165 Infos zu Tina Eliassi-rad
Mehr erfahren über Tina Eliassi-rad
Infos zu
- Northeastern University
- Computer Science
- Associate Professor
- Professor of Computer
- Institute
- Boston
- Machine Learning
22 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Data Analytics Group - Seminar Talk Tina Eliassi-Rad - UZHwww.ifi.uzh.ch › dag › News › Seminar-Talk-Tina-...· Tomorrow, we are honored to host a talk by Prof. Tina Eliassi-Rad of Northeastern University. Tina will give a talk on Just Machine Learning at ...
Dean's Seminar Series: Professor Tina Eliassi-Rad - Information ...www.monash.edu › research › events › events › dea...Associate Professor of Computer Science at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, Tina Eliassi-Rad, will expand on Tom Mitchell's operational definition of ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad: Just Machine Learning – UM ESCThis event has passed. Tina Eliassi-Rad: Just Machine Learning. November 14, @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Times are shown in Eastern Time. Times shown are ...
IPB Colloquium by Tina Eliassi-Rad - SCLwww.scl.rs › news › ipb-colloquium-by-tina-e...· Tina Eliassi-Rad (College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University, Boston, USA). Abstract of the talk: Whether comparing ...
10 Bilder zu Tina Eliassi-rad

17 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Creating Unbiased Algorithms in a Biased World: Tina Eliassi-RadFacebook: Tina Eliassi-Rad is an Associate Women in Machine ...www.facebook.com › WiMLWorkshop › photosTwitter Profil: Tina Eliassi (tinaeliassi)Twitter Profil: Tina Rad (yoururlhttptina)1 Hobbys & Interessen
Tina Eliassi-Rad, Henry Farrell, David Garcia, Stephan ...philpapers.org › rec › ELIWSCTina Eliassi-Rad. Northeastern University. Follow. Don Ross. Follow. 1 more. Patricia Palacios. Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München.
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Tina Eliassi-Rad - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectTina Eliassi-Rad. MathSciNet. Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison UnitedStates. Dissertation: Building Intelligent Agents that Learn to Retrieve and ...
10 Bücher zum Namen
Tina Eliassi-Rad | Elias Khalilekhalil.com › authors › tina-eliassi-radTina Eliassi-Rad. Latest. Generating Graph Snapshots from Streaming Edge Data (Poster). Powered by the Academic theme for Hugo. Cite. ×. Copy Download.
Tina Eliassi-Rad | Papers With Codepaperswithcode.com › author › tina-eliassi-radPapers published by Tina Eliassi-Rad with links to code and results.
Advances in Social Network Mining and Analysis: Second International...Leveraging Label-Independent Features for Classification in Sparsely Labeled Networks: An Empirical Study Brian Gallagher and Tina Eliassi-Rad Lawrence ...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the joint conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: ECML PKDD 2008, held in...
6 Dokumente
[ ] NetSimile: A Scalable Approach to Size-Independent...From: Tina Eliassi-Rad [view email] [v1] Wed, 12 Sep :32:55 GMT (727kb ,D). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable ...
RAWLSNET: Altering Bayesian Networks to Encode Rawlsian Fair ...papers.ssrn.com › sol3 › papers· RAWLSNET: Altering Bayesian Networks to Encode Rawlsian Fair Equality of Opportunity · David M. Liu · Zohair Shafi · Will Fleisher · Tina Eliassi- ...
File:Tina Eliassi-Rad.jpg - Wikimedia Commons· English: Tina Eliassi-Rad in a interview by Women Data Leaders in Russia project. Associate Professor of Computer Science & Network ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Tina Eliassi-RadList of computer science publications by Tina Eliassi-Rad
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: GOTCHA! Network-Based Fraud Detection for Social Security...By Véronique Van Vlasselaer, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Leman Akoglu, Monique Snoeck and Bart Baesens; Abstract: We study the impact of network ...
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Tina Eliassi-Rad - WikipediaTina Eliassi-Rad is an American computer scientist and Professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. Her research ...
Interviewswdl-hse.org › interviewsKinda El Maarry Technical University of Braunschweig. Tina Eliassi-Rad Northeastern University. Grace Huang Head of Measurement Data Science in Pinterest.
What science can do for democracy: a complexity science approach |...· Tina Eliassi-Rad. Department of Political Science, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA. Henry Farrell. Section for Science of ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad, Terence Critchlow, Ghaleb Abdulla ...openreview.net › forumAbstract: With the advent of fast computer systems, scientists are now able to generate terabytes of simulation data. Unfortunately, the sheer ...
85 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Tina Eliassi-Rad - Associate Professor - Northeastern University ...View Tina Eliassi-Rad's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Tina has 5 jobs jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Tina Eliassi-Rad auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Tina Eliassi-Rad hat 5 Jobs im Profil angegeben.
Tina Rad - Partner / Attorney Investigator - Wagener Law, A LinkedInVorname Nachname. Beispiel: Tina Rad · Tina Eliassi-Rad. Northeastern University. Großraum Boston und Umgebung. Tina(forough) rad Vereinigte Staaten ...
Tina Rad | Professional Profile - LinkedInTina Eliassi-Rad. Northeastern University. United States. Tina Rad. Partner / Attorney Investigator at Wagener Law, A Professional Corporation. United States ...
tina rad | LinkedInTina Eliassi-Rad. Northeastern University. Greater Boston Area. Tina Rad. Partner / Attorney Investigator at Wagener Law, A Professional Corporation. Orange ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad - Google ScholarProfessor of Computer Science, Northeastern University - Cited by - Data Mining - Machine Learning - Network Science - AI Ethics
Tina Eliassi-Rad - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.es › citationsこの [引用先] の件数には Scholar 内の次の論文への引用も含まれています。* が付いた論文は、プロフィール内の論文とは異なる場合があります。
RAISA Program· Program. Keynotes. Prof. Tina Eliassi-Rad. Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston MA. Prof. Nicolas Papernot.
Hanghang Tong, Brian Gallagher, Christos Faloutsos, Tina Eliassi-Rad...Input Output Query Graph Matching Subgraph Attributed Data Graph
COLLOQUIUM: Prof. Tina Eliassi-Rad – IPBwww.ipb.ac.rs › novosti › najave › colloquium-prof...Tina Eliassi-Rad You are cordially invited to the IPB COLLOQUIUM which will be held on Wednesday, 29 August at 12:00 in the “Zvonko ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad - Department of Computer Science, Rutgers, The State...Description. Tina Eliassi-Rad is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Rutgers University. Before joining academia, she was a Member of Technical ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad - GM-RKB - Gabor Melliwww.gabormelli.com › RKB › Tina_Eliassi-Rad(Neville et al., 2009) ⇒ Jennifer Neville, Brian Gallagher, and Tina Eliassi-Rad. (2009). “Evaluating Statistical Tests for Within-Network Classifiers of Relational ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad - ICDM 2016icdm2016.eurecat.cat › ... › Tina Eliassi-Rad... to Barcelona · Accommodation · Contact. |. Tina Eliassi-Rad. Follow us on Twitter! Cookies Policy. © Copyright ICDM2016, All Right Reserved. ICDM
Tina Eliassi-Rad to present in the Sonic Speaker Series – The Science...SONIC lab is proud to welcome Tina Eliassi-Rad, who will present a talk on Wednesday, May 8th, (12:00-01:00pm) in Chambers Hall, ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad - The Helix CenterTina Eliassi-Rad is a Professor of Computer Science at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. She is also a core faculty member at Northeastern University's ...
Tina Eliassi-Rad Archives - Microsoft New EnglandTag: Tina Eliassi-Rad. Apr 17, | Jennifer Chayes, Distinguished Scientists & Managing Director, Microsoft Research New England and New York City ...
TINA ELIASSI-RAD - Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and ...dukakis.org › innovation › tina-eliassi-rad· Tina Eliassi-Rad is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. She is also on the faculty of ...
tina eliassi-radWe are proud to announce the seminar of Prof. Tina Eliassi-Rad, from the Institute of Network Science, Northeastern University, on June 20th, at the…
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Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Tina; die Reine (?); Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); katharos = rein; Herkunft umstritten; die Römer deuteten (fälschlicherweise) den Namen als zu griechisch 'katharos' gehörig und prägten die heute gültige Form 'Katharina'; verbreitet durch den Namen der hl. Katharina von Alexandria (3./4. Jh.)Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch): Tina; Deutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die auf '-tina' oder '-tine' enden, wie z.B. Christina, Bettina und Albertina
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