89 Infos zu Tobias Kuschke
Mehr erfahren über Tobias Kuschke
Lebt in
- Ilmenau
- Bad frankenhausen
Infos zu
- Patrick Rempel
- Patrick Mäder
- Ilka Philippow
- Cleland-Huang
- BibTeX
- Auto-completion
- Pattern-based
- Software Engineering
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
B-Liga Fulda am heutigen Sonntag aktuell - update UhrErgebnisse, Statistik und die Tabelle in der Übersicht:
B-Liga Fulda am heutigen Freitag aktuell - update UhrErgebnisse, Statistik und die Tabelle in der Übersicht:
C-Ligen Fulda Mitte, West und Rhön am Freitag aktuell - updateErgebnisse, Statistik und Tabellen:
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Tobias Kuschke aus FinsterwaldeStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Tobias Kuschke | FacebookLinkedIn: Tobias Kuschke | LinkedInView Tobias Kuschke's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Tobias Kuschke discover ...
Tobias Kuschke - Finsterwalde (POS Georgi Dimitroff)Tobias Kuschke ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: POS Georgi Dimitroff.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Colour of Love & Bottle NightDie Bottle Night im Musikpark Heute gibt es alle Flaschenbiere für nur die ganze Nacht lang Color of Love Single Pa...
ROSENMONTAG! FULDA... HELAU!Und nach dem Zug geht s ab in den Musikpark Heute öffnen wir für Euch bereits um Uhr und das Närrische Treiben kann w...
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Tobias KuschkeTECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT ILMENAU, Bad Frankenhausen, DE
8 Bücher zum Namen
Model-driven engineering languages and systems : 16th International...... Automated Test Case Selection Using Feature Model: An Industrial Case Study ; Maged Elaasar and Adam Neal; Tobias Kuschke, Patrick Mäder and Patrick ...
beluga - Exemplare: Towards feature-aware retrieval of...Towards feature-aware retrieval of refinement traces ; Patrick Rempel; Patrick Mäder and Tobias Kuschke. Buchumschlag. Vorschau ...
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 16th International...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2013, held in...
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 19thThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, REFSQ...
3 Dokumente
SST Welcome from the chairsWelcome from the General Chair and Program Chair at the 8th International Symposium on Software and Systems Traceability
e Benefit of Requirements Traceability When Evolving a r ...[RMK13] Patrick Rempel, Patrick Mader¨ ,and Tobias Kuschke. An Empirical Study on Project-Specific Traceability Strategies. In Pr. 21st l Requirements
16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Tobias KuschkeList of computer science publications by Tobias Kuschke
Homepage von Steffen LehnertPatrick Rempel, Steffen Lehnert, Tobias Kuschke, Qurat-Ul-Ann Farooq: A Framework for Traceability Tool Comparison.
dblp: RE 2008Bibliographic content of RE 2008
BibTeX records: Ilka Philippow - dblpdblp.org › Ilka Philippow... author = {Patrick Rempel and Patrick M{\"{a}}der and Tobias Kuschke and Ilka ... USA, December 4-12, 2009}, pages = { }, publisher = {Springer}, year ...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Recommending Auto-completions for Software Modeling Activities |...Auto-completion of textual inputs benefits software developers using IDEs. However, graphical modeling tools used to design software do not provide this...
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,...... improvement from strongly subsuming higher order mutationMark Harman, Yue ... Pattern-based auto-completion of UML modeling activitiesTobias Kuschke, ...
Requirements Traceability across Organizational Boundaries - A Survey...[Context and motivation]Outsourcing of software development is an attractive business model. Companies expect cost reduction, enhanced efficiency, and...
16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2008,...[doi] · An Integration of Requirements and User Interface SpecificationsKizito Ssamula Mukasa, Hermann Kaindl [doi] · traceMaintainer - Automated Traceability MaintenancePatrick Mäder, Orlena Gotel, Tobias Kuschke, Ilka Philippow [doi] · From Textual Scenarios to Message Sequence Charts: ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
29 | September | | Schramme Journal1 Beitrag von sischramme am September 29, veröffentlicht
Jobcenter Fall Manager Oberhavel | Schramme JournalDie Liste dieser Leute, die auf Steuerkosten leben und einige sadistisch sind und das Grundgesetz zertreten ist unvollständig: Quelle: oberhavel.de...
34 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Tobias Kuschke - researchr aliasPublications by 'Tobias Kuschke' Pattern-based auto-completion of UML modeling activitiesTobias Kuschke, Patrick Mäder. kbse 2014: [doi].
A Framework for Traceability Tool Comparison | springerprofessional.deThe need for automated traceability support has been advocated by various researchers and practitioners alike, as manual traceability is cumbersome
full-listPatrick Rempel,Patrick Mäder,Tobias Kuschke,Jane Cleland-Huang,Mind the gap: ... Kelly Androutsopoulos,David Clark,Haitao Dan,Robert M. Hierons,Mark Klaus,Wolfgang Schoch,Ansgar Meroth,Dominikus Herzberg,A language for ...
A-Liga Fulda - Die Aufgebote im Überblick - Reulbach favorisiertBuchonia Fulda. Zugänge: Rene Vogt (Welkers), Tobias Kuschke (Dietershan) Abgänge: - Tor: Höhl, Vogt Abwehr: Hässler, Pracht, Tomovski, Yilmaz, Mai, Lukes
GI-Edition. Software Engineering & Management Proceedings. Lecture...... injection of software defects Patrick Rempel, Patrick Mäder, Tobias Kuschke, Jane ... Elsevier Science of Computer Programming Journal (SciCo), Vol. 90, Part ...
Recommending Auto-completions for Software Modeling Activities |...Auto-completion of textual inputs benefits software developers using IDEs. However, graphical modeling tools used to design software do not provide
Requirements Traceability across Organizational Boundaries - A Survey...[Context and motivation] Outsourcing of software development is an attractive business model. Companies expect cost reduction, enhanced efficiency,
Lecture Notes in InformaticsPatrick Rempel, Patrick Mäder, Tobias Kuschke and Jane Cleland-Huang. Abstract. Many guidelines for safety-critical industries such as aeronautics, medical devices,
A Framework for Traceability Tool Comparison - MOAM.INFOformed by automated tools. This need has been recognized by researchers and industrial partners alike, and many automate...
KSV Niesig e.V.... 1:1 Tobias Kuschke (44.), 1:2 Christian Günther (86.), 1:3 Marcello Barbera (90.) Rote Karte: nach Abpfiff für Taktak (Dietershan) wegen Tätigkeit ...
This page maintains a list of authors who publish their papers on ASE ...Ralph E. Johnson, 5, Lionel C. Briand, 4, Mark Harman, 3. Xiangyu Zhang, Mira Mezini, 2, Ethan K. Jackson, 1, Michael Herzberg, 1. Kim Lauenroth, Raghavan Komondoor, 1, Radek Pelánek, 1, Tobias Kuschke, 1.
Kuschke GmbH: ImpressumKuschke GmbH - Ihr Anhängerspezialist in Bad Frankenhausen am Kyffhäuser
"Sun and Fun" - BeteiligteEin Musical der BZM Es wird das leben des Musicals beschrieben, mit vielen Fotos und Texten.
A Framework for Traceability Tool Comparison - Digitale Bibliothek -...Patrick Rempel, Steffen Lehnert, Tobias Kuschke, Qurat-Ul-Ann Farooq Ilmenau University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany {patrick.rempel, steffen.lehnert, tobias.kuschke, Abstract. Vollständige Referenz; BibTeX. Rempel, P., Lehnert, S., Kuschke, T. & Farooq, Q.-U., (2012).
CiteSeerX — A Framework for Traceability Tool Comparisonby Patrick Rempel , Steffen Lehnert , Tobias Kuschke , Qurat-ul-ann Farooq ... author = {Patrick Rempel and Steffen Lehnert and Tobias Kuschke and ...
All Accepted Papers for All Tracks | ICSE 2014Patrick Rempel, Patrick Mäder, Tobias Kuschke, and Jane Cleland-Huang TU Ilmenau, Germany; DePaul University, USA. Many guidelines for safety-critical ...
BibSLEIGH — Recommending Auto-completions for Software Modeling...Tobias Kuschke, Patrick Mäder, Patrick Rempel ... @inproceedings{MoDELS KuschkeMR, author = "Tobias Kuschke and Patrick Mäder and Patrick ...
BibSLEIGH — Requirements Traceability across Organizational...Patrick Rempel, Patrick Mäder, Tobias Kuschke, Ilka Philippow Requirements Traceability across Organizational Boundaries — A Survey and Taxonomy REFSQ ...
Poster Track | ICSE 2017... Effective Data Persistence through Tradeoff Space Analysis by Chong Tang, Hamid Bagheri, Sarun Paisarnsrisomsuk and Kevin Sullivan; In Situ Auto-Completion for Graphical Models by Tobias Kuschke and Patrick Mader; Text Retrieval-based Tagging of Software Engineering Video Tutorials by Javier Escobar-Avila, ...
RE'08 - Posters & Tool DemosAn Integration of Requirements and User Interface Specifications. Kizito Mukasa and Hermann Kaindl. traceMaintainer – Automated Traceability Maintenance. Patrick Mäder, Orlena Gotel, Tobias Kuschke and Ilka Philippow. From Textual Scenarios to Message Sequence Charts: Inclusion of Condition Generation and Actor ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tobias
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Tobias; Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); towb = gut; jahwe = (Name Gottes); 'Tobias' ist die griechische Form des hebräischen Namens 'Tobijah'; in der Bibel ist Tobias der fromme Sohn eines erblindeten VatersMännlicher Vorname (Altgriechisch): Tobias; Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); towb = gut; jahwe = (Name Gottes); 'Tobias' ist die griechische Form des hebräischen Namens 'Tobijah'; in der Bibel ist Tobias der fromme Sohn eines erblindeten Vaters
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Patrick Rempel
- Steffen Lehnert
- Patrick Mader
- Patrick Mäder
- Jane Cleland-Huang
- Hartmut Kuschke
- Nico Kintzel
- Holger Kuschke
- Nils Kuschke
Personensuche zu Tobias Kuschke & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Tobias Kuschke und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.