92 Infos zu Tiit Hindpere

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15 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Auf Anhieb ins Weltmeisterschaftsfinale - Landestanzsportverband...

Im kanadischen Vancouver fand am 15. November die offene WDSF Weltmeisterschaft der Senioren II Standard statt. Während in den vergangenen Jahren bei der...


Tiit Hindpere / Ene Hindpere (Estland) 5. Jari Redsven / Anne Redsven (Finnland) 6. Mikhail Kotsar / Olga Melnik (Russland) Quelle: DTV / IDSF.

Zweiter Platz in Tilburg - Landestanzsportverband Berlin

Die Sieger Tiit Hindpere/Ene Hindpere aus Estland dominierten das Turnier. 1. Tiit Hindpere/Ene Hindpere (Estonia) 2. Gert Faustmann/Alexandra Kley (Germany) 3.

Latvijas pāri starptautiskajā sporta deju festivālā 'GE Money Grand...

Pirmajā festivāla dienā, piektdien 14. decembrī, norisinājās Bang & Olufsen Ziemeļeiropas čempionāts. Ziemeļeiropas čempionu titulu pieaugušajiem Latīņamerikas...

1  Bilder zu Tiit Hindpere

Photo of Tiit Hindpere \u0026amp; Ene Hindpere

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Tiit Hindpere and Ene Hindpere, dancing Tantsufestival ...

Facebook: Tiit Hindpere | Facebook

pinterest.com: Tiit Hindpere

154 Pins • 7 Followers

1 Hobbys & Interessen


1147 DANIELE PARTICELLI. NICCOLETTA NIVELLI. Italy Tiit Hindpere . Ene Hindpere. Estonia Jean-Hugues Henneghien.

1 Traueranzeigen

Startlist of competition on in Sporthal De Rode Loop...

181, Tiit Hindpere / Ene Hindpere, Estonia. 182, Fabio Motta / Valeria Giupponi, Italy. 183, Marco Del Prete / Daniela Andreola, Italy. 184, Lorenzo Albiati / Maria ...

3 Dokumente

Results of competition on in Stuttgart, Germany


IDSF Open Senioren I Standard ( ) 1 Dirk Alefsen - Miriam ...

... Deutschland 30 Helmut Harrer - Alexandra Braun Deutschland 31 Alexander Hick - Petra-Alexandra Leß?mann Deutschland 32 Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere  ...


162 Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere Estonia 163 Roland Holub - Eleonore Gerl 164 Norbert J ger - Christine J ger-Eberhardt Germany 165 Christian Jordan - Sonja Sigmund

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Campionati mondiali WDSF - Wikipedia

Questa pagina raccoglie gli albi d'oro delle competizioni della World DanceSport Federation, Isabelle Reyjal, Estonia Tiit Hindpere Ene Hindpere. Rimini

Antwerp WC SEN I STD: Places 7 Through 13 | World DanceSport...

Tiit Hindpere / Ene Hindpere: Estonia: : Gwenael Lavigne / Stephanie Godet: France: : Sergey Lukyanov / Irina Kamenskaya: Russia: Newer Older.

65 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Details of WDSF athlete Tiit Hindpere | World DanceSport Federation...

Details of the WDSF athlete Tiit Hindpere. Also includes the partner and competition history.

Details of Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere | World DanceSport ...

Man: Tiit Hindpere ( ); Woman: Ene Hindpere ( ); Dancing for: Estonia; Joined on: 09 February 2004; Retired on: 18 March 2019; Current age ...

Pin von Tiit Hindpere auf Tall | Rustikale landhäuser, Design für...

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Angel Style | House interior, Interior design, House design

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Tiit Hindpere (thindpere) - Profile | Pinterest

See what Tiit Hindpere (thindpere) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of everybody's favorite things.

Tiit Hindpere (thindpere) auf Pinterest

Se, hvad Tiit Hindpere (thindpere) har fundet på Pinterest – verdens største samling af alles yndlingsting.

Unassigned/Not identified Photo of Tiit Hindpere & Ene ...

Everything you wanted to know about competitive dance world and dancesport. Results, photos, galleries and information about couples and dance ...

GOC WDSF Open Senior II Standard

Tiit HINDPERE / Ene HINDPERE (ESTONIA) 6. Bernd KETTURKAT / Sandra KETTURKAT (TC Royal Oberhausen) Top Moreno CARNELLI / Michela SAGGIORATO (ITALY) 8.

Competition report

Robert Panther - Birgit Panther (Germany) Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere (Estonia) Vitam Kodelja - Barbara Kodelja (Slowenia) Aldo Sterpilla - Enza Bracci (Italy) John Townsend - Sabine Kuntze (England) ...

Competition report

, Bernd Ketturkat - Sandra Ketturkat (Germany) , Robert Panther - Birgit Panther (Germany) , Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere (Estonia) , Vitam Kodelja - Barbara Kodelja (Slowenia). 19.

World Championships Senior I S class Standard

Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere: Estonia: 21: Roland Holub - Eleonore Gerl: Austria: 22: Thomas Keller - Evelyn Lafferty: United States of America: 23: Mihály Kiss ...

22. German Open Championships 2008

Hindpere, Tiit - Hindpere, Ene: ESTONIA * : 28: Faustmann, Gert - Kley, Alexandra: Blau-Silber Berlin Tanzsportclub: : 174: Berezin, Victor - Martynenko

IDSF International Open Senior I Standard

Hindpere, Tiit - Hindpere, Ene: Estland: : 633: Groß, Michael - Groß, Angelika: Deutschland: : 652: Kodelja, Vitam - Kodelja, Barbara: Slowenien: 17

Winter Dance Festival IDSF Senioren Standard

Tiit Hindpere / Ene Hindpere (Estland) 5. Jurgen Stellmacher / Anne Stellmacher (Deutschland) 6. Robert Panther / Birgit Panther (Deutschland) Semifinale. 7.

Results of competition on in Brno

14, Dr. Michael Gross / Angelika Gross, Germany , Tiit Hindpere / Ene Hindpere, Estonia , Robert Panther / Birgit Panther, Germany , Giuseppe Arzilli / Debora Maltomini, Italy , Roland Holub / Eleonore ...


2. Carlo Wilmer Righero - Manuela Traversi ITALY 3. Moreno Carnelli - Michela Saggiorato ITALY 4. Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere ESTONIA 5. Armando Nespoli ...

ÖTSV | IDSF Vinius (LTU)

IDSF Senior I Standard, Vilnius (LTU)22 Paare, 9 Nationen: 1. Robert Panther - Birgit Panther (GER) 2. Tiit Hindpere - Ene Hindpere (EST) 3.

WM Senioren Standard 2006

Tiit und Ene Hindpere (Estland) Stephan Beth / Helene Barbier (Frankreich) Sonstiges. Vorstellung der Paare. Fotografiert von Robert Panther ...

Eesti artiklite andmebaas ISE

kommenteerinud Tiit Hindpere. Väljaanne, Õpetajate Leht (2010) 27. aug., lk. 8.

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