63 Infos zu Tianzuo Zhan
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- Johannes Betge
- Matthias
- Marco Breinig
- Florian Heigwer
- Jan Winter
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- Svenja Leible
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- Belle
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9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Restricting Protein Intake not Beneficial ( )The Diagnosis and Treatment of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy by Dr. med. Tianzuo Zhan, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. med. Wolfgang Stremmel in volume Plauth, M Article
Artikel Deutsches Ärzteblattzu dem Beitrag Diagnostik und Therapie der minimalen hepatischen Enzephalopathie von Dr. med. Tianzuo Zhan, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. med. Wolfgang Stremmel in Heft …
Cancer drugs promote stem cell properties of colorectal cancerTianzuo Zhan. In colorectal cancer stem cells, the Wnt signalling pathway is particularly active and responsible for maintaining stem cell characteristics. Depending on the Wnt activity, the cancer cells can switch back and forth between the stem cell state and a differentiated state. This plays a decisive role in the success of treatment ...
Will Health Insurers Cover the Costs? ( )The authors of the review article recommended treatment with lactulose and rifaximine 550 mg twice daily for three to six months. This raises the question of...
2 Bilder zu Tianzuo Zhan

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Tianzuo ZhanLinkedIn: Tianzuo Zhan - Deutschland | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Tianzuo Zhan (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Tianzuo Zhan | LinkedInTianzuo Zhans berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Tianzuo Zhan dabei hilft ...
Heaven Tianzuo Zhan on LinkedIn: #houdini #cfx ...› posts
6 Bücher zum Namen
heiBIB: Zhan, TianzuoPublikationen in HeiBIB RSS. Zhan, Tianzuo: Analyse des Glukose- und Fettsäuretransports in 3T3-L1 Adipozyten / vorgelegt von Tianzuo Zhan, V,
authors:"Tianzuo Zhan" - Search | PaperityPaperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place
AACR Proceedings: Abstracts google.co.uk... Tianzuo Zhan,1 Florian Heigwer,1 Claudia Scholl,1 Matthias Ebert,2 Bernd Fischer,1 Michael Boutros1. 1DKFZ Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; 2University ...
Sådan digitaliserer man en kop kaffe: Hvordan etablerede ...google.co.uk... Tianzuo Zhan et al. “ CRISPR/Cas9 for cancer research and therapy”, Seminars in Cancer Biology, april ↩ 15 Jennifer Doudna. A Crack in Creation: Gene ...
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
A multicenter open-label phase II trial to evaluate nivolumab and...... Johannes Betge ,; Tobias Gutting ,; Elke Burgermeister ,; Sebastian Belle ,; Tianzuo Zhan ,; Nadine Schulte ,; Martin Maenz ,; Matthias P.
dblp: Tianzuo ZhanList of computer science publications by Tianzuo Zhan
AG Zhan: UMM Universitätsmedizin MannheimInformationen der Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
dblp: Marco BreinigList of computer science publications by Marco Breinig
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
【辛文儿】怠惰人形#崩坏学园2神格觉醒绘图视频大赛#_哔哩哔哩_bilibiliDrawing/Movie: Tianzuo Zhan 1.第一次在绘画区投稿吼,紧张 依旧相信绘画玄学,画啥出啥(昨天画了个琪亚娜崩3就出了个次元) 3.人形军团大法好,我只是想收集更多的芭比娃娃(滑稽) 4.bgm在视频末尾 就不复制辣~
【心华原创】扫把星【水彩pv付】_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili▶ 3:57Music/Lyrics/Drawing/Movie: Tianzuo Zhan (最近报大学要用视频无视我就好) 1. 我 ...
25 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Tianzuo Zhan | LinkedInView Tianzuo Zhan's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Tianzuo Zhan discover inside ...
Prof. Dr. Florian Heigwer - Google ScholarProfessor, University of Applied Sciences Bingen - 引用: 2,340 件 - Bioinformatics - Genome Research - Functional Genomics - Image Analysis -...
Liver Diseases: Zhan, Tianzuo - Expertscape.comTianzuo Zhan has special expertise in Liver Diseases
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy Tianzuo...REVIEW ARTICLE The Diagnosis and Treatment of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy Tianzuo Zhan, Wolfgang Stremmel SUMMARY Background: The subtype of hepatic …
ALBERT — All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records...ALBERT - All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg
Frequent co-occurrence of high-grade dysplasia in large flat colonic...Author(s): Tianzuo Zhan 1,2 , Felix Hahn 2 , Thomas Hielscher 3 , Johannes Betge 1,2 , Georg Kähler 4 , Matthias P. Ebert 2 and Sebastian Belle 2,4 ...
20 Jahre Stiftung LebensBlicke - eine Erfolgsgeschichte! | Stiftung...Ebert konnte zu Beginn den renommierten Adolf-Kußmaul-Preis an Dr. Tianzuo Zhan (Bild 4) von der Universität Mannheim für die Arbeit zu ...
Amplicon Sequencing of Colorectal Cancer: Variant Calling in Frozen...Amplicon Sequencing of Colorectal Cancer: Variant Calling in Frozen and Formalin-Fixed Samples
Altmetric – CRISPR library designer (CLD): software for multispecies...Florian Heigwer, Tianzuo Zhan, Marco Breinig, Jan Winter, Dirk Brügemann, Svenja Leible, Michael Boutros, Heigwer, Florian, Zhan, Tianzuo, Breinig, Marco, Winter, Jan, Brügemann, Dirk, Leible, Svenja, Boutros, Michael. Abstract. Genetic screens using CRISPR/Cas9 are a powerful method for the functional analysis of ...
Good Hope Road; 2003; Lisa Wingate; download pdf.5 Tianzuo Zhan , Felix Hahn , Thomas Hielscher , Asm Bilge , J rgen Gr ger , J rgen Weers , Johannes Betge , Timo Gaiser , Georg K hler , Matthias P.
Genome BiologyFlorian Heigwer, Tianzuo Zhan, Marco Breinig, Jan Winter, more · Genome Biology > > 17 > 1 > Background Genetic screens using CRISPR/ Cas9 are a powerful method for the functional analysis of genomes. Results Here we describe CRISPR library designer (CLD), an integrated ...
Bei Darmkrebs womöglich sogar schädlichSubstanzen aus der Klasse der MEK-Inhibitoren sind bei Darmkrebs nicht wirksam. Eine neue Studie zeigt jetzt: Sie aktivieren in Darmkrebszellen den sogenan...
Amplicon Sequencing of Colorectal Cancer: Variant Calling in Frozen...Tianzuo Zhan,. Affiliations: Division of Signaling and Functional Genomics, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Department of Cell ...
Paired frozen and FFPE samples of CRC liver metastases ...posted on , 09:29 by Johannes Betge Grainne Kerr Thilo Miersch Svenja Leible Gerrit Erdmann Christian L. Galata Tianzuo Zhan Timo Gaiser Stefan ...
Pharmacological treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with cavoatrial...Pharmacological treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with cavoatrial tumor thrombus - case series and literature review. Tianzuo Zhan, Janina Sollors, Niels ...
Frequent co-occurrence of high-grade dysplasia in large flat colonic...Frequent co-occurrence of high-grade dysplasia in large flat colonic polyps (>20 mm) and synchronous polyps. Tianzuo Zhan, Felix Hahn, Thomas Hielscher, Johannes Betge, Georg Kähler, Matthias P. Ebert, Sebastian Belle · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections ...
Altmetric – caRpools: an R package for exploratory data analysis and...Authors. Jan Winter, Marco Breinig, Florian Heigwer, Dirk Brügemann, Svenja Leible, Oliver Pelz, Tianzuo Zhan, Michael Boutros. Abstract. Genetic screens by ...
lipidmaps_s01_2011.xml... Silybin and dehydrosilybin decrease glucose uptake by inhibiting GLUT proteins Tianzuo Zhan Margarete Digel Eva-Maria Küch Wolfgang Stremmel Joachim ...
Title:Frequent co-occurrence of high-grade dysplasia in large flat...1 Author's response to reviews Title:Frequent co-occurrence of high-grade dysplasia in large flat colonic polyps (>20 mm) and synchronous polyps. Authors: Tianzuo Zhan Felix Hahn Thomas Hielscher Johannes Betge Georg Kähler Matthias P Ebert Sebastian Belle Version:3Date:12 May Author's response to ...
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Timo Gaiser
- Thomas Hielscher
- Elke Burgermeister
- Dirk Brügemann
- Michael Boutros
- Sebastian Belle
- Felix Hahn
- Florian Heigwer
- Marco Breinig
- Andreas Richter
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