109 Infos zu Timm Sureau

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Gewaltfrei und zivil - Chancen der Konfliktbearbeitung im Sudan

— Timm Sureau, Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle (Saale), mehrmonatige Forschungsaufenthalte im Sudan von › pressemeldungen

News & Events Page - Page 13FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Timm Sureau and Thomas Götzelmann (both researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle and the Martin Luther University Halle ... Timm Sureau and Thomas Götzelmann (both researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle and the Martin Luther University Halle ...

Paper Workshop How can Science and Technology CES-UC

Timm Sureau - Technological and bureaucratic responses managing South Sudanese. Discussant: Martin Lemberg-Pedersen and Eman Haioty › ficheiros2 › files

Welten. Zonen. Atmosphären. Seismographien des ...EVIFA

— ... Timm Sureau Towards a multimodal urban anthropology (workshop), Tomás Criado and Ignacio Farias Entanglements in the more-than-human — ... Timm Sureau Towards a multimodal urban anthropology (workshop), Tomás Criado and Ignacio Farias Entanglements in the more-than-human ...

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Janika Gaßner, Bernhard Streck, Timm Sureau, Wolbert ...Facebook · SOS Darfur2 Reaktionen

LinkedIn: Timm Sureau | LinkedIn

Timm Sureaus berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Timm Sureau dabei hilft, ...

LinkedIn: Timm Sureau | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Timm Sureau (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...

LinkedIn: Timm Sureau - Scientific Coordinator at Max Planck Institute for Social ...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Timm Sureau auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Timm Sureau aufgelistet.

5 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Timm Sureau - Lostlost-research-group.org

Timm Sureau is a postdoctoral researcher at the Law and Anthropology Department of the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle and the Martin ... Timm Sureau is a postdoctoral researcher at the Law and Anthropology Department of the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle and the Martin ...

Curriculum VitaeUni Halle

Timm Sureau. Curriculum Vitae. International Office · Zentrale ... Timm Sureau (Foto: Miriam Klingl). Weiteres. Sprache: English; Schrift: größer ... Timm Sureau. Curriculum Vitae. International Office · Zentrale ... Timm Sureau (Foto: Miriam Klingl). Weiteres. Sprache: English; Schrift: größer ...

Publikationen | Fakultät IUni Siegen

Publikationen in Auswahl. Lamoureaux, Siri, Enrico Ille, Amal Hassan Fadlalla, and Timm Sureau (2021) "What Makes a Revolution 'Real'? Publikationen in Auswahl. Lamoureaux, Siri, Enrico Ille, Amal Hassan Fadlalla, and Timm Sureau (2021) "What Makes a Revolution 'Real'?

Team - Lostinfostreams

Timm Sureau. Timm Sureau. Network Member. Postdoctoral Researcher at the MPI for Social Anthropology and the University of Halle. Timm Sureau. Timm Sureau. Network Member. Postdoctoral Researcher at the MPI for Social Anthropology and the University of Halle.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

JOSHUA MARTIN PRICE | Department of SociologyBinghamton University

— Timm Sureau, ed. Halle, Germany: Max. Planck Institute (forthcoming, 2020). “Translation Frequencies: Tuning in or out in Multilingual — Timm Sureau, ed. Halle, Germany: Max. Planck Institute (forthcoming, 2020). “Translation Frequencies: Tuning in or out in Multilingual ...

1 Projekte

Forging Two Nations Insights on Sudan and South SudanProject MUSE

— 143 Timm Sureau New forms of exclusion in Torit: Contestation over urban land Timm Sureau25 […] agriculture is very fundamental, because for — 143 Timm Sureau New forms of exclusion in Torit: Contestation over urban land Timm Sureau25 […] agriculture is very fundamental, because for ...

25 Bücher zum Namen

Making sense of noncitizens' rights claims in asylum ...Taylor & Francis Online

von L Vetters · · Zitiert von: 10 — I am immensely grateful to Judith Eggers, Valentin Feneberg, Lisa Hahn, Paul Pettersson, Abdelghafar Salim, Friederike Stahlmann and Timm Sureau for joint ... von L Vetters · · Zitiert von: 10 — I am immensely grateful to Judith Eggers, Valentin Feneberg, Lisa Hahn, Paul Pettersson, Abdelghafar Salim, Friederike Stahlmann and Timm Sureau for joint ...

Umkämpfte Vielfalt

von H Dilger — affektiv und emotional aufgeladenen, aus vielfältigen Elementen zusammenge-. Timm Sureau und Thomas Götzelmann seit Ende über und mit Mitarbeitenden im. › e-docs

Publics in Africa in a Digital Age - englisches BuchBücher.de

Siri Lamoureaux and Timm Sureau 4. 'Tapanduka Zvamuchese': Facebook, 'unruly publics', and Zimbabwean politics. George Hamandishe Karekwaivanane 5. Social ... Siri Lamoureaux and Timm Sureau 4. 'Tapanduka Zvamuchese': Facebook, 'unruly publics', and Zimbabwean politics. George Hamandishe Karekwaivanane 5. Social ...

Digital Imaginaries – A ZKM book [Kerber: Erste Auflage]

Timm Sureau (Beitrag) ... Lamoureaux, Enrico Hie, Amal Hassan Fadlalla, 124 and Timm Sureau Pan-Sonic Soundscapes 146 Aude Tournaye and Younes Baba-Ali The ... › isbn

11 Dokumente

Sureau, Timm [WorldCat Identities]

Mediation and Punishment International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation( Book ) 2 editions published in ; Timm Sureau( Book ) 1 edition published ... › identities › via...

9th International South Sudan and Sudan Studies ...Universität Bremen

Land issues in an urbanizing environment: Torit in South Sudan. Timm Sureau (PhD student, Martin Luther University, Halle Saale,. Germany). Page 5. Conference ... Land issues in an urbanizing environment: Torit in South Sudan. Timm Sureau (PhD student, Martin Luther University, Halle Saale,. Germany). Page 5. Conference ...

Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee

Sudan on and beyond the negotiation tables / Katrin Seidel and Timm Sureau. - In: Journal of. Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 9 (November 2015) 4. › vrue_2016_2

Affect, Power, and InstitutionsTolino

Timm Sureau is a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the anthropology of the state, state formation, migration, (digital) technologies, and their respective. Timm Sureau is a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the anthropology of the state, state formation, migration, (digital) technologies, and their respective.

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


on and beyond the negotiation tables / Katrin Seidel and Timm Sureau. - In: Journal of Eastern. African Studies (Nairobi), 9 (November 2015) 4. S on and beyond the negotiation tables / Katrin Seidel and Timm Sureau. - In: Journal of Eastern. African Studies (Nairobi), 9 (November 2015) 4. S

Overview of structured doctoral programs at MLU | Blog of the...

Faculty of Theology Former programs International Max Planck Research School “International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Günther Schlee, coordinator: Timm Sureau Research Training Group “Posttranscritional control of gene expression: mechanisms and role in pathogenesis (GRK 1591)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Rethinking Publics in Africa in a Digital Age Sharath CORE

von S Srinivasana · Zitiert von: 36 — strongly in Siri Lamoureaux and Timm Sureau's article, which explores the way that the. Arabic cultural institution of the nafeer, a long-standing practice ... › download › pdf

Forging two nations : insights on Sudan and South SudanWorldCat

... Timm Sureau. Co-opted, side-lined, appropriated. or constructive? : international assistance in Sudan and South Sudan. The co-option of humanitarian Timm Sureau. Co-opted, side-lined, appropriated. or constructive? : international assistance in Sudan and South Sudan. The co-option of humanitarian ...


Andrea Behrends, Thomas Götzelmann and Timm Sureau. When the Arabic numbers (actually Indian) reached Europe, a new system of management emerged. › uploads › › CfP_...

Digital Infrastructuring as Institutional Affect(Ing) in German ...ResearchGate

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg · Timm Sureau · Timm Sureau. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg · Timm Sureau · Timm Sureau. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Laura Lambert on Twitter: "Today I have submitted my PhD ...

Timm Sureau +PhD fellows. @StefanMillar1. +Margarita Lipatova Laura Lambert · @lejlambert. ·. Jun 24. Thankyou to all the great academics at the. › status

Openings for PhD positions “Technicisation of exclusionary ...

Informal enquiries concerning the positions may be directed to the Coordinator Timm Sureau (.de). Have we awoken your interest? › ...

40 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Punishment: Negotiating Society | Max Planck Institut für...

Timm Sureau (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale) □ Organiser of the conference 'Punishment: Negotiating Society' □ Photo: © Max ...

Dr. Timm Sureau • Sonderforschungsbereich 1171Affective Societies

Timm Sureau ist Postdoktorand in der Abteilung Recht und Ethnologie des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ethnologische Forschung in Halle und der ... Timm Sureau ist Postdoktorand in der Abteilung Recht und Ethnologie des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ethnologische Forschung in Halle und der ...

Friedenskreis Halle e.V.

Friedenskreis Halle - über 25 Jahre engagiert für Gewaltfreiheit. Aktiv in FriedensPOLITIK, FriedensDIENSTEN und FriedensBILDUNG.

Digital Infrastructuring as Institutional Affect(Ing) in German ...taylorfrancis.com

von O Zenker · · Zitiert von: 4 — Olaf Zenker, Timm Sureau, Thomas Götzelmann. BookAffect, Power, and Institutions. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 1st Edition. First ... von O Zenker · · Zitiert von: 4 — Olaf Zenker, Timm Sureau, Thomas Götzelmann. BookAffect, Power, and Institutions. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 1st Edition. First ...

Knowledge and legitimacy: the fragility of digital mobili

von S Lamoureaux · — BySiri Lamoureaux, Timm Sureau. BookPublics in Africa in a Digital Age. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 1st Edition. First Published › edit

(PDF) Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report ...Academia.edu

... Timm Sureau Cover photo: The wetland antelope atop this statue in Gambella city symbolizes the unity of the Gambella Region in Ethiopia. The figures below Timm Sureau Cover photo: The wetland antelope atop this statue in Gambella city symbolizes the unity of the Gambella Region in Ethiopia. The figures below ...

Book Review: Emerging Orders in the SudansSage Journals

von A Weber · — process is described by Timm Sureau as a failed attempt to engineer social change. The focus on borders and boundaries, production and distribution and ... von A Weber · — process is described by Timm Sureau as a failed attempt to engineer social change. The focus on borders and boundaries, production and distribution and ...

Digital Imaginaries – Oulimata Gueye • Julien McHardy ...

... Francois Knoetze, Sename Koffi Agbodjinou / Manuel Burger, Bettina Korintenberg, Siri Lamoureaux / Enrico Ille / Amal Fadlalla / Timm Sureau, ... › ...


Timm Sureau Fateful Futures in the Presence of the Past: Epochalist Hopes at South Sudan's Independence · Madia Thomson A Morbid Affair: ...

Dissent Does Not Die in Darkness: Network Shutdowns ...Semantic Scholar

Siri LamoureauxTimm Sureau. Political Science, Sociology. Journal of Eastern African Studies ABSTRACT This paper examines digital mobilisation with ... Siri LamoureauxTimm Sureau. Political Science, Sociology. Journal of Eastern African Studies ABSTRACT This paper examines digital mobilisation with ...

Emerging orders in the Sudans - Journals - Project Topics

... for peaceful social order in the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan? (Guma Kunda Komey); 13. How DDR shifted its face in South Sudan (Timm Sureau). › e...

Evifa-Portal - KOBVKOBV

... Timm Sureau (2017) · Sureau, Timm [HerausgeberIn]. In: [6]. add to mindlist on the mindlist. Details Recommendations. Language: English. Pages: vi, 29 Seiten Timm Sureau (2017) · Sureau, Timm [HerausgeberIn]. In: [6]. add to mindlist on the mindlist. Details Recommendations. Language: English. Pages: vi, 29 Seiten ...


... Timm Sureau (2017) · Sureau, Timm [HerausgeberIn]. In: [6]. zur Merkliste hinzufügen auf der Merkliste. Details Empfehlungen. Sprache: Englisch. Seiten: vi, Timm Sureau (2017) · Sureau, Timm [HerausgeberIn]. In: [6]. zur Merkliste hinzufügen auf der Merkliste. Details Empfehlungen. Sprache: Englisch. Seiten: vi,

Forging two nations : insights on Sudan and South SudanNew York Public Library

... Timm Sureau -- Co-opted, side-lined, appropriated--or constructive? : international assistance in Sudan and South Sudan. The co-option of humanitarian Timm Sureau -- Co-opted, side-lined, appropriated--or constructive? : international assistance in Sudan and South Sudan. The co-option of humanitarian ...

Ille, Enrico - alle Bücher Online

... Tabita Rezaire, Judith Rottenburg, Richard Rottenburg, Timm Sureau, Joseph Tonda, Aude Tournaye, Lex Trickett, Michel Wahome, Philipp Ziegler. › autoren › ille-enrico

Identification Technologies in Ghana - Lostinfostreams

This collaborative project examines the coproduction of technicisation and spatial orders across ... Technicisation of Migration in Sudan · Timm Sureau. This collaborative project examines the coproduction of technicisation and spatial orders across ... Technicisation of Migration in Sudan · Timm Sureau.

Journal of Eastern African Studies - Submission & Publication ...

Knowledge and legitimacy: the fragility of digital mobilisation in Sudan · Siri Lamoureaux · Timm Sureau · Shelter from the storm: Somali migrant networks ... › ...

Journal of Eastern African Studies 几区刊鹿论文编译

Siri Lamoureaux;Timm Sureau. Volume: Pages: Language:. English. DOI: Journal:. Journal of Eastern African ... Siri Lamoureaux;Timm Sureau. Volume: Pages: Language:. English. DOI: Journal:. Journal of Eastern African ...

P 35: Challenges of the revolution: Making, living and keeping ...vad-africachallenges.de

05 Timm Sureau, Siri Lamoureaux: What makes a revolution “real”? A discussion on social media and al-thawra ثورة in Sudan. In this paper, we would like to Timm Sureau, Siri Lamoureaux: What makes a revolution “real”? A discussion on social media and al-thawra ثورة in Sudan. In this paper, we would like to ...

New acquisitions - week | African Studies Centre Leidenwww.ascleiden.nl › content › new-acquisitions-week...

· ... International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP) / edited by Timm Sureau and Yelva Auge.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Timm

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Timm; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; mari = berühmt, bekannt; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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