143 Infos zu Ulf Liebal
Mehr erfahren über Ulf Liebal
Lebt in
- Aachen
- Rostock
Infos zu
- Institut
- Blank
- RWTH Aachen University
- Olli Niemitalo
- Christian Lieven
- Dieter Weber
- Peter Neubauer
- André
- Birgitta
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Warum betrunkene Bakterien Wissenschaftlern viel über molekulare...Die sind vermutlich auch für den mikroskopisch kleinen Sensor in der Zelle gültig. Ulf Liebal gewinnt durch sein Modell einen besseren Einblick, wie das Bakterium auf Alkohol reagiert. Spürt eines von den 60 Proteinen Alkohol, dann bewegt sich das Protein und aktiviert damit andere in der Nachbarschaft.
SysMO - AssaysUlf Liebal Close. We use BSA115 strain which lacks RsbU and RsbW proteins. Therefore, there is limited post-transcriptional regulation of sigmaB ...
Kultur: Feste GrößeTagesspiegel... Noga Bruckstein auf der Violine, Moritz Klauk auf dem Violincello, Sven Hammerschmidt auf der Oboe und Ulf Liebal auf dem Fagott ist der Erfolg sicher.
Musik in Kirchen - Orgelmusik für Senioren - St.-Gotthardt-Kirche..., Brandenburg Werke: Werke für Violine, Fagott und Orgel: Interpreten: Uta Nast - Violine, Ulf Liebal - Fagott, Fred Litwinski - Orgel
1 Bilder zu Ulf Liebal
18 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Ulf Liebal | LinkedInUlf Liebals berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Ulf Liebal dabei hilft, interne ...
LinkedIn: Ulf Liebal – Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland ...Ulf Liebals berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Ulf Liebal dabei hilft , ...
Twitter Profil: Lars M. Blank (@lm_blank) / TwitterTwitterCongratulation to Ulf Liebal from the iAMB, our new coordinator of the #elearning project BioLabSim. @RWTH · https://iamb.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/udtrv?#a ...
iUma22: Genome scale metabolic model for Ustilago maydisGitHubContact. Ulf Liebal. About. The genome scale metabolic model iUma22 for Ustilago maydis. Resources. Readme. License. CC-BY-4.0 license. Code of conduct.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Deciphering the transport mechanisms of small xenobiotic CORDISCORDIS... Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, Markus J. Herrgård, Lars Mathias Blank, Irina Borodina Veröffentlicht in Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, Markus J. Herrgård, Lars Mathias Blank, Irina Borodina Veröffentlicht in ...
Deciphering the transport mechanisms of small xenobiotic ...CORDIS... Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, Markus J. Herrgård, Lars Mathias Blank, Irina Borodina Opublikowane w Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, Markus J. Herrgård, Lars Mathias Blank, Irina Borodina Opublikowane w ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
EasyClone‐MarkerFree: A vector toolkit for marker‐less ...Scholars Portal JournalsAuthors. Jonathan Dahlin · ORCID ID · Carina Holkenbrink · Eko Roy Marella · ORCID ID · Guokun Wang · Ulf Liebal · ORCID ID · Christian Lieven · Dieter Weber ... Authors. Jonathan Dahlin · ORCID ID · Carina Holkenbrink · Eko Roy Marella · ORCID ID · Guokun Wang · Ulf Liebal · ORCID ID · Christian Lieven · Dieter Weber ...
2 Projekte
BaCell-SysMOUlf Liebal. Projects: BaCell-SysMO. Institutions: University of Rostock. Disciplines: Not specified. Roles: Not specified. Expertise: sensitivity analysis, Systems ...
yeast-trans signed - FabioDisconziwww.fabiodisconzi.com › open-h2020 › projects2019, Jonathan Dahlin, Carina Holkenbrink, Eko Roy Marella, Guokun Wang, Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
An investigation of microRNA target regulation mechanisms ...google.com... Ulf Liebal and Xin Lai for reading my thesis and giving me very valuable suggestions. I would like to give special thanks to my friends Jan Wetzel, Marko ...
Functional and Comparative Genomics of Saccharomyces and ...google.com... Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, Markus J. Herrgård, Lars Mathias Blank and Irina Borodina Ploidy Variation ...
Functional and Comparative Genomics of Saccharomyces and ...google.de... Carina Holkenbrink, Eko Roy Marella, Guokun Wang, Ulf Liebal, Christian Lieven, Dieter Weber, Douglas McCloskey, Birgitta E. Ebert, Markus J. Herrgård, ...
An investigation of microRNA target regulation mechanisms using an...goes to my colleagues and friends Sonja Strunz, Ulf Liebal and Xin Lai for reading my thesis and giving me very valuable suggestions. I would like to give ...
8 Dokumente
Protein disulfide isomerase appears necessary to maintain the ...American Chemical Societyvon JR Wetterau · · Zitiert von: 248 — The Journal of Biochemistry 2005, 138 (6) , https://doi.org jb/mvi166; Olli Niemitalo, Antje Neubauer, Ulf Liebal, ...
Alterations in the transcription factors GntR1 and RamA ...von Z Wang · · Zitiert von: 27 — Ulf Liebal (RWTH Aachen University,. Germany). We would also like to acknowledge all our co-workers especially Jun Chen, Mike Vestergaard ... von Z Wang · · Zitiert von: 27 — Ulf Liebal (RWTH Aachen University,. Germany). We would also like to acknowledge all our co-workers especially Jun Chen, Mike Vestergaard ...
Corrigendum: Multi-Omics Analysis of Fatty Alcohol ...ReadCube... Ulf Liebal 2,. Christian Lieven 1, Dieter Weber 2, Douglas McCloskey 1, Hong-Lei Wang 3,. Birgitta E. Ebert 2†, Markus J. Herrgård 1, Lars Mathias Blank 2 and Ulf Liebal 2,. Christian Lieven 1, Dieter Weber 2, Douglas McCloskey 1, Hong-Lei Wang 3,. Birgitta E. Ebert 2†, Markus J. Herrgård 1, Lars Mathias Blank 2 and ...
Corrigendum_Multi-Omics_Analysis_of_Fatty_Alcohol_ | ...Scribd... Ulf Liebal 2 , Christian Lieven 1 , Dieter Weber 2 , Douglas McCloskey 1 , Hong-Lei Wang 3 , Birgitta E. Ebert 2† , Markus J. Herrgård 1 , Lars Mathias Ulf Liebal 2 , Christian Lieven 1 , Dieter Weber 2 , Douglas McCloskey 1 , Hong-Lei Wang 3 , Birgitta E. Ebert 2† , Markus J. Herrgård 1 , Lars Mathias ...
17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Ulf Liebal - RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Institut für ...RWTH Aachen— -Ing. Ulf Liebal. Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mikrobiologie. Arbeitsgruppenleiter. Adresse. Gebäude: SB Biologie. Raum: 42A 115.
Articles - Microbial Cell Factories - BioMed CentralMicrobial Cell FactoriesAuthors: Ulf Liebal, Olli Niemitalo, Anu Mursula, André Juffer and Peter Neubauer. Citation: Microbial Cell Factories (Suppl 1):P54.
dblp: Ulf W. LiebalList of computer science publications by Ulf W. Liebal
BP ScheineBP Scheine BIOPHYSIK-SCHEINE Anke Liepelt & Ulf Liebal Crystal structure of mammalian poly(A) polymerase in complex with an analog of ATP.
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Eins für alle und alles - Universität RostockYUMPU— Ulf Liebal hat aus Papier einen Testsensor nachgebaut. „Es ist mein ... sagt Ulf Liebal. Der 30-jährige Biochemiker. der — Ulf Liebal hat aus Papier einen Testsensor nachgebaut. „Es ist mein ... sagt Ulf Liebal. Der 30-jährige Biochemiker. der ...
Increasing the quality of recombinant products – Higher attraction of...Increasing the quality of recombinant products – Higher attraction of ribosomes leads to suppression of secondary ribosome binding sites. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Ulf Liebal; Olli Niemitalo; Anu Mursula; André Juffer; Peter Neubauer. Ulf Liebal. 1. Olli Niemitalo. 1. Anu Mursula. 1. André Juffer. 2.
BMC Biotechnology - BioMedSearchhelp provided by Ulf Liebal and Mirja Krause in the adsorption experiments. The authors are also grateful to Dr. Hans-W. Ackermann (Laval University,. Quebec, Canada) for the TEM analysis of the phages. This work was sup- ported by a grant (SFRH/BD ) from the Portuguese Foundation.
(PDF) Additional file 2ResearchGateUlf Liebal at RWTH Aachen University. Ulf Liebal · RWTH Aachen University · Thomas ... Ulf Liebal · Thomas Millat · Jon Marles-Wright · Richard J Lewis · Olaf ... Ulf Liebal at RWTH Aachen University. Ulf Liebal · RWTH Aachen University · Thomas ... Ulf Liebal · Thomas Millat · Jon Marles-Wright · Richard J Lewis · Olaf ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: matlabpool disabled in new Matlab versionsUlf Liebal. unread,. Apr 20, 2015, 2:44:54 PM Ulf Liebal. unread,. Apr 20, 2015, 2:44:54 PM
Twitter-Nachrichten: Lars M. BlankXCongratulation to Ulf Liebal from the iAMB, our new coordinator of the #elearning project BioLabSim. @RWTH https://t.co/HCli3d9WVu. Congratulation to Ulf Liebal from the iAMB, our new coordinator of the #elearning project BioLabSim. @RWTH https://t.co/HCli3d9WVu.
Google Blogs: Kulturwoche 2010: Kunstkonzentrat in der Alten Gerberei | Rostock ...Stefanie Ulf Liebal und Yvonne Schmitz Für den neunundzwanzigjährigen Ulf Liebal, der gerade an seiner Doktorarbeit an der Universität Rostock schreibt, war das Kunstkonzentrat eine gelungene Veranstaltung. Auch die Rostocker Kulturwoche als ...
70 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ulf Liebal | Professional Profile - LinkedInView Ulf Liebal's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Ulf Liebal discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners.
Ulf LiebalUlf Liebal. Group Leader, RWTH Aachen. Verified email at rwth-aachen.de. biotechnologysynthetic biologysystems biology. ArticlesCited byPublic ... Ulf Liebal. Group Leader, RWTH Aachen. Verified email at rwth-aachen.de. biotechnologysynthetic biologysystems biology. ArticlesCited byPublic ...
Ulf LiebalGoogle ScholarUlf Liebal. Group Leader, RWTH Aachen. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ rwth-aachen.de. biotechnologysynthetic biologysystems biology. บทความอ้างโดยการเข้าถึงแบบสาธารณะ ...
How to pronounce Ulf Liebal | HowToPronounce.comHow To PronounceHow to say Ulf Liebal in English? Pronunciation of Ulf Liebal with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Ulf Liebal.
Wie man ausspricht Ulf Liebal | HowToPronounce.comHow To PronounceWie sagt man Ulf Liebal auf Englisch? Aussprache von Ulf Liebal 1 audio-Aussprache, und mehr für Ulf Liebal.
Ulf W. Liebal: 免费的Z-Library数字图书馆› ...
Ulf Liebal ( ) - ORCIDSource: Ulf Liebal Modelling of translation of human protein disulfide isomerase in Escherichia coli—A case study of gene optimisation. Journal of Biotechnology | Journal article DOI: j.jbiotec Part of ISSN: Show m ...
由Ulf Liebal 於2019年03月20日11:28 在F-42, Rajdhani Vihar ...iNaturalist愛自然-臺灣(iNaturalist Taiwan) ... iNaturalist 網路之成員,由California Academy of Sciences 及National Geographic Society 合作的共同計畫。 繁體中文 Toggle ...
Celebrate | Rostock-HeuteMit Ulf Liebal war auch ein Vertreter des Freiwilligen Studenten Orchesters März | weiterlesen. FSOR und Celebrate - Benefizkonzert für Haiti. Am 12.
B. subtilis Transcription Factor CompetitionInstitutions: University of Rostock Ulf Liebal Close. The pdf-file shows simulations of a hypothetical model of sigma factor competition. It simulates the ...
Benefiz-Konzert der Uni für Haiti - Spendenübergabe | Rostock-HeuteHeute überreichte Rektor Wolfgang Schareck dem Vertreter der Caritas Rostock stolz den Scheck mit der Spendensumme des Benefizkonzertes für Haiti .
(PDF) Modelling of translation of human protein disulfide ...Academia.edu... of human protein disulfide isomerase in Escherichia coli—A case study of gene optimisation Olli Niemitalo a,1 , Antje Neubauer b,d,1 , Ulf Liebal a ...
Bacillus subtilis - ModelsUlf Liebal Close. This is a JWS model of the successful model for data representation. It realises regulation by a hypothetical sigB dependent protein that degrades ...
Corrigendum: Multi-Omics Analysis of Fatty Alcohol ...Europe PMCvon J Dahlin · · Zitiert von: 1 — Jonathan Dahlin,1 Carina Holkenbrink,1 Eko Roy Marella,1 Guokun Wang,1Ulf Liebal,2 Christian Lieven,1 Dieter Weber,2 Douglas McCloskey,1 Hong-Lei Wang,3 ...
B.subtilis transcription inhibition model | BioModelsSubmitter of the first revision: Ulf Liebal Submitter of this revision: administrator. Modeller: administrator. Metadata information. is (3 statements). is Submitter of the first revision: Ulf Liebal Submitter of this revision: administrator. Modeller: administrator. Metadata information. is (3 statements). is1 ...
Select data range with uiimport to defined output argumentMathWorksAnswered: Ulf Liebal on 5 Sep The user interface of uiimport is different if an output argument is given or not. uiimport; A = uiimport.
BSA115-transcription inhibition modelUlf Liebal pal. Projects: BaCell-SysMO. Institutions: University of Rostock. Disciplines: Not specified. Roles: Not specified. Expertise: sensitivity analysis, Systems ...
ACHEMA Pulse Programme - SpeakersAchemAsia... Photo. Dr. Ulf Liebal. Senior Scientist. RWTH Aaachen University - Angewandte Mikrobiologie · Photo. Felix Liebl. Team Leader Process Engineering. Hapa AG Photo. Dr. Ulf Liebal. Senior Scientist. RWTH Aaachen University - Angewandte Mikrobiologie · Photo. Felix Liebl. Team Leader Process Engineering. Hapa AG.
Bioprocess optimization enables enhanced ...... Ulf Liebal, Lars M. Blank. Abstract. AbstractGinsenosides are the primary active metabolites of ginseng and have been used in traditional herbal medicine in Ulf Liebal, Lars M. Blank. Abstract. AbstractGinsenosides are the primary active metabolites of ginseng and have been used in traditional herbal medicine in ...
Modelling of translation of human protein disulfide ...National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)von O Niemitalo · · Zitiert von: 18 — Ulf Liebal, Johanna Myllyharju, André H Juffer, Peter Neubauer. Affiliation. 1 Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory, Department of Process and Environmental ... von O Niemitalo · · Zitiert von: 18 — Ulf Liebal, Johanna Myllyharju, André H Juffer, Peter Neubauer. Affiliation. 1 Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory, Department of Process and Environmental ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ulf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Ulf; der Wolf; Altnordisch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); ulv = der Wolf; ursprünglich Kurzform zu Namen mit 'Ulf-' bzw. '-ulf', z.B. 'Thorulf'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Peter Neubauer
- Antje Neubauer
- Lars Blank
- Mathias Blank
- Lars Mathias Blank
- Carina Holkenbrink
- Dieter Weber
- Hong-Lei Wang
- Irina Borodina
- Sylvia Moenickes
- Johanna Myllyharju
Personensuche zu Ulf Liebal & mehr
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