58 Infos zu Tim Grotjohann

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Progtopus: Progressiv Metal im Treffpunkt Altstadt

Das Rock Forum präsentiert Progtopus - die erste Progressiv Metal Veranstaltung im Treffpunkt Altstadt. Fünf Bands aus Dorsten und dem Münsterland sowie dem...

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Tim Grotjohann | Facebook

LinkedIn: Tim Grotjohann | LinkedIn

Tim Grotjohanns berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Tim Grotjohann dabei ...

LinkedIn: Tim Grotjohann - Scientist - Abberior Instruments LinkedIn

View Tim Grotjohann's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Tim has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

LinkedIn: Tim Grotjohann - Scientist - Abberior Instruments LinkedIn

Visualize o perfil de Tim Grotjohann no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Tim tem 2 empregos no perfil. Visualize o perfil completo no ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Sputnikhalle am : Mojo Jazz Mob in Münster

Tim Grotjohann - Gitarre Bastian Buhrig - Gitarre Benjamin Konigshofen - Bass Sebastian Kress – Drums Ihre Songs - ausschlieslich Eigenkompositionen . sind​ ...

3 Bücher zum Namen

RESOLFT Nanoscopy of Fixed Cells Using a Z-Domain Based Fusion...

About the Authors. Peter Ilgen. Contributed equally to this work with: Peter Ilgen, Tim Grotjohann, Daniel C. Jans. Affiliation Department of NanoBiophotonics, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany. Tim Grotjohann. Contributed equally to this work with: Peter Ilgen, Tim Grotjohann, Daniel C. Jans.

Mitosis and Meiosis Part B - Google Books

Mitosis and Meiosis, Part B, Volume 145, a new volume in the Methods in Cell Biology series, continues the legacy of this premier serial with quality chapters...

Imaging from Cells to Animals In Vivo - Google Books

Imaging from Cells to Animals In Vivo offers an overview of optical imaging techniques developed over the past two decades to investigate biological processes...

3 Dokumente

[ ] Achromatic light patterning and improved image...

Authors:Andriy Chmyrov, Marcel Leutenegger, Tim Grotjohann, Andreas Schoenle, Jan Keller-Findeisen, Lars Kastrup, Stefan Jakobs, Gerald ...

Der Western-Blot zum immunologischer Nachweis von Proteinen von Tim...

Folie 1 Der Western-Blot zum immunologischer Nachweis von Proteinen von Tim Grotjohann Veranstalter Lehrstuhl für Genetik Universität Bielefeld Folie 2...

OSA | RESOLFT Nanoscopy in Living Cells at High Speed

RESOLFT Nanoscopy in Living Cells at High Speed. Andriy Chmyrov, Jan Keller, Tim Grotjohann, Christian Eggeling, and Stefan W. Hell. Author Information ... Share with LinkedIn · Add to CiteULike · Mendeley Add to Mendeley · Add to BibSonomy. Get Citation. Copy Citation Text. A. Chmyrov, J. Keller, T. Grotjohann, ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

errata - sted - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea

Whenever the problem occurs just let us know by either writing an email [email redacted] or you can directly call and ask for Tim Grotjohann or Markus Köhler.

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Achromatic light patterning and improved image reconstruction for...

Fluorescence microscopy is rapidly turning into nanoscopy. Among the various nanoscopy methods, the STED/RESOLFT super-resolution family has recently been...

Referenzen | 3-klang.de

Tim Grotjohann, Bob. Vincent Gongala, Schlagzeuger bei Embersea, Absolvent der Musikhochschule Hannover, Schlagzeuglehrer an verschiedenen ...

Nanoscopy with more than 100,000 'doughnuts' | Nature Methods

Two incoherently superimposed orthogonal standing waves are used to create a pattern of 116,000 'doughnuts' for fast, highly parallelized coordinate-targeted...

Diffraction-unlimited all-optical imaging and writing with a...

Diffraction-unlimited all-optical imaging and writing with a photochromic GFP. Tim Grotjohann,; Ilaria Testa,; Marcel Leutenegger,; Hannes Bock ...

34 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Der Western-Blot zum immunologischer Nachweis von Proteinen - ppt...

von Tim Grotjohann Veranstalter Lehrstuhl für Genetik Universität Bielefeld. 2 Inhaltsübersicht: Allgemeines ...

Nanoscopy with more than 100,000 'doughnuts' - Document - Gale...

Authors: Andriy Chmyrov, Jan Keller, Tim Grotjohann, Michael Ratz, Elisa d'Este and Stefan Jakobs. Date: Aug. 1, From: Nature Methods(Vol. 10, Issue 8.).

Members | Structure and Dynamics of Mitochondria

Research on RSFPs is part of a larger research initiative of the department of NanoBiophotonics.

rsEGFP2 enables fast RESOLFT nanoscopy of living cells | eLife

The discovery of a fluorescent protein that can be rapidly switched between long-lived ‘on’ and ‘off’ states will lead to a new generation of super-resolution...

Impressum | Steinhude am Steinhuder Meer

track4 - Tachycardia

..Tachycardia ist der medizinische Begriff für Herzrasen. Komplizierter Name – komplexe Musik. Benjamin Königshofen - b, Christine Zienc - voc, ...

Coordinate-targeted and coordinate-stochastic super-resolution...

Tanja Brakemann, Andre C Stiel, Gert Weber, Martin Andresen, Ilaria Testa, Tim Grotjohann, Marcel Leutenegger, Uwe Plessmann, Henning Urlaub, Christian ...

In vivo super-resolution RESOLFT microscopy of Europe PMCeuropepmc.org › articles › bin › elife supp2

... of Drosophila melanogaster. Sebastian Schnorrenberg,1 Tim Grotjohann,1 Gerd Vorbrüggen,2,3 Alf Herzig,2† Stefan W Hell,1 and Stefan Jakobs1,4,* ...

Nanoscopy with more than 100,000 'doughnuts' | Springer Nature...

Andriy Chmyrov · Jan Keller · Tim Grotjohann · Michael Ratz · Elisa d'Este · Stefan Jakobs · Christian Eggeling · Stefan W Hell ...

Diffraction-unlimited all-optical imaging and writing with a...



RESOLFT Nanoscopy of Fixed Cells Using a Z-Domain Based Fusion Protein for Labelling · Peter Ilgen · Tim Grotjohann · Daniel C. Jans · Markus Kilisch · Stefan W.

Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...

Sam Duwé, Elke De Zitter, Vincent Gielen, Benjamien Moeyaert, Wim Vandenberg, Tim Grotjohann, Koen Clays, Stefan Jakobs, Luc Van Meervelt and Peter ...

Expression-Enhanced Fluorescent Proteins Based on Enhanced Green...

T00:00:00Z (GMT) by Sam Duwé Elke De Zitter Vincent Gielen Benjamien Moeyaert Wim Vandenberg Tim Grotjohann Koen Clays Stefan Jakobs ...

Publications - OrganADVANCE

Sam Duwé, Elke De Zitter, Vincent Gielen, Benjamien Moeyaert, Wim Vandenberg, Tim Grotjohann, Koen Clays, Stefan Jakobs, Luc Van Meervelt, Peter ...


Author: Tim Grotjohann, Ilaria Testa, Matthias Reuss, Tanja Brakemann, Christian Eggeling, Stefan W Hell, Stefan Jakobs. Date of Publication: ...

Microscopy Web Resources

NanoBiophotonics, Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Authors: Tim Grotjohann, Ilaria Testa, Matthias Reuss, Tanja Brakemann, Christian Eggeling, ...

PPT - Der Western-Blot zum immunologischer Nachweis von Proteinen...

Der Western-Blot zum immunologischer Nachweis von Proteinen. von Tim Grotjohann. Veranstalter Lehrstuhl für Genetik Universität Bielefeld.

Im Fokus: FG Struktur und Dynamik von Mitochondrien / Abt....

4 An update on reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins Nickels Jensen, Tanja Brakemann, Martin Andresen, Tim Grotjohann, Maria Kamper, Ilaria Testa, Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal, Andriy Chmyrov, Nicolai T. Urban, Stefan W. Hell, and Stefan Jakobs A joint project: Research Group Structure and Dynamics of Mitochondria ...

Super-resolved Microscopy | Research groups | Imperial College London

11 Tanja Brakemann, Andre C Stiel, Gert Weber, Martin Andresen, Ilaria Testa, Tim Grotjohann, Marcel Leutenegger, Uwe Plessmann, Henning Urlaub, ...

[PDF] In vivo super-resolution RESOLFT microscopy of Drosophila...

In vivo super-resolution RESOLFT microscopy of Drosophila melanogaster. Sebastian Schnorrenberg, Tim Grotjohann, Gerd Vorbrueggen, Alf Herzig, Stefan W Hell, Stefan Jakobs; Published in eLife. Save. View PDF. Abstract & Figures; Cited By; References; Similar Papers ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tim

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Tim; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; mari = berühmt, bekannt; alter deutscher zweigliedriger NameMännlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Tim; Gott ehrend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); timao = schätzen, ehren; theos = Gott; sehr beliebt im alten Griechenland; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Timotheus, Gehilfe des Apostels Paulus Tim ist eine Abkürzung v(Gefiltert) -Der Vorname "Fürchtegott" war früher im deutschen Sprachraum gebräuchlich.

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