303 Infos zu Tobias Gremmler

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14 Aktuelle Nachrichten

zeit.de: Die Ästhetik von Kung-Fu-Meistern

May 20, · Die Kampfkunst Kung-Fu hat eine etwa jährige Tradition, die von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird. Für eine Kung-Fu-Ausstellung in Hongkong hat der Designer Tobias Gremmler die fließenden Bewegungen zweier Kung-Fu-Meister in verschiedenen Varianten visualisiert – mit beeindruckenden Ergebnissen.

The ancient art of kung fu goes digital - CNN Style

Tobias Gremmler deftly translates the movement of kung fu masters -- swiveling, lunging, blocking, charging -- into captivating geometric and ...

Angelika Meindl, Tobias Gremmler, Thomas MahneckeRausgegangen

Angelika Meindl, Tobias Gremmler, Thomas Mahnecke: Tracing the Negative Space (UA) - Live Performance in München ▻ Alle Infos auf Rausgegangen!


Tobias Gremmler is a versatile artist who can break the wall between the real and the virtual by pushing the borders of what can be represented using ...

28 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Tobias Gremmler - bei Facebook

Facebook: Tobias Gremmler | Facebook

Facebook: Orb Mag - Tobias Gremmler - Visualizing Motion and Music ...

LinkedIn: Tobias Gremmler - a virtual organism evolves from real…

Beitrag von Tobias Gremmler. Profil von Tobias Gremmler anzeigen, Grafik · Tobias Gremmler. Artist. 2 Jahre Bearbeitet. Diesen Beitrag melden

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Project | Tobias Gremmler. Community | Opening | Facebook

Tobias Gremmler - Intelligencer

See an archive of all tobias gremmler stories published on Intelligencer.

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

| Feuerwehr Heilbad Heiligenstadt

... Thomas Schubert und Michael Stitz bezeichnen. Den Dienstgard Löschmeister/-in haben Tobias Gremmler, Martina Griethe, Andre Hey, Rene Lerch und Christian …

Tobias GremmlerChina House Arts

Media Artist. Tobias Gremmler is a pioneer of media scenography, continuously reinventing the scope of what's possible in performance arts. The German-born ...

4 Persönliche Webseiten


DESIGN BY TOBIAS GREMMLER. Time seems to be invisible, only sensed through changes. Like the rhythm between day and night. Thus, the rotation of a planet became a ...


Tobias Gremmler design, media art, book publications, digital communication, research, teaching... Current Occupation: Visiting Associate Professor; City University ...

Tobias Gremmler - teaching & research

Tobias Gremmler Teaching & Research This pages where dedicated to my academic activities as visiting professor at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong and Shanghai Theatre Academy between and

Article Topic MediaAuthor

Article Topic MediaAuthor Date TIMECODE red dot Award Book The creative feature of this watch is its display, where hours, minutes and seconds are represented

2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Tobias Gremmler

Camera Department, Stare Into the Lights My Pretties

Tobias Gremmler | DiskographieDiscogs

Entdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Tobias Gremmler auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Tobias Gremmler auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.

1 Projekte

An Out-of-Body VR Experience - VRScout

With the use of Kinect sensors, an Oculus Rift, and a ton of experimenting, two individuals found themselves strangely having an out-of-body virtual reality experience. We chatted with creator Tobias Gremmler who is a visiting Associate Professor in the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong ...

37 Bücher zum Namen

Raster für das Bewegtbild

von Tobias Gremmler, Stiebner, 2005, Broschiert

cyberBionic: Design und Evolution digitaler Welten

von Tobias Gremmler, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2008, Taschenbuch

bol.com: bol.com | Cyberbionic, Tobias Gremmler | | Boeken

Cyberbionic Paperback. Digitale Medien entwickeln sich zum Resonanzraum realer Prozesse. Nach der massiven Übertragung von Information in das World Wide Web...

bol.com: Cyberbionic, Tobias Gremmler | | Boeken | bol.com

Cyberbionic (paperback). Digitale Medien entwickeln sich zum Resonanzraum realer Prozesse. Nach der massiven Übertragung von Information in das World ...

2 Songs & Musik

Tobias Gremmler - Concert - Setlist.fm

› Artists › G


... that combined imagery and projections by director Tobias Gremmler and the choir that performed on the album with other musical and visual artists.

3 Dokumente

Tobias Gremmler Press Reports Article Topic …

Article Topic MediaAuthor Date TIMECODE red dot Award Book The creative feature of this watch is its display, where hours, minutes and seconds are represented

Vita, References Short Vita - syncon-d.com

Short Vita born in Munich, Germany present: Design and digital media, motion graphics and interface design Tobias Gremmler Vita, References. 2 Book ...

Tobias Gremmler - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Tobias Gremmler

List of computer science publications by Tobias Gremmler

3D animations reveal the beauty of Kung Fu | Daily Mail Online

German designer, Tobias Gremmler, used C4D to recreate the graceful moves of Kung Fu into an animated series. Kung Fu Motion Visualization slows down moments...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

cyberBionic | SpringerLink

Digitale Medien entwickeln sich zum Resonanzraum realer Prozesse. Nach der massiven Übertragung von Information in das World Wide Web werden nun auch...

Tobias Gremmler | Music Video Wiki - FandomFandom

Tobias Gremmler is a music video director. Losss Tabula Rasa.

Cultural Data Sculpting: Omnidirectional Visualization for Cultural...

This chapter presents five research projects currently underway to develop new omnispatial, omnidirectional visualization strategies for the collaborative...

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

Tobias Gremmler

Tobias Gremmler. @TobiasGremmler K subscribers•35 videos. More about this ... Kung Fu Motion Visualization. Tobias Gremmler. 17K views. 8 years ago ·

Augmented Theatre by artist Tobias Gremmler - YouTube

2. Mai · Tobias Gremmler is a pioneer of media scenography, continuously reinventing the scope of what’s possible in performance arts. The German-born artist has been hailed as one who breaks the wall ...

Tobias Gremmler – highlike

› video › tobia...

Tobias GremmlerYouTube

Tobias Gremmler. Tobias Gremmler. @TobiasGremmler. @TobiasGremmler 5.66K subscribers 35 videos. More about this channel. Subscribe.

12 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Motion-Design – Wikipedia

Motion-Design ('məʊʃn- dɪˈzaɪn, dt.: „Bewegungs“-„Gestaltung“, auch Motion Graphics, Film ... Motion Design: Darstellung aktueller Projekte GUDBERG Verlag, 2014, ISBN · Tanja Diezmann, Tobias Gremmler: Raster ...

Wikipedia: Cornucopia (concert tour) - Wikipedia

The show featured several digital visuals created by media artist Tobias Gremmler, while Chiara Stephenson provided the stage design, which was made to ... › wiki › C...

TOBIAS GREMMLER, the visual uniqueness of movement & rhythm

The work of Hong Kong-based Tobias Gremmler is all of these things and more. Having worked first with music before switching to a visual environment, Tobias understands movement and rhythm in a unique manner which only musicians interpret it.

Interview to Tobias Gremmler, digital artist. By Anna Monteverdiannamonteverdi.it

Tobias Gremmler (Bio): · He started his career as media artist and designer in the early 90s. · As Designer, he developed digital design solutions for companies ...

183 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Tobias Gremmler - Media Artist, Designer - Self-Employed ...www.linkedin.com › pub › tobias-...

View Tobias Gremmler's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Tobias has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Some Tobias Gremmler genius, though not sure how recent this is

Some Tobias Gremmler genius, though not sure how recent this is - and strongly suspect it's synced with live moves rather than produced from them in RT etc.

The anatomical variations of Tobias Gremmler's at Venice…

STIRring Dreams: The anatomical variations of Tobias Gremmler's at Venice Biennale.

Tobias Gremmler - Holography in The Changing Room

Tobias Gremmler's Post. View profile for Tobias Gremmler, graphic · Tobias Gremmler. Artist. 2y. Report this post; Close menu. Holography in The ...

Tobias Gremmler on LinkedIn: Time is motion | 63 comments

Tobias Gremmler's Post ... I often think about how time isn't THE fourth dimension; it's A fourth dimension, after length, width, and height.

Tobias Gremmler on LinkedIn: evolving.. The work uses AI ...

Tobias Gremmler's Post ... evolving.. The work uses AI, evolutionary algorithms to evolve a body who aims to walk, fly, dance. It's morphology and ...

Tobias Gremmler's Post

STUNNING WORK, Tobias Gremmler, I wish I could have witnessed the live performance, the clips are already overwhelming. So inspiring! Like.

William Neal - Artist Tobias Gremmler & dancer Kehua Lico

Tobias Gremmler is a pioneer of media scenography, continuously reinventing the scope of what's possible in performance and digital arts.

brilliant work from Tobias Gremmler - Joffre Kopu's Post

brilliant work from Tobias Gremmler - scenographic media exhibition. Always appreciate the posts from Dorothy Di Stefano.

AUMOVIS on LinkedIn: The Loubi Show IV

Global Events Design & VM Studio Senior Director. 1y. Report this comment; Close menu. Jan Rottkamp Tobias Gremmler Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui ❤️✨❤️.

Alex Counsell's Post

View profile for Tobias Gremmler, graphic. Tobias Gremmler. Artist. 1y Edited. Exploring animal shapes and motions. The beauty beyond humanity ...

Andreas Ehret on LinkedIn: 1984

Artist: Tobias Gremmler Music: Cello Suite no Yo Yo Ma #art #artandtechnology #technology #innovation #creativity #artist #future #tech ...

Anthony J James on LinkedIn: Stunning creativity

Stunning creativity - Augmented Theatre by digital artist Tobias Gremmler Shared with full permission from Tobias @tobiasgremmler.

Chris Dagnall on LinkedIn: Wow!

DJ duo Tale of Us, performing last week at Zamna Tulum, Mexico ⚪ Last fragment shows visuals by digital artist Tobias Gremmler. Have a ...

Christine Saunders on LinkedIn: I don't have words !

This fascinating animation fuses human and animal movement providing an intriguing contrast between the two species. Tobias Gremmler has an ...

David Hyams on LinkedIn: this is fantastic.

'The Changing Room' was a scenographic media exhibition created by artist Tobias Gremmler that took people on a mind-blowing journey to picture ...

Frank Harnett's Post - Stunning digital work.

It was created by the visionary media artist Tobias Gremmler, in collaboration with the renowned and talented Kehua Li. Together they form a ...

Frederic Verdier posted on LinkedIn

(VC: Tobias Gremmler). Play Video. Video Player is loading. Loaded: 0%. Play Back to start. Stream Type LIVE. Current Time 0: Duration ...

Grant Dudson - art #performance #theatre #technology

How to WOW! When art meets technology. Artist: Tobias Gremmler Music: Cello Suite no Yo Yo Ma #art #performance #theatre #technology ...

Jayson Tang on LinkedIn: Amazing stage design and content

DJ duo Tale of Us, performing last week at Zamna Tulum, Mexico ⚪ Last fragment shows visuals by digital artist Tobias Gremmler. Have a great ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tobias

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Tobias; Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); towb = gut; jahwe = (Name Gottes); 'Tobias' ist die griechische Form des hebräischen Namens 'Tobijah'; in der Bibel ist Tobias der fromme Sohn eines erblindeten VatersMännlicher Vorname (Altgriechisch): Tobias; Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); towb = gut; jahwe = (Name Gottes); 'Tobias' ist die griechische Form des hebräischen Namens 'Tobijah'; in der Bibel ist Tobias der fromme Sohn eines erblindeten Vaters

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Tobias Gremmler & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Tobias Gremmler und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.