47 Infos zu Torsten Solf

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

EMIM Programme

3Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. EC I - 11, SUBLIMA: Sub-Nanosecond Leverage in PET/MR Imaging (#474) Torsten Solf Philips Research X-Ray Imaging ...

First Industrial FAST Workshop - agenda (24-September 25, 2015):...

11: :30. FH Aachen University of Applied Science. Torsten Solf. Philips Digital Photon Counting. 11: :00. FH Aachen University of Applied Science.

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Torsten Solf aus Sindelfingen

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Facebook: Torsten Solf

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1 Hobbys & Interessen

Torsten SOLF - Patents

Torsten SOLF patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Torsten SOLF patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application # ...

2 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Torsten Solf


patentbuddy: Torsten J Solf


1 Persönliche Webseiten

Torsten Solf's Email & Phone - Philips Healthcare - Kreisfreie Stadt...

Click to get Torsten Solf's Role: Characterization Engineer @ Philips Healthcare, Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen Area, Germany.

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

MR image quality and timing resolution of an analog SiPM based...

Christoph W. Lerche, Jane MacKewn, Richard Ayres, Bjoern Weissler, Pierre Gebhardt, Torsten Solf, Benjamin Goldschmidt, Andre Salomon, Kavitha Sunassee, ...

SiPM based preclinical PET/MR insert for a human 3T MR: first imaging...

author = "Volkmar Schulz and Bjoern Weissler and Pierre Gebhardt and Torsten Solf and Lerche, {Christoph W.} and Peter Fischer and Michael Ritzert and ...

Reconstruction of crystal stack orientations using line-source...

... stack orientations using line-source measurements in PET",. author = "André Salomon and Torsten Solf and René Botnar and Volkmar Schulz",. year = "2013", .

1 Projekte

[Stir-users] Motion Compensated Image Reconstruction algorithms to...

Therefore, I wish to thank Prof. Paul K. Marsden (the PI of SUBLIMA grant at KCL) and Torsten Solf (the leader of Sublima Project). Also, I wish to thank the COST ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Challenges towards simultaneous PET-MRI

Challenges towards simultaneous PET-MRI. Stefaan Vandenberghe UGent, Vincent Keereman UGent, Paul Marsden, Torsten Solf, ...


Author:Torsten Solf , Benjamin Goldschmidt ... Data Source:[J].Physics in Medicine and Biology(IF ), 2014, Vol.59 (17)IOP. Abstract:The combination of ...

2 Dokumente

Table of Contents

Volkmar Schulz, Torsten Solf, Bjoern Weissler, Pierre Gebhardt, Claudio Piemonte, Peter Fischer, Paul Marsden, Fabian B. A X-ray/fluorescence bi-modal ...

A Compact Pixelated Single Photon Detector System with Applications in ...

Torsten Solf2, Björn Weissler², Claudio Piemonte3, Nicola Zorzi3 1) Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany 2) Philips Research Laboratories, Aachen, Germany

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Temporal artifacts in flat dynamic x-ray detectors | (2001) |...

Author(s): Michael Overdick; Torsten Solf; Hans-Aloys Wischmann ... Flat X-ray detectors based on CsI:Tl scintillators and amorphous silicon

ToF performance evaluation of a PET insert with Digital Silicon...

Benjamin Goldschmidt. Philips Research, Eindhoven, X-Ray Imaging Systems, The Netherlands. Torsten Solf. Authors. Search for David Schug ...

July TNS Blast Newsletter - IEEE NPSSieee-npss.org › T-NS_ToC_July_2017_html

by Faruk Diblen, Tom Buitenhuis, Torsten Solf, Pedro Rodrigues, Emiel van der Graaf, Marc-Jan van Goethem, Sytze Brandenburg, and Peter Dendooven

Medical Imaging 2001: Physics of Medical Imaging | (2001) |...

Date: 28 June ISBN: pages ... Author(s): Michael Overdick; Torsten Solf; Hans-Aloys Wischmann

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie – Wikipedia

Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET; von altgriechisch τομή tome ‚Schnitt' und ... Volkmar Schulz, Bjoern Weissler, Pierre Gebhardt, Torsten Solf, Christoph W. Lerche, Peter Fischer, Michael Ritzert, V. Mlotok, Claudio Piemonte, ...

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

New developments of Silicon Photomultipliers (for PET systems) - ppt...

Outline SiPMs for PET systems Critical SiPM properties: signal shape intrinsic timing photo-detection efficiency temperature dependence Energy and timing...

Torsten Solf - ContactOut › Torsten-Solf

Get Torsten Solf's email address, .

Torsten Solf, Aachen DE - Patent applications

Patent application number, Description, Published , TIME OF FLIGHT MEASUREMENTS IN POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY - A positron ...

Teamsoft Sportzeit

149, 03:18:16,5, Team ZBMT ( 1), Georgy Shakirin (1979), Volker Van Elsbergen (1968), Dennis Groben (1985), Torsten Solf (1969), Urkunde. 150, 03:18:49,3 ...

A preclinical PET/MR insert for a human 3T MR scanner - Ghent...

Volkmar Schulz, Torsten Solf, Bjoern Weissler, Pierre Gebhardt, Peter Fischer and 10 more Published in in Piscataway NJ USA by IEEE. We describe the ...

Arrays of digital Silicon Photomultipliers Intrinsic performance and...

... Thomas Frach, Member, IEEE, Walter Ruetten, Member, IEEE, Klaus Fiedler, Gunnar Maehlum, Member, IEEE, Torsten Solf, and Andreas Thon Abstract.

Current Address, Phone Numbers, Age, Date of Birth, Public ...www.fullnamedirectory.com › page

... Terri Solf · Terry Solf · Thirsha Solf · Torsten Solf · Trey Solf · Trish Solf · Trisha Solf · Troy Solf · Vickie Solf · Willa Solf · William Solf · Winefred Solf · Zoneta Solf ...

DeWiki > Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie

↑ Volkmar Schulz, Bjoern Weissler, Pierre Gebhardt, Torsten Solf, Christoph W. Lerche, Peter Fischer, Michael Ritzert, V. Mlotok, Claudio Piemonte, ...


Inventors: Torsten Solf (Aachen, DE) Torsten Solf (Aachen, DE) Carolina Ribbing (Aachen, DE) Carolina Ribbing (Aachen, DE) Petrus ...

First results with SiPM tiles for TOF PET based on FBK RGB-HD...

Alessandro Ferri, Fabio Acerbi, Peter Fischer, Alberto Gola, Giovanni Paternoster , Claudio Piemonte, Michael Ritzert, Torsten Solf, Illaria Sacco, Nicola Zorzi.

EJNMMI Physics | Proceedings of the 3rd PSMR conference on PET/MR and...

EJNMMI Physics is an international platform for scientists, users and adopters of nuclear medicine with a particular interest in physics matters. As a ...

KIT-Bibliothek: Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog KVK : Ergebnisanzeige

... MR Operation / David Schug, Jakob Wehner, Peter Michael Düppenbecker, Bjoern Weissler, Pierre Gebhardt, Benjamin Goldschmidt, Torsten Solf, Fabian …

Altmetric – Maximum likelihood positioning and energy …ction for...

Christoph W Lerche, André Salomon, Benjamin Goldschmidt, Sarah Lodomez, Björn Weissler, Torsten Solf. Abstract. An algorithm for determining the crystal ...

Temporal artifacts in flat dynamic x-ray detectors

SPIE Digital Library Proceedings


... TDC-ADC AND ANGER LOGIC IN RADIATION DETECTION APPLICATIONS. Inventors: Torsten Solf (Aachen, DE) Torsten Solf (Aachen, DE)

Radiation Hardness of dSiPM Sensors in a Proton Therapy Radiation...

author = "Faruk Diblen and Tom Buitenhuis and Torsten Solf and Pedro Rodrigues and {van der Graaf}, Emiel and {van Goethem}, Marc-Jan and Sytze ...

Radiation Hardness of dSiPM Sensors in a Proton Therapy Radiation...

Faruk Diblen, Tom Buitenhuis, Torsten Solf, Pedro Rodrigues, Emiel van der Graaf, Marc-Jan van Goethem, Sytze Brandenburg, Peter Dendooven. Research ...

ToF performance evaluation of a PET insert with Digital Silicon...

David Schug,; Jakob Wehner,; Peter Michael Dueppenbecker,; Bjoern Weissler,; Pierre Gebhardt,; Benjamin Goldschmidt,; Torsten Solf and ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Torsten

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Torsten; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); thorr = der Donner, der Donnergott, Thor; steinn = der Stein; alter skandinavischer zweigliedriger Name

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