibt Förderpreise für junge WissenschaftlerZiel des Forschungsprojekts von Helge Thorsten Lumbsch ist es, die ungeklärten Fragen zur Evolution und Systematik der sogenannten ...
Senckenberg-Preise für Flechtenforscher und Polar-Abenteurer - WELTSenckenberg-Preise für Flechtenforscher und Polar-Abenteurer
8 Bilder zu Thorsten Lumbsch

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: H. Thorsten Lumbsch and his Field The DNA Discovery Center ...Facebook: Congrats to our REU summer interns! - Thorsten Lumbsch | FacebookStaff Profile | Field MuseumWelcome to Field Museum
Helge Thorsten LumbschSnipview.com - a knowledge network
1 Business-Profile
Lumbsch, ThorstenL’application IdRef permet d’interroger les autorités des bases Calames, Sudoc, STAR, STEP et Thèses.fr, d'enrichir et/ou de corriger des notices autorités...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Helge Thorsten Lumbsch - WikispeciesHelge Thorsten Lumbsch (b ) Lichenologist. Research interest: Phylogeny, taxonomy, and phylogeography of lichen-forming fungi; lichen diversity; lichen ...
18 Bücher zum Namen
Life and Earth Sciences.von H. Thorsten and Sabine M. Huhndorf Lumbsch, …go,, 2010, Broschiert
Articles by Authordescription
Chemical Fungal Taxonomy - Frisvad - Google BooksOffers comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in both biochemical and physiological approaches to fungal systematics. Incorporates recent advances...
Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and Approaches in...This book discusses in detail molecular, mycobiont culture, biomonitoring and bioprospection of lichens, providing insights into advances in different fields...
2 Songs & Musik
Full text of "In the field : the bulletin of the Field Museum of...One bronze knife has a pinwheel decoration on the handle, and another Dr. Thorsten Lumbsch alone has helped describe more than 80 new species, ...
Full text of "Impact of Climate Change on Potential Distribution ...... el doi: journal.pone Editor: Helge Thorsten Lumbsch, ... The MaxEnt model's jack- knife test of variable importance showed that the ...
9 Dokumente
Lumbsch, H. Thorsten [WorldCat Identities]About. Most widely held works by H. Thorsten Lumbsch. Syllabus of plant families by Walter M Jaklitsch( Book ) 2 editions published in in English and held ...
Lindemuth, Ralf*, Nora Wirtz, Imke Schmitt, and H. Thorsten Lumbsch.NORA WIRTZ, IMKE SCHMITT, and H. THORSTEN LUMBSCH. FB9/Botanik, Universitaet EssenEssen, Germany. - Evolution of ...
Comparative genomics and epidemiology of the amphibian ...or jack-knife support for a given tree or part of a tree signifies a stronger ... OE, Huhndorf S, James T, Kirk PM, Lücking R, Thorsten Lumbsch H, Lutzoni F, ...
Thorsten Lumbsch - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Privatdozent Dr. Helge Thorsten Lumbsch - Gepris - DFGPrivatdozent Dr. Helge Thorsten Lumbsch. Projects. As Applicant. Completed projects. Botanik (Heisenberg Fellowships). Multi-Gen-Analyse zur Phylogenie der ...
Accelerated evolutionary rates in tropical and oceanic parmelioid...The rate of nucleotide substitutions is not constant across the Tree of Life, and departures from a molecular clock have been commonly reported. Within...
H. Thorsten Lumbsch - The William & Lynda Steere Herbariumsweetgum.nybg.org › person-detailsName. H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Vice President, Science & Education; Curator of Lichenized Fungi. Current Status. Active. Herbarium Code. F. Address. Herbarium
dblp: H. Thorsten LumbschList of computer science publications by H. Thorsten Lumbsch
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Analysis of Phenolic Products in Lichens for Identification and ...link.springer.com › chapterAnalysis of Phenolic Products in Lichens for Identification and Taxonomy. Authors; Authors and affiliations. H. Thorsten Lumbsch. H. Thorsten Lumbsch
Amphibian Disease Manual - Amphibian Arkspecies in Germany, but also keeps amphibians from Asia or the United States) or when survival ... geographic regions—i.e., species that do not co-occur in the wild. The reality is ... For very small animals or if a knife is not available, ... Jolanta Miadlikowska, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Alexandra Rauhut, Valérie. Reeb, A.
Helge Thorsten Lumbsch - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiGerman lichenologist (born 1964). H. Thorsten Lumbsch; Lumbsch. In more languages. Spanish. Helge Thorsten Lumbsch. investigador. Traditional Chinese.
Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America Truffles: Gold ...msafungi2.org › wp-content › uploads › › May InoculumThorsten Lumbsch (2006–2011) With the back of a table knife, gently score side of pastry with vertical marks ...
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Agaricomycetes – Wikipedia... Meredith Blackwell, Paul F. Cannon, Ove E. Eriksson, Sabine Huhndorf, Timothy James, Paul M. Kirk, Robert Lücking, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, François Lutzoni, ... Es fehlt: handelsvertretung außenleuchten
Wikipedia: Gottschalk-Diederich-Baedeker-Preis – Wikipediavon Marta ... Physiker (Habilitation "Ladungseffekte in ultrakleinen Tunnelkontakten"); 1995: Thorsten Lumbsch, Botaniker (Dissertation "Lecanora Subfusca") ...
Wikipedia: Melaspileaceae – WikipediaDie Melaspileaceae sind eine Familie der Schlauchpilze, die alleine die Ordnung ... erst von Robert Lücking und Helge Thorsten Lumbsch, um die einzige Art Eremithallus costaricensis, eine flechtenbildende Art, einzuordnen.
Accelerated diversifications in three diverse families of...Jen-Pan Huang ,; Ekaphan Kraichak ,; Steven D. Leavitt ,; Matthew P. Nelsen &; H. Thorsten Lumbsch. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article ...
55 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Thorsten Lumbsch - Google ScholarCurator of Lichenized Fungi and Vice President, Science & Education, The Field Museum - mal zitiert - Evolutionary Biology - Lichenology -...
Thorsten Lumbsch - اقتباسات الباحث العلمي من Googlescholar.google.com.ly/citations?user=SWqysxoAAAAJ&hl=arThorsten Lumbsch. Curator of Lichenized Fungi and Vice President, Science & Education, The Field Museum. بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على fieldmuseum.org.
Thorsten Lumbsch - Google 学术搜索引用Thorsten Lumbsch. Curator of Lichenized Fungi and Director, Integrative Research Center, The Field Museum · Evolutionary Biology, Lichenology, Mycology, ...
Wikiwix » Wikipedia - Helge Thorsten LumbschThis project is developed by Linterweb, with the financial support of . It is hosted by the CRIHAN. The ultimate Wikipedia articles search engine | About the indexing ...
Lecanoracae of Thailand | Field Guides(Lecanorales: Ascomycota) LECANORACEAE Lichens of Thailand 1 Khwanruan Papong & H. Thorsten Lumbsch Photos by: Khwanruan Papong. Produced by: R. B. Foster, J. Ph ...
Ana M Crespo de Las Casas - Citações do Google Académico... parmelioid lichens containing Xanthoparmelia-type lichenan (Ascomycota: Lecanorales). O Blanco, A Crespo, JA Elix, DL Hawksworth, H Thorsten Lumbsch.
Ana M Crespo de Las Casas - Google 学术搜索Professor of Botany - 引用次数:13,455 次 - Plant Sciences - Mycology - Evolutionary Biology - DNA barcoding
Dr. Thorsten Lumbsch | Fulbright Scholar ProgramDr. Thorsten Lumbsch. Institution: The Field Museum. Associate Department: Department of Integrative Research Center. Associate School: Home · About Us.
Helge Thorsten Lumbsch (born February 23, 1964) |...Helge Thorsten Lumbsch, German curator.
Helge Thorsten Lumbsch : Wikis (The Full Wiki)More info on Helge Thorsten Lumbsch ... Helge Thorsten Lumbsch: Wikis ... University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; Photos of Staff - Dr. H. Thorsten Lumbsch.
Thorsten Lumbsch | 500 Queer Scientists : 500 Queer ScientistsThorsten Lumbsch. He/Him. I am gay and I am an evolutionary biologist (lichenologist) at the Field Museum I am a curator and VP for Science and Education ...
H Thorsten Lumbsch - Springer Nature SciGraphscigraph.springernature.com › pers...H Thorsten Lumbsch. Ontology type: schema:Person. Overview; Identifiers; Visual; JSON-LD; Triples; Developers. Person Info. NAME.
Researcher: Helge Thorsten Lumbsch in Publications - DimensionsTheerapat Luangsuphabool, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Jittra Piapukiew, Ek Sangvichien , MycoKeys - Article. Article has an altmetric score of 2 · Open Access ...
Thorsten Lumbsch — Helsingfors universitetLumbsch. Besök på institution, Nej. Syfte med besöket, Forskning. Internationell ...
T15:21:52ZTCD was performed on the apparatus DWL MULTI-DOP T (Germany) with sensors Sahlmann C.O., Meller B., Bouter C., Ritter C.O., Strцbel P., Lotz J., Trojan L., ... Lücking R., Thorsten Lumbsch H., Lutzoni F., Matheny P.B., McLaughlin D.J., ... metastases after stereotactic radiosurgery using the Leksell gamma knife: can ...
HUH - Databases - Botanist Search... http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/4065e71a d9d-a2b9-11e af. Variant name, Helge Thorsten Lumbsch. Author name, Lumbsch.
Additions to the genus Mycobilimbia s. lat. from the Southern...Additions to the genus Mycobilimbia s. lat. from the Southern Hemisphere - Volume 37 Issue 3 - Gintaras KANTVILAS, María Inés MESSUTI, H. Thorsten LUMBSCH
Evolution of lichens — University of HelsinkiThorsten Lumbsch, Jouko Rikkinen · Finnish Museum of Natural History · Lichens. Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter ...
Aptroot A[au] - Search Results - PubMedAptroot A[au] - Search Results - PubMed
Fascinating Lichens of Sri Lanka | NHBS Feldführer und NaturgeschichteBuy Fascinating Lichens of Sri Lanka ( ): NHBS - Gothamie Weerakoon, H Thorsten Lumbsch, Dilmah Conservation.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Thorsten
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Thorsten; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); thorr = der Donner, der Donnergott, Thor; steinn = der Stein; alter skandinavischer zweigliedriger Name
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