126 Infos zu Ulf Hahnel
Mehr erfahren über Ulf Hahnel
Infos zu
- Psychology
- University of Geneva
- Universität
- Basel
- Tobias Brosch
- Consumer Decision
- Decision and Sustainable
13 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Allen guten Absichten zum Trotz: Wie die Psyche uns zu ...St. Galler Tagblatt— ... zitiert die Mitteilung den Erstautor der Studie, Ulf Hahnel. Er forscht ebenfalls am Departement für Psychologie der Universität Genf.
Prof. Ulf Hahnel - Fakultät für Psychologie - Universität BaselUniversität Basel— Prof. Dr. Ulf Hahnel studierte Psychologie an der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der University of Auckland, Neuseeland. Er ... Ulf Hahnel is Professor for Psychology of Sustainability and Behavior Change at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Basel, Switzerland.
Mental Accounting is Affecting Sustainable Behavior, Study ...Coherent Market InsightsUlf Hahnel, a senior researcher of the study said that humans need to clearly show what the price of energy is, and make the message loud and noticeable and ...
Vortrag zu Verhaltensänderung und NachhaltigkeitGFL Bern— Ulf Hahnel, Professor für Psychologie der Nachhaltigkeit und Verhaltensänderung an der Universität Basel, hält einen Vortrag zum Thema ...
11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ulf Hähnel | FacebookFacebook: Ulf Hähnel | Facebookwww.facebook.com › ulf.hahnel.7Twitter Profil: Simon Montfort (@Montfort1Simon) Twitterand Ulf Hahnel. Using a survey experiment, I study predictors for public support and mobilization. This has implications for the vote on the Climate and ...
Dr. Ulf Hahnel - Consumer Decision and Sustainable ...Université de GenèveUlf Hahnel · Ulf is a senior researcher and teaching fellow at the Consumer Decision and Sustainable Behavior Lab. · Ulf studied psychology at the University of ...
1 Business-Profile
Dis5136.pdf (3.11 MB) - AlexandriaUniversity of St.Gallenvon J Plananska · — Ulf Hahnel and. Mario Herberz. I would like to thank them, Mario Herberz in particular, for the productive discussions, motivation, and inspiration throughout ...
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team â Institut für Psychologie - uni-freiburg.deDr. Ulf Hahnel (jetzt Univ. Genf, Schweiz) Dr. Celia Kändler (jetzt Staatliches Schulamt Offenburg) Dr. Liridon Korcaj (jetzt Product Manager, Payment Consultants Sarl; Lecturer, Dardania College; Product Developer, IDside GmbH) Prof. Dr. Anne Deiglmayr (jetzt Empirische Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung, Universität Leipzig)
Unterschriften - S4F DeutschlandDr. Susanne Hähnchen | Dr. Janne Hahne | Dr. Ulf Hahnel | Florian Hahner | Mirjam Hähnle | Maren Haid | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Haider | Dr. Markus Haider | Dr.
Team — Institut für PsychologieDr. Michael Wiedmann (jetzt BOSCH Stiftung); Dr. Ulf Hahnel (jetzt Univ. Genf, Schweiz); Dr. Celia Kändler (jetzt Staatliches Schulamt Offenburg); Dr. Liridon ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Wulf Hahnel Namen AnalyseDeuNamen.com - Wulf Hahnel Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Archiv | ZHAW School of EngineeringZHAWDer Einfluss von Informationen auf die Akzeptanz von Erneuerbaren Energieprojekten in der Bevölkerung. Prof. Dr. Ulf Hahnel, Fakultät für Psychologie ...
1 Projekte
Energiezukunftsaguf.chMitglieder: Michèle Bättig (Standpunkt 21), Astrid Björnsen Gurung (WSL), Ulf Hahnel (Universität Basel), Stephanie Moser (CDE), Urs Neu (ProClim), ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Green Grades: Can Information Save the Earth?google.de... products with more favorable environmental characteristics.31 University of Freiburg psychology researcher Ulf Hahnel and his colleagues also find that ...
Who Am I? Understanding Identity and the Many Ways We Define ...google.deUlf Hahnel and Tobias Brosch, psychologists with the University of Geneva in Switzerland, developed a model to help explain why people diverge so ...
How does green suit me? : consumers mentally match perceived product...Year of Publication: 2014: Authors: Hahnel, Ulf J. J.; Gölz, Sebastian; Spada, Hans: Published in: Journal of consumer behaviour : an international research review.
Who Am I? Understanding Identity and the Many Ways We Define...This book explores what identity is, what factors contribute to it, how it develops, and the impacts that a strong or weak sense of self can have on a person's...
5 Dokumente
A behavioral intervention to reduce range anxiety and ...Research Squarevon M Herberz · Zitiert von: 5 — University of Geneva https://orcid.org Ulf Hahnel. University of Geneva https://orcid.org
Page 7 - VHSBB_SeniorenUniVHSBB... öffentliche Wahrnehmung des globalen Klimawandels und Online evidenzbasierte Wege zu nachhaltigerem Handeln B Ulf Hahnel, Prof.
[A comparison of different endotracheal tubes. Tracheal ...ScienceOpen— Tracheal cuff seal, peak centering and the incidence of postoperative sore throat]. Author(s): M Georgieff, Andrea Maier, H Treiber, Ulf Hahnel, ...
Diffusion of Solar Photovoltaics - University of St.Gallenfruitful discussions, and Ulf Hahnel for the great contribution to our paper. Special thanks go to my co-advisor Sven Reinecke for his very useful literature.
13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Forschungskolloquium Soziologie ( )Universität BernDr. Ulf Hahnel (Universität Basel). «Beyond the I-Frame: Towards a better understanding of sustainable decision making and its impact on the social system ...
Tobia Spampatti (@)mstdn.scienceThis fun project would not have been possible without the amazing support of my super-supervisors Tobias Brosch, Evelina Trutnevyte, and Ulf Hahnel.
Mental accounting is impacting sustainable behaviorScience Daily— ... make the message salient, and demonstrate the impact of consumption on CO2-emissions through concrete feedback," summarises Ulf Hahnel, ...
dblp: Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 10Bibliographic content of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 10
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Mental accounting mechanisms in energy decision-making ...RePEcvon UJJ Hahnel · · Zitiert von: 33 — Ulf J. J. Hahnel (), Gilles Chatelain, Beatrice Conte, Valentino Piana and Tobias Brosch ()
Surmonter la polarisationissuuUlf Hahnel, psychologue de l'environnement à l'Université de Genève, s'est penché sur la manière dont le scepticisme climatique se transmet des élites des ...
The salient role of social sciences and humanitiesResearchGate— Ulf Hahnel gratefully. can be used as a tool to affect the framing of energy-related questions, perceptions, and related.
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems -...... of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems from an Engineer's Perspective Gregor Rohbogner, Simon Fey, Ulf Hahnel, Pascal Benoit, Bernhard Wille-Haussmann.
13 Meinungen & Artikel
INTERVIEW — Sustainable Energy BehavioursSubstack— My name is Ulf Hahnel and I'm a behavioural scientist and researcher at the University of Geneva. From June 2022, I'll be leading the Center for ...
ENVPSY Archives - December 2021JISCMailUlf Hahnel. Fri, 10 Dec :02:21 + lines. PhD opportunity - Exploring inclusivity factors for climate resilient Blue-Green Infrastructure.
Open PhD and Postdoc positions in sustainable decision ...WordPress.com— Ulf Hahnel and a team of international leading scholars to conduct research on the cognitive and affective mechanisms underlying sustainable ...
Social side of sustainabilityNew Energy AcademyUlf Hahnel. Dr. Ulf Hahnel is working as a senior researcher and lecturer in the Consumer Decision and Sustainable Behavior Lab at the University of Geneva, ...
53 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Transponder für HausautomatisierungssystemeGoogleOther languages: English; Inventor: Ulf Hahnel: Gregor Rohbogner; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal ...
Ulf Hahnel, université de GenèveUniversité Grenoble AlpesUlf Hahnel, université de Genève. Human decision making in socio-technical energy systems. 21 octobre BATEG, 2e étage, salle de cours 204.
Environmental Psychology – Activitiesrug.nlResults of 65 — Goda Perlaviciute (Speaker), Lu Liu (Speaker), Ulf Hahnel (Speaker), Jamie Baxter (Speaker) & Chad Walker (Speaker). 28-Jun
Experimental analysis in Germany and the United KingdomCentre for Research into Energy Demand SolutionsUlf Hahnel and Michael Fell. Abstract. Prosumer-centred electricity market models such as peer-to-peer communities can enable optimized supply and demand of ...
Georg Sunderer - ISOE Publikationenisoe-publikationen.deGölz, Sebastian/Ulf Hahnel/Konrad Götz/Georg Sunderer/Marian Klobasa/Joachim Schleich (2011): The relation between feedback use and energy saving - results ...
Nachhaltigkeit UniBasel (@nachhaltigkeit_unibasel) ...InstagramUlf Hahnel during the sustainability week! FÜR DOZIERENDE UND STUDIERENDE Mehr Infos zum Förderprogramm "Impuls" findest du im Link in.
PhD position in Psychology: Sustainable decision making ...ScholarshipDb.NetUlf Hahnel and a team of international leading scholars to conduct research on the cognitive and affective mechanisms underlying sustainable judgment and ...
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Europe (Life / Biological Sciences)Big BiologistUlf Hahnel at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland. The newly founded center conducts research on the cognitive and affective ...
Social and Economic Value in Emerging Decentralized ...tudelft.nlvon S Adams · · Zitiert von: 25 — Sophie Adams, Donal Brown, Juan Pablo Cárdenas Álvarez, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Mike Fell, Ulf Hahnel, Kristina Hojckova, A. Singh, Nicole Watson, ...
The salient role of social sciences and humanitiesPLOSvon G Brückmann · — Ulf Hahnel gratefully acknowledges funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants PCEFP1_ and _ ).
05 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Basel ...Vacancy Edu— Ulf Hahnel at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland. The newly founded center conducts research on the cognitive and ...
Mental accounting is impacting sustainable behaviorEurekAlert!— ... on CO2-emissions through concrete feedback», summarises Ulf Hahnel, senior researcher at UNIGE and first author of the study.
Mental accounting is impacting sustainable behaviorGeneva University Neurocenter— ... on CO2-emissions through concrete feedback», summarises Ulf Hahnel, senior researcher at UNIGE and first author of the study.
[Jdm-society] PhD Position available at the University of ...Society for Judgment and Decision Making— Ulf Hahnel Consumer Decision and Sustainable Behavior Lab Department of Psychology University of Geneva 40, Boulevard du Pont d'Arve Geneva ...
Mart van der Kam's PostLinkedInAfter having collaborated with behavioural scientists in several projects, I am now very excited to work in this psychology group led by Ulf Hahnel!
Vera Sale's Postlinkedin.comUlf Hahnel from the Psychlogy of Sustainability and Behavior Change as a first supervisor, as well as with Prof. Rui Mata from the Cognitive and Decision ...
BRUNO LANZ - Research... Ulf Hahnel, Stefanie Hille, Bruno Lanz, Linda Lemarie, Corinne Moser, Michael Puntiroli, Iljana Schubert, Annika Sohre and Benjamin Volland). › site › res...
Online Studies: Strategies and Sources Dr. Ulf Hahnel Consumer...Before you start… You have to keep in mind that: Response speed is often frighteningly short. Users are – to some extent – professionals Behavioral...
Ulf Hahnel - researchr alias› alias › ulf-ha...
ISOE: Georg SundererGölz, Sebastian/Ulf Hahnel/Konrad Götz/Georg Sunderer/Marian Klobasa/Joachim Schleich (2011): The relation between feedback use and energy saving - results from a large field trial in Germany and Austria. In: Balmer, Ivo/Rico Defila/Antonietta Di â¦
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ulf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Ulf; der Wolf; Altnordisch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); ulv = der Wolf; ursprünglich Kurzform zu Namen mit 'Ulf-' bzw. '-ulf', z.B. 'Thorulf'
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hahnel
Hahnel bedeutet stolzer Mensch ist aber auch eine Ableitung von Johannes siehe Duden Familien Namenslexikon
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Mario Herberz
- Julia Hildermeier
- Stefanie Hille
- Gregor Rohbogner
- Corinne Moser
- Tobias Brosch
- Laura Pagel
- Sophie Adams
- Gesche Huebner
- Bruno Lanz
- Chad Walker
Personensuche zu Ulf Hahnel & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Ulf Hahnel und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.