181 Infos zu Tomma Abts

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23 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Spiegel.de: Turner-Preis-Gewinnerin Abts: Die Linientreue - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Obwohl die deutsche Malerin Tomma Abts seit Jahren konsequent am Trend vorbei malt, wird sie jetzt zum Star: ausgerechnet mit dem traditionell auf Krawall...

Tomma Abts review: Psychedelic and constantly moving forms hit the...

Tomma Abts's Fimme (2013) is, like most of her paintings, quite small ... Tomma Abts, Serpentine Sackler Gallery (June 7 - Sep 9) - In pictures. Missing: reichertsheim ‎| ‎Must include: ‎reichertsheim

Guardian: Tomma Abts review – 'Like fans in the hands of animated Andalucíans'...

Serpentine Gallery, London No matter how many times you look – and I had four takes – the Turner-winning artist’s visual origami constantly wrong-foots you

Tomma Abts' enigmatic abstracts

The strange, small paintings of Tomma Abts act like artistic stealth bombers.

40  Bilder zu Tomma Abts

Bild zu Tomma Abts
Bild zu Tomma Abts
Bild zu Tomma Abts
Bild zu Tomma Abts
Bild zu Tomma Abts
Bild zu Tomma Abts

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Tomma Abts | ZKM

Research, production, exhibition: The ZKM dedicates itself to contemporary developments within art and society in all media formats and systems.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Tomma Abts Stock-Fotos und Bilder - Getty Images

Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Tomma Abts sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Tomma...

Tomma Abts | Artist | ArtFacts

The artist Tomma Abts is ranked among the Top 10,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Tomma Abts - Biography | David Zwirnerwww.davidzwirner.com › artists › tomma-abts › biography

German artist Tomma Abts (b ) is known for her complex paintings and drawings, the subject of which is ultimately the process of their creation.Missing: Carus- Verlag" German artist Tomma Abts (b ) is known for her complex paintings and drawings, the subject of which is ultimately the process of their creation. Missing: Carus- Verlag"

3 Bücher zum Namen

Tomma Abts by Laura Hoptman

Tomma Abts book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Born in Germany and based in London, Tomma Abts has received considerable...

Tomma Abts

Examines both the art-historical framework of Tomma Abts’s painting as well as its deep philosophical and psychological dimensions With a rigorous approach...

Tomma Abts

Tomma Abts is a visual artist, who won the Turner Prize in She was born in Germany and currently lives and works in London, UK.

5 Dokumente

Tomma Abts Pocket Tube Map - Art on the Underground

Art on the Underground has commissioned British-based German artist Tomma Abts to make a new artwork for the cover of the pocket Tube map, the 23rd ...

Tomma Abts - Modern Abstraction - The Art History Archive

Tomma Abts is a German abstract painter born in Kiel and living and working in London, England, where she is represented by the greengrassi gallery.

New contemporary abstract art: Tomma Abts

A new generation of international abstract artists are exploring bold forms of abstraction.

Tomma Abts's Painting Abstraction | Art | Agenda | Phaidon

German artist often takes years over her canvases which she lays on a table, as if writing rather than painting

13 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Tomma Abts - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tomma_Abts

Tomma Abts (born 26 December 1967) is a German-born visual artist known for her abstract oil paintings. Abts won the Turner Prize in She currently lives ...Born: 26 December (age 53); Kiel, West Germany Known for: PaintingMissing: Carus- Verlag" Tomma Abts (born 26 December 1967) is a German-born visual artist known for her abstract oil paintings. Abts won the Turner Prize in She currently lives ...Born: 26 December (age 53); Kiel, West Germany Known for: Painting Missing: Carus- Verlag"

Wikipedia: Tomma Abts – Wikipedia

Tomma Abts (* in Kiel) ist eine deutsche Malerin und Gewinnerin des renommierten Turner Prizes Seit Ende der 1990er Jahre malt die in London ... Es fehlt: Carus- ‎Verlag"

Tomma Abts - Munzinger Biographie

Biographie: Abts, Tomma; deutsche Malerin; Prof.

Klasse Tomma Abts, philara Düsseldorf « Agnieszka Pastuszka

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Arbeiten abgelegt und mit Agnieszka Pastuszka, Klasse Tomma Abts verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

90 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Tomma ABTS (1967) : Auktionen, Preise, Indizes und Biografien für den...

Tomma ABTS: Internationale Auktionen aller Kunstgattungen: Zeichnung Aquarell, Druckgrafik-Multiple, Gemälde. Der Markt des Künstlers sowie seine Biografie,...

Schleswig-Holstein – Kulturportal - Kreative Köpfe - Bildende Kunst – Tomma Abts (*1967)

Die in Kiel geborene Malerin wurde mit dem Turner-Preis ausgezeichnet, der bedeutendsten Auszeichnung für zeitgenössische Kunst in England. ...


... x Texte zur Kunst“, Aktuelle Editionen Martha Rosler ( ) Amy Sillman (2016) Amy Sillman (2016) Erhältliche Editionen A Tomma ...

Deutsche Malerin Tomma Abts gewinnt britischen Turner Prize | Kultur...

Nach dem Fotografen Wolfgang Tilmans ist Tomma Abts die zweite Deutsche, die den renommierten britischen Kunstpreis erhält. Der Turner Prize ist mit

Tomma Abts - Artworks & Biography | David Zwirner

German artist Tomma Abts makes complex paintings and works on paper whose subject is ultimately the process of their creation. Learn more about her artworks...

Tomma Abts - The Full Wiki

Tomma Abts (born 1967) is a German artist, an abstract painter living and working in London, England.. Tomma Abts was born in Kiel, Germany.. She is the winner of the Turner Prize, having been selected for her solo exhibitions at Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland, and greengrassi, London.


artist-info is a community place for contemporary art where all can meet: Artists, Curators, Galleries, Museums, Non-Profit places,...

Buy Tomma Abts - 1 Original Artworks for Sale

Born in Kiel in 1967, Tomma Abts' paintings feature repetitive multilayered shapes, overpainted again and again in an intuitive search for the final form.

Features by keyword » Tomma Abts - Page 1 - signandsight

This is a list of all our articles related to the keyword: Tomma Abts. Page 1

Tomma Abts Berlin – Tomma Abts – Exhibitions – Galerie Buchholz

10 November January opening reception on Friday, 10 November, 7-9 pm

Artist of the Week: Tomma Abts – PopUp Painting

PopUp Painting's 'artist of the week' is Tomma Abts (b ). Tom Abts is a German artist whose work takes the form of complex, layered, ...

Tomma Abts - Serpentine Gallerieswww.serpentinegalleries.org › Events › Tomma Abts - Serpentine Galleries

Sep 9, · The Serpentine presented the work of Tomma Abts in the artist's first solo exhibition in a UK public institution.Missing: Carus- Verlag" Sep 9, · The Serpentine presented the work of Tomma Abts in the artist's first solo exhibition in a UK public institution. Missing: Carus- Verlag"

Tomma Abts kaufen - 1 Originale Kunstwerke

Tomma Abts', (1967 in Kiel geboren) Gemälde bestehen aus repetitiven, mehrschichtigen Formen, die in einer intuitiven Suche nach der endgültigen Form …

Tomma Abts born | Tate

Biography. Tomma Abts (born 26 December 1967) is a German-born visual artist known for her abstract oil paintings. Abts won the Turner Prize in She ... Missing: Reichertsheim" ‎| Must include: Reichertsheim"

Tomma Abts press release | David Zwirnerwww.davidzwirner.com › exhibitions › tomma-abts › press-release

Opening reception: Wednesday, November 6, 6–8 PM. David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by Tomma Abts at the gallery's 533 West ...Missing: Carus- Verlag" Opening reception: Wednesday, November 6, 6–8 PM. David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by Tomma Abts at the gallery's 533 West ... Missing: Carus- Verlag"

Tomma Abts • Kunsthalle Basel

Die deutsche Künstlerin Tomma Abts (1967, lebt und arbeitet in London, Gewinnerin des Turner Prizes 2006) malt seit Ende der 90er Jahre kleinformatige, abstrakte Acryl- und Ölbilder, die einer strengen Konzeption folgen.

Tomma Abts | Art | Store | Phaidon

Tomma Abts by Laura Hoptman, et al. The first major monograph dedicated to the work of the internationally acclaimed abstract painter. Order online from the ...Missing: Carus- Verlag" Tomma Abts by Laura Hoptman, et al. The first major monograph dedicated to the work of the internationally acclaimed abstract painter. Order online from the ... Missing: Carus- Verlag"

Oijen, Wybe, Dele, Tomma Abts « ARTEIDOLIA

Tomma Abts (at David Zwirner from September 10th through October 25th) dispenses with the quotation marks seemingly placed so often around a good ...

Real Spaces and Illusions of Depth: Tomma Abts at David Zwirner -...

Tomma Abts at David Zwirner Gallery. September 10 to October 25, West 19th Street, between 10th and 11th avenues. New York City ...

Tomma Abts | David Zwirner Books

Tomma Abts makes complex paintings and works on paper whose subject is ultimately the process of their creation. She begins each work with no preconceived...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Tomma

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Tomma; Friesisch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen mit 'Dank-' (die heute kaum mehr in Gebrauch sind); damit gewissermassen die weibliche Form von 'Tammo'

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Tomma Abts & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Tomma Abts und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.