201 Infos zu Tibor Ertl

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Faculty Publications June

— Vass, Réka Anna, Miaomiao Zhang, Livia Simon Sarkadi, Márta Üveges, Judit Tormási, Eszter L. Benes, Tibor Ertl, and Sandor G. Vari. Nutrients

History of Changes for Study: NCT Clinical Trialsclinicaltrials.gov › history › NCT

Contact:Contact: Tibor Ertl, MD .hu. Szent György University Teaching Hospital of County Fejér [Recruiting] Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 8000

History of Changes for Study: NCT

Contact: Tibor Ertl, MD .hu. Szent György University Teaching Hospital of County Fejér [Recruiting] Székesfehérvár, Hungary, Contact: ...

4th Global Summit for Preemies - EFCNIwww.efcni.org › News

· ... Tibor Ertl to realise better outcomes for preterm babies and their families. Few weeks after the first summit Dr Csaba Nádor and Dr Miklós ...

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Tibor Ertl | Facebook

Facebook: Tibor Ertl

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LinkedIn: Tibor Ertl | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Tibor Ertl auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Tibor Ertl hat 1 Job im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Tibor Ertl und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.

5 Hobbys & Interessen


— Tibor Ertl of Colbert. Krysyna Kolodrub of Spokane. $948. Norman Moss of Spokane. $700. Debra Lossing of Spokane. $517. Al Fuller of Fairfield ...

Fetal betamethasone treatment and neonatal outcome in ...

, Miklós Vizer, MD, Tibor Ertl, MD, DSc. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Édesanyák u 17, H Pécs ...

Lottery | The Spokesman-Review

Here are recent Spokane-area winners of $100 or more in the Washington State Lottery: $1, Randy Brown of Colville, Wash. $1, Thomas...

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vol n° 6 - EM...

Le site de référence en informations médicales et paramédicales - EM|consulte

2 Business-Profile

Tibor ERTL - Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic

Tibor ERTL | Cited by | of University of Pécs, Pécs (PTE) | Read 109 publications | Contact Tibor ERTL.

Tibor Ertl | Spokane, Washington

Find information about caller Tibor Ertl owner of phone number from Spokane, WA, US

5 Persönliche Webseiten

Tibor Ertl

Almacén al por menor, Seguimiento del mercado, Pieza moldeada y forjado, Comercio mayorista y la producción, ...

Tibor Ertl

Vedenie cudzieho motorového vozidla, Pneuservis, Piliarska vyroba, porez dreva, hobľovanie, impregnovanie dreva, ...

Tibor Ertl

Petit commerce, Surveillance du marché, Moulage et ferrage, La commerce en gros et la production, Etude du marché

TIBOR ERTL name on internet - ertl tibor - Vagyok.netertl-tibor.vagyok.net › english

Analyze of TIBOR ERTL name - vagyok.net - Check what can we find from TIBOR name and ERTL surname using internet and statistic.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Comparison of Water-Bath and Dry-Tempering Devicesjournals.scholarsportal.info › details › nfp_hpcowadd

Tibor Ertl · Dora Reglodi · Adel Jungling · Andrea Tamas. Source Information. February 2019, Volume14 - International Breastfeeding Journal · About this region.

3 Traueranzeigen

Tibor Ertl ( ) *73 Biography - Sysoon

Plot s/n: The grave site of Tibor Ertl. Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [en]

Tibor Ertl ( ) *73, Grave # Sysoon

The grave site of Tibor Ertl. Plot # Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [en]

Tibor Ertl ( ) *73, Могила # [ru] - Sysoon

The grave site of Tibor Ertl. Plot # Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [ru]

1 Projekte

Tibor Ertl - Search on European Projects Archive :: Ma Région Sud

Search performed in the archive of EU funded European Projects by the European Commission

5 Bücher zum Namen

Author Info | PLOS ONE

Department of Neonatology, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. Tibor Ertl. Affiliation Department of Neonatology, Medical School, University of Pécs, Pécs ...

Author Info | PLOS ONEjournals.plos.org › plosone › article › authors › jour...

Tibor Ertl. Affiliation Department of Neonatology, Medical School, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary. Janusz S. Gadzinowski. Affiliation Chair and Department ...

Library Search | Library Website

Tibor Ertl; Judit Gyarmati; Valéria Gaál; Ilona Szabó; Source: Biology of the Neonate; 2006, Vol. 89 Issue 1, p56-59, 4p; Find It. Select Item. ×. Academic Journal ...

Nuclear Science Abstractsgoogle.com

... Tibor Ertl ( Cable Insulator Research Inst . , Bratislava ) . Jaderna Energie , 9 : ( ) . ( In Czech ) The high - molecular silicoörganic ...

13 Dokumente

Tibor Ertl

Tibor Ertl: 1 Follower, 120 Research papers.

Contents of Supplementary material

Professor Tibor Ertl, MD, PhD. Deapartments of Neonatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology,. Medical School, University of Pécs, Édesanyák útja 17, Pécs

ESDP tentative symposium titles/speakers

Hungary: Tibor Ertl. Sweden: Anders Rane, President. The Netherlands: John van den Anker, Treasurer. UK: Imti Choonara, Secretary General. UK: Sharon Conroy.

Inhibitory Effect of Bombesin Receptor Antagonist RC on ...

von Y Qin · · Zitiert von: 121 — Yunfeng Qin, Tibor Ertl, Ren-Zhi Cai, Gabor Halmos, and Andrew V. Sehally 2. Endocrine, Polypeptide and Cancer Institute, Veterans AfJhirs ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Distribution of bioactive factors in human milk samples

von RA Vass · · Zitiert von: 48 — Tibor Ertl. Authors. Reka A. Vass. View author publications. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Agnes Kemeny. View ...

Recombinant Bile Salt-Stimulated Lipase in Preterm Infant ...

von C Casper · · Zitiert von: 39 — Recombinant Bile Salt-Stimulated Lipase in Preterm Infant Feeding: A Randomized Phase 3 Study. Charlotte Casper (1) , Jean-Michel Hascoët (2) , Tibor Ertl (3) ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Bombesin antagonists inhibit in vitro and in vivo growth of ...

von Y Qin · · Zitiert von: 50 — ... Tibor Ertl & Andrew V. Schally. Section of Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine, Tulane University School of MedicineNew Orleans, LA, USA.

Urinary endothelin excretion in the neonate: influence of ...

von E Sulyok · · Zitiert von: 17 — Authors and Affiliations. County Children's Hospital, Box-76, H-7601, Pécs, Hungary. Endre Sulyok & Tibor Ertl. Department of Paediatrics, University Medical ...

Bombesin antagonists inhibit in vitro and in vivo growth of human...

Yunfeng Qin, Gabor Halmos, Ren-Zhi Cai, Balazs Szoke, Tibor Ertl & Andrew V. Schally. Section of Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine, Tulane ...

8th RECOOP Annual Project Review Meeting Hotel International ...www.imbm.sk/.../agenda-of-the-8th-recoop-annual-project-revie...

Tibor Ertl. Cardiovascular Diseases. O1. Effects of carbohydrate and fat rich food and antidiabetic treatment on vasorelaxation in aortas of ...

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

Teverun Fighter Supreme 7260R ride

Save. Report. Comments18. Tibor Ertl. Jók a visszapillantok ilyen sebesség mellett azért nem árt egy toltesel mennyi a, maxhatotav.

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Tibor Ertl. Home. Library. Tibor Ertl. @et76100No videos. More about this channel. Subscribe. HomePlaylistsChannels.

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5 Meinungen & Artikel


von T Ertl · · Zitiert von: 1 — DOPAMINE AND PROLACTIN CONTENT OF THE HUMAN MILK. Tibor Ertl,; Endre Sulyok &; Géza Hartmann. Pediatric Research volume

The Influence of NaCl Supplementation on the Postnatal ...

von E Sulyok · · Zitiert von: 17 — ENDRE SULYOK, GYULA GYODI, TIBOR ERTL, JOZSEF BODIS, AND GEZA HARTMANN. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Medical School, Pics, Hungary.


DOPAMINE AND PROLACTIN CONTENT OF THE HUMAN MILK. Tibor Ertl,; Endre Sulyok &; Géza Hartmann. Pediatric Research volume 32, page 617 (1992)Cite this article.

Influence of Genetic Polymorphisms on Bone Disease of Preterm Infants...

Clinical Investigation

120 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Tibor Ertl - Google Tudós

Tibor Ertl. University of Pécs. E-mail megerősítve itt: aok.pte.hu - Kezdőlap · neonatololgypediatrics. CikkekHivatkozott ráNyilvános hozzáférés. Cím.

Tibor Ertl - Projects

Tibor Ertl. University of Pécs. Tibor Ertl. University of Pécs - Macaristan / Hungary. Medical and Health Sciences / Pediatrics and Child Health. AD ...

Tibor Ertl - diskusie | Sociálna sieť firiem - Dlznik.sk - Zoznam

Diskusie o subjekte Tibor Ertl v sociálnej sieti firiem Slovenska. Základné údaje, súvisiace osoby a spoločnosti. Vždy overené a spoľahlivé informácie.

Tibor Ertl – živnostník – Výpis zo živnostenského registra - Dlznik.sk

Aktuálne informácie o živnosti a podnikaní subjektu Tibor Ertl. Presná adresa, IČO, predmety podnikania, možnosť overenia zadlženosti a ďalšie užitočné ...

Tibor Ertl — OfficialUSA.com Records

Tibor Ertl. Tibor Ertl. Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results. Sort Order. By Age; By Age. Alphabetically; Alphabetically. TE. Tibor Anthony Ertl. Spokane, WA. Search ...

Tibor Ertl

Tibor Ertl · Current Organizations / Institutes · Previous Organizations / Institutes · Research Subjects · Research Interests · Latest Publications.

Tibor Ertl - AD Scientific Index 2025

Tibor Ertl · Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences / Pediatrics and Child Health in the World · Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences

Ertl Tibor ( )

nu Contributors: Réka Anna Vass; Miaomiao Zhang; Livia Simon Sarkadi; Márta Üveges; Judit Tormási; Eszter L. Benes; Tibor Ertl; Sandor G ...

Conference Committees2 | INAC International Neonatology ...

Prof. Tibor Ertl Prof. Gyula Tálosi Prof. Miklós Szabó Prof. István Seri Prof. Csaba Nádor. 18 Avenue Louis-Casai, Geneva, Switzerland; Tel: +

Create a SciFeed alert for new publications

Tibor Ertl. Sandor G. Vari. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. One email with all search results. One email for each search. Renew. clear.

Die Leitung der Fakultät · UP MF

Tibor ERTL, PhD DSc. Beauftragter des Dekans für Fach- und Weiterbildung. .hu. Péter Balogh, MD PhD DSc. Leiter der Biotechnologischen MSc ...

Dietary nutrients during gestation cause obesity and ...

von S Bokor · · Zitiert von: 2 — Tibor Ertl, Tibor Ertl2,4 D nes Moln r, Dénes Molnár1,2. 1Department of Paediatrics, Medical School, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary; 2National Laboratory ...

Disparities and relative risk ratio of preterm birth in six Central ...

von CP Arora · · Zitiert von: 32 — Tibor Ertl ; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School University of Pecs, Pecs, Hungary Iuliana Ceausu ; Department of Obstetrics and ...

Distribution of bioactive factors in human milk samples.

... Tibor Ertl 5 , Dora Reglodi 1 , Adel Jungling 1 , Andrea Tamas 1. Affiliations. Background Breast milk provides nutrition for infants and also contains a ...

Does Mother Nature Know Better Than We Do?

von T Ertl · — Does Mother Nature Know Better Than We Do? Psychiatr Danub Fall;33(3):294. Author. Tibor Ertl. Affiliation. 1 University of Pécs, Medical School, ...

Effects of Maternal Stress during Different Periods ...

... Tibor Ertl, Tamas Atlasz, Greta Bodzai, Peter Kiss and Judit Gyarmati. Department of Anatomy, MTA-PTE PACAP Lendulet Research Team, Medical School ...

Epigenetic Effect of Maternal Methyl-Group Donor Intake ...

Vass, Simone Funke, Tibor Ertl, Dénes Molnár. Abstract. Maternal exposure to some dietary and environmental factors during embryonic development can affect ...

Fach- und Weiterbildungszentrum · UP MF

Das Büro arbeitet unter der Aufsicht von Herrn Prof. Dr. Tibor Ertl, Prodekan für Allgemeines, Fach- und Weiterbildung. Öffnungszeiten: Mon: - Die: 13:00-16: ...

Fetal betamethasone treatment and neonatal outcome in ...

von I Szabó · · Zitiert von: 7 — ∙ Tibor Ertl, MD, DSc. Tibor Ertl, MD, DSc. Affiliations. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Édesanyák u 17, H ...

Infantile Hemangiomas and Retinopathy of Prematurity

Komlosi +4 authors. Tibor Ertl. Medicine. European Journal of Pediatrics TLDR. Infantile hemangioma and ROP co-occur in premature infant populations at ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tibor

Männlicher Vorname (Ungarisch): Tibor; dem Flussgott 'Tiberis' geweiht; Lateinisch (Römischer Vorname); tiberis = der Flussgott, der Tiber; ursprünglich ein römischer Vorname; der Name des Flusses Tiber stammt vielleicht von 'Thybris', dem Namen eines sagenhaften Königs in Latium

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