159 Infos zu Tomislav Gotovac
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14 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Reuters Pictures - TOMISLAV GOTOVACTOMISLAV GOTOVAC - RTRCAQ9 CROAT ARTIST TOMISLAV GOTOVAC SLEEPS AT ZAGREB'S MAIN SQUARE. Croat artist Tomislav Gotovac sleeps at Zagreb's main square,...
Tomislav Gotovac - Alexander Gray Associates - News / Events -...Alexander Gray Associates announces the U.S. representation of the Estate of Tomislav Gotovac. Tomislav Gotovac (b.1937, Sombor, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, ...
TOMISLAV GOTOVAC. Speak QuietlyKunsthalle Wien› veranstaltung › tomislav-go...
Tomislav Gotovac | The New YorkerThe New Yorker› art
13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Tomislav GotovacFacebook: Tomislav GotovacFacebook: Tomislav Gotovac Institute shared a post. - Tomislav ...LinkedIn: Tomislav Gotovac - Croatia | Professional Profile | LinkedInView Tomislav Gotovac's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Tomislav has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Tomislav Gotovac ARC au Couvent des Cordeliers Parisundo.net› evento
Tomislav Gotovac | ArtistArtFacts› artist › tomisl...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Tomislav Gotovac, 'Watch on the Rhine', Erste Groupwww.erstegroup.com › about-us › erste-campusThe life-sized photo of an older man standing naked on a roof, which can be seen on Level 12 of the Erste Campus, shows Croatian artist Tomislav Gotovac ...
3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Tomislav GotovacDirector, Prijepodne jednog fauna
Filmografie Tomislav GotovacFernsehserien.de› Filmografien
1 Projekte
Tomislav Gotovacartnet› artists
13 Bücher zum Namen
AbeBooks: TOMISLAV GOTOVAC - LIFE AS A FILM EXPERIMENT by Sijan, Slobodan: New...In spring Tomislav Gotovac Institute, Croatian Film Association and Multimedia Institute have published a volume Tomislav Gotovac ¿ Life as a Film ...
Life as a Film Experiment - Tomislav Gotovac, Slobodan ...AbeBooks› plp
Tomislav Gotovac: Anticipator kriza by Miško ŠuvakovićGoodreads› show
Tomislav Gotovac - Jadranka VinterhalterGoogle› about
3 Dokumente
Tomislav Gotovac - ecitydocSagt Ihnen der Name Tomislav Gotovac etwas? Darko Šimičić. Wenn Sie diese Frage jemandem in Zagreb oder Kroatien stellen, vielleicht einem Kellner, einer.
Kira Muratova | Mel & Albert Brooks | Tomislav Gotovac. ...Österreichisches Filmmuseum› data › Bibliothek
Tomislav Gotovac InstituteAcademia.edu› ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Tomislav Gotovac - Galerie Frank Elbaz - Yumpuwww.yumpu.com › document › view › tomislav-gotovac-galerie-fran...C'est la première rétrospective critique de Tomislav Gotovac dans une galerie at Galerie Frank Elbaz, showcasingTomislav Gotovac's major works.
Tomislav Gotovac - de.LinkFang.orgTomislav Gotovac (* 9. Februar in Sombor; † 24. Juni in Zagreb; Pseudonym: Antonio G. Lauer) war ein jugoslawischer bzw. kroatischer Konzeptkünstler und Schauspieler. Leben. Er lebte seit in Zagreb. Mitte der 1960er Jahre studierte er Regie an der Belgrader Theaterakademie.
Tomislav GotovacWikidata› wiki
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Tomislav Gotovac / Retrospective trailer 2 - YouTubeYouTube› watch
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Tomislav Gotovac – WikipedijaTomislav Gotovac (Sombor, 9. veljače Zagreb, 24. lipnja ) je hrvatski filmski redatelj, glumac, performer, multimedijalni i konceptualni umjetnik. Smrt: Zagreb, 24. lipnja Rođenje: Sombor, 9. veljače Missing: Henfenfeld" Životopis · Sve je to movie · Performansi · Izložbe
Wikipedia: Tomislav GotovacWikipedia› wiki › Tomislav_Gotovac
PURE WORDS, NAKED TRUTH – exhibition of Tomislav ...WordPress.com— Tomislav Gotovac was a legendary figure of Croatian art in the second half of the 20th century. He was famous for his naked actions and ... › ...
NordArt – www.kunstforum.dewww.kunstforum.de › artikel › nordart-2011... Mal die Nordart im norddeutschen Städtchen Büdelsdorf bei Rendsburg ihre Pforten: 250 Künstler aus ... Antonio G. Lauer aka Tomislav Gotovac and BADco.
99 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Body scan, sorrow (Tomislav Gotovac) | mumokKörperscan, Trauer (Tomislav Gotovac) (2013). Pigmentdruck, Photo Rag, Pigmentzeichnung. 25,00 cm x 62,00 cm. Schenkung aus der Sammlung Dr.
Famous Tomislav Gotovac footprints in Ilica - ZagrebCityPal› Local tips
Tomislav Gotovac Artworks, Bio & Shows on ...Artsy› artist › to...
Tomislav GotovacWikiwand› Tomislav_Gotovac
Tomislav Gotovac - ArtistDaily Art Fair› artist › t...
Tomislav Gotovac - artist, news & exhibitions - photography-now.comSolo exhibitions of Tomislav Gotovac; Galerija Gregor Podnar DE. Galerija Gregor Podnar Berlin +49 (0) www.gregorpodnar.com. T&ue-Sat Circles. Tomislav Gotovac. 16 Sep – 5 Nov Galerie Michaela Stock AT. Galerie Michaela Stock
Tomislav Gotovac - Artists1 Mira Madrid› artists › tomislav-gotovac
Notes on Tomislav Gotovac – Digitizing IdeasDigitizing Ideas
Tomislav Gotovac - Artistssp-arte.com› artists
Tomislav Gotovac - documenta 14Tomislav Gotovac, Cleaning of Public Spaces (Homage to Vjekoslav France aka The Bolshevik and Cleaning Apostle), 1981, installation view, EMST—National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, documenta 14, photo: Stathis Mamalakis
Tomislav Gotovac Footprints | Sightseeing | ZagrebEver wanted to walk in the footsteps of someone famous? Well, with Tomislav Gotovac, Croatian actor, director, and performance artist, you can. On Zagreb’s...
Tomislav Gotovac - Künstlerdatenblätterart-in.de› suchedaten
Sanja Ivekovic and Tomislav Gotovac - Academia.eduwww.academia.edu › VESNA_VUKOVIĆ_Spaces_of_Accummulated_T...Parallel Readings - Sanja Ivekovic and Tomislav Gotovac VESNA ... sedamdesetih godina (Innovations in the Croatian Art of 1, Frankfurt am Main: ...
Tomislav Gotovac - NK Polet Sveta KlaraSofascore› spieler › tomislav-gotovac
Tomislav Gotovac - OMNIAomnia.ie› ...
Tomislav Gotovac - art auction recordsaskART› Tomisla...
Tickets for Kino-integral: Tomislav Gotovac, um 21:00 (de)Tickets for Kino-integral: Tomislav Gotovac, um 21:00 at Kinoteka
Tomislav Gotovac 1: Structural Variationsfilm.at› tomislav-gotovac-1-structural-varia...
Tomislav Gotovac 3: Glenn Miller FilmsKINOFANS.com› Aktuelle-Filme › Kino-DB
Tomislav Gotovac - Blic Onlinewww.blic.rs › tomislav-gotovacTomislav Gotovac. TRG MARŠALA TITA, VOLIM TE! Izložba povodom 80 godina od rođenja Tomislava Gotovca. 2; 14:41. Preminuo Tomislav Gotovac. 00:
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tomislav
Männlicher Vorname (Slawisch): Tomislav; Altslawisch (Wortzusammensetzung); slava = der Slawe, der Ruhm; bekannt durch Tomislav, dem ersten König Kroatiens (10. Jh.)
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Personensuche zu Tomislav Gotovac & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Tomislav Gotovac und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.